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Questions tagged [nvidia-gamestream]

For questions related to NVidia Gamestream, a proprietary technology developed for streaming to NVidia's shield series devices, and supported on various platforms through the "Moonlight" project.

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Will upgrading my secondary router improve Wi-Fi speed?

I have an issue with the Wi-Fi signal in my room from my primary router which is in the living room. So I laid down an ethernet cable from the living room to my room and a mate of mine gave me an old ...
Senal Perera's user avatar
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Periodic stuttering when streaming games from PC to Galaxy S7

Using a Galaxy S7, I am suffering heavy stuttering when using game streaming apps in the form of skipped audio and video every 3 seconds. It works stutter-free with the Motorola Moto G (2013) and the ...
kdb's user avatar
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How can I lock a guest user into a game environment?

Basically I'm looking to share my gaming PC with a friend but only in a way that would let him play my games without accessing any of my other files, parts of my OS / desktop environment Windows 10 ...
ProprietaryCloudGaming's user avatar