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Questions tagged [pip]

pip is a tool for installing and managing Python packages

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195 votes
8 answers

Find outdated/updatable pip packages

pip freeze shows me the packages installed, but how do I check against pypi which ones are outdated?
Xster's user avatar
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72 votes
4 answers

python3-pip installed but pip3 command not found?

I am testing a Python3 program in several computers. To do that, I need to install a library of Python with pip3. So first, I was installing python3-pip in each computer (everyone is running Kubuntu ...
forvas's user avatar
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41 votes
3 answers

The script is installed in directory, which is not PATH

During the installation process of Jupiter Notebook using pip, it said that scripts were installed in a folder that is not on PATH. Can it cause any problems? How can I fix it? Here is full log: ...
keddad's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

How to run pip in non-interactive mode?

Most of tools I'm using have some mode (often ON by default) where they ask me zero questions while running the command. apt-get is an example close to pip. There's -y option which makes it non-...
vladimir's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

Cannot install python-pip with yum

I am trying to install python-pip in a centos7 docker container, but I think I may be missing some package or something. [root@aasdfasdfa /]# yum -y install python-pip Loaded plugins: ...
Alex Cohen's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Run pip for python3 on Fedora

I can't run pip for python3 (3.4) on Fedora 22. Pip for python2.7 is installed on system by default and works fine. I install package python3-pip but can't run it. pip3, pip-3.4, python3-pip, python3 ...
Denis Savenko's user avatar
24 votes
10 answers

How to install pip and easy_install on CentOS

I tried to install pip and easy_install on my CentOS but could not find them. How can I install them? Also, I have two versions of Python, 2.4 and 2.7. How will pip make sure to link newly installed ...
Mirage's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

installing wxpython via pip or easy_install

I am running into some problems installing wxpython using pip. Here is my current output: [myuserid]% sudo pip install wxpython Downloading/unpacking wxpython Downloading wxPython2.8-win64-devel-2....
dtlussier's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How to fix "Permission Denied" in Git Bash in Windows 10?

Whenever I tried to run this command: python, git bash gave me this response: bash: /c/Users/Sergio Ley/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps/python: Permission denied. I don't know how to ...
Sergio Ley-Languren's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Re-scan python libraries after pip install in Visual Studio Code

Every time i install a python library using pip (e.g. pip install requests) i have to reload Visual Studio Code, so it starts scanning installed libraries (even when using the pip install-command from ...
Incubbus's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

pip not working on hombrew python 2.7 install

I've installed python using homebrew and I can't invoke pip from the bash. I've tried amending my .bash_profile to include /usr/local/bin/python and /usr local/share/python to no avail. When I use ...
YoungPadawan's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

pip - Get long description of uninstalled package?

For apt-based operating systems, there is an apt-cache show subcommand which shows everything known about a particular package, including version, dependencies, and long description. Although pip has ...
ioistired's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to install python-pip in CentOS7 Docker Container

I am trying to build a docker container that includes pip. I am on CentOS 7. Here is the fragment from running the docker build command: Step 3 : RUN yum -y install python-pip ---> Running in ...
Be Kind To New Users's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Ansible installed via pip3, but Ansible commands not found

I have installed Ansible via pip3, but I can't find the Ansible commands (ansible --version, ansible-playbook, etc.) Here's the listing that shows that Ansible is installed via pip3: :~# pip3 list | ...
Jinja_dude's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Extremely slow pypi package retrieval with i.e. pip

Finding python packages using tools such as pip or easy_install takes very long, up to ten minutes, on my local desktop running Ubuntu 12.10. The same procedures are lightning fast on my cloud servers....
Jasper van den Bosch's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

How to properly install Pipenv on WSL Ubuntu 18.04?

I know this sounds like a pretty basic question but i've been frustrating myself to no end for the better part of a day. Am trying to set up a python environment in Windows Subsystem for Linux and ...
byake's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Why is pip not listed in easy_install on CentOS 6? Where to get it?

