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Questions tagged [overwrite]

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55 votes
8 answers

Windows INSERT key anti-functionality accidentally triggers; how to stop it permanently?

We all use editing facilities to change a line of text as we are entering it. There are two principal editing modes within a line, a) "insert mode" which inserts non-editing characters at the point of ...
Ira Baxter's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

What does "type nul > somefile" do to "somefile" in Windows?

Specifically, does type nul > somefile overwrite the entire file on disk? I saw a batch script website recommend generating an FTP script on the fly and then "securely" erasing it with the command ...
wes's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How do I delete a file that is in use by another process? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I delete a 'locked' file? More specifically, I'm trying to rename or overwrite a file, and get the message Access Denied. Make sure the disk is not full or ...
Nick's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Windows 7: does formatting a disk actually write zeros to it?

According to this article from Microsoft, zeros are written to an entire disk when it is formatted (not using the quick format option) in Windows Vista and newer versions of Windows. My question is ...
user49897's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to increase Hard-Disk LifeSpan?

1) What factors affect the life of a hard disk? 2) Does frequent writing on the disk reduce its life? 3) What is the average life span of a hard disk under normal condition? 4) Does less writing ...
subanki's user avatar
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3 answers

How to wipe all data on HDD (Windows 10 system partition)?

I am a bit surprised that I didn't found a canoncial (= recommended by Microsoft) way of doing this by searching Google but here we are: I am tasked to delete all data safely from a Windows 10 ...
cluelessdeleter's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

I accidently overwrote a linux shell program and would like to fix it

I accidentally overwrote one of the programs in the /bin directory, and would like to fix it. I am using Ubuntu 11.10, and would like some way to re-install just this file, without having to re-...
jdg's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Linux - Copy only new and larger files

I have two directories with thousands of files which contain more or less the same files. How can I copy all files from dirA to dirB which are not in dirB or if the file exists in dirB only overwrite ...
das Keks's user avatar
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1 answer

how can i overwrite existing log file in inno setup

i am new to inno setup. I want logging information, for that I set SetupLogging=yes and I used following code for getting log file . procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); var ...
beginner's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Overwriting files vs deleting them?

(I hope this is the right community to ask) Throughout the day, I need to save various images to my computer and then dispose of them soon after. Because of this, I created a PNG file called ...
Mr Awesome8's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to fill a flash drive with 1s instead of zeros

I recently ran the F3Tools on a large USB thumb drive that I purchased. It has a 240 GB FAT32 filesystem (not exFAT or NTFS, actual FAT32) on it, and it's supposed to be 256 GB, so I got slightly ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is it faster to copy than overwrite?

I noticed this in general: its faster to copy a large file from my computer to my USB than it is to overwrite it. For example, I have a file a.txt thats 10 gb. If my USB is blank and I copy my file to ...
Bill M's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Overwriting a files in place on NTFS

Let's say I have a Python program that opens a file and overwrites it with zeros, and I run it on a Windows 7 computer formatted in NTFS. If this is done on an HDD (not an SSD) will the file be ...
chew socks's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Does NTFS overwrite file on the same physical location (sector)?

I want to recover an overwritten file on a NTFS partition. Let's say I have file named A in a directory. I made another file but I saved this new file with the same name, "A". Will the new file ...
Randy Sugianto's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Always choose larger file for duplicate downloads in Jdownloader2?

I am downloading a very large number of image links in Jdownloader2 (hundreds at a time.) It has to parse each URL to get the images, and it always finds thumbnails as well, which have the same ...
Seeker99's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Zero filling (vs one-filling) drives: convention or practical reason?

Many tutorials suggest zero-filling a drive to fully erase it for further use, but I have never seen anyone suggest one-filling a drive for any reason. Is this an arbitrary convention, or is there a ...
Stonecraft's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Update all the files in the archive with 7zip

I am using a command line version of 7zip (7za.exe). I have the following file in the folder: 7za.exe 1.txt contains several occurrences of 1.txt inside its zipped folder ...
Maxim V. Pavlov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why does my Ubuntu Live USB stick always resets my modified fstab to "defaults"?

