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Questions tagged [permissions]

Access and restrictions of files, documents, accounts, computers, etc.

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781 votes
10 answers

How to recursively chmod all directories except files?

How to chmod 755 all directories but not files (recursively)? Inversely, how to chmod only files (recursively) but no directories?
Olivier Lalonde's user avatar
646 votes
7 answers

Permissions on private key in .ssh folder?

I changed my permissions in my .ssh folder and now when I use a piece of software that uses my private key, I have to type my password each time. What should my permissions be on my id_rsa file to ...
user avatar
574 votes
16 answers

Reload a Linux user's group assignments without logging out

When assigning a user's secondary group list using: # usermod -G <grouplist> <user> is it possible to force this group assignment to take effect without logging out all running sessions? ...
Simon's user avatar
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469 votes
18 answers

Windows SSH: Permissions for 'private-key' are too open

I've OpenSSH 7.6 installed in Windows 7 for testing purposes. SSH client & server work just fine till I tried to access one of my AWS EC2 box from this windows. It seems like I need to change the ...
Sabrina's user avatar
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401 votes
7 answers

How can I make chown work recursively?

I've got a directory called pdfs that contains a bunch of sub- and sub-sub-directories. I want to change ownership on all PDF files in all of the subfolders. I just tried this: chown -R someuser:...
Nathan Long's user avatar
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247 votes
9 answers

How can I give write-access of a folder to all users in linux?

I installed apache2 on Ubuntu just now, and noticed that the /var/www folder is protected. I can just sudo everything but I would rather just give it write access. How can I do this? I tried sudo ...
Carson Myers's user avatar
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137 votes
6 answers

What should I do about

I've downloaded some .jar files from the internet and want to use them under Mac OS X. But the OS seems to have tagged them with the extended attribute (no indication of this ...
Jason S's user avatar
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135 votes
3 answers

What is the "wheel" user in macOS/OS X?

I recently reinstalled iTunes and I noticed something peculiar. The original version of iTunes has a user in the permissions known as wheel that is set to "Read Only". I dragged this version ...
ralphthemagician's user avatar
134 votes
4 answers

How do file permissions apply to symlinks?

Let's say you have this structure: + directory -- file1 -- file2 -- file3 -> /tmp/file3 file3 is a link to another file3 somewhere else on the system. Now let's say I chmod 777 the directory and ...
nopcorn's user avatar
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130 votes
9 answers

How do I add a user to multiple groups in Ubuntu?

What's the command line utility and the arguments it requires?
quackingduck's user avatar
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129 votes
5 answers

What does the dot mean at the end of `-rw-r--r--`? How do you set it with `chmod`?

Some of the files in my directories under Linux have a . at the end of the permissions listing. What does the dot mean at the end of -rw-r--r--? How do you set it with chmod?
Darrell Duane's user avatar
114 votes
14 answers

How can I always run the command prompt as administrator?

As a developer, I often have the need to open a command prompt for various purposes. For example, I use iisreset to restart my local web server. I typically open the command window in one of two ways:...
Kevin's user avatar
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110 votes
6 answers

recursively change owner windows 7

Somehow I accidentally set all the files in a subfolder to "No Owner' and I can't seem to change all the permissions. I can change one by hand by changing the owner then setting permissions but how ...
user avatar
102 votes
8 answers

What does the @ mean on the output of "ls" on OS X' terminal?

When doing an ls in a directory I get the following output: drwxr-xr-x@ 12 xonic staff 408 22 Jun 19:00 . drwxr-xr-x 9 xonic staff 306 22 Jun 19:42 .. -rwxrwxrwx@ 1 xonic staff 6148 25 ...
xon1c's user avatar
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91 votes
4 answers

How to make new file permission inherit from the parent directory?

I have a directory called data. Then I am running a script under the user id 'robot'. robot writes to the data directory and update files inside. The idea is data is open for both me and robot to ...
Wai Yip Tung's user avatar
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89 votes
3 answers

How do I list the groups that a UNIX user is a member of?

