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Questions tagged [oracle]

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I am running oracle23c on Oracle Linux 8.8. When I run dnf, I get the following error. What is the solution to this?

I am running oracle23c on Oracle Linux 8.8. When I run dnf, I get the following error. I tried dnf update --skip-broken --nobest but no luck. What is the solution to this? Last metadata expiration ...
Thelappillil Linson's user avatar
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Why can't Notepad in Window 11 save a .ora file?

I'm having a challenge editing a sqlnet.ora file in my Oracle network/admin folder with the build in notepad.exe in Windows 11 Whenever I try to save the file, Notepad insists on appending .txt to it. ...
BIBD's user avatar
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How to fix cannot connect to host: dial tcp: lookup ubuntu@####: no such host

I use oracle cloud infrastructure. I was trying to connect thorough ssh and I got this error "cannot connect to host: dial tcp: lookup ubuntu@####: no such host". I have checked everything. ...
KafeelGamer's user avatar
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How do i get fast path installed for my jd edwards admin account? i need to add a new user

i was given documentation to add a new user. It says type in 'users' in fast path then a screen to first search if the new user exists then to add. but i dont have fast path. how do i get it
Philky001's user avatar