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Linux: How to find the location of a specific "include" library in Python? [migrated]

Note: I have already searched extensively and found nothing that even vaguely resembles an answer, including here. If this is a stupid question or a duplicate, please accept my apologies. Also Note: ...
Jim JR Harris's user avatar
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How to solve Ansible venv runtime exception in specific versions?

I want to set up a venv with the following packages as these are specified in a project I'm working on: ionoscloud==6.1.4 pytest==6.2.5 pytest-cov==3.0.0 ansible==5.0.1 PyYAML==6.0 kubernetes==24.2.0 ...
Turtle10000's user avatar
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socket.gaierror: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed [closed]

I am trying to do sub-domain enumeration in my organization. Part of the python code is to get the IPs of the already enumerated sub-domains which are included in a text file . Used the below code ...
Biswa's user avatar
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When updating Wsl I Get an Error

enter image description hereenter image description hereI have Windows 11 machines I installed docker and after installing I got an error "wsl --update" And when I run the code wsl --update ...
mobin's user avatar
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How do I dynamically update terminal text in a for loop with an iterated value? [migrated]

I've tried a few solutions on Google, but none have worked so far. Representation of my current code below: import sys filelist = [file1, file2, file3] totalfiles = str(len(filelist)) count = 0 for ...
Thomas's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Newbie using it for the first time sadtalker error code questions (Unable to output [duplicate]

I'm a complete novice and I got an error the first time I used it. I plan to use sadtalker to make audio videos. After uploading the video and picture materials, an error occurs after the progress bar ...
gg319 accgg's user avatar
-1 votes
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sadtalker error code troubleshooting related questions [closed]

I plan to use sadtalker to make audio videos. After uploading the video and picture materials, an error occurs after the progress bar runs out. When asking chat gpt, I got the problem of wrong path ...
gg319 accgg's user avatar
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Can't install volumentations on google collab

I am relatively new here. I have a very limited dataset of 3d-images that i want to use as a dataset to train a neural network. This is why i am trying to augment those images . I see that ...
Diana Tsvetkova's user avatar
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Upgraded Ansible with Python 3.8 but playbooks are now way slower that with python2.7, how to address slowdown?

When we were running RHEL7 our playbooks used to complete in about 1 hour with ansible-2.9.27-1.el7.noarch.rpm w/ python 2.7 + mitogen. Last year we upgraded to RHEL8 w/ python 3.8 and ansible-5.4 + ...
Jordan E's user avatar
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Possible to run python scripts from ConEmu without having to type python before the script?

Is it possible to run python scripts from ConEmu without having to type python before the script? If it is possible through Windows console that would be okay too.
jamana's user avatar
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Can't quit python with ctrl+D on mac

As the title says, ctrl+D does nothing, but instead, it is strange that ctrl+Z does quit Python ("zsh: suspended"), but I'm using Mac, not Windows. How to fix this?
RS.'s user avatar
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Installing mod_wsgi requires C++ build tools 14 on Windows

I am trying to install Django following this tutorial: I am stuck at pip install ...
inf3rno's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Why does "pip" install packages in the wrong site-packages directory?

Running MacOS. I was running python 3.9, and upgraded to the latest Python distro (3.12.3). When I went to install the spellchecker package, pip installed it in /Applications/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/...
Tom Bishop's user avatar
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Selenium+Python: XPath for attribute with special characters in the name

I have this line rendered on a web page: <app-active-challenge-action-button-component [type]="$ctrl.ActiveChallengeActionButtonType.VOTE" [challenge]="$ctrl.challenge" _nghost-...
Corvus Corax's user avatar
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How to change file path in BAT file based on the current user? [duplicate]

I am new to batch scripting so please offer constructive advice on how to approach the task. I have a bat file to run some Python code similar to this: @echo off set /P State= ...
Jwem93's user avatar
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How to change file path in BAT file based on the current user?

I have a bat file to run some Python code similar to this: @echo off set /P State= Select State: set /P Year= Select Year: "C:\Users\MYNUMBER\...
Jwem93's user avatar
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How can I automate the connection to an On Prem Windows VM that uses Azure AAD for authentication?

