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Questions tagged [networkmanager]

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26 votes
7 answers

How to force Network Manager to rescan connections?

How to force Network Manager in Ubuntu to rescan wireless connections? After closing my laptop, network manager does not see new wireless connections. Is there any bash command to force rescan? sudo ...
takeshin's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Make NetworkManager prefer ethernet over wifi if both present

A similar question was asked for windows Automatically prefer Ethernet over WLAN but I'm on linux and am using NetworkManager. Right now if the ethernet cable is plugged in and is available while ...
Fetchinson0234's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

NetworkManager timeout and "ip-config-unavailable" on Ethernet

I cannot get this laptop, Craptop, to connect to the Internet using the eth0 interface, but it can connect using the wlan0 interface. NetworkManager, managing eth0, times out when trying to find a ...
Deltik's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Not authorized to control networking in SSH console

I want to control Network manager from the command-line. This worked well enough in Ubuntu 10.04 (with cnetworkmanager, nmcli is another possible choice). Since the upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 however, a ...
epsicot's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Disabling networkmanager for a specific interface

I'd like to do some experimentation with hostap without disabling my primary wireless interface. How do I tell networkmanager to keep its hands off a specific interface or interfaces while allowing it ...
bdonlan's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

How to force NetworkManager to make a connection before login?

I leave my laptop at home 95% of the time. I would like it to connect to my wireless network without me having to login. And, just as important, I'd like it NOT to DISconnect when I log off. I'm ...
JCCyC's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Where are Wireless Profiles stored in Ubuntu

Where does Ubuntu store profiles that allow it to remember the credentials to private wireless networks that it has previously authenticate to and used? I just replaced my Uncle's hard drive with a ...
LonnieBest's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

VPN through NetworkManager in Debian?

I just switched over to Debian from Ubuntu and I can't seem to figure out how to add a VPN connection through network manager. When I select the VPN tab from Edit Connections the Add button is ...
Jason George's user avatar
9 votes
8 answers

Disabling NetworkManager on RHEL 7

I was setting up a RHEL7 server in vmware vSphere and I'm having trouble getting it on the network without NetworkManager. I configured the server to have a static IP during the install process and it ...
Andrew's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How do I setup a Gnome 3.2 VPN connection (Fedora 16)

I just switched to Gnome 3 on a new laptop to try it out. Lots of things are different, but I think I can get used to them. But I'm having a real problem trying to figure out how to get the new ...
mpeters's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to configure a new NetworkManager connection from a shell script/command line?

I've tried to find a way to configure a new connection manageable by NetworkManager using a terminal/shell script all day long, but I've been unsuccessful. The reason is that I have a lot of openvpn ...
Filippo Cremonese's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

NetworkManager-fortivpn - adding 'trusted-cert' to config file

Good day. I'm trying to use the package that Ubuntu supplies for Fortivpn. So far as I can tell, it's a plugin for NetworkManager which wraps openfortivpn. The issue I'm having is that I can't seem ...
LukeStoneHm's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Static IP Address with NetworkManager for Fedora

I just wanted to set up a static IP address for a fedora 19 machine in my LAN. I'm used to /etc/network/interfaces from debian but that file doesn't exist here. After googling around a little bit, I ...
wullxz's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do I control the order in which NetworkManager brings up connections?

I have a server running Fedora 28. I've created six connections using nmcli. I would like for these connections to be brought up in a certain order each time the system boots. How do I do this? When ...
ADS103's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

is there a way to prevent network manager from storing the password for a wireless network

Our corporate wireless network uses continuously changing passwords with RSA tokens. So every time we need to connect to the wireless we need to enter a new password off the RSA token. For extra fun ...
Gordon Wrigley's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

How to get dhclient and/or NetworkManager to remove old client lease files?

My company produces IoT devices attached via USB, which contain a cell modem module, which contains a DHCP server. We have a production testing server running Ubuntu 14.04 and another server running ...
studog's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Openconnect certificate validation with NetworkManager

On my Cinnamon (linux) desktop, I have setup an openconnect VPN connection in NetworkManager. When connecting, I don't seem to have any issues: the connection is established and network traffic is ...
JPW's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How do I make persistent changes with nmcli in non interactive mode?

