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Questions tagged [plist]

Short for Property List: a configuration file format used by Apple Computers in OS X and iOS

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14 votes
2 answers

How can I migrate all keyboard shortcuts from one mac to another?

I have a lot of custom keyboard shortcuts and will be migration Macs. I tested Migration Assistant and it did not seem to get these. I read somewhere that they are stored in the individual ...
cwd's user avatar
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14 votes
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Reading values from plist nested dictionaries in shell script

I have a plist file and I'm interested in fetching values from nested dictionaries using shell script. Here is the structure of my plist file: <dict> <key>Countries</key> <...
smokinguns's user avatar
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14 votes
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How to get a launchd plist to diretly run a complex 1 line bash command?

I have a somewhat complex bash command which includes some pipes and an if-then-else clause, not to mention calling system program (such as grep) with multiple parameters. Is there a way to create a ...
UrEl's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Where are the "Connect to Server" settings stored in Mac OS X?

Where are the "Connect to Server" history and favorites stored in OS X? Hopefully they are in a pList file somewhere as I'd like to sync them between computers using Dropbox.
cwd's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How can I modify a .plist in Windows 7?

In Mac OSX, there are property list files (.plist). You can modify them with Xcode. Given a .plist file, is there a reasonable way to modify them like Xcode does in Windows 7? I have found http://...
Saturn's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

launchd gives me " No such file or directory" error

my .plist looks like below ... In /var/log.system.log I can see (com.example.exampled[24728]): posix_spawn("/usr/local/bin/ruby /Users/radek/Sites/sinatrasvn/web.rb", ...): No such file or directory (...
Radek's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

What does "com.developer.application" mean?

I'm editing a plist file on my Mac for the QuickCursor app. I'd like to try to add Aquamacs to the list of available editing applications. In any case, all the other editors listed in the plist are ...
jrhorn424's user avatar
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3 answers

Error Updating plist file using bash

I'm trying to update a plist file using bash. For some strings I can update the plist file, but for some strings I get an error. For eg defaults write '/Users/test/Desktop/myPlist' 'My Key' "[My ...
smokinguns's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to see what image is currently being used as the Mac OS X desktop background / wallpaper?

I've downloaded hundreds of wallpapers and have them randomly changing and occasionally want to know what I'm looking at. often just has the first file in the folder listed as ...
Philip's user avatar
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2 answers

OSX run script to mount sshfs at login with a plist file

I've read through the man pages for plist and launchd.plist, as well as posts about using plist files to run scripts at login; but I can seem to get things working. My script location and permissions:...
jason's user avatar
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1 answer

How to write in a <array><dict> structure with defaults write?

I've got a .plist-file with a structure like this: <plist version="1.0"> <array> <dict> <key>BundleIsVersionChecked</key> <false/> ...
Hedge's user avatar
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4 answers

Disable Sounds in 10.5 and 10.6

I need to disable "Play user interface sound effects" and "Play feedback when volume is changed" in the Sound pref.pane via terminal/unix command/ARD on multiple computers. fseventer shows /users/$...
Ian's user avatar
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3 answers

Why can't I open `.plist` files in Sublime Text 3

I'm trying to open and edit a preferences file: When I try to open the file in Sublime Text 3 it appears compiled or garbled. How do I get it to open in the plain ...
davidcondrey's user avatar
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Is it possible to run two copies of Mac application with different plist files?

I am trying to run two versions of the Messages app on OSX with two different user accounts. I can easily copy/paste the .app file and run the app as two different processes, but since they use the ...
Jason's user avatar
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How to change Info.plist in a signed package?

