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Questions tagged [openstack]

OpenStack is a massively scalable cloud operating system

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43 votes
2 answers

What is OpenStack? And how can it be used?

What is OpenStack? I have tried to understand what OpenStack is but I can't penetrate the shield of marketing buzz words that surrounds everything that is called "the cloud". I would be happy if ...
Johan's user avatar
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How to add PEM file as SSH private key to "known hosts"

I have Ubuntu desktop, and I have been given a PEM file (mykey.pem) that is the SSH private key for a Linux server. I am trying to figure out where this PEM file needs to be placed locally on my ...
smeeb's user avatar
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4 votes
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Windows port forwarding, local machine to server

I'm working on Windows 8. I'm trying to connect to an OpenStack cloud which is hosted on a remote server but has a public IP to the API. However, making API calls require calls to additional services ...
little.toblerone's user avatar
3 votes
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Cyberduck limits itself to 5 connections with "Maximum allowed connections exceeded"

I'm uploading multiple files to SWIFT (Softlayer ObjectStorage) using CyberDuck. Cyberduck limits itself to 5 active uploads at a time and queues the rest. The other uploads are listed as "Maximum ...
Leo's user avatar
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Relationship between OpenStack and Xen

Xen is an open source virtualization platform that allows you to install a bare metal hypervisor on a machine, which turns it into a host for other guest VMs. I can't really understand what OpenStack/...
smeeb's user avatar
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cloud-init how to run a curl before and after every non runcmd

This is my default cloud-init package_update: true package_upgrade: true users: - name: sammy ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1... sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'] groups: ...
Kim Stacks's user avatar
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Packstack Issues with External Networking and Floating IP Addresses

I've been working on getting a packstack configuration set up for a little while now, but have been left scratching my head here and could use any and all pointers for this one. The issue: Outbound ...
Tyler's user avatar
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openstack ansible deployment fail after creating lxc containers while running apt-get update command inside container

The openstack ansible created containers where running but they don't have access to internet. When I manually add routing then I get following error: Err:1 bionic ...
rakeshz's user avatar
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ping: : Name or service not known - while pinging a valid ip

Well, This appears to be a known issue to many but I've applied many of the workarounds I found online but none of them worked! I'm running packer from a docker container to build an image on ...
harshavmb's user avatar
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Convert qcow2 image to vSphere VMDK

As I have EC2 Metadata working on my vSphere (6.5) cluster, I'd like to import Cloud images to it, such as Ubuntu or CoreOS. But they come in .qcow2 or .img (for CoreOS, which I believe is also qcow2)...
Hakujou's user avatar
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"curl" ignores proxy environment variable when using an ip address?

I am using curl to access some web services through a proxy (an instance of polipo running on port 8123, chained to an ssh SOCKS5 proxy). If I provide proxy information using the http_proxy ...
larsks's user avatar
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Where to get an Ubuntu image for OpenStack running on XenServer

So... I installed XenServer 6.2. I installed OpenStack via DevStack ( It successfully configured the OpenStack dashboard. I ...
Hugo Sereno Ferreira's user avatar
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cloud-init services not starting after reboot

cloud-init services not starting after reboot. I am using Suse 15 and my instance is running on openstack cloud. OS details: NAME="SLES" VERSION="15" VERSION_ID="15" PRETTY_NAME="SUSE Linux ...
abhay srivastava's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to Start the libvirt-bin

When I try to start libvirtd using libvirtd I get this error message: 2014-05-06 14:12:36.148+0000: 13246: info : libvirt version: 1.2.2 2014-05-06 14:12:36.148+0000: 13246: error : ...
Beginner's user avatar
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Cannot ping from one physical machine's internal network to another physical machine's external network

I wanted to know why I am not able to ping from a physical machine's network interface (a private network) to another physical machine (this one has two network interfaces: a private interface that ...
Hector's user avatar
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How to start after installing OpenStack

I have installed OpenStack following the tutorial from here I want to know that how can I deploy simple PHP application using Apache Hadoop on OpenStack? Any reference?
Umair Ayub's user avatar
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OpenStack Heat - External Network Creation