What is the correct way of making nmcli commands persistent? For example: nmcli device modify eth0 ipv4.method auto works but if I reboot the machine this is lost. I know about interactive nmcli> ...
sorin's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Retrieve wpa_supplicant configuration generated by NetworkManager

I'm trying to debug a NetworkManager-powered wireless connection. It works when I feed wpa_supplicant with a custom wpa_supplicant.conf file written by me, but when I configure NetworkManager with the ...
Giovanni Mascellani's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Default gateway disappears from routing table

I use NetworkManager (Arch Linux) on my laptop in order to connect to wireless networks. I use the official GNOME GUI. Everything works fine, but after half an hour or so the network is still ...
darwish's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Each time I boot into Arch Linux I must use the terminal to connect to a network. How can I fix this?

I recently installed Arch Linux and am having issues getting the network manager set up. I am able to sudo wifi-menu and connect to a router, but these settings are not preserved through a reboot. ...
sherrellbc's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Add a hook to run when NetworkManager connects

What would be a good way to make a script run every time my computer connects to the network in Ubuntu? Would I somehow use dbus to do this? Background: when I'm on the train I run a short Perl ...
rplevy's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to boot into command-line mode and keep other services unchanged

I want to configure my Ubuntu installation to boot into a command-line prompt instead of the Gnome Desktop Environment. I ran the below command to effect this: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove It ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Not able to spoof MAC address in Kali Linux

The MAC address is spoofed when the network interface is down or not connected to any AP. But as soon as I connect to any access point it changes the spoofed MAC address to the original address. I ...
levi1696's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Network connection failed :unknown reason:

Im on RHEL, and found that my VPN stopped working. I discovered that I could use the command line utility, nmcli, to try to get more info about what was happening. However, Im finding that the ...
jayunit100's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

How to get my Linux Wi-Fi to reliably roam from AP to AP

I'm trying to get my Linux to reliably roam from AP to AP. Right now I'm using iwlwifi - iwd - NetworkManager combo to manage everything and apart from roaming everything works reasonably well and I'm ...
vWv's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

ArchLinux Xfce4 - NetworkManager keeps asking for password

I've recently installed ArchLinux with Xfce4 and NetworkManager on an Eeepc 1005HA. NetworkManager is mostly fine - it auto-connects to ethernet and will auto-connect for wifi too if the connection is ...
Ben Catterall's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu: Missing network interface and no UI

I'm running 14.04.5 and somehow my system got into a state where my nVidia drivers, lightdm, and all window managers seemed to contribute to a broken graphical system. So, I uninstalled all of it ...
Dustin Oprea's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Have to restart NetworkManager to get wifi autoconnect

I'm running Antergos (Arch) with KDE Plasma, all works but from last couple of days I have a network problem: wifi doesn't autoconnect. I use NetworkManager. Well, in fact, it autoconnects, but only ...
rivamarco's user avatar
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1 answer

nm-applet doesn't use appindicator

I've been trying enlightenment as DE in Debian Jessie. Unfortunately, they dropped the xembed support in E20, so only libappindicator-aware applications show up on the systray. Theoretically, nm-...
Imanol Barba Sabariego's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can I find out IP adresses of DHCP clients when I setup internet connection sharing with Network Manager (Linux)?

I sometimes configure routers with my laptop and use connection sharing with Network manager and so my laptop acts as DHCP server. I then need to connect (via ssh usually) to the servers that are DHCP ...
sup's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

NetworkManager - changing global DNS server

So, to start off, this question isn't about the per-connection DNS setting NetworkManager has - this has many answered questions already and is well documented. What I'm asking about is how to change ...
Zaroth's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu Network Manager and VLAN

On Ubuntu I set up a VLAN on eth5 as eth5.1451. I want to configure it using network manager(nm-applet), but network manager does not see the newly created VLAN? Is there a way to make NM recognize it?...
whoi's user avatar
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0 answers

Linux network manager getting two ip addresses instead of one

I have a problem that when I connect to network using NetworkManager in Linux (doesn't happen when using wpa_supplicant but I don't like it) it gets two IPv4 addresses that show up as for example 192....
Julian's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

