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Questions tagged [plex]

Plex organizes video, music and photos from personal media libraries and streams them to smart TVs, streaming boxes and mobile devices.

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8 votes
1 answer

Forcing *BSD to accept both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic on a single socket

I have tried a ton of stuff and keep coming up entirely empty handed. Allow me to frame the situation: I have a *BSD Jail setup in FreeNAS that runs a Plex Media Server (Plexpass). It has IPv6 ...
Nathanial Meek's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Make Plex use TVDB "Alternate Order" for TV series, combining segments into a single episode

I'm setting up a Plex server on a computer on my home network to serve some old children's shows and cartoons for my kids. Kids shows are often broken up into several short named "segments" ...
pkamb's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to launch Plex Media Server without logging in - or defer windows password on boot?

I've been trying to do this for a while and thought I'd ask the boffins here ;) I believe that to start the Plex service before logging in is technically possible - but over the past year or so, ...
APe's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Plex installed on CentOS : 404 when navigating to URL

I installed Plex Media Server on CentOS by downloading the RPM file from Plex's website. When I navigate to Plex URL, I get a 404 not found: When I go the base URL I get an XML file: Linux reports ...
ray023's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why is Plex Server transcoding file that can be direct played?

I've installed Plex Media Server in my Raspberry Pi 3. It works perfect but it doesn't have enough CPU power to transcode (when it tries the video freezes every two or three seconds). One of my Plex ...
Diego's user avatar
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How to fix remote access error in PLEX Media Server?

Basically I have a LAN connection through my WIFI router and unfortunately my computer does not have WIFI privileges and so it is connected to the internet through cable line (coming from the router). ...
hiren_garai's user avatar
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ffmpeg Major_Brand and Minor_Version

I've found that certain videos I encode are unplayable on my LG TV streaming via Plex. I think the issue may have something to do with the Major_Brand and Minor_Version. Files that play are ...
Huston's user avatar
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Can I optimize a 4K file so it will direct play on my 4K tv?

I have a handful of 4K files I'd like to play locally over my network, (everything hardwired with cat6), to my 4K TV. Can Plex pre-transcode the files so I can view them stutter-free? My server ...
Jason's user avatar
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Plex - Video Podcast Metadata Agent

Is anyone aware of the ability to have Plex read video podcast metadata so that Plex will show a video podcast similarly to a TV Show or Movie, where the title, description, and poster art are ...
Travis Crooks's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot load M3U8: crossdomain access denied

I am getting the error message "Cannot load M3U8: crossdomain access denied" when trying to access my Plex server through the web interface. How do I stop this happening?
tombull89's user avatar
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Rack setup for home

I am thinking of changing my current setup at home (which is: I have a Virgin router connected to Asus RT-AC88U. Then all my devices connect to Asus router). I want to add a network rack with a ...
Zac's user avatar
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Plex Media Server: bind: Cannot assign requested address

I've been trying to install Plex Media Server following this guide. When I source /etc/default/plexmediaserver then: start-stop-daemon --start -c $PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_USER --exec /usr/sbin/start_pms (...
James Taylor's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Plex media server is not detecting symbolic link

I configured plex server in my Arch Linux. While setting the media folder the folder which contains a symbolic link content is not listing in media server. I added the current user to the plex group. ...
Vipin's user avatar
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Read/Write Permissions for Plex on Ubuntu

The Problem:: I have a fresh install of Plex (latest version). Install was fine aside from the lack of obvious naming and permission requirements. I now have tried adding the Library as type Movies ...
Fr0ntSight's user avatar
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Configuring Plex for streaming live radio

I would like to stream the classical station WCPE through Plex. I have tried this plugin with no success and then I tried the suggestions in this reddit thread, also with no success. Last, I tried ...
bobthechemist's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I cast/fling media to a Plex for Kodi target?

On the Plex website With the Plex for Kodi add-on, you get the Kodi experience for your big screen, powered by Plex Media Server, and enabling you to organize ...
Jonathan Komar's user avatar
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Can Plex Media Server Launch a Custom Video Player?

