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Questions tagged [partitioning]

When you create two or more logical volumes (drives) from one physical hard disk (or other storage device), you're working with partitions.

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What drive pool/RAID option is best for a home media server with uneven drive sizes?

I am building a DIY home server NAS with a DAS and Proxmox and don't need enterprise-grade redundancy. I am happy to use something other than Proxmox, I just like how easy it is to use containers and ...
David Alsh's user avatar
-2 votes
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Installing Ubuntu over Windows - not detecting SSD

I had Windows 11 on my laptop until it decided to have BSOD every 5 minutes. I tried to check if the OS was a problem and then I booted into a live USB and everything went smoothly. However, when I ...
sailorcoding's user avatar
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Issues Configuring Swap and Moving /home to a New Encrypted Disk on Ubuntu 24.04

I have Ubuntu 24.04 installed with the default disk partitioning settings chosen by the installer, including LVM encryption. I have two SSDs: First disk with the following partitions: /boot/efi /boot ...
LocalUser's user avatar
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Can't resize partition after cloning the disk to the bigger disk

I cloned my entire disk to the new disk with dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/nvme0n1 . It was a long process so I don't want to repeat it again. I booted from the new disk but there is a problem: the new disk ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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How can I recover my Windows partition after GParted move process failed

How can I recover my Windows partition after GParted move operation fails due to power cut? When I use disk management in the Windows, the deleted partition mark as RAW. GParted fdisk -l Disk ...
amjad's user avatar
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A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart" after power outage

I am getting "A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart" after power outage during Gparted (resize/move) process of C partition. I was trying to resize and move my C ...
amjad's user avatar
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Combine partition with free space

I want to use the remaining free space on my hard drive, however there's a problem: Running cfdisk outputs: Label: gpt, identifier: CEE38D42-DBB8-4F74-ADA6-1BC2A5E46AE1 Device ...
oughy's user avatar
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How can I increase my EFI partition size in dual boot? [closed]

I am dualbooting Debian 12 alongside Windows 11. My goal is to increase the size of my EFI partition. I made a new EFI partition using diskpart, I shrinked about 1Gb of my Windows' partition size, and ...
Hamza's user avatar
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2 answers

Can a bad block from one partition affect other partitions?

I have an external SSD 1 TB plugged in to Linux-Laptop. I have created a small new partition - 10 GB size on it, so now I have 2 partitions on that SSD. Both partitions are formatted with ext4 file ...
ccsann's user avatar
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Failed to boot Windows 10 after resizing volume

I have a late 2013 iMac dual booting windows bootcamp and iOS 11 with the rEFInd boot manager. I ran out of space in the boot camp partition, so I got gparted live on an USB to resize the volume. ...
Danny K's user avatar
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Why is my partition readonly flag being reset

I have a partition which I want to be readonly. It is one of several partitions on an external USB drive with GPT-style partitioning. I have followed the instructions here and it works great for a ...
Hugh W's user avatar
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Merging unallocated partition on a dynamic drive

So I have unallocated space on my drive, sandwiched between two recovery partitions of unknown provenance. I'm trying to merge it into my C: drive, but since they aren't adjacent I couldn't extend ...
zaneeto's user avatar
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Cannot install windows alongside linux on NTFS partition - unrecognised type

I am attempting to install Windows 10 Pro from a usb onto a partition that I have formatted to ntfs using sudo mkfs.ntfs -Q /dev/sda3 When I run df -T, --print-type The output includes: /dev/sda3 ...
Psionman's user avatar
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How do I get my disk space back after uninstalling Ubuntu-24.04 from WSL2?

I'm using Ubuntu 24.04 on WSL2 on Windows 10 and I noticed that even after uninstalling the distro, I didn't get back my disk space. There was 15 GB free before installation and it's been 9.5 GB free ...
Toby Wright's user avatar
-1 votes
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Error while installing Ubuntu in E drive (status : 0xc0000225) [closed]

status: 0xc0000225 in Windows serverI’m in big trouble right now. I need Help. Recently I was attempting a Ubuntu installation on a Windows Server. The Windows Server have 3 drives C , D , E. After ...
Swatantra Mitra's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to recover which partition is the Windows 10 EFI bootloader is looking for?