NetworkManager defined HotSpot, can't connect from Android phone

The initial situation is quite simple: I create a hotspot in a Linux machine: nmcli dev wifi hotspot con-name "John" (see below for the complete script) I show the password (and QR code) ...
jcoppens's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Network stopped working on Ubuntu after system had locked up

My main PC has AN Athlon X2 4600+ on an Asus M2npv-vm. Has been working fine for ages running Ubuntu. Today it the system locked up and I had to do a reset. Since then it will not connect to the ...
Steve's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

nmcli cloned-mac-address for *all* connections

How can I clone the mac address on my linux system using the nmcli command such that it's cloned for all wifi connections? I'm having issues with Network Manager overriding the mac address that I set ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I make a network-manager profile without tying it to a MAC address?

I want to make an SD card image (Raspberry Pi) that is set up to connect to a certain WiFi network using network-manager (such that it automatically reconnects). However, each different device has a ...
Pepijn's user avatar
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1 answer

NetworkManager fails to start gsm connection

I am trying to configure a gsm modem connection in linux using NetworkManager. The details of the modem are as follows: # mmcli -m 0 /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0 (device id '...
ralfe's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

NetworkManager icon on notification area is not present

I have noticed that recently the NetworkManager icon is not present on the notification area plugin on my XFCE panel after every fresh login; however, I am able to see its notifications and it in fact ...
arielnmz's user avatar
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How can I get an OpenVPN connection to correctly proxy DNS?

I have a vpn connection I use to connect to work. It works almost perfectly, here is how I connect: sudo openvpn --config [email protected] Unfortunately the DNS doesn't seem to work, so ...
Frew Schmidt's user avatar
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NetworkManager doesn't start automatically

On one of the machines that I have Ubuntu installed NetworkManager has to be started manually by me (sudo NetworkManager start - as far as I remember). It is a bit inconvenient to be forced to start ...
Maciek Talaska's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

iptables and NetworkManager on Ubuntu

I want to use iptables configuration on my Ubuntu 10.0.4 desktop, however I read that Network Manager and iptables have some conflicts. Should I uninstall NetworkManager? If yes, how? https://help....
Pablo's user avatar
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2 answers

Disabling ‘Connect Automatically” in Ubuntu 10.04

Does anybody know how to disable the “Connect Automatically” feature in Network Connections\Wired\Auto eth0\Edit from the command line (Ubuntu 10.04)?
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2 votes
1 answer

Primary/secondary ethernet interfaces via NetworkManager in Ubuntu 9.10

I have an Ubuntu 9.10 machine with three ethernet interfaces, eth0, eth1 and eth2. eth2 is connected to a private network. eth0 and eth2 are connected to two different LANs. Either one will provide ...
Josh's user avatar
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Prevent networkmanager to disable an interface if dhcp timeout when mixed dhcp and fixe ip configuration

I need to find a way for a computer to have both a fixed ip address AND have be a dhcp client on the same interface. So far it works great, I am using Debian 11 and NetworkManager. The problem, is ...
iXô's user avatar
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2 answers

Bonding two wifi interfaces using NetworkManager

I've got two different adapters connecting to the same Network with different speeds. I aim to join their bandwidth since my ISP's bandwidth is far more than what they both receive. I use ...
Parsa Noori's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

change wifi connection with network-manager(nmcli) and user www-data

I initalially asked this question with a wrong user. I got closer to the result but still have no success. When I execute sudo -H -u www-data bash -c 'nmcli d wifi connect "SSID" password "password" ...
Richard Burkhardt's user avatar
2 votes
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Run commands when attaching to a specific network (NetworkManager?)

I have a few mount commands that I want to run on connecting to a specific network. So far I've tried using NetworkManager's dispatch functionality, inspecting the UUID: uuid=7047cbdb-6477-4f1b-8796-...
Magnus's user avatar
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How to automatically enable wifi 4addr (WDS) mode before connecting to specific SSID or network?

I have a laptop on which I have setup a bridge interface between the Ethernet and WiFi devices in order to connect non-WiFi devices to the network before they go into their final, wired, position. I ...
wutr's user avatar
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