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PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development. Questions about programming in PHP are off-topic and should be asked on Stack Overflow.

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PHPMailer E-Mails are getting Message Rejected Error

I have been using PHPMailer for several months to send email OTP verification and automated alerts from my website using a regular account. This setup has been working flawlessly until last ...
jadhav kumar's user avatar
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How to adjust PHP FastCGI performance to the system resources (number of CPU cores mostly)?

We have a fairly weak server - 2 cores of Xeon Gold 6132. Until recently the server didn't have much traffic but now we added a web page that generates more traffic than usual. This is the number of ...
Stackerito's user avatar
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How to block IPs behind a web server?

I have a service in my page (hosted behind an Oracle server) that is being attacked by specific IPs. I see this in the Apache logs:, - - [14/Jun/2024:10:46:58 -...
Luis A. Florit's user avatar
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Ngnix returns 504 while processing another request with php-fpm

Here is a simplified version of the page that causes me great trouble: <?php passthru('dd if=/path/to/file bs=xx skip=xx count=xx | resource_intensive_command | dd bs=xx skip=xx count=xx'); ?> ...
Loïc's user avatar
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ISPconfig/Nginx/wordpress to nginx proxy manager | wordpress using permalinks/postname

I am migrating my wordpress site from Ispconfig/Apache to Ispconfig/Nginx and introducing Nginx proxy manager in the mix. The problem seems to be the following: htaccess is not enabled in nginx are ...
Arch's user avatar
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how to install memcached via pecl?

I'm trying to install memcached and am having some difficulty. Here's what I tried: apt-get update apt-get install memcached libmemcached-dev libzip-dev pecl install memcached pecl install memcached ...
neubert's user avatar
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Is there a way to prevent direct copy of URL with X-Accel?

I am currently serving private images using X-Accel. The images folder is behind the root, and I have the following block inside the nginx config: location /private_files { internal; root /var/...
Stackerito's user avatar
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X-Accel return 404 but path and config seem to be correct

I have the following block in my nginx config: location /files { internal; root /var/www/website/storage/uploads; } In my Laravel app I am trying to redirect get-file URI to the private ...
Stackerito's user avatar
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How to make a captive redirection portal for a SSID?

I have a PHP project running on one of my computers connected to my home network, I access the project from the same computer by localhost/myserver and by my other devices connected to the same ...
jadhav kumar's user avatar
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Creating a Chrome bookmark to automate a web PHP search

I am an user in some forum, and I want to create a bookmark for searching my past messages. To do so, you can open an advanced search link whose address is as follows (identifiable words have been ...
Daneel Olivaw's user avatar
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How can I prevent Thunderbird from deleting mail that is "too large", after I click to allow the download?

I exclusively use Thunderbird in POP mail mode. I'm mainly concerned with attachments sent from mail forms on my own websites, sent to email addresses which are also from my own domain. So I have ...
Randy's user avatar
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No input file specified with apache configuration php-fpm redhat

I have a php 8 installation (php-fpm) with apache on a redhat server. The apache configuration contains this rule for php files in the virtualhost: ProxyPassMatch ^(..php.)$ fcgi://X.X.X.X The php-...
el sparrow's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to make BLOB to PDF in browser using PHP [closed]

I have BLOB information from my database and trying to display a PDF file in browser using this: echo "<object data='data:application/pdf;base64,".base64_encode($row['PDF_File'])."' ...
Hopm Mpoн's user avatar
2 votes
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Replace text surrounding a wildcard in Notepad++

So, many years ago when I started writing PHP code, I learned to format information sent from a form as such: $_POST[itemnamehere]; Whether that was right or wrong at the time, it worked. However, ...
teddytash's user avatar
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PHP-FPM on Apache log issue

I am having trouble finding the cause of my php-fpm process logging its error output to the same location as the script result. I have an Apache server which passes requests to the php-fpm process ...
user10709800's user avatar
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Nextcloud AIO - How to persist modifications to php.ini in a docker container that frequently reboots

I’m running the Nextcloud AIO docker container. This consists of a master container that then runs the other containers such as the apache, and sql server containers. With this working I want to ...
SneakyShrike's user avatar
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How to upgrade ICU on Debian 12 for PHP Intl?