Is it possible to create HOT file which creates external network ? In doc there are only Net and ProviderNet resources with no "external" property so I assume you cannot do it explicitly. Regards, ...
wojtekM's user avatar
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OVS bridge not receiving all packets from a Physical port

In a two OVS-DPDK compute node environment, im trying to forward/mirror one of the VM traffic from compute1 to compute2 through vxlan tunnel (userspace). Im getting all the mirrored packets at the ...
ANISH's user avatar
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CEPH volumes are full, hard to understand where the data is used

We are using CEPH as backend for our OpenStack installation. Since two weeks, we see that we are nearly (and now) full on our volumes: $ ceph df GLOBAL: SIZE AVAIL RAW USED %RAW ...
Sylvain Desbureaux's user avatar
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Openstack - errors in web interface

I have an openstack server, where I deployed 2 VMs. Occasionally I cannot see my VMs (instances) via the web. It looks as if there are no instances, although there are. It's inconsistent. Sometimes I ...
Joe A's user avatar
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OpenStack DNS query reply from unexpected source (wrong port)

I had some problem with the DNS queries. I setted security groups (now every traffic is allowed in theory). The DNS servers are and, setted by subnetwork. When I start a DNS query ...
Bence Balogh's user avatar
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Connecting Libvirt VM's (Domain XML config) to OpenVSwitch

I'm trying to learn OVS and KVM, and generally make sense of basic bridge networking in the virtual world (i.e. between OVS, the VM Host and KVM/Libvirt guests). I'm using ClearLinux (systemd based) ...
Chris's user avatar
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Integrate altavault with openstack swift

I want to configure OpenStack Swift (Object storage) as Cloud Provider on Netapp AltaVault with Authentication Method as Username/Password. To integrate AltaVault with OpenStack Swift, what do I ...
Magesh's user avatar
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Internet access on internal network with IPTables

On a private cloud I am setting up, I have a a few RHEL VMs, networks, and a router on openstack. My router is connected to the public internet and my gateway node is connected to the router and has ...
keysersoze's user avatar
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How to set up networking for lxc containers in OpenStack?

I am working on a setup of OpenStack using LXC containers for virtualization. I can launch instances (at least the instance log reports so). However, I can neither ping them nor connect to them via ...
Martin's user avatar
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How to convert qcow2 to VMDK in openstack kilo

I was trying to convert qcow2 to vmkd in Openstack Kilo version using the qemu img convert. qemu-img convert -f qcow2 osname.qcow2 -O vmdk osnamenew.vmdk But the converted image while booting in ...
user3162395's user avatar
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noVNC console on Openstack Dashboard is rendering garbled UI on RHEL7

I am running nova-compute on RHEL7. Openstack dashboard's noVNC console is rendering garbled UI for any instance having a UI console. Can somebody please help out? This is working just fine on RHEL65
Abhishek Srivastava's user avatar
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Program xxx tried to read /dev/mem between xxxxxx->xxxxxx

I've got a program that runs on RHEL 6.5 perfectly fine on a virtual machine generated with OpenStack. But since I updated my version of OpenStack (from Mirantis fuel 5.0 to 6.0) I have a new instance ...
mguerin's user avatar
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Nested virtualization on (OpenStack on ESXi on Windows)

For the last few weeks I have been reading a lot about OpenStack, Cloud Computing, virtualization, VMware tools and I have decided to try it. I would like to install, configure it and try it to see ...
RobertP's user avatar
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Copy/Backup VirtualMachine when suspended - VMWare WorkStation 10

Is there any method to backup/copy Virtual Machine to another location for the cause of safety without powering-off?, with suspended mode? Actually I have OpenStack(a cloud computing OS) installed ...
Umair Ayub's user avatar
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nova-compute libvirt x86_64 emulator Error

I was trying to install openstackin Ubuntu12.04 server. I find that Nova-compute is not getting started and the error is the below. I followed some of the suggestions in various forums, but nothing ...
Beginner's user avatar
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DevStack across reboot

I'd like to know how to make DevStack persistent and work across reboot. I know some service do not automatically start since it's not made for production use. But I'd like to be able to do stuff on ...
Spredzy's user avatar
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setup br100 and nova network fixed ip range

This is my situation: An ESXi 5.0 Server (I'm doing a project for my BD); A pool with 2 VM (1 controller node and 1 compute node) Ubuntu 13.04 amd64 Server installed on both VM The controller IP is ...
polslinux's user avatar
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Can VMware run on top of a OpenStack VM?