Instead of launching a video through the web portal or through one of the Plex apps, can Plex be setup to launch a video player of my choosing, like MPC-HC or VLC?
Louis Waweru's user avatar
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Can two separate NAS/File shares be combined into one?

So, I use a 4 bay Synology NAS to store terabytes worth of media files which a 2008 R2 server running Plex, and multiple other services accesses. I am running out of space on the first NAS, and want ...
Cory Simpson's user avatar
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401 error when accessing Plex Media Server

Quick rundown, I have setup an AWS ec2 instance running Ubuntu 14.04. I have installed Ples & I have opened the necessary ports (both in the security groups & through the firewall) for Plex. I ...
nbppp2's user avatar
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PLEX: How to move library from one HDD to another *instantly*

Using PLEX media server. I want to move my library from my 3TB HDD to my new 8TB HDD. My experience showed me PLEX will try to find every single movie (or serie episode), one after the other, on the ...
MensSana's user avatar
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Database Corruption - Disk Image Is Malformed - Unraid - Plex

I am not sure where a question like this really falls as it is from an Unraid Linux server, with a Plex Media Server container, which utilizes SQLite (looking for troubleshooting at the root level). I ...
user avatar
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How would you recommend backing up my movie library on a Mid 2010 Mac Pro

I was gifted a Mid 2010 Mac Pro and am in the process of migrating my Plex library over to it. It has 4 HD bays - 1 which runs the OS, 3 that are available. I want to purchase 2 new HD's - one of ...
Michael's user avatar
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Replacing characters in multiple folder and file names

I have a large movie library using Plex (Local Media Server) and have named multiple files in the wrong order. Plex will disregard square brackets when searching file names for a corresponding movie. ...
Pete's user avatar
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Plex update not installing

I'm running a macOS Plex server. I want to update Plex via the "Install Update" button within General settings: Plex immediately quits, and the spinner says that the update is installing: ...
pkamb's user avatar
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Setting up Traefik reverse proxy in docker on Unraid server

I am not sure if this is the right place to post, if there is a better exchange site or forum in general please let me know! I have a unraid box at I want to setup some services in ...
Otis Wright's user avatar
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Unable to reach Plex using SSH reverse tunneling

I've got Plex installed on a Windows computer at home. My internet connection goes over CG-NAT, so in order to access home I use an SSH reverse tunnel against a dedicated Linux server that I have on ...
FrakyDale's user avatar
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Im making a plex server on a raspberry pi, but i am unable to mount a network drive

I write the following command: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=XXX,password=XXX // /home/pi/DRIVE/share and it returns with the following error: mount error(22): Invalid argument ...
Froste's user avatar
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How do I add new content to a plex library?

I am running plex on Linux Mint 18.02. I have created a new plex TV library. @ /media/Plex/TV It has scanned all the show in that folder, and display them all correctly. Then I have gone and added ...
Scorb's user avatar
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Playback HEVC videos with Plex Media Manager on LG 42LN5708 television [duplicate]

I'm using Plex Media Manager under Ubuntu 14.04 and want to playback HEVC videos on my LG 42LN5708 television via Plex. HEVC videos play just fine in Mozilla Firefox when I open the Plex Media ...
Adriaan's user avatar
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Have internet provided from one line, and local network provided to another

I'm having a bit of an issue with my home server running Unraid. I'm wondering if this is possible. I'm currently having a business line put into the house to run services that I provide to people as ...
Luke Czoboriek's user avatar
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External drive stopped working after changing the hostname in Raspbian

My external hard drive was working seamlessly for months now with Plex (NTFS), but now I have 5 Raspberry Pis and I wanted to individually name them all. So I changed this specific Raspberry Pi 4 to ...
Badjano's user avatar
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Plex server is intercepting localhost (calls from JDownloader)

I've been using Plex Server for some times without issues on Linux Mint Cinnamon. I've just installed JDownlader2, which works fine, except for the captcha parts that try to open the browser and I end ...
R3uK's user avatar
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Docker container port timeout

I have plex running inside a docker container. I have mapped port 32400 from inside the container to port 32450 on the host. I cannot connect to it. root@Media:~# curl localhost:32450 ^C but... if I ...
aeldaly's user avatar
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Browse through tags for photos in Plex

