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Questions tagged [putty]

PuTTY is a free and open source terminal emulator application which can act as a client for the SSH, Telnet, rlogin, and raw TCP computing protocols and as a serial console client. The name "PuTTY" has no definitive meaning, though 'tty' is the name for a terminal in the Unix tradition, usually held to be short for teletype.

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438 votes
18 answers

Is there a way to "auto login" in PuTTY with a password?

Is there a way to configure a password for a stored session in PuTTY? I know there is the capability to specify an "auto-login username" (under Connection/Data), but is there a way to do the same ...
jldupont's user avatar
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253 votes
4 answers

How to convert .ppk key to OpenSSH key under Linux?

I know that is possible to convert .ppk under puttygen in Windows, but how to do that on Linux? Is this possible ?
marioosh's user avatar
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163 votes
3 answers

How do I paste the Windows clipboard into my PuTTY session, using only the keyboard?

I would like to paste text the Windows clipboard into my PuTTY session using only the keyboard. I am running PuTTY 0.60 on Windows XP. Usage example: I just selected a bunch of nice text inside of my ...
piyo's user avatar
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152 votes
8 answers

How to configure PuTTY so that Home/End/PgUp/PgDn work properly in bash?

The keys Home, End, PageUp, PageDown all type a ~ in my bash session instead of moving the cursor / view around. Why does this happen and which settings do I need to change? GNU bash, version 4.0.28(...
RomanSt's user avatar
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137 votes
3 answers

Where does Putty store known_hosts information on Windows?

How do I tell if Putty already knows about and has cached credentials for specific ssh servers? Another way to ask this question is what is the Windows/Putty equivalent of a unix/ssh known_hosts file?...
Hitesh's user avatar
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116 votes
3 answers

How to upload local file to server through Linux terminal

I am trying to upload local files to server by using Putty or SSH but not getting upload there. Is there any direct method to upload file from local to server from Linux terminal without using FTP ...
Sanjeev Kumar Goswami's user avatar
96 votes
7 answers

How do I change the colour scheme on PuTTY?

I'm using PuTTY to SSH from my PC at home to Linux computers at work, but some of the text (folder names) is dark blue on black, which is almost impossible to read. How do I change the colour-scheme? ...
Kirt's user avatar
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95 votes
12 answers

PuTTY Network Error: Software caused connection abort

I have a strange problem: When I'm using PuTTY with SSH connecting to a Linux server hosted in VMware on my local Windows 7, I often get the error saying "Network error: Software caused ...
Robert's user avatar
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94 votes
6 answers

Vim Stuck In Insert Mode

I've been using Vim for several months now via my web host (they allow putty access). All of a sudden, the escape key has become unresponsive. I cannot exist insert or any other mode by simply hitting ...
Levi Hackwith's user avatar
87 votes
3 answers

How to exit from fullscreen mode of Putty?

This annoyed me for a while, but as usual; really annoying problems have quite simple solutions. Some sw I just don't use often enough to remember its hotkeys, like PuTTY. So I end up using the ...
Superole's user avatar
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87 votes
10 answers

PuTTY how to select text and copy text using keyboard ONLY

Is there any way of selecting a text with keyboard the way I do it normally using Shift+arrows.
user avatar
77 votes
8 answers

"PuTTY key format too new" when using ppk file for PuTTY SSH key authentication

I wanted to connect to my Unix server using SSH keys. For that I had converted my id_rsa file from ./ssh directory to a ppk file using PuTTYgen, but after loading my .ppk key I get this warning: ...
Siddharth Khokhar's user avatar
73 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to copy text in htop?

Normally in putty you can just select text to copy it, but I can't seem to select text with my mouse in htop. Of course there's no right click menu to copy, ctrl+c doesn't work, and I didn't see any ...
Nate's user avatar
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72 votes
4 answers

A PuTTY shortcut that automatically launches a profile?

How can I create a PuTTY shortcut that automatically launches a profile, so I can dial into a specific computer with one click?
C. Ross's user avatar
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57 votes
4 answers

Increase Scrollback Buffer in Putty

I'm running Putty on Windows and can't find an option to increase the size of the scrollback buffer . It seems set at about 4 pages of text. Am I missing something?
Eric J.'s user avatar
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57 votes
8 answers

PuTTY - Automatic Reconnect After Internet Interruption?

