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Questions tagged [multi-boot]

Installation or use of multiple operating systems on a single computer.

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59 votes
15 answers

Hibernating and booting into another OS: will my filesystems be corrupted?

IMPORTANT If you came here looking for an answer to this question, please read all the answers below. There are some testimonials from people who have lost data doing this. If you plan to do this ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
54 votes
7 answers

Windows 10 Installation - A media driver your computer needs is missing

The most weird thing is happening to me: I have a hp notebook which has no internal DVD drive, so I installed via an external USB LG Blueray burner. First I installed Windows 10 customer preview into ...
Elmue's user avatar
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49 votes
8 answers

Does dual booting split RAM between the two systems?

I would like to install Kali Linux on my computer using dual booting. My computer has 8GB of RAM. Will that RAM be separated into 4GB for Kali Linux OS and 4GB for Windows if I use dual boot?
Dr. vales's user avatar
  • 669
44 votes
9 answers

Is it possible to dual boot two OS's at the same time?

Is it possible to dual boot two OS's at the same time? For example: I'm currently dual booting Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows 7. Ubuntu is running on a single 500gb HDD, Windows 7 is running on 1TB RAID 1 ...
James Hill's user avatar
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38 votes
8 answers

How to make a multiboot CD that will start a user-chosen ISO file

I have many CD ISOs downloaded from the Internet. They are each about 100 MB in size and consist of repair/diagnostic programs and other tools. Some of them are Linux-based; others are based on DOS ...
rsk82's user avatar
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37 votes
11 answers

Will my computer slow down if I install multiple operating systems?

Many of my friends have said that installing multiple operating systems on a single PC slows down individual OS's because the total RAM gets divided among the OS's. Is there any truth in the above ...
Green Noob's user avatar
35 votes
6 answers

Windows 10 time falling an hour behind when dual booting

I've checked and my BIOS clock stays correct so it can't be the CMOS battery. Also when I boot Windows 10 and the clock is an hour behind if I got and sync the clock with the time server it shows ...
jshbrntt's user avatar
  • 595
32 votes
1 answer

How can I add Linux to the new Windows 8 boot manager?

Which OSes can be put into the new bootloader that Windows 8 provides? It seems to be quite pretty and consistent with the rest of the new Windows 8 design, so it would be cool to put Linux (Ubuntu) ...
kluka's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

Windows reverting changes made by Linux to FAT32 partition

I have a laptop with dual-boot Windows 10 and Linux Mint 19 Tara installed to the internal M.2 SSD. Apart from all the OS-specific partitions, I have a 4 GB FAT32 partition on that SSD that I intended ...
Poohl's user avatar
  • 403
27 votes
3 answers

Are partitions to the inner/outer edge significantly faster

Some linux dual/multi-boot tutorials / general partitioning tutorials say that the inner side of a hard disk is faster than the outer side so partitions towards the outside tend to be slower while ...
user80551's user avatar
  • 451
26 votes
5 answers

Ubuntu 14.04 installer doesn't show existing partitions

I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 alongside Windows 7. I have a 500 GB hard disk split into 3 partitions. I am installing Ubuntu from a live USB drive. But I am stuck at the "Installation type" ...
toothie's user avatar
  • 361
26 votes
1 answer

Hibernate between OS X and Bootcamp Win 7

Is it possible to use the true hibernate system functionalities of Win 7 and OS X to create a kind of instant switching between the two? Imagine this when reading/writing the sleep images to a quick ...
Willem's user avatar
  • 584
25 votes
9 answers

What is it that makes some USB sticks not-bootable?

I recently got a 64GB USB stick and planned to make it a system repair multitool, with different Linux and Windows installers and live images, but I seem to have a USB stick that cannot be booted. ...
iFreilicht's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

How to boot a physical Windows partition with qemu?

I have gentoo and windows 7 installed alongside on my only hard drive. I want to start my windows install from within gentoo through qemu. Boot menu works fine but windows bluescreens on me soon after ...
McEnroe's user avatar
  • 371
22 votes
5 answers

What is the best drive format to share data between Mac, Linux and OS X?

Note: I'm not asking how... I know that. I'm currently using Paragon Software's drivers which let you access all drive formats from all OSes (e.g. the Linux drive from OSX or the OSX drive from Win7, ...
Mark A. Donohoe's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

How to configure dual boot NixOS with Mac OS X on an (U)EFI MacBook?

I could not find any description of configuring dual boot of NixOS and Mac OS X on an (U)EFI MacBook. I am willing to experiment, but i would like to know at least that what i will try is supposed to ...
Alexey's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How should I set up my dual-boot so that I can hibernate the secondary OS?