I want to change a flag in the Info.plist of a signed OSX app (specifically I just want to set Application is agent (UIElement) = true so that it doesn't show up in the dock). First, it won't let me ...
None's user avatar
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2 answers

LaunchAgent refuses to start with “launch_msg():Socket is not connected” error

I created a pkg package to create a LaunchAgent to start a daemon, and in the post-install script file used this way to start the daemon: launchctl load -s /Library/LaunchAgent/file-name.plist It ...
viwenver's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Mac: Run screen command from launchctl

I have a Python script that I would like to run on a Mac at system start up in a detached screen session. The Python File ( import time import datetime while True: print 'hello', ...
Sean Coonce's user avatar
3 votes
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plutil error 998 when trying to convert binary to XML

EDIT: Clarification. I'd like to read the contents of a .plist file on Windows. I tried with VS Code but it's not ideal and it says "File seems to be binary and cannot be opened as text" so I ...
Emcs's user avatar
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Deleting a Plist Dictionary Item by Title Key from Shell Script

I'm trying to create a shell script that will delete a top-level folder from Safari Bookmarks using Safari's Bookmarks.plist file by folder name. Unfortunately the only method I've found to delete the ...
Christin White's user avatar
2 votes
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Find entry in plist using PlistBuddy (osx)

I'm trying to find on a Mac computer if the current user has iCloud Documents enabled. I found the plist where this is located (MobileMeAccounts.plist), but I could use some help with the plistbuddy ...
Dan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Automated screensaver configuration in command line/shell script

So I'm configuring some Default User Template LaunchAgents to configure a default screensaver for some of my company's most popular fan art. (It's actually been really well received by the team). They'...
ghostof101's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Parsing macOS plist values

I have a plist files located under /private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/default/users.Am able to read the values within the plist using plutil . plutil -p /private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/default/users/...
swasti bhushan deb's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Execute bash command if wireless network is deleted?

As part of a plist I'm writing for OS X, I need to execute the "say" command if a wireless network is successfully deleted using: networksetup -removepreferredwirelessnetwork If a network isn't ...
sbowenwilliams's user avatar
2 votes
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Dubious permissions on plist Problems installing Jenkins

I am trying to install jenkins on 10.6.8. In order to do this, I needed to modify the jenkins plist which was owned by root. I gave myself (the admin) permissions to modify this file and added the ...
Code Droid's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Use launchctl to fire an AppleScript script periodically

I have written an AppleScript that lets me back up a particular file. The script runs fine inside AppleScript Editor: it does what it's supposed to do perfectly. So far so good. Now I'd like to run ...
Daktari's user avatar
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Extract only the <key> in plist using bash in Mac

I want to extract the key value in Countries in the following plist. For example, I want the output file contains the following keys only: USA ITALY But if I use the following script, It will print ...
Rek's user avatar
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Mac os X Error unloading plist

I'm currently using MacOSX 10.8 and I tried to install the built-in php-fpm. Moreover I want a plist file to start and stop php-fpm on demand. I found this one <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"...
Kakawait's user avatar
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How to reliably mount a shared folder /volume/folder at boot up

Following is my in /usr/local/bin/ #!/bin/sh mkdir -p /Volumes/folder mount -t afp -o rw afp://user:password@server_name/folder_name /Volumes/folder Following is my ...
Tanmay's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove applications from Security -> Privacy -> Contacts list

I have a few applications that want access to my contacts. I don't really use contacts, and I don't want applications entitled to the information. I've unchecked the appropriate box, but I'd like to ...
jww's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Sed: Deleting all content matching a pattern

I have some plist files on Mac OS X that I would like to shrink. They have a lot of <dict> with <key> and values. One of these keys is a thumbnail which has a <data> value with ...
Svish's user avatar
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Logstash agent doesn't run as a daemon on MAC OS X 10.9.1

I need to run the logstash agent as a Daemon on an MAC OS X System whenever the system boots up terminal: /usr/local/logstash/bin/logstash agent -f /usr/local/etc/cvlog.conf Per terminal the program ...
user329324's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Mac Read & Write Permissions (w/ plists)

So I'm trying to change the plist to adjust the timemachine schedule, and when I try to change the number (of seconds, for the schedule), I get the response that I don't ...
Kyle L's user avatar
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How to load offlineimap plist into launchctl without sudo on OSX?