My requirement is to automate the transfer of files, and running commands on the Windows VM, which is currently a manual process where I log in to the VM via RDP (and it prompts me for my username/...
Anshuman Kumar's user avatar
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How to run a program with a specific version of Python from the terminal on Windows?

I have several versions of Python installed on my system, and a software I use requires using Python3.11, the problem is that the most recent version of Python is the one Windows defaults to, i.e. if ...
Sergio's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Installing Python 3.10+ on Cygwin

The setup.exe of Cygwin provides Python 3.9 as the most recent version. I'm wondering how I can install Python 3.10/11/12. I have tried to install Python 3.10.0 from source, but ./configure says ...
Philippe's user avatar
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Base64 image decode to JPEG issue: binascii.Error: Incorrect padding

I have a data set with three columns of encoded Base64 images (small, medium, normal sized) that i need to decode and write the output filename into a XLS file column; data sample here. I got the ...
nando-ando's user avatar
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How can I have a colored Powershell prompt and still have conda env label?

When I add the code below to C:\Users\USERFOLDER\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1: function prompt { $ESC = [char]27 "$ESC[46mPS $($executionContext.SessionState....
Homero Esmeraldo's user avatar
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Debugger Malfunction

I'm using Spyder through WSL2 (miniconda installed through Linux) and the debugger isn't recognizing breakpoints. Upon starting a Spyder kernel in the Linux terminal with python -m spyder_kernels....
zaccandels's user avatar
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Conversion of url to pdf using chrome command line

I am using this code in powershell to convert url to pdf start chrome -ArgumentList "--headless --print-to-pdf=C:\Users\user\Desktop\file1.pdf link but it is not providing any css. Is there any ...
xmsk's user avatar
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Using Spyder IDE in WSL2, I'm Told Working Directory Does not Exist (It Does Exist)

I'm running a program in Spyder which is saved in \\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\<user>\<directory. I'm able to run the program without issue - the correct output is printed to the console and I ...
zaccandels's user avatar
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Neovim Python semantic syntax highlighting not working

I got Neovim recently. I am using init.vim and Vim plug. I am trying to get semantic highlighting working in Python3 files. For example, in Typescript when I call this.get_card("df", dfinfo),...
kalilamodow's user avatar
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How to fix python installation on windows 10?

On windows 10 my python installation does not seem to work anymore. When I run python I get an error Program 'python' failed to run: No application is associated with the specified file for this ...
Alex's user avatar
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Give python program location services access via command line on MacOS

I am trying to run a python program requiring location services on MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1. I was using iTerm2 and expected a pop-up asking if the app could have access to my location. However, nothing ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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AutoComplete in Python Terminal

How to enable AutoComplete/ suggestions in Python Terminal, when launched? Like PSReadline in PowerShell, or Command Prompt with Clink installed. I tried to install autocomplete, but there has been no ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Program associated with custom file extension isn't receiving command line arguments

When Python is first installed, the extension .py is associated with C:\windows\py.exe, which runs the Python script. Now I do a lot of Python development, so I set it to open with my IDE instead, but ...
xenon134's user avatar
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Customizing Apps List in Anaconda Navigator

I am going through a beginner's course for Python and for the course I only need Jupyter Notebook in the list of apps. It's a bit annoying that, every time I want to open a Notebook to do my course, I ...
marky's user avatar
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How to Make Python CommandLine Loads Script Automatically When Opened?

Is possible a script to automatically loaded when python (Interactive Mode) is executed? I mean like the script in $Profile PowerShell, which when PowerShell executed, the script is automatically ...
Mr.Key7's user avatar
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Avoiding accidental execution of python scripts as bash scripts

I like to run my python scripts directly in bash like so $ ./ But sometimes I forget the shebang line #!/usr/bin/env python3, and it has the potential to overwrite a file named np if the ...
user1537366's user avatar
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How to install Azure Cognitive Services Speech from source

I want to install Azure Cognitive Services Speech SDK in Python. On a Macbook, I can run: python3 -m pip install azure-cognitiveservices-speech and it works. On an iMac, the same command throws: ...
emonigma's user avatar
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Are there commands in PowerShell 7 to split the current window into four and request to run Python files in each of them?