I made an Ubuntu Live USB Stick with the LinuxUSBDownload installer. The installer works great and also the well known issue of not unmounting the casper-rw at shutdown is fixed. :D The problem now ...
MinecraftBhil's user avatar
1 vote
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(WSL) How avoid overwriting Windows hosts file

Bonjour, I looked from the web et got lots of solutions but none of them work. On Windows 11, I use Ubuntu 22.04 (WSL 2). I moved it on another drive. I also use Docker desktop and Devilbox (I can't ...
Sinedolo's user avatar
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Does overwriting a file consumes extra space?

I have 1gb available space in my HDD which is composed of mainly movies and I want to overwrite files with same names and file size. The file that I want to replace is a 2gb movie and I want to ...
John's user avatar
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3 answers

Why is Overwriting a File So Slow onto a Thumb Drive?

I use a USB thumb drive to back up my most important data. I have noticed that some files write very slowly and I finally realized what is different about them. These are files that are being over-...
Robert Bernstein's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Overwrote /dev/sda with mv command

I made an error while writing my command too fast and "overwrote"(?) /dev/sda instead of moving a file in /dev directory. How can I recover it? Also what exactly is /dev/sda? Is it the directory ...
Anosen's user avatar
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1 answer

FTP upload & overwrite does NOT overwite, but creates [file.ext].# instead

This question is a duplicate of one in StackOverflow, and I was recommended to ask this question here instead. My apologies if the multi-post is undesirable. I have a very strange issue with FTP that ...
René Kåbis's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I update one source tree from another?

I have an existing source-tree, with a bunch of sub-directories and thousands of source files. I have a new source-tree where some of the files have been updated and some new files/directories added. ...
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0 answers

Restore Visual Paradigm Project After Overwriting

I mistook the open project dialogue with the save current project dialogue. I chose the project I wanted to open, and it was overwritten by the current open project. I'm on Windows 10. I'm using an ...
Ilan Seeder's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to Zero out free space on a pen drive on Windows?

I am looking for commands or methods whereby I can just write all zeros to the free space on a Pen drive on Windows OS. The existing files should not be affected. There's a built in command called '...
rajeev's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows FTP - skip file if it already exists

I have a little script in Windows that opens up a connection to a web server and downloads all the files using mget. However, the mget constantly downloads the files even if they already exist. Is ...
jholmie2's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

WinSCP cannot overwrite file without write permissions to containing directory

I want to overwrite a file having permissions 777 but the directory in which file is placed has permissions 755. So it is not allowing to do so.
Renu's user avatar
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1 answer

Overwrite a Windows 7's Windows folder with a Windows.old from upgrade to Windows 8

Basically I've installed Windows 8 Pro over an existing Windows 7 install, and I told it not to copy any personal files or applications. Now in my C: drive I have a Windows.old folder. Is it possible ...
Shadow's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Executable crashed on Windows 10, can't overwrite it

I have Windows 10 Home and working with Visual Studio 10 Express, C++. So i am doing many compilations per day and some of these executables are going to crash. However, after a crash i can't ...
vlzvl's user avatar
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1 answer

Linux group permissions getting overwritten by owner

I am not a user of Linux, but I am encountering some permissions problems with it that I hope someone can shed some light on. Bit of background: A colleague of mine has a Linux box (running Debian I ...
Andy's user avatar
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1 answer

Can files on bootable USB stick be overwritten with no reformatting?

Let's say I'll create a bootable USB stick. Can a system on HDD modify, add or delete files on boot able stick without reformatting? If so, will use of SD card with USB adapter be good idea, as they ...
He Y's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you set a file on a webserver to allow auto overwrite capability

I have a Foscam IPCam that snaps images every 30 minutes and will auto upload them through FTP to my website. I specify the name so it should copy over an existing image and replace it with the most ...
Les Osborne's user avatar
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How to make robocopy overwrite files?