Ever since running into this timezone related bug in PHP, I've been trying to solve it by updating the ICU system library. On my Fedora 39 workstation, as of this writing, version 73.2 is installed (...
Frans-Willem Post's user avatar
-1 votes
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passthru background process sudo multiple commands

Have problem running the command in background. Below is configuration of code. 1] Using php passthru running a command as a different user than current 2] The command has multiple commands to run ...
jd4u's user avatar
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PHP 5.4 yum dependency issue on AWS Linux 2

I am running PHP 8.1 on AWS Linux 2. When I run yum updates I get the following error: > Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package php.x86_64 0:5.4.16-46.amzn2.0.3 ...
bfuzze's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Start .bat file via php

I'm using system('START C:\[address]\refresh.bat'); but when I start this I get: C:\[address]>git fetch 'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. ...
Hopm Mpoн's user avatar
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2 answers

Running “php -f file.php” prints the file contents instead of executing it

I have new freshly installed Ubuntu Unity (23.10) OS, where I installed PHP. Now I want to run a PHP file from the terminal, but instead of executing it, it just print it contents. (The PHP file is ...
Marc's user avatar
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Cron job does not execute according to time schedule

Consider the following cron job: * 22-23 * * * /usr/bin/curl -u username:paswword Now, according to this, the cron job must run every minute starting from 22h00 (...
Clint William Theron's user avatar
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Error while trying to create module page on MediaWiki

I tried to create a Module page on my MediaWiki but I've been getting the following error: Lua error: Cannot create process: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted I'm ...
lidistat67's user avatar
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How recover php-fpm conf.d files?

I'm trying to upgrade PHP with php-fpm from 8.1 to 8.2. By mistake, I've deleted the files inside /etc/php/8.2/fpm/conf.d I've tried to restart php8.2-fpm and Apache2 server, re-install php-fpm, but ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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How to publish a php website privately so I can make tests?

I want to publish my website as http secure connection but I want to keep it private so only I can view it. I want to prepare and test its security before its official release. Is there any service ...
user avatar
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php-fpm and nginx security isolation not working....or may be my understanding is not correct

I followed the following tutorial to do isolation of my two websites. Here is what I did: Created two users and then ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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How to serve html and php from multiple folders under the same host in nginx?

I want to serve two folders with nginx: a folder with generated html files, and a folder with static html and php scripts, take this folder structure as an example: ├─/var/www │ ├─generated │ │ ├─...
Gergő Gutyina's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I reload php.ini without stopping and starting IIS? [duplicate]

I have a few websites running with IIS 10 that use the same php.ini, and I now changed a value in the php.ini file which cannot be set via the ini_set() method in PHP. Is there any way to reload the ...
Stackerito's user avatar
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Error Installing OCI8 on Ubuntu 23.10 PHP 8.2

I'm running Apache 2.4 on a Ubuntu 23.10 server with PHP 8.2 and I can't install the OCI8 extension in order to connect to Oracle. I previously had a PHP 5.6 built from a makefile which I recently ...
arthur k's user avatar
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mod_remoteip not showing true IP of the visitor

I am trying to get the real IP behind Cloudflare. I did as I found on Google, installed mod_remoteip then configure it as following: LoadModule remoteip_module modules/ RemoteIPHeader X-...
Zeyd Lprn's user avatar
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Why is 'mime.types' required in Apaches' 'conf' directory?

I have been running Apache for around 5 years now and am going through a streamlining of my site scripts. In this process I removed all directories and files I didn't know a use of. In my server root ...
user10709800's user avatar
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Issue addressing MODBUS via RS485 and PHP on Windows

I have a USB to RS485 adapter connected to an RS485 relay board which I am able to correctly address using some software called sscom. Via sscom I can enable/disable the relays on the relay board. So ...
omega1's user avatar
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firewall vs Soap (electronic billing API)

This is a complex question since it includes configuration and programming at the same time, but neither Sophos support nor the electronic billing service (consumer API) have given me an answer. ...
Francisco IA Lover's user avatar
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Ubuntu Server 14.04 upgraded 18.04 causing PHP7.2-fpm service to time out

I have a DigitalOcean droplet which experienced a variety of issues after a dist-upgrade. Most recently I tried reinstalling php7.2fpm and was greeted with this output: invoke-rc.d: initscript php7.2-...
conartist6's user avatar
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How can I give to RoundCube the login credentials through HTTP so the user will not require to enter them?

