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23 votes
11 answers

Inverse multiplexing to speed up file transfer

I have send a large amount of data from one machine to another. If I send with rsync (or any other method), it will go at a steady 320kb/sec. If I initiate two or three transfers at once, each will go ...
ZimmyDubZongyZongDubby's user avatar
23 votes
9 answers

Can nginx serve SSH and HTTP(S) at the same time on the same port?

Context I have a personal server that I use for the web. I sometimes need to SSH/SFTP to it. Disclamer: I have very little experience with nginx internals. Problem This morning, I figured out ...
JohnW's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

What are the differences between multiplexing using tmux/screen and opening tabs in a terminal emulator?

I am trying to compare these two methods of running multiple shells/processes by measuring memory and cpu usage via htop. Can someone explain the differences in how each method functions, or if ...
abdelmak's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What does the "mux" option in VLC media player do?

When I use VLC media player to stream a video file with the command line, I have to tell, what kind of "mux" I prefer: vlc --network-caching=1000 -vvv <file> --sout '#http{mux=ts,dst=:8080}' ...
Julian F.'s user avatar
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3 answers

What does "address data multiplexing" and "bus buffering" mean?

In my notes, I keep coming across two terms which are confusing me while looking through my notes on the 8085 processor. The first is address data multiplexing. What is meant by this exactly? I ...
Meredith Brooks's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

ssh X11 forwarding issue

I have put ForwardX11 in my ~/.ssh/config and then I start a X11 application like this: ssh -f user@host 'someapp; sleep 1' This works fine. The application someapp has a button which opens a ...
user1863's user avatar
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1 answer

Show commands running in background in tmux pane

Quite often I send nvim, ranger or other applications to background with Ctrl+z and then forget in which exactly pane it was open - brute-forcing tens of panes is quite tedious task. Is there ...
chuwy's user avatar
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0 answers

Invoking a local command on every successful connect when using ssh multiplexing?

I'd like to automatically run a command every time I successfully connect to a remote host via ssh. I can do this for the first connection to each host using the PermitLocalCommand yes and ...
Shabble's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to stretch a shorter audio track to fit longer video with Audacity

I've demuxed an audio commentary track from a DVD release of a movie. My plan is to mux this commentary track back into a Blu-Ray version of the movie. However, the problem is that the Blu-Ray is 4 ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Multiple video filters in FFmpeg

I want to add a PNG watermark and then scale my video. I may add more filters. This is my FFmpeg command. sweb@sweb-laptop:/tmp$ ffmpeg -i Wildlife.wmv -sn -acodec libvorbis -vcodec libvpx -b:a 128k -...
Mohammad Hossein Fattahizadeh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Error in multi streaming output to RTMP

I intend to create multiple stream output - 1 to RTMP and the other as mp4 file as below: /var/lib/snapd/snap/bin/ffmpeg -i rtmp://$key -i /home/apache/logo.png -f image2 -loop 1 -...
Jason Lin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to use ffmpeg to rip audio from mp4 and add it to another

I created a video using Final Cut Pro X (10.1.4) and added a commentary using the voiceover feature. I was surprised to discover that FCPX does not support outputting a file with multiple audio ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

embed srt into mp4/m4v

i have an converted .mp4 video file (or .m4v) + an .srt file. Is there a way for me to embed this .srt file into that mp4 file without running a complete convertion?
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I remux FLV movies from YouTube (e.g. into MKV)?

For some obscure reason, I have some video files I downloaded from YouTube as FLV rather than in another format. I would like to re-mux them into, say, MKV (Matroska). When trying to use ffmpeg, I get ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Streaming A/V: who gets multiplexed and encoded, where and when?

I was perusing the list of VLC's supported video/audio formats and I realized that I actually know very little about streaming media. When a streaming media feed contains both audio and video, how do ...
pnongrata's user avatar
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1 answer

How to multiplex two videos with ffmpeg

I'm converting videos using the -s option for multiple resulutions and I want to include a short intro at the begining of the video. but for some reason it skips the second -i so i'm only getting the ...
user2783132's user avatar
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1 answer

Multiplexing Internet connections

I'm looking for some way to multiplex my internet connections so that I can use them simultaneously. I have a wi-fi/lan connection and a USB dongle that let me connect to the internet, Now the wi-fi/...
ffledgling's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How multiple connections with a single port are maintained

After reading about packet and circuit-switching, I've learned that servers maintain multiple connections with a port by passing down an established client connection to a child process; and that all ...
Griffin's user avatar
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2 answers

ffmpeg -to with multiple inputs

I'm trying to modify a script from How to download portion of video with youtube-dl command I want to specify an ending timestamp with -to rather than the duration with -t. However it is not working. ...
Tom Huntington's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Multiplexing video and audio with FFMPEG from sub-directories using a Windows Batch Script

I'm trying to figure out a batch script (windows based) which will allow me to multiplex some .m2v and .wav files that exist in a load of sub-directories (within one single main directory). They need ...
DMtd's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the relationship between multiplexer and terminal?