I cannot make robocopy overwrite files. I need to get copy speed stats on one big file but the file to copy is skipped once already copied : PS C:\> ls ~/Downloads/19041.1.191206-1406....
SebMa's user avatar
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0 answers

Overwrite and not merge files when copying folders

I have a root directory C:\ROOT and this directory contains a number of subfolders, with names like these: C:\ROOT\Folder0001 C:\ROOT\Folder0002 C:\ROOT\Folder0003 ... C:\ROOT\Foldernnnn Each ...
Enrico Priotti's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to make #tee take in -append instead of -a option (bionicpup32-8.0)

I'm trying to run team viewer on my bionicpup32-8.0 Running the command teamviewer returns: Init... tee: unrecognized option: append BusyBox v1.30.1 (2019-04-24 21:49:26 +08) multi-call binary. ...
Fixel's user avatar
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1 answer

Batch to copy file with subsequent file names

I currently have robocopy monitoring files in a folder for changes. When any files changes, robocopy does it job by making a copy. The problem is, I see no way to have multiple copies of the same ...
Vagrant's user avatar
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How can I prevent applications to overwrite files with no prompt?

When download files and there is already a file with the same name, I expect to be prompted for a decision to rename or overwrite the file. But this is not happening with WhatsApp Desktop for MacOS (...
Cappa's user avatar
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Word Document Overwritten With Background Image?

My cousin has called me quite panicked because she could not open a word (.docx) document after a hard reset of her computer. Office 365's Word was giving us the run around, one thing it suggested was ...
The Floating Brain's user avatar
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Is it possible to use the Linux CLI to move and rename duplicates at the same time?

I'd like to know if it's possible to move/copy files using the command line and automatically rename conflicting files? I scoured the forums and found different suggestions but none of them worked. So ...
telometto's user avatar
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1 answer

Know if the running version of a program is the one on disk

How can I know if the version of a program which is currently running is the one residing on disk, or if it is an older version (that may have been replaced, e.g., by an upgrade?)
a3nm's user avatar
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simple sum in Excel but replacing one of the addends in its own cell

Am an Excel novice and have looked in several MS office books I got from the library but none say how to do the following, and I've performed a couple of general internet searches to no avail as well ...
Ironword's user avatar
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Automatically replace files in destination when dropping zip into batch

I'm using the following code in a batch to unzip files to a specific destination. What can I add in order to have the extracted files automatically overwrite the existing files? @echo off setlocal cd ...
Adweno's user avatar
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How to copy an entire server into another server?

I have two Linux servers, A and B. I want to transfer all the data from server A onto B, but I don't want to overwrite any server configurations on server B. What would be the safest and most optimal ...
Jason Chhay's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Windows media player overwrite on new edited playlist

I don't know what's wrong with Windows Media Player metadata over playlists. When I trying to relocate some new songs to its new location using notepad++ (So that it could find and play them), ...
Armin's user avatar
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1 answer

Netbeans continually prompts to reload / overwrite files on samba share

This is something that has been bugging me for ages. When running Netbeans on windows (I've seen this problem in netbeans from before version 7 and in version 8.0) and saving files on a samba share ...
m3z's user avatar
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1 answer

is there a way to prespecify to overwrite files with same name?

Connections to network drives are ridiculously slow (e.g. 15kb/sec on really good days) and when I'm copying files I leave my desk. My problem is when there is a file with the same name to be ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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MySQL ODBC Debugging to myodbc.sql overwrites file instead of appending new queries

I am using the MySQL ODBC driver on a Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit box. I enabled the debug feature on the odbc driver using the ODBC administrator at %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe It does write ...
cohortq's user avatar
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1 answer

Recover overwritten external hard-drive

I had some data in my external hard drive (eHD), and performed a dd to backup my ubuntu filesystem onto the eHD. I thought it would maintain the data that was previously there, plus the backup. ...
random's user avatar
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1 answer

How to find the original content when the folder is already "replaced"?

I'm new to mac and I made a big mistake. I was trying to back up internal HD (macbook pro). While I wanted to save what was on internal HD's "Folder A", there was already a folder named "Folder A" on ...
Krystof's user avatar
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