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Questions tagged [port-forwarding]

Port forwarding is the act of using redirecting one port to another, commonly used to access a computer from behind a firewall with NAT.

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240 votes
1 answer

What is port forwarding and what is it used for?

There are a lot of questions on 'port forwarding', but there doesn't seem to be one that clearly states what it is and what it's used for. So: What is port forwarding? What is it used for, and why ...
97 votes
6 answers

How do I remove an SSH forwarded port

I used ssh -L 10002: to establish port forwarding but now I need to remove it. How do I do this?
user16654's user avatar
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80 votes
2 answers

Differences between ssh -L to -D

I'm trying to understand the differences between ssh -L to -D. Is there anything else except for that -D is SOCKS only? Thanks!
user avatar
59 votes
5 answers

Tunneling a TCP/IP Connection through Remote Desktop Connection

There is a remote Windows server on a private network which I can connect to via Remote Desktop Connection. I would like to be able to make TCP/IP connections from my computer to other computers on ...
Kristopher Johnson's user avatar
56 votes
2 answers

Can I make SSH fail when a port forwarding fails?

If I do a remote port forward, a la -R 3690:localhost:3690 when a binding already exists on the port on the remote host, I get this warning: Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port ...
Matt Joiner's user avatar
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53 votes
7 answers

How to make a port forward in Mac OS X

I'd like to make all incoming connections to port 1000 of my host (IP: 200.234.XXX.XXX) to be forward to the port 80 on host How can I do it on my host? It is running Mac OS X 10.5.8
Daniel Cukier's user avatar
44 votes
4 answers

Possible to "ping" url:port? (OS X-GeekTool)

I'm trying to use GeekTool (Mac pref pane... basically just embeds output of a shell command/script on the desktop...!244026/geek-to-live--monitor-your-mac-and-more-with-...
loeschg's user avatar
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41 votes
3 answers

No idea what is listening on port 80 in OS X

I'm on OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.3, and I've freshly rebooted my Mac. I want to start a service (like Apache on port 80), but there is already something going on with port 80: telnet localhost 80 ...
geoff's user avatar
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36 votes
3 answers

How does port-forwarding help in torrents?

I use Transmission to download files but it says that a certain port is required to be opened. However, while this port is closed I noticed that I can still download files with no problem. But when I ...
JohnnyQ's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

SSH: Troubleshooting "Remote port forwarding failed for listen port" errors

Question: Why does ssh -N -R 2222:localhost:22 <bluehost_user>@<bluehost_ip> result in a "Remote port forwarding failed for listen port" error? The objective is to establish a ...
ngm_code's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

Are there good alternative HTTP ports rather than port 80?

I have been looking for some documentation on alternatives to port forwarding to port 80. I have a dedicated Linux machine on a home router, and apparently utilizing port 80 is not an option. Are ...
David's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Chrome ssh tunnel forwarding

I am first logging into an ssh server. Then I am trying to use Chrome for ssh tunnel forwarding. Is there a gui way of doing this? I can do this in Firefox's gui in like 10 seconds so I would think ...
cokedude's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

DD-WRT: How to allow port forwarding to apply to requests originating from inside the LAN?

With the original firmware of my router I had port forwarding defined from port 80 to the server in the LAN, which I used in conjunction with an external dynamic DNS service. I've now upgraded to DD-...
UrEl's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

NAT vs. port forwarding [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What is port forwarding and what is it used for? What is the difference between NAT and port forwarding? Are they two different names for the same thing? What would be a short ...
Bunkai.Satori's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

Set up a web server behind a Carrier Grade NAT

I was trying to set up a small home server. I use dynamic IP adress. My router's wan adress is like this and my public ip is 81.213.177.xx I made port forwarding in my router. www, ...
user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

Port Forwarding to a VMware Workstation Virtual Machine

I am running VMware Workstation 8 (build 471480). I want to setup a small content server, mainly for images and such for my website, on my desktop in a virtual server (just for the heck of it)... I ...
ShadowZzz's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

I keep on getting a error when I connect to a ssh tunnel on putty

I'm using the current version of putty 0.66 and I keep on getting this error Disconnected: Server protocol violation: unexpected SSH2_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED packet when I try to connect to a ssh ...
Kibbz's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Howto disable SSH local port forwarding?