In order to install Linux alongside Windows 10, I've done the following procedure: Boot into Windows 10 (on a NVMe SSD, UEFI mode), "Shrink volume" to a smaller size Reboot into a Linux ...
darkpenguin's user avatar
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Cloning windows to another partition in a different ssd drive [duplicate]

My windows 10 is installed on "Samsung SSD 750 EVO 120GB" and after checking crystaldiskinfo, it's health is at 1% with 38 tb written. since it's on such a low health I'm planning to clone ...
steve johnson's user avatar
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Transplant Windows 7 Partitions to new hardware [closed]

I have several partitions on an old Windows 7 laptop (2010) that I want to transfer to newer 2019 hardware. I understand there is a mismatch of driver configuration but I would like to see if Windows ...
user1330734's user avatar
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How to remove read-only protection from NVMe SSD?

Details Motherboard: MSI MAG B660 OS: Windows 11 Processor: Intel i7-12700 SSD: XPG S5 512 GB NVMe What should I do next to remove Read-only protection from my SSD? Issue Description: I was using my ...
Gaurav Kumar's user avatar
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How do I update the UUID of an ExFAT partition?

How do I set the UUID of an ExFat partition? The linux tools I've tried (mlabel, gparted) only allow resetting the UUID to a different random one, not to a UUID I choose.
JanKanis's user avatar
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TestDisk - rebuild NTFS partition on dead WD Elements [from macos]

I have a 5TB WD Elements external USB disk, which was formatted as a single 5TB NTFS partition without about 4TB of files. It's not a bootable disk. It stopped mounting, so I pulled it apart and ...
frumbert's user avatar
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Is it possible to move partitions around on Mac OS using dd and gdisk?

Please bare with me, if this question seems dumb. I'm not experienced with filesystems and partitions. I have an IMG file from a 16GB sd card. My issue is: I have a 32GB sd card and do not want 16GB ...
Skeeve's user avatar
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Disk usage wrong after incorrect fstab mount and rsync to the mount

tl,dr; Something is using disk space after failed mount and rsync but I can't find out what it is and how to cleanup/free the space. Context: I was trying to add second disk to my RPi and given that ...
Wojtek's user avatar
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Resizing Qemu image and extending partitions

I have a qemu image which I use for an XBOX emulator. The disk contains several partitions and the partition where stuff gets installed on, is full. I made the initial image too small. I already found ...
Sirius's user avatar
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fdisk assigns wrong partition sizes

I'm trying to install linux(using a usb) on a new SSD (WD blue of 2TB, 1.8TB usable). At the partition step I went with GPT table and these partitions: /boot 1GB /swap 4GB /root 60GB /home remaining ...
GhostOrder's user avatar
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How can I make total size of LVM partition match Used + Available?

I have a weird storage situation that I suspect is because I set up my LVM allocations incorrectly: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/data-cams 916G 830G 41G 96% ...
natevw's user avatar
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14GB 100% free Healthy (Primary Parition) after Windows 7 install

I recently bought a new SSD to put in a really old laptop and installed Windows 7 on it. It's just for some very old software and hardware that I still want to use that are not supported in Windows 10 ...
slacle's user avatar
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How to calculate the precise partition size for a desired displayed size in Windows?

To avoid confusion, let me assure you that this is not about decimal vs binary units. When I partition a new disk, I like to have nice round figures show in Windows - like 50.0 GB, 300 GB and so on. ...
Pimpom's user avatar
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How does one convert LBA to CHS with regards to USBs whereupon the format is inapplicable?

I should like to manually write the partition table of the MBR (master boot record): the first sector of a drive. Bytes 2 through 4 require one to find out the CHS (Cylinder-Head-Sector) Address. But, ...
Zakaria Choudhury's user avatar
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Do Mounting VHD on HDD can speed up access time in Windows?

As we know HDD is slower in term of read and write access time. Actually, it's not that slower if a transfered file is big size compared to multiple files with small size in KB unit being transfered. ...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Will "Reset This PC" on a Bootcamp partition also erase the MacOS from my SSD?

I was trying to fix my Windows Defender on windows 10 in my bootcamp partition (windows defender wasn't loading as it is supposed to) and in doing so have altered values in the registry, and now my ...
Timo Jansen's user avatar
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How to retrieve a partition accidently turned into green "Free space"?