Our project has resources on an OpenStack cloud and needs to run an application that according to the application developers 'can only run on VMware' until a future release which will also run on ...
Duncan's user avatar
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Will OpenStack's Folsom release be supported on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS?

OpenStack Essex is the version of OpenStack being placed on the current LTS of Ubuntu, but it doesn't include Quantum which has some great networking improvements for OpenStack. This is coming in the ...
flickerfly's user avatar
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Assinging RAM to Virtual machines

I'm working on OpenStack Cloud. I have two VM's. On both I have installed CentOS 7. I have setup one VM as the controller node and the other as the compute node. I have two questions: Can I assign ...
aCoder's user avatar
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Openstack provider network unable to connect to internet or external network

I have a controller and a compute node. I did a complete step by step installation of Victoria on Ubuntu 20.04. Configured a 192.168.4.x ip for controller and compute on eno1 interface. And also ...
Bilal Yahya's user avatar
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Error appeared during Puppet run:

Error in installation after running the command packstack --allinone : [root@cloud abedahmed]# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from dub08s02-in-f67.1e100....
Ab uph's user avatar
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virt-sparsify doesn't reduce image size

I am trying to reduce image size using dd conv=sparse, but no matter what I do, the image size is still huge. I have a CentOS image which is around 136GB. The main reason it being so big is that it ...
CSLser's user avatar
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How to install DevStack when firewall blocks git

I have been following the guide at but always errors: ... [Call Trace] ./ /opt/stack/devstack/functions-common:538:git_timed /opt/...
reukiodo's user avatar
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Setting up OpenStack environment on virtual machines

I am learning OpenStack for almost a week. After reading most of OpenStack wiki, my mind still blurry at some point. However it is said OpenStack nodes could be installed on virtual machines (VMs) for ...
aiternal's user avatar
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How to recover SSH private key pair on OpenStack

I've been using a virtual machine on OpenStack, and I lost my RSA private key. Is there anyway I can get to access this virtual machine? Of course, without using the RSA key. I was thinking about ...
Rubens's user avatar
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Wireguard: Communicating with the peer through one interface and sending it through another

I am sorry if this is a trivial question. I've spent the last 3 days trying to sort this problem out, so I've certainly tried to find a solution myself. I have a host with two network interfaces that ...
Dreamplay's user avatar
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Can't reach host on internal network

I have 3 hosts running on the same Proxmox node with two network interfaces each. The first network interface on each node is on the subnet with being the default gateway ...
Losraio's user avatar
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Openstack Storage unresponsive

This question is unrelated to the question I just asked about OpenStack metadata server. This is another setup, on other machines and they both are clearly not connected to one-another. I setup ...
Nykau's user avatar
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compute does not forward packets coming from bridge

linux box (eth0) <-> (eth0) Compute1 (br-ex) <-> VM Ping works from to without problems, however ping from to ...
maiky's user avatar
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Control a VM qcow Golden Image networking (bonds)

I'm maintaining a single qcow "Golden Image" that is going to be used to test various networking configurations. Mainly: 1 interface 2+ interfaces in different networks bonds I've been ...
Maxim_united's user avatar
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Openstack Heat install [ERROR: All heat engines are down.]

I have successfully installed OpenStack Victoria on Ubuntu 20.04. After installing heat using this guide and verifying using same ...
Bilal Yahya's user avatar
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Cant ssh or ping OpenStack instances from other devices on network

I have done a DevStack installation of OpenStack on a server. I have added ICMP and SSH rules to the security group. And have made instances on it. I can ssh and ping these instances from the host ...
Bilal Yahya's user avatar
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Ubuntu VM Failed Package Upgrade due to No space left on device: Troubleshoot for Root Cause and Solutions?

After a failed attempt to upgrade MySQL server on a Ubuntu VM, it seems to have ate up any remaining partition space reading /usr/share/mecab/dic/ipadic/Noun.csv ... 60477 reading /usr/share/mecab/...
JHsilver's user avatar