I have a server running Ubuntu and the OpenSSH daemon. Let's call it S1. I use this server from client machines (let's call one of them C1) to do an SSH reverse tunnel by using remote port ...
SCO's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

SSH port forwarding without session

I am trying to forward my port 8085 which is a live camera stream port for a mini http server, to a remote server. My command which I am using is as so: ssh -R $rport:dc-bb7925e7:$camport -p 25 ...
RootWannaBe's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Windows Firewall: How to allow traffic on a specific port (eg. 8080)?

I am trying to configure team Foundation Server so that: It is accessible from within my Home Network, and The Web site is accessible via the Internet I have a problem with point 1: When I access ...
Ivan's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

SOCKS vs. SSH local port forwarding

What's the difference between using SOCKS (SSH -D) and local port forwarding (SSH -L)
lisa17's user avatar
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19 votes
8 answers

ssh through a router without port forwarding

I have a linux server, and I want to put it in a home network behind a router. I need to ssh to this server sometime from outside, but I don't want to set up port forwarding because I don't have ...
Jiechao Li's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Windows 10 - NAT - Port forwarding & IP masquerade

I'm looking for a way to get iptables functionality in windows 10. I enabled IP routing and I need to forward tcp data to another host (port 8080) and then forward his response while masquerading IP. ...
Orestis P.'s user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Is there a script to add port forwarding rule in home router?

TL;DR: I am looking for a script or a cron job, which will periodically run on a linux host (fedora on raspberry pi) which will check if a port forwarding rule still exists in the router and add it if ...
PKM's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

VirtualBox command-line - setting up port forwarding

I know how to configure NAT-based port forwarding using the VirtualBox graphical interface (as in the example below). How can I do the same via the command line?
anol's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

pfctl port forwarding in Mac osx?

-A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080 -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8080 -A POSTROUTING -s -o ...
cripto's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Are virtual servers and port forwarding the same thing?

Are virtual servers and port forwarding the same thing? I always thought so but my Dlink DIR-655 has both. The only thing I can see with port forwarding is the ability to do ranges whereas virtual ...
Matt's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Allowing a friend to connect over the internet to a Minecraft server I've hosted?

I have set up a Minecraft server and have built lots of things, now I want my friend to play on it too. I'm hosting it on my home computer and don't want to have to set up a new server elsewhere so ...
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14 votes
3 answers

UPnP port mapping client for Linux

Is there any client that can request mapping and unmapping ports via UPnP port mapping behind a NAT gateway? I had problem with PortMap. I want this mostly for testing purposes.
Atilla Filiz's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

MOSH into bastion server, SSH into internal hosts

I have ssh configured to automatically forward through the bastion host: Host bastion_host HostName Host internal_host ProxyCommand ssh -q bastion_host nc -q0 ...
xj9's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

How to convert “ipfw” to “pfctl” commands to forward port 80 and 443 in OS X?

I found a way to forward ports 80 and 443 to other arbitrary ports (3000 and 3001 in my case) using ipfw. But ipfw is deprecated and replaced by pfctl. Here are my ipfw declarations: sudo ipfw flush ...
Robert Audi's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Can I run both a primary and secondary DNS server using the same public IP?