So, my previous setup was a triple-boot of Windows 7, wubi-integrated ubuntu, and then fedora on the last partition using LVM. I have tired of not being able to access my Windows files from ubuntu (...
WindowsEscapist's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

How do boot sectors and multiple drives works?

I don't fully understand the concept of a boot sector, I was hoping someone could clear this up for me. If you have two hard drives, with an OS installed on each, does each drive have its own boot ...
GiH's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Can Bitlocker be used in a dual boot system with Windows on one drive, Linux on another?

My workplace allows for remote logins to the company network, with certain prerequisites for securing a computer before making the connection, one of which is that Windows must be used to make the ...
bgvaughan's user avatar
  • 494
18 votes
2 answers

Windows 10 twice on the same machine

Is it possible to use two installations of Windows 10 on the same machine at the same time? One that you already have installed and holds critical apps that mustn't break One fresh installation for ...
Maral's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Create EFI partition before installing Windows 10

I'm currently using a dual boot setup on my laptop, with Windows 10 and Fedora and I'm planning to replace my HDD with an SSD for obvious reasons. I'll make a clean installation of both OS, but I've ...
Lolu's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Can Grub be configured to remember the last OS you booted into?

I typically have 2-3 OSes in my boot menu: Ubuntu 10.04 Windows 7 [Sometimes, a third option, such as Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook] If I am in an OS other than the default choice (Windows 7 in this case), ...
Matthew's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Windows/Linux dualboot: Windows asks for bitlocker recovery key every boot after reinstalling Linux

I had a working dual-boot with Windows 10, bitlocker encrypted, and Fedora 23, LUKS encrypted. When I turned it on I got the GRUB2 menu, and could boot Linux or Windows. Both OSes worked fine. Both ...
Åsmund's user avatar
  • 271
16 votes
10 answers

Software to switch between OS

My question might sound too weired and tricky, but is there any way (software/hardware) that I can use to switch between 2 OS without restarting my PC? Actually I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu installed ...
xorpower's user avatar
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16 votes
7 answers

What's the best way to share files between linux and windows 7 on a dual/multi boot computer?

Just got myself a new computer and thinking of how set it up. I have win7 HP and will probably install at least some version of Ubuntu on it shortly to have dual boot. Might come other Linux distros ...
Jonas G's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Finding Bluetooth link key in Windows 7, to double pair a device on dualboot computer

How can I dig up the Bluetooth link key for a paired device in Windows 7? Is this something that is dependent on the Bluetooth stack I'm using (Toshiba), or is there a generic place to store these in ...
Ilari Kajaste's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

How can I completely remove rEFInd from my Mac?

I installed rEFInd to have Ubuntu on an external drive, but no luck. Now I have decided to completely remove rEFInd from my Macbook Pro. I removed the folder /efi/, but the boot manager keeps ...
Alex Diaz's user avatar
  • 151
14 votes
1 answer

Multiple Windows installers on a USB stick

I've recently got my hands on one of those SanDisk Extreme 64GB sticks and started tinkering with it. During this story, please keep in mind that this is a model where removable bit is set to 0 (which ...
Gear54rus's user avatar
  • 321
14 votes
4 answers

Some questions regarding PXE servers and multi-booting

I currently work in a technology help desk for my college, where we fix the personal computers of all the students. We have hundreds of DVD's and CD's that we use to boot into all kinds of different ...
Adam S's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

How do I get the Windows 8 boot loader back and also list both Windows XP and Windows 7?

I have a system with Windows 7 and Windows XP, and today I have installed the Windows 8 Developer Preview into a spare partition (that I leave for a few months without any important data there). When ...
Edward's user avatar
  • 358
13 votes
4 answers

How to boot to Windows 7 from Windows 8 boot menu without a restart?

I have a dual-boot system with Windows 7 and Windows 8. When I start the machine it takes me to the new Windows 8 boot menu with the blue background. Basically it looks like this: If I ...
Chin's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Does Windows 8 allow multiboot when installing from a mounted ISO?

I just downloaded Windows 8 and am itching to install it. The installation says it will clean everything out. I assume (hope) that it only means I cannot transfer settings from my current OS and that ...
richardwiden's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to boot Windows 8.1 without its own bootmanager?

I have been trying to come up with an easier way of installing Windows and Linux dual booting on my laptop, not necessarily in that order. What we generally have to do is install Windows first, and ...
osolmaz's user avatar
  • 233
13 votes
2 answers

How to copy VirtualBox VDI contents to a partition and dual boot the OS from it?