Recently, I learned there's this tmux tool. in wiki, it defines tmux is a terminal multiplexer and I kinda get the idea of what it is capable of. But I'm a little confused about the relationship ...
Aaron Shen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Fixing an unmuxed image/jpeg stream from webcam using gstreamer

I made a broken footage using the following pipeline: gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! filesink location=encode.mjpeg Somehow gstreamer can still play it back: gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=encode.mjpeg !...
nponeccop's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I multiplex a video and audio stream?

I have a seperate video and audio stream (coming from IPWebcam on an android device), and would like to multiplex (and perhaps transcode) them into a single video file, using a linux server. How can I ...
askvictor's user avatar
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1 answer

Kitty terminal: How can I attach to a zellij session upon starting up Kitty

I want zellij attach -c to run once Kitty is loaded up. I tried adding startup_session launch.conf to my config file, and writing kitty @ send-text "zellij attach -c" in launch.conf as well ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to extract all tracks from a DVD movie

I have a DVD movie that contains special features. I'd like to extract everything from the DVD in question as individual items - the special features in particular, but also audio tracks, subtitle ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Why does remuxing a VOB fix freezing issues?

I am currently transcoding video data from a Video DVD to x264 MP4 files, but the original MPEG-2 streams seem to have some strange problems. This video DVD is of a home-made digital TV recording (DVB-...
Daniel Saner's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Splitting an HTTP request into multiple byte-range requests

I have arrived at the unusual situation of having two completely independent Internet connections to my home. This has the advantage of redundancy etc but the drawback that both connections max out at ...
redpola's user avatar
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0 answers

synchronous and statistical time division multiplexing

Wiki Definitions: Statistical multiplexing is a type of communication link sharing, very similar to dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA). In statistical multiplexing, a communication channel is divided ...
Tyler Wall's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

RS232 switching matrix for multiple devices and PCs? [closed]

I have six pieces of equipment which con be controlled via RS232. I want to be able to select which pieces of equipment are connected to any one of my three computers at a given time. I know that I ...
Michael Mankus's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Setting up a multi monitor office status display

My office has a number of identical monitors laying around that will be trashed unless I can think of something to do with them. I was thinking of getting 2 of these and putting them in an extra box. ...
Mantas Vidutis's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

FFMPEG MultiPlex all video's to all audio's

(windows 10 64) I have seen & read MULTIPLE (50+) answers to forms of this question but not for what Im trying to do. I have a folder with 30+ short clips (few seconds each) mp4's I also have a ...
PHaRTnONu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Chromecast mDNS burst slowing down PCs

Starting a few weeks ago, at seemingly random intervals, 3 of 5 PCs will lag at the same time for a few seconds to the extent where mouse and keyboard input is delayed and VoIP calls are dropped. ...
mythofechelon's user avatar
0 votes
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FFMPEG: Mux Elementary stream: timestamps are unset

I try to mux a h264 elementary-stream and an aac audio-stream to a mp4-file with ffmpeg. The h264-stream was encoded with x264. The muxed mp4 plays fine. But ffmpeg allways throws the warning "...
FlintEastwood's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

SFTP with Google Authenticator for 2FA

For my servers I'm currently using Google Authenticator for 2-Factor Authentication over SSH and it works as it should. One issue that I have is that trying to connecting to my servers over SFTP using ...
Sven's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How is mpeg interleaved?

I need to know after how many frames of video the audio part starts for an mpeg file. So for example, first there are 5 frames of video and after that there are 10 audio samples. This would be ...
Dries's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

ConEmu reorder splits

I think this has not been asked before. Is it possible to reorder split panel areas within a tab group of running apps? For example; move split panel from top right to bottom left or move half split ...
dgo's user avatar
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0 answers

Cascading KVM switches

I have a not-so-small number of computers (say, 5) which I want to access with a single keyboard, USB and monitor. I can get an 8-port KVM switch, which is a pretty expensive piece of hardware; ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How can i have 8 input video signals on one screen

I have 5 video siganls coming from diff cameras. I want that i can attach them to one system which can show me all cameras on one TV screen I forget what to call that system so that i can find on ...
Mirage's user avatar
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How is HDDM (not RAM!) accessed, modified and addressed in modern computers? [closed]

Warning: yeah, I know that article of Wikipedia. It's just too difficult for me! I hope that there is some person who could explain it more simply... Background: I designed a 6-bit computer. It has ...
Mark Miller's user avatar