Currently, I click + 3x while holding Alt to create four divided terminals within the same tab: In each of these, I need to run a different Python commnd: cd "C:\Users\Computador\Desktop\Test ...
Digital Farmer's user avatar
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Windows 11 Taskbar Icon Not Match File Icon

The EXE file '360 DFV STITCHER xxx.exe' was created using Pyinstaller. The Taskbar shows the GUI LOGO icon 'logo.png' and the EXE file shows the icon '360_stitcher.ico'. What was attempted to solve ...
CANJMP's user avatar
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Homebrew and Python 2.7, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12: How to clean them all?

After the latest Homebrew update broke all Python related stuff (ver >= 3.12), I decided to clean up Homebrew completely, by removing all brew related stuff, and also cleaning up the Python mess ...
Papi Antoniadis's user avatar
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How can I make notepad++ display the tab stops as specified in the language settings?

The vertical lines shown in notepad++ every 4 spaces, when I select python as the language they change to every 8 spaces, the tab ley actually inserts 4 spaces but the vertical lines do not show every ...
arana's user avatar
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Is it possible to install Python in a different directory from the node.js default for extra tools and keep using it in node?

I installed node but my ssd only has 6 GB free so I didn't install nose.js extra tools (or something similar) that include python. Yet, once working in node, I realized that at least Python would be ...
Paulo Pinheiro's user avatar
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How to fix python error "OSError: [WinError 10049] The requested address is not valid in its context" on windows 10?

On a windows 10 system I am trying to listen to a multicast sender given an IP address and a port. It works without any problems on Ubuntu, but on windows I get the error OSError: [WinError 10049] The ...
Alex's user avatar
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I cannot uninstall python after deleting program cache

I am really really new to python so please do not assume I understand any lingo or what I am doing in any way. I am using a windows machine with windows-10 professional. I recently tried to free up ...
robbi's user avatar
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Predict a disk's near failure or burnout [closed]

I have a project to submit on computer resource's monitoring, and for that I wish to create a CLI program -for Linux and Windows- that analyses the data provided by SMART each time the computer ...
GuteShel's user avatar
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network errors in windows

i am desperately trying to fix this for weeks, when doing anything that requires internet with anaconda on windows it gives this error: Retrieving notices: ...working... Retrying (Retry(total=2, ...
walter becker's user avatar
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Using python-gnupg library in AWS lambda function [closed]

I'm using Python 3.12 in an AWS Lambda function to decrypt PGP encrypted files. I'm using the python-gnupg version 0.6.0 library to do this. It decrypts files fine on my development Mac but fails when ...
writes_on's user avatar
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How to draw a moving line as slider for the image comparison video generator script in Python with FFmpeg

I have the below script to generate a video slider with FFmpeg You can see example here (first 10 seconds) : I am trying to replicate effect of imgsli like a person is ...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
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Unable to Uninstall Anaconda3 on Windows 11

I can't uninstall Anaconda3 from my system. I have spent a lot of hours searching for a solution to this and have tried everything I can find and was able to understand. I have Anaconda3 2023.09-0 ...
NoobCoder's user avatar
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concatenating multiple files is giving Non-monotonic DTS in output stream error

I am trying to concatenate multiple video files with ffmpeg and python with the following code :- def story(path): videos = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith(".mp4")] print(videos) ...
nish's user avatar
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How do I create a pty without a shell?

Backstory: I have a CLI Python application. I want to be able to debug it without interfering with the CLI of the main application. The Python debugger allows you to specify an alternative stdin/...
FrederikVds's user avatar
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How would you include a specific module to load at boot in Debian?

I am working with Klipper for 3D printing, and I came across a pull request that allowed for TTY support in Klipper, to allow a Mosaic Palete 3 Pro to control the printer for its Connected Mode. I ...
Ian's user avatar
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How to match arbitrary adjacent identical strings? [closed]

There are some repeating strings in my data that I need to find. They have a pattern that they repeat twice, and the repetitions are adjacent, with no space in between. They can have arbitrary lengths ...
Vegetable New Man's user avatar
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starting chrome via WebDriver session wont use default profile - windows

I came from this GitHub but there are mainly linux prof. When I run the program via cmd chrome is opened but without any default profiles: chrome via program When I run chrome direct via cmd with &...
Tylonhh's user avatar

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