I am trying to install pip for python on CentOS 6. I thought of installing it through easy_install but it is not there. I tried to find easy_install with find command, but no luck. I tried to re-...
tsatiz's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Why pip throwing an error when installing numpy in Termux?

I'm installing numpy in Termux. When I run pip install numpy --no-cache-dir, the error was: File "/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/tmp/pip-install-ywfqxfk8/numpy_cf9d5c136bf14c7f9ce4181f190e4581/...
Vad Sim's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

OS X Lion easy_install requires sudo ...?

I'm on OS X Lion and wanting to setup python virtual environments. I want to use virtualenvwrapper. Can someone confirm that the correct way to do this is to install packages via easy_install (and ...
w--'s user avatar
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6 votes
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Ubuntu 20.04: E: Unable to locate package python-pip

I have just installed Ubuntu 20.04 and I have come across an issue when trying to install pip. On my older machines running 18.04, the command ran fine and installed the package. However, when ...
Toffee's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

The 'pip==9.0.3' distribution was not found and is required by the application

I have the latest version of pip in my laptop.I always get this error when I install any modules using pip. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/pip", line 6, in <module> ...
Muralidharan sekar's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to preserve files downloaded by pip after failed installation?

If pip install a_package fails (e.g. pip install matplotlib in setuptools isn't new enough), the next invokation of pip install my_package causes the file to be downloaded again instead of just ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

vscode & pipenv - pipenv not found

I am consistently getting the following error with VSCode for Mac when using pipenv: Workspace contains Pipfile but 'pipenv' was not found. Make sure 'pipenv' is on the PATH. Running "which pipenv" ...
nik's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error in a docker container

I'm running into the following error message when I do easy_install pip: root@ff45b7b74944:/# easy_install pip Searching for pip Reading Download error on https://...
cid's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

how do i install pip in cygwin? [closed]

I want to install pip in cygwin (Windows 10). When I try that I get the comment that the destination file is missing. So how can I choose file? Is there any way to see the entire file system in cygwin?...
FredSwed's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Where does pip install to on Linux when i use --user

I just installed a Python app using pip2 install pyriscope --user and now I need to find the installed files, since it seems like the app is built to use the python assuming it's python2, when on my ...
qubodup's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to install python packages with all dependencies offline via pip3?

first of all I have managed to install Ansible on a server which has no internet access. But I wonder if my approach is correct. At first I downloaded the necessary dependencies via pip3. pip3 ...
yabberth's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

The suggested way to handle pip(easy_install) with homebrew?

I know there are brew-gem and brew-pip but it is still really easy to get confused. Let's say my Mac OS X is 10.7.2. There are at least, as far as I know, 3 locations for Python modules (assume 2.7): ...
Drake Guan's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

AWS Ubuntu 14.04 upgrade Python to 2.7.10, how to deal with apt-get python-dev

Ubuntu 14.04 from AWS ships with python 2.7.6. Before doing anything else to the image, I do an upgrade to 2.7.10 by issuing sudo apt-get -y install build-essential checkinstall libreadline-gplv2-...
Daniel F's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can't install anything on pip

Everytime I try to install anything on pip it ends with following error message. The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system that are not within the EasyInstall build area, ...
Fabian Bachl's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Cannot install matplotlib in cygwin (freetype issue)

It would be really nice to have matplotlib in my cygwin environment. I have 64-bit Windows 8 with 64-bit cygwin. When I type: pip install matplotlib I get whe following error message: * The ...
Aleksei Petrenko's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Removing old files left by attempted pip installation

I'm installing a package through pip, but it fails due to lack of space (IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device). The only filesystem with lack of space is /dev/sda2. I don't quite understand why ...
pir's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Do pip and easy_install download Python packages securely?

For example, do they check a digital signature (like apt-get and Windows Update) or can they be required to use SSL? If not, I'm a bit concerned that the downloaded packages could be trojaned..
eug's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Can I install packages from specific channels when using PIP as it's possible in Anaconda?