I'd like to have launchd run offlineimap every few minutes to update my mutt message directory. I can't seem to get the plist file for offlineimap to be loaded into without using sudo though. When ...
Michael Barton's user avatar
1 vote
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Set sip/tel URL/LSHandler back to OS X Mac Continuity/Wifi Calling instead of Skype

I recently installed skype for business and it hijacked my Mac's ability to make calls via my iPhone (Continuity) or Wifi Calling. I wanted to know how to set it back, but I figured it out before i ...
goofology's user avatar
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Where's the editor: libplist-util and Ubuntu

I need to modify some compressed/binary plist files in an IPA. An IPA is an iOS's APK. Tere's a libplist-utils for Ubuntu and I installed them (I don't have access to my MacBook at the moment). ...
jww's user avatar
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Mac OS X NSGlobalClickCount in Global Preferences

I was doing some snooping around and came across a Global Preferences plist file located at: ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist While looking around I came across an extra for ...
Emily Laguna's user avatar
1 vote
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MacOS: edit .plist files in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

I am trying to setup tftp server, but have a difficult time doing so. I found a possible solution, which suggests editing /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/tftp.plist, however, I cannot find a way to do ...
l1tsolaiki's user avatar
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"Allow in the Background" Login items OS X Ventura Issue (NOT Notifications related)

Mac OS 13.3.1 I have a relatively simple shell script as a program argument in a LauchAgent plist that i created; it parses, loads and works just fine. The question is, what does toggling the ...
Jr M's user avatar
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How to toggle "Require password after X minutes after sleep or screen saver begins" setting on MacOS 12 using Terminal?

I'd like to change the value of the "Require password after X minutes after sleep or screen saver begins" option on Mac using Terminal. In some older MacOS versions one could do defaults ...
aapzu's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the proper way of editing

I want to edit that file programmatically, to toggle between the Dutch Siri voice and the American Siri voice. I tried doing the following in bash defaults write ...
Evert's user avatar
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Changing defaults doesn't change setting in system preferences window

I'm trying to enable tap to click from a bash script using: defaults write Clicking -int 1 When I open the Trackpad section on the System Preferences panel, the ...
mignz's user avatar
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how to configure Mac OS X Sierra for syslog or unified log forwarding

I am trying to perform syslog forwarding. But after launching plist like this: launchctl unload/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ I get this error: /System/Library/...
user738597's user avatar
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Problems in customizing the macOS menu bar with MenuSystemUIServer

In my menu bar, I'd like to hide TimeMachine, Volume, Battery, User, Clock and show just Bluetooth, and Airport. I tried to customize it with an sh script: for domain in ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/...
Luke's user avatar
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USBSMC history on a Mac

How do I find the USBSMC history on Mac if it was cleared from the console? I am trying to see devices previously connected with date stamps. The operating system is El Capitan.
user6348045's user avatar
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How to clear the recent files list in Adobe Acrobat Professional DC on Mac?

Does anyone how to go about clearing the "recent files" list in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC on Mac OS X? As soon as the application opens, a list of recently opened PDFs is displayed. I know there is a ...
Richie086's user avatar
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iOS default keychain for unprivileged user used to start Tomcat and Jenkins

I have an unprivileged user that I created to start Tomcat 8 as a service. Tomcat runs Jenkins, which is used to provide jobs where members of my team can upload an .ipa file and a provisioning ...
Chris Harris's user avatar
1 vote
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How to start matlab daemon

I have a plist calling a python script every day. The python script calls different matlab routines depending on their success. This works perfectly fine when I'm using the computer but when I'm not ...
mabe's user avatar
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Customizing the functionality of the Monoprice graphic tablet's buttons?

I'd like to re-map the pen buttons of my Monoprice graphics tablet (this one) to do other things than those that are enabled through the official application? Currently, I can only assign the pen ...
gburning's user avatar
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bash add array to plist

I'm making a installable package via Cydia that will write com.intelliborn.intelliscreenx to this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ...
user200744's user avatar
1 vote
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How to put a Number in to a plist with bash

I'm trying to update my It works but the "ChangeTime" needs to be a Number/Integer in order to work. I tried to place a -int into the code but it gives an error. ...
Bas van Gelderen's user avatar