I accidently ran some commands -couldn't specify which, but I assume I did something using 'mountvol' that was recommended online-. After that I found partition 'D' turned into "Free space" (...
Ahmed Essam's user avatar
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Unable to mount disk image after creating in Arch

I have quite the problem right now. I have created a disk image of my Arch install by using this command sudo dd if=/dev/sdX bs=8M | pv -cN source | zstd | pv -cN zstd > out.img.zst, then ...
fyredragon69's user avatar
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Allocate free disk space to partition in dual boot (Fedora & Windows)

My setup is the following: dual-boot system with Fedora 40 (Linux) and Windows 10 operating systems. I have several unollacted disk spaces when inspecting my hard drive in Fedora. The following ...
m0byn's user avatar
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Unallocated space (ubuntu 22.04.04)

I just set up a small home server and when I looked at its total disk space it said 100G. So I took a quick look into lsblk and this was the output: NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE ...
IkonoDim's user avatar
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Is there a way to move a LUKS-encrypted btrfs volume to the right?

I want to move a LUKS-encrypted btrfs volume to the right. GParted is telling me it knows how to move the LUKS layer to the right, but it doesn’t know how to move the btrfs layer to the right. Can I ...
schuelermine's user avatar
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Is it safe to move Windows system partitions with gparted

My disk has the following partitions structure: old windows recovery partition EFI main windows system partition new Windows recovery partition free space I'd like to extend the main partition to ...
Ari's user avatar
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File Explorer shows disk volume smaller than it is supposed to be [duplicate]

I cloned a 500GB SSD to 2TB SSD with Clonezilla 3.1.2 using instructions as listed here I tried both ...
FuryFart's user avatar
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Active partition is on a failing HD

Th computer in question has a small SSD as c: where Windows 10 is installed. However, the 100MB System Reserved partition d: is (for whichever reason) on a large, old HD which is developing problems. ...
Klaus X's user avatar
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Which primary partition can be deleted if there are more than 1?

I have a dual-boot laptop (initially only Ubuntu and now it is Windows with 186Gb partition and Ubuntu with 50Gb). I would like to remove the Ubuntu partition to make space for windows but both the ...
User981636's user avatar
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ddrescue second run, running time: n/a

I am running ddrescue to rescue a Windows 10 drive to a new SSD from a gparted media drive. I ran it successfully the first time with: sudo ddrescue -f -d -n /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /path/to/map.log. I ...
David Barcene's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Data Storage Volume (e.g. HDD) - physical representation, volume and file system [closed]

My primary questions are: what exactly is a volume on a byte level, as opposed to partition or file system? What does it look like in binary? Can I open an HDD (raw) and find volume data structure ...
Ilya's user avatar
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USB disk on a VBox on RAID was repartitioned

I have an Ubuntu on a VBox on Windows 10 Pro. The Ubuntu had a Raid 1+0 with 2 external USB disks. Suddenly, when I restarted the server, both disks got repartitioned with these: PARTLABEL="...
AngocA's user avatar
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How to Recreate EFI Partition? [closed]

System: Macbook Pro 2019 with Intel & T2, upgraded to Sonoma. Objective: Dual boot with Fedora. Trouble: I accidentally deleted the EFI System Partition on MacOS. Now, I do have EFI for T2Linux (...
tom_kp's user avatar
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Missing partition on disk utility for Mac. How to find it and revert it back to Mac?

A while back, I partitioned my Mac SSD, but never got around to installing an OS. Now when I go to disk utility, I cannot find the partition. Has anyone faced this before and what can I do? There is ...
Isaac Reeve's user avatar
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kpartx does not work as expected inside docker container

I am trying to create disk image inside docker container. I run the following commands: Run container with debian $ sudo docker run --privileged --rm -it debian Update apt and install packages # apt ...
Art Spasky's user avatar
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Cannot Expand Datastore in ESXi 6.7 of a 4TB RAID1 Drive Configuration

I'm running ESXi 6.7 on a Dell R720 with 96GB of ram, and 2x 8-core processors. I have two 4TB drives configured in the BIOS as one disk, RAID 1. I had a Linux VM that was utilizing about 75% of the ...
Dynamic Orchid's user avatar
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How to reset the state of the system disk from a running Windows?

For test or administration purposes, it can sometimes be required to reset the state of the system disk so that it does not start and the data is not easily accessible anymore, for instance to test ...
ocroquette's user avatar
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Prevent programs from writing to a partition

I have a hard drive in one partition with important data on it. I want to prevent programs from writing to it. It would be nice, for example, if I could grant access to certain programs like a ...
Ehab's user avatar
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How can I recover lost partitions?

My primary SSD has its boot sector erased, thus all partitions are not recognized by the computer. I can't boot the operating system on it, and I am currently using a spare HDD with bad sectors, and ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar

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