Plex has a feature that automatically tags photos. It's easy to find photos in a certain tag by typing (the first characters of) the tag in the search field. To do that, you obviously need to know the ...
JJJ's user avatar
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Launch local Plex browser client and play some content (i.e. permalink)

On my client machine, I can query my Plex server for media matching a given string using python-plexapi and I get results. for section in plex.library.sections(): items ='Die ...
SkyNT's user avatar
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Convert Blu-Ray to MP4

I have been playing for about 2 weeks now on handbrake trying to convert my Panasonic handycam videos which are in m2ts format to mp4. Here is the orignal file details: General ID ...
Shery's user avatar
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DLNA/Multicast over vpn (Plex)

I'm not a networking pro and I've been trying to get this to work for the last couple of days. Infrastructure: Home: vdsl 100/40, fritzbox 7490 ip range: linux server which runs ...
Naga's user avatar
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access to hard drive on plex media server

I am attempting to set up a Plex media server on my Ubuntu 15.04 system from a few external hard drives. However, the Plex system is unable to find my hard drives. The following is shown where there ...
chase's user avatar
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Can you preload files with Plex

I am running Plex Server on my desktop, and I stream to my Windows Phone (WP 8.1) and Surface Pro 3 (W8.1) with it. However, it often happens that I am leaving my home for a bit to somewhere where ...
Bram Vanroy's user avatar
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Using Plex through a VPN only works for HTTPS but not the iOS apps

I have an OpenVPN server running on my NAS. Also on that NAS is Plex media server. When my phone is on the same network as my NAS, I can use the Plex iOS apps fine. When I am not on my home network, I ...
User7391's user avatar
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Run NAS in VMWare ESXi to share datastore

Is there any official NAS software to be run inside VMWare ESXi to use datastore as a NAS withalong Plex?
Rogelio Monter's user avatar
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TrueNAS Plex Jail DNS Error

Trying to install Plex on my server running TrueNAS-12.0-U1, but running into this error: Error: plexjail had a failure Exception: RuntimeError Message: DNS Exception: The DNS operation timed out ...
greg's user avatar
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FFMPEG with Python Automation Script

I am new to bash and I want to stick to Python to call bash scripts if required. My setup. Plex Server. Google Drive Rclone. Transcoding Server. The question is related to the transcoding server. I ...
agadmin's user avatar
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Incorrect Album Artist and First Track in Plex

I ripped my parent’s Christmas CD collection as FLAC files with Windows Media Player. The first track of every album is just titled “Track 1” and the album artist of every album is “Various Artists”. ...
Aido's user avatar
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Hibernate, and wake up upon connection to a port

So I have a desktop that I'll be replacing with a new build shortly. I'd like to continue running a Plex server on my old one headlessly, but don't want the computer to be on all the time. Is there a ...
Cruncher's user avatar
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myPlex with a VPN that supports port forwarding

I'm using OS X, Viscosity and AirVPN. AirVPN supports port forwarding and I can successfully port forward with uTorrent and some other apps ... so in theory this should work: Go to AirVPN, get a ...
Simon Woodside's user avatar
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How can I stream blu ray using Plex?

I'm looking at different HTPC solutions, and the name Plex keeps coming up. It has most of what I'm looking for, except I can't find a definite answer on whether or not it's possible to stream a ...
MDMoore313's user avatar
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Plex on Synology on Samsung TVs - Cannot enable Sync Watch State and Rating (only on admin account)

I've searched the internet and found no one with the following issue: I cannot enable 'Sync Watch State and Rating' on my Samsung Smart TVs (2 of them) when using my main (admin) account on the Plex ...
Mariusz803's user avatar
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Why can my device through PLEX only play one of these two 4K files?

I have two 4K .mkvs consisting of both video and audio tracks - my device seems to be able to play 4K content just fine for a movie, but won't playback upscaled 120 fps content. Both videos are x265 ...
bigboss's user avatar
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How can I diagnose network errors between my PC and Synology NAS

I've got a Synology 215j NAS connected to my Windows 10 PC, and am running into some intermittent problems accessing the files on the NAS. I run Plex on the PC, with the media files on the NAS, and ...
mmathis's user avatar
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