After a small hiccup in internet connection, any open PuTTY windows throw up a message box saying there was a connection error. Is there a way to automate retry attempts? Or better yet, tell it to ...
colithium's user avatar
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56 votes
9 answers

Copy and paste text in midnight commander (MC) via putty in Linux

I use Midnight Commander (MC) editor over putty to edit files I want to know how to copy text from one file, close it then open another file and paste it? If it is not possible with Midnight ...
Den's user avatar
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54 votes
2 answers

Can't resize vim splits inside tmux

Everything is working fine outside of tmux. But in tmux I can't resize vim splits with the mouse. I have set mouse=a in my .vimrc. Is there a solution for this? .tmux.conf: $ cat ~/.tmux.conf set-...
holms's user avatar
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54 votes
2 answers

How to name openssh public and private key pairs?

I am using public/private key pairs for a long time now. And nearly the same time I'm asking myself over and over again, which file extension I should use. It seems to be that at least for the public ...
Bernhard Laven's user avatar
48 votes
11 answers

How can I keep a process alive after closing the putty session?

I am using putty to interact with Linux server. I have started a process using putty. The process is running and will take 5-6 hours. I want that process to keep running after I close the putty ...
Prakash Panjwani's user avatar
47 votes
3 answers

How do you convert an SSH private key to a .ppk on the Windows command line?

I have generated a key pair with ssh-keygen. I now want to use the same key pair with PuTTY-based applications. Because I'm working in a CLI environment, I want to convert the key to the .ppk format ...
Oliver Salzburg's user avatar
47 votes
3 answers

How to run a remote command in PuTTY after login & keep the shell running?

What I'm trying to do: start a PuTTY session from the command line, login to remote machine and cd to provided directory. putty.exe -agent -ssh That will open a session & login with my ...
Artyom V. Kireev's user avatar
46 votes
6 answers

Can you disable the Ctrl-S (XOFF) keystroke in Putty?

I do a lot of ssh-ing, and periodically I hit Ctrl+S, which naturally sends an XOFF, and causes all kinds of problems (not to mention it takes a while for me to figure out what happened, then another ...
Seth's user avatar
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45 votes
11 answers

How to SCP from Linux server to Windows client

I'm SSHing into a Linux machine using PuTTY and trying to copy a file down somewhere (anywhere) to my local machine. I figure SCP is the best candidate for the job but don't really care, so long as ...
pnongrata's user avatar
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43 votes
13 answers

SSH key asking me for a passphrase?

I have a public/private key pair. Neither of them have any sort of passphrase associated with them. Whenever I try to ssh using either the private or public(and I'm pretty sure I should only be ...
llaskin's user avatar
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42 votes
11 answers

PuTTY inserts random characters during a session

I recently started renting space on a remote server so that I could work on a project. I found that a relatively painless way to access it on a windows machine is through PuTTY. However, there is one ...
Zachary Polikarpus's user avatar
41 votes
2 answers

Putty SSH: CTRL+Cursor keys don't work skip to previous/next word

When I am connected to my local Ubuntu dev server with putty (from my Windows 7 box) via SSH, the following key combinations don't work to move the cursor forward and backward on word boundaries: ...
user26767's user avatar
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35 votes
6 answers

How do I full-screen my CMD?

I work a LOT in the windows command line. Unlike other windows, it doesn't maximize - it just goes a big as it can depending on the buffer size. Is there any way I can get the CMD to act like the ...
Hubro's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

Making 256-color AND Line drawing characters both work in PuTTY

I'm having trouble setting up PuTTY with Ubuntu. I'm trying to get line characters to work in aptitude as well as 256-color support, but can only get one or the other. Ubuntu Config Using 64-bit ...
Swiss's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

How to configure PuTTY to display these characters?

☢ ☍ ⌘ ✰ ⣿ ⚡ ☯ ⚑ ↺ ⤴ ⤵ blabla I need to display symbols above in Windows 7 using proportional fonts. However, some symbols are not properly displayed. This particular example is using Courier New. ...
Pablo's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

How do I set the Putty Window size to open bigger than the default?