I need to set up a DNS server to manage the DNS for my domain name. According to the guide I am following, I need to have both a Primary and Secondary DNS server. I easily created two VMs on my ...
Foxler2010's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

How safe is port forwarding in general? [closed]

Say I have a few ports open for gaming. My questions are Can I be hacked if the attacker knows my specific external IP? Can hacker access my router and setting by getting through these ports? If so, ...
avsdvsdd's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Port is open, but can't access it via external IP address

I have RavenDB running on localhost:8080. I would like to make it externally accessible, just as a test (ignore security concerns for now). To do so, I configured my router to forward external port ...
DumpsterDoofus's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Unable to access outside service from inside LAN

I have a weird port forwarding problem. I tried to open my port 22 to the outside network. I was able to access it as long as I am not inside the LAN. I can access it from my office for example. But ...
erotsppa's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Windows Subsystem for Linux & SSH Port Forwarding

Is it possible to use SSH port forwarding in Windows Subsystem for Linux? If I download the native OpenSSH package, I can forward ports: > ssh -L 5432:localhost:5432 me@host Welcome to Ubuntu 16....
Tom's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Does Wake-on-LAN via WAN needs port forwarding?

If yes, how does it work? The pc still has no ip, so where should I forward the port?
mordack550's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How safe is it to open ports on your router? [closed]

I want to open some ports on my family's network, for game servers and other protocols like HTTP and FTP. My dad, however, thinks this is unsafe (for him). Is it easy for a hacker to get in to our ...
Jonathan Gurebo's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Configure Tor as a listening proxy server that I can connect to remotely?

I currently have the Vidalia bundle installed on my Windows Server 2008 R2 machine. Is there a way that I can connect to the Tor network through this computer from other computers on the LAN or from ...
Kale Muscarella's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Remote connection to a PC over internet [closed]

I have a PC running Windows Vista Home Premium with Norton Internet Security 2009. I like to help my father and sister by connecting their PCs over the internet and taking full control. My father has ...
Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Iptables forwarding port/s to a external IP transparently (remote end should see the actual source IP)

The question is simple but I think the answer might not be as I went through countless related topics with no concrete reply. I wish to forward a port 1234 from x.x.x.x to y.y.y.y (both on internet ...
Sam's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Access external IP from inside the network?

I have setup a subdomain in the DNS-records of my domainname-provider that I linked to my external IP. I then forwarded port 80 in the router (Sitecom Broadband Router 54G) to the IP ...
Dylan's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

SSH dynamic port forwarding, "Connection refused"

I am trying to do dynamic portforwarding using openssh through a remote computer following this command: ssh -D 6789 rohan@<remote_ip> -p <remote_port> This should set up a socks ...
crodjer's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Commandline configuring portforwarding service with whitespace

We have a ZyXEL VMG8324-B10A router at home. I am able to log in via ssh and use the command portforward --help, which results in the following output: Usage: portforward config <ServiceName> --...
Tempestas Ludi's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Get Windows localhost (port 80) to forward to port 8080 for Apache service

Recent Discovery With IIS set back to port 80, when I put in http://localhost/ on the WHS computer, it gives me the "There is a problem with this website's security certificate" warning page. If I "...
9 votes
0 answers

Why is there no UDP port forwarding in SSH?

I know SSH can forward TCP ports, not UDP. I'm not seeking help to circumvent this restriction (this subject is covered here). I'd like to know what is the reason SSH never got UDP forwarding ability....
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to choose open port number?

I installed easyPHP and opened a port on my firewall so that other people can access to my webserver. The default port is 8888. But I am wondering how do you choose a port number? Is it really ...
GeneCode's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Port forwarding software (service) for Windows

I have a server service that uses 8182 port. Somebody want to connect to this, but 8182 port is unavailable for him, only 5118 is working fine. No problem I thought, I just install port forwarder ...
durumdara's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

How to ssh into home LAN behind ISP NAT (no public IP address)?

My property management company provides free internet access. All the apartments in many buildings are behind some common NAT, so none of us have our own public IP addresses. Thus, services like ...
Matt J's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Stable reverse port forwarding in SSH and stale sessions

Using VPS to forward ports behind NAT: for((;;)) { ssh -R 2222: [email protected]; sleep 10; } When connection is broken somehow and it is reconnecting. Warning: remote port forwarding ...
Vi.'s user avatar
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