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Questions tagged [panic-transmit]

Panic's "Transmit" product allows transfer of files to an FTP or SFTP server, or the cloud via Amazon S3, or using WebDAV.

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6 votes
1 answer

Why can't I connect to my Amazon S3 storage with two of my three clients?

I use Transmit, Cyberduck, and Espresso, all of which support connecting to Amazon S3. But for some reason, I can only connect to my S3 storage successfully in Transmit; Cyberduck and Espresso both ...
daGUY's user avatar
  • 135
2 votes
3 answers

Can't upload files via FTP on Mac OS

I can access, read and download from host via FTP, but can't upload files. I tied to use Transmit (on Mac) and Filezilla also, but no success. Then tried same on a different host and got the same ...
zur4ik's user avatar
  • 248
0 votes
1 answer

FTP connection suddenly stopped working

I was working on my server one minute, the next minute for what appears to be no reason at all, I can't connect to any of my servers via FTP. I've been trying for 4 hours so far to find a solution. I'...
shovelshed's user avatar