With pts m groupname I can list the users in a group. How can I do the opposite - that is, list all the groups that a user is a member of? (I need this to find the name of a group that I know a user ...
Tomas Aschan's user avatar
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88 votes
2 answers

How to tar a directory preserving not only permissions, but ownership too

I have to compress a directory using tar.gz preserving not only permissions, but ownership/groups too. And, in this directory there are many files that belong to many users.
Paulo Coghi's user avatar
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85 votes
4 answers

Using vim to force edit a file when you opened without permissions

I use vim to edit a file. Sometimes, I forget to have the appropriate permissions. I run vim and the file as a read only file. I can make changes, but I can't actually write the changes. Every once in ...
andor kesselman's user avatar
84 votes
4 answers

Create an SSH user who only has permission to access specific folders

I installed SSH, but I found if I use my original account to login to Ubuntu, it has too many permissions. I want to constrain the user to only have permissions for specific folders in Ubuntu. How ...
Foolish's user avatar
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83 votes
8 answers

Modify fstab entry so all users can Read and Write to an EXT4 Volume

I have an Ubuntu 10.04 box with an EXT4 partition. This partition is set to automatically mount in /etc/fstab. For the purposes of this post, we'll call it: /media/foo. Unfortunately, only root ...
Phanto's user avatar
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82 votes
5 answers

How to recursively change sharing/permission of a folder in Mac OS X

Is there any Mac OS X tools or scripts which allow me to change sharing/permission properties of files and subfolders in a folder recursively? For example, to let everybody or a specific user able to ...
puri's user avatar
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81 votes
4 answers

How to run a cron job as a specific user?

I would like to run a cron job as a specific user on my machine. How may I specify the user for a cron job to run as?. The cron jobs will be running on a server (running on Ubuntu 10.0.4). The 'users'...
morpheous's user avatar
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78 votes
3 answers

Chmod to allow read and write permissions for directory

I have created directories in root. I am looking for the chmod command to allow all users read and write permissions to a specific directory. I have done chmod 775 for a file but I need this for a ...
chrisg's user avatar
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73 votes
4 answers

What are the correct permissions for the .gnupg enclosing folder? gpg: WARNING: unsafe enclosing directory permissions on configuration file

I don't want to just chmod and run until I get the right answer, nor do I want to run GnuPG as root. The easy fix would be to just set it so that only my user can read it, but I don't think that's the ...
Nathan Basanese's user avatar
70 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between the default groups on Mac OS X?

Two questions: What's the difference between the groups "wheel", "staff", and "admin"? What do they do? specific use case: I'm trying to setup a local CVS repository as stated in the Apple webpage so ...
Jason S's user avatar
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70 votes
2 answers

Permission to make symbolic links in Windows 7?

How can I grant a particular user the permission to create symlinks in Windows 7? I've searched through "Group Policy" and Google, but haven't found anything. On a side note, is there a way to ...
KarolDepka's user avatar
68 votes
2 answers

How to recursively set owner or permissions to 'everyone' for all folders and files?

I have an external hard drive attached, and I need to set permissions to be 'free' for the user MyUser. I think I need to set the owner to MyUser also. How can I do this via terminal?
stighy's user avatar
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67 votes
5 answers

How do I get permissions to delete files on Windows 7?

I updated my laptop's OS from Windows XP to Windows 7. There are some leftover files from Windows XP on the computer now. If I try deleting them I get the following error: You need permission to ...
lajos's user avatar
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64 votes
9 answers

Delete old windows / program files from second drive?

My PC has a bunch of extra drives. Most of them contain old copies of Windows and Program Files. My PC is called "PC", and my admin user is called "Tim". I've assigned ownership of these second drives ...
frumbert's user avatar
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64 votes
7 answers

File I can't take ownership of

I downloaded a file from the internet (I can link to it here, but in the interests of not annoying other users, I won't post the link), and I can't delete the file with the message: You need ...
bobobobo's user avatar
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61 votes
8 answers

Change permissions upon uploading with scp

I am uploading files to my shell account using scp. As I need different permissions on the server than on my computer, I'd like to have a way to easily change the permissions upon upload without ...
Florian Mayer's user avatar
61 votes
5 answers

SSH permission denied on correct password authentication

I could successfully SSH into my machine yesterday with the exact same credentials I am using today. The machine is running CentOS 6.3. But now for some reason it is giving me permission denied. Here ...
Kentgrav's user avatar
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55 votes
6 answers

Permissionless external drive with NTFS

I have an external hard disk which has 1 partition, formatted in NTFS. I use this drive on multiple computers with a different logins on different machines, Windows XP and Windows 7. All files are ...
user12889's user avatar
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53 votes
1 answer

If a Chrome Extension is installed but turned off, can it still spy on me?