Well, I have a dedicated hosting server service and it has a Plesk panel for its administration, as many will know Plesk comes with RoundCube as the default service for webmail access. My issue is ...
TheBot's user avatar
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Using MacPorts build of PHP causes Apache to SEGV

I have successfully added PHP to the built-in Apache on Mac OS Ventura (on Intel), however it's an old build of PHP 7. My problem is that when I try to use the latest version as built using MacPorts ...
Philip Kearns's user avatar
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OOM killing my PHP FPM after upgrading LTS Ubuntu version

Yesterday I performed a release upgrade which included the upgrade from PHP 7.4 to 8.2. At first, I thought that the problem could come from the PHP version (because was php8.2-fpm the service that ...
SirLouen's user avatar
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nginx rewrite overlapped with Swagger body

Here's my nginx.conf: server { charset utf-8; client_max_body_size 512M; listen 80; listen 443 ssl http2 default_server; server_name app; set $base_root /app; root $...
Toqa Abbas's user avatar
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Laravel to operate device HHC-N8I8O

I have purchased this device HHC-N8I8O. I want to know if we can give direct commands from laravel to turn on or off a relay? i have got the manual and some software, it works from software with ip ...
Shakeel Ahmed's user avatar
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PHP file_put_contents: Failed to open stream: Permission denied

I want to store images using PHP, so I am using the following code: $encodedCard = isset($_POST["card"])? $_POST["card"] : null; $name = isset($_POST["fn"]) ? $...
Maulik Pratap Singhal's user avatar
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Add new folder to yii2 with nginx

I got yii2 advanced template , but need to change the structure as below : app --backend --common --v1 --config --main.php --controller --SiteController.php --web --index.php ...
Toqa Abbas's user avatar
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RoundCube not displaying mails with attachments over certain size

The setup is fairly simple, it's Windows Server 2019, with hMailServer as a mailserver, and IIS hosting RoundCube, and of course, PHP. Sending mails work fine, but when the attachment gets over like ...
Zett's user avatar
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Geany 1.36,PHP variable highlight dollar sign on double-click

In Geany, when you double-click on a php variable $example, it highlights the word 'example' without highlighting the dollar sign ($). How do I make geany highlight the dollar sign too?
Jeff Luyet's user avatar
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Trouble with PHPMailer and iCloud SMTP Authentication

I'm currently facing an issue with PHPMailer while trying to send emails using iCloud SMTP for my WordPress blog. I have followed the steps to configure PHPMailer with app-specific passwords provided ...
Maciek Rek's user avatar
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How is Windows 11 Apache php 8 Apache manual setup different from the php 7 on windows 10

I have read previous post on the setup of Apache php MySQL manual installation and the all seems to follow the same steps. Please what would be the constant k in all the different different versions ...
 C Okonta's user avatar
4 votes
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Is PHP actually ported to AmigaOS?

I have long had the thought about what it would be like to have PHP running on an Amiga (I mean a real one), and have tried to search and ask about this. It's ambiguous as to whether or not it really ...
Stan's user avatar
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How can I enable streaming (flush/ob_flush) in CentOS 8 stream with PHP-FPM?

I have a new install of CentOS 8 Stream with Apache and PHP-FPM setup using all defaults (this defaults to PHP 7.2.24 FPM/FastCGI). My application uses Server Sent events using JavaScripts EventSource ...
Bart Friederichs's user avatar
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How to access the local files to restore in remotely accessed PgAdmin4 in centos 8

I have one Web Server with PHP and one Database Server with PostgreSQL 15. Both with Cent OS 8. I have installed pgadmin4 in the web server to access the Remote Database server through browser and it'...
Jayanta Kumar Nath's user avatar
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Can I completely disable Anonymous authentication for internal system with AD users?

I have an internal system that has login form with username and password. But recently I needed to get some more information about the user who tries to log in (in case of a failed login attempt for ...
Stackerito's user avatar
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Is there a repo for php5-gd for debian 12?

I am planning an upgrade of a debian 11.7 server to debian 12. When asking for a full upgrade, Debian warns me about is to remove php5-gd The following packages will be REMOVED: libpng12-0 php5-gd ...
realtebo's user avatar
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