I use Putty a lot and it always opens in quite a small window. I wondered if there were any parameters or settings I could change that could make it open in a window of different size by default.
ianfuture's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

PuTTY: clear scrollback from commandline

When I connect to my server via PuTTY, I can clear the visible screen with the clear command. However, I can still scroll backwards in PuTTY's GUI to see the old stuff. I am aware of PuTTY's Clear ...
jwd's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

Bypass ~/.profile on remote login to a linux server

Is there a way to bypass or prevent the execution of ~/.profile when logging into a remote Linux server using either ssh or putty?
Andrew Hampton's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

Connecting to github using PuTTY generated SSH key in Windows

On an otherwise pristine Windows 7 Enterprise install: Install PuTTY 0.62 Create public/private key pair with puttygen.exe Add public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys to github account ...
Radu's user avatar
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32 votes
2 answers

Prevent PuTTY's "Are you sure you want to close this session" popup?

I like Putty, a lot. However, I open and close a huge number of Putty windows each day and every time I close a window I get a popup box with Are you sure you want to close this session? It's ...
Nate's user avatar
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30 votes
9 answers

Putty title changes after login

I am connecting with putty to a stock Ubuntu machine hosted at EC2, and notice the following: When I connect, the title of the putty window appears at first as the hostname I enter (e.g. "myhostname....
ripper234's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

"Emulate" 256 colors in PuTTY terminal

At my job, I ssh into a development server everyday. I usually use exceed XStart to ssh in, but I downloaded PuTTY to see if I could do anything that I couldn't do with XStart. I spend almost the ...
Tom's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

How do you get a program to show up in the Windows 10 search field?

I like to start my programs by hitting the Windows Start key and just typing in the first couple letters of the program and then hitting enter. However, when I type in the letters for putty.exe it ...
bigLarry's user avatar
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27 votes
9 answers

SSH works in putty but not terminal

When I try to ssh this in a terminal: ssh [email protected] I get the following error: Connection closed by When I use putty, I am able to connect to the server. Why is this ...
Get Off My Lawn's user avatar
26 votes
5 answers

ConEmu: How to attach PuTTY

I have been trying to open a new PuTTY window inside as one of ConEmu Tab, but no success so far, I've tried many combinations. putty.exe -cur_console:b -ssh USER@DOMAIN 22 -pw PASSWORD putty.exe -...
kjv.007's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

If I typo my username when ssh-ing, is there a way to go back and change it?

When ssh-ing using putty, I sometimes mistype my username, and hit Enter before I realise my mistake. Once prompted for a password, is there a way to go back and re-enter my username rather than ...
Cam Jackson's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

How to set default screen colours in putty/ssh

I use putty to ssh to linux box. By default I get black screen background with white foreground. To change colours, I go to change settings -> Window/colours and then I set background colours as ...
p2pnode's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

How do I get X11 Forwarding to work on Windows with PuTTY and Xming?

I've always wanted to get X11 Forwarding to work with PuTTY, and the X Window System I'm using is Xming. When I have Xming running and I establish a new connection to my server, I receive the ...
NobleUplift's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

How to setup proxy jump with PuTTY

In GNU/Linux I find it very easy to perform the following, but I am struggling to get our Windows users to connect via the same method. The following is what I do on GNU/Linux. Can you please ...
dnk8n's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

How to make Putty do the equivalent of "ssh -X"?

I want to connect to a Linux server from my Windows 7 desktop. I can successfully ssh in, but I want the equivalent of "ssh -X", so that I can open GUI programs and actually see them.
user avatar
23 votes
5 answers

Any simple way to add PuTTY settings to kitty?

I'd like to use Kitty, but I have a lot of settings for Putty already set up. I read that there is no way to "export settings" with Putty since they are made with registry entries, and there is ...
Explosion Pills's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

Colored copy of PuTTY window

I need to copy colored text from PuTTY window without losing color information. Console is in UTF-8 mode. What is the best method? Any parsable output will do.
Kuroki Kaze's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

How do I transfer a file to my server using PuTTY?

when calling SCP in PuTTY on my Win7 box, it doesn't let me use C:/, but I also have no idea where on my local machine it will look for files by default. None of program directory or user directory ...
Trindaz's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Windows 10: PuTTY does not work correctly with the taskbar context menu?

When right clicking on the PuTTY icon in the Windows 10 taskbar, I get recent connections. Clicking on one of those just opens the PuTTY main page. Instead of connecting to that connection. Is it me? ...
Michael Schmidt's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

I keep on getting a error when I connect to a ssh tunnel on putty

I'm using the current version of putty 0.66 and I keep on getting this error Disconnected: Server protocol violation: unexpected SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED packet when I try to connect to a ssh ...
Kibbz's user avatar
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