Say a Chrome extension is turned off and has the permissions: "Read and change all your data on the websites you visit" and "Read your browsing history", or other similar tracking permissions. Can ...
Michael d's user avatar
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52 votes
3 answers

Do I really need recursive chmod to restrict access to a folder?

If I want to restrict access to a folder secret on a shared machine, do I really need recursive chmod on the folder chmod -R g=,o= secret or is chmod on the folder sufficient? chmod g=,o= secret ...
clemisch's user avatar
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49 votes
4 answers

Find all files on server with 777 permissions

I'm looking for a Linux command to go through all the directories on my server and find all files with 777 permission. The output would be a list of all those files with full path.
user avatar
49 votes
8 answers

Using custom fonts without administrator rights?

I know you can put custom fonts in say C:\Windows\Fonts and applications will be able to find and use them. However this is only possible when you have administrator access to the machine, which is ...
Fire Lancer's user avatar
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49 votes
3 answers

How to set file permissions so that new files inherit same permissions? [duplicate]

I have a folder in which new subfolders and files will be created automatically, by a script. I want to maintain the user and group permissions recursively for all new folders and files placed in the ...
oompahloompah's user avatar
48 votes
4 answers

Recursively chown all files that are owned by a specific user

Is it possible to find and chown all files that a specific user owns? I did a bunch of things as the wrong user and need to give the correct user ownership of the files. Is there a recursive and ...
Michael Waterfall's user avatar
48 votes
2 answers

How to specify group with 'chmod'

I was asked to add group-wrx permissions to a directory in another user's home folder. I believe I should run chmod 771 -R directoryname in the parent directory. I can't find how to specify which ...
user avatar
46 votes
2 answers

Allow specific user permission to read/write my folder

I have a folder /home/samantha/folder that I want to share with the user tom. He can read/write the folder. How do I do that? chown wouldn't do it because I still want to be able to be the owner of ...
Zenet's user avatar
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44 votes
4 answers

What does the "execute" permission do?

I am shocked that I still don't understand "Execute" permission in Linux. There are three permission - read, write, and execute. I understand that read and write literally, but what does execute do ...
user45326's user avatar
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40 votes
5 answers

SSH: "Permissions 0644 for '' are too open."

Why is 0644 i.e. -rw-r--r-- too open for a SSH key? Also I could not find any false permissions on the .ssh directory (0700) or the home directory (0731). Btw I'm getting this error when testing the ...
user2820379's user avatar
39 votes
5 answers

How solve permission problems for docker in ubuntu?

I have installed docker as described here. I use Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 (LTS) (64-bit). Everything during installation was well. Also command $ sudo docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash completes well (...
Cherry's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

Creating files and directories with a certain owner (user/group) while sudoing

I need to wget something (results in a compressed file in cwd), then I have to extract it, then do some copy/move/modification stuff and perhaps finally execute an script (from the downloaded archive)....
Ashkan Kh. Nazary's user avatar
38 votes
8 answers

rsync file permissions on windows

I have an rsync service that syncs files from remote machine to a machine that drops them on a network drive. I need the copied files to take on the native permissions of the destination folder. ...
Kopernik's user avatar
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36 votes
4 answers

removing write permission does not prevent root from writing to the file

I just noticed on my Ubuntu machine (ext3 filesystem) that removing write permissions from a file does not keep root from writing to it. Is this a general rule of UNIX file permissions? Or specific ...
laramichaels's user avatar
36 votes
8 answers

Access denied even though I'm an Administrator?

My user account on Windows 7 is part of the Administrators group which has a full control permissions on C:\inetpub\wwwroot: However, when I try to create a folder in it, I get the "access denied" ...
Borek Bernard's user avatar
36 votes
2 answers

How to prevent USB from .fseventsd, .Trashes, .Spotlight-V100 folders and .DS_Store files?

If you give somebody your USB drive to put files on it, it is so annoying to clean up afterwards, all these useless for other than OSX platforms artifacts, which pollute the disk. Is it any solution ...
static's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

Recursive chmod: rw for files, rwx for directories

I want to chmod a lot of files and directories. As x indicates list for directories and execute for regular files I'd like to apply rw for files and rwx for directories. Is it possible using only the ...
Deleted's user avatar
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