I'm a Linux user but I keep a compressed Windows XP ISO with me on a pen drive for the case I absolutely need Windows to do something. This works in VirtualBox most of the time. But now I want to ...
Calmarius's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How can I add a BCD Boot Entry for Linux in Windows Boot Manager in EFI?

I have a Windows 10 Laptop booting in EFI mode. I currently have Windows 10 and Linux Mint installed. I want to be able to boot into Linux mint from Windows Boot Manager. The thing is, I kind of ...
ZeroSkill's user avatar
  • 187
12 votes
5 answers

Is it better to dual-boot or run a VM?

I want to run Windows Vista 64bit (Eventually Windows 7) and Ubuntu on the same machine. I want to play games and do graphic design in Windows. I want to write code, surf the internet, check email, ...
Robert Greiner's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

How do computers know which operating system to boot?

When I turn on my computer, what is the software that selects which operating system to boot, and how does it decide when given multiple options? More specifically, what if I have a computer with ...
Matthew Inbox's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Can I make USB drive bootable and install multiple OSes from it?

Is it possible to have USB drive bootable and place multiple ISOs like Windows 7.iso WindowXP.iso Ubuntu.iso RHEL.iso so that I can choose which OS to install?
Mirage's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

How to use bluetooth devices under two different operation systems?

I've got an magic mouse and an apple bluetooth keyboard. I usually run ubuntu on my computer, but sometimes I need to use windows 7 from an external disk. Whenever I boot into the other system I ...
Georg Schölly's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to have one MBR partition and one GPT partition on the same drive?

I would like to use one hard drive on an older computer that doesn't support UEFI, and have it boot from an MBR partition, while having another GPT partition which would be used to boot another ...
programstinator's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Sharing TrueCrypt partition between Windows and Ubuntu

I want to install dual boot with Windows and Ubuntu (Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.04 in this case) both sharing one partition for data with TrueCrypt. Is that possible? Would that work well? My plan would ...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How do you install Linux alongside Windows 8 without corrupting the Windows 8 boot configuration?

In order to install Linux Mint 14 alongside Windows 8 I disabled UEFI and booted to a flash drive with the Linux image. I installed Linux, restarted the computer, and the GRUB boot loader appeared. ...
grasingerm's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Run two operating systems on the same computer at the same time (no hosting)

I know that two operating systems can share the same computer through hosting. For example, WINE can host Windows, or vice versa, Virtual Box can host a Linux system on a Windows box, but in both ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What do I have to take care of when hibernating both Ubuntu and Windows (dual-boot environment)

I've got both Windows 7 and Ubuntu (finally) installed on my laptop. For the sake of comfort, I usually hibernate Windows instead of shutting it down. And I think when using Ubuntu regularly, there ...
Franz's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How do I move the Windows 7 Boot Files (bootmgr, ...) to a different drive?

I wanted a dual-boot setup. So first I installed Windows 7 on the 1st partition of one hard drive (we'll call it HDD1), and then I went to install Ubuntu 9.10 on the second partition of HDD1. ...
red.october's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Move Windows 10 partition to another location on the same drive and avoid boot problems

I an running Windows 10 on a 2 TB SSD. The drive partition layout looks like this: 01. 208 MB (no drive letter assigned) 02. 159.70 GB NTFS D: (Old Windows 7 installation partition) 03. 380.86 GB ...
qroberts's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Veracrypt full disk encryption multi-boot Windows 10 and two Linux Distro on same SSD with some shared folders?

Never tried something like that, but this would be my preferred setup. I dislike VMWare and Virtual Box because they are slow. Is this setup possible? And what would be the procedure to achieve this ...
Blackbam's user avatar
  • 417
10 votes
1 answer

Returning from Dual-boot to just Windows

I installed Ubuntu sometime back along side Vista, but later found that I rarely (if ever) use Ubuntu. How easy is it to return my computer to its initial state of having only one OS, and freeing up ...
Sampson's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to select which system to boot before rebooting, on a multi-boot UEFI system?

I'm wondering if there's a way to have a computer with UEFI and two different OSes installed (Windows 10 and Linux Mint 17.x in my case) where you don't have to wait for the system to shut down in ...
George T's user avatar
  • 398
10 votes
2 answers

Windows 7 + Ubuntu dual boot + UEFI BIOS

I received a new Lenovo T420 laptop with Windows 7. The disk now contains: a hidden SYSTEM_DRV boot partition (1.17GB, 400MB used). I'm guessing this is the UEFI partition; the laptop comes with ...
nick_uk's user avatar
  • 133

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