In Anaconda, there is the option of adding "channels" to the configuration files. Every package installed with conda install ... will first look for packages in these channels (such as the intel ...
Daniel Möller's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

No module named yum when working on RHEL 8

Since our application works with python2, we needed to move to RHEL 8 After we installed python2 on RHEL 8 machine, we see the following: rpm -qa | grep python2 python2-pip-9.0.3-19.module+el8.6.0+...
King David's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Difficulty running pip from command prompt

I'm trying to install numpy on my computer following the instructions here. I've got the command prompt working to find python after adding it to my path and I installed it from which ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

pip.install has stopped working: "Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement <package>"

I have seen a few related questions, and I've tried all of their recommendations: I'm using anaconda, so I downgraded from 3.7 to 3.6 I upgraded pip using curl | ...
jsidell's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Installing ctypes in Python 3.7

I'm currently using Python 3.7 and Pycharm for my work. Recently I got a code that is done at Python2.7 and it includes a library named 'ctypes.' First I tried to download it through pip by Ctrl+Alt+...
hightower's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

pip cannot fetch URL because of an error with the SSL certificate

All of a sudden pip, Python's package manager, could no longer install new modules. The problem is fetching the URL and the cause seems to be the SSL certificate. I sort of understand what this means, ...
dabadaba's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Pip and distribute not working on Python 3.3

I'm new to Python and I am trying to install it on Windows. I am starting to use it because I have to set-up a watch service for a Windows folder, and then update a database when there are changes in ...
John's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

need <unrar/dll.hpp> to pip install unrardll on Ubuntu

After upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04, Calibre gives this error when opening a .cbr file: calibre, version 3.21.0 ... File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/utils/", line 53, in extract from ...
spraff's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

PIP install and Python path

I am using pip install on a mac to get my python requirements for a django website. I got pip from MacPorts port install pip-2.7 Now the problem is the pip installs the packages in a location which ...
Calin Paul Alexandru's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Why running iTerm2 the first time installs pip3?

When iTerm2 is run for the first time on a Mac, it starts installing pip3. I am trying to understand why. In my case I was on a slow network and the install would have take 3 hours, so I stopped the ...
Naresh's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

pip3 is not installed with the latest python3 via Homebrew (macOS)

pip3 disappeared after the latest Homebrew python3 update. user:~$ python3 --version Python 3.7.3 user:~$ pip3 --version -bash: pip3: command not found Homebrew claims that it installed the ...
sumtopmus's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Why does dnf uninstall python-pip want to uninstall Fedora?

Having trouble installing packages with pip (wow. so unexpect. much surprise) and upon trying to toss it entirely and start over (no, dnf reinstall was not sufficient) I found that dnf seemed to think ...
memorableusername's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Upgrade/update yt-dlp via pip?

There used to be a top answer with a simple command to update yt-dlp via pip, and I swore it was pip install --upgrade yt-dlp, but maybe it was python3 pip install --upgrade yt-dlp. I cannot test it ...
Wolfpack'08's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

No Ansible config file or /etc/ansible directory after trying pip and yum install

So I have been trying to install Ansible for some server management however it seems that yum and pip both don't want to co-operate: I tried a yum install which refuses to work because it cant seem ...
RickwhoPrograms's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Can't use pip after download?

This is how I downloaded pip: I installed and placed it in the scripts subdirectory of Python. Then I ensured that the scripts subdirectory was a part of my ...
Nebur's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

how to install cx_oracle package with pip from Ubuntu linux?

I am trying to install cx_oracle from Ubuntu using pip install cx_oracle however I get the error below. Also tried to go to the pip package page and it does not look like there are any files ...
user465374's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

why pip install turtle (graphics) error

I get the following error when installing turtle, what should I do? $ sudo pip install turtle --proxy WARNING: Running pip install with root privileges is generally not a good ...
Lane Ouyang's user avatar

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