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Questions tagged [msys2]

MSYS2 ("minimal system 2") is a software distribution and a development platform for Microsoft Windows, based on Mingw-w64 and Cygwin, that helps to deploy code from the Unix world on Windows. -- Source:

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2 answers

MSYS2 and "At least one valid and enabled repository required for this action to succeed."

I have separate MSYS2 32-bit and 64-bit installed on a Windows 8.1 test machine. MSYS2 was acquired from the MinGW-64 download page. Each installation has developer tools installed like GCC, Git, GDB, ...
jww's user avatar
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Can the Windows %PROGRAMFILES(X86)% environment variable be accessed in Cygwin or Git Bash?

In Git Bash and Cygwin, I can easily access the Windows %PROGRAMFILES% environment variable: $ echo $PROGRAMFILES C:\Program Files $ echo ${PROGRAMFILES} C:\Program Files However, due to the ...
AJM's user avatar
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MSYS2 home folder: show ~

I've just installed MSYS2, and to have it use my Windows user folder as $HOME, I put this in /etc/bash.bashrc: HOME=$USERPROFILE And that works fine when I just run cd, except the prompt doesn't show ...
tacospice's user avatar
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Difference between msys2.exe and mingw64.exe in MSYS installation

I have an MSYS installation on my Windows machine. Inside the root folder, there are two executables: msys2.exe mingw64.exe (There is also a mingw32.exe but that is just the 32-bit version of ...
mydoghasworms's user avatar
4 votes
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Replace server address by IP in curl

I mean to use the IP instead of the server name, to directly curl a file from http://.... I am under Msys2, Win 10 (that's why post here and not in askubuntu, e.g.), but I guess it would be be the ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
3 votes
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MSYS shell in Windows Terminal Preview?

[EDITED to add:] It turns out that the actual problem here was a brainless typo I had made. The answer to my actual question is "yes, you just do the obvious thing and it works, if you aren't a moron"....
Gareth McCaughan's user avatar
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Compile in msys2 mingw64 with -m32 option

Inside a msys2 mingw64 shell, I would like to compile a software with the -m32 option in order to run in 32bit mode. I have installed mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain But when I compile with -m32, I have ...
Louis Caron's user avatar
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Why the shell of MSYS2 can find binary files without "exe" extension in the folder /usr/bin

In MSYS2, for the binary files in the folder /usr/bin, I find that I can call them by "name" or "name.exe". However, in the Windows file system, there are only binary files with &...
myy1966's user avatar
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hiding files with Windows "hidden" attribute in msys2 "ls"

I'm running msys2 on Windows 11: $ uname -a MINGW64_NT-10.0-22621 couch-potato 3.4.9.x86_64 2023-09-15 12:15 UTC x86_64 Msys And I have it configured to use my Windows home directory (/c/Users/<...
user31708's user avatar
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Poor SCP performance under windows

I'm seeing some performance issues with SCP under windows, in short, I'm maxing out at 61 MB/sec on a 1Gbps Ethernet connection. Now, Windows itself have detected the connection as 1Gbps, and I've ...
JustDanyul's user avatar
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How to resolve Windows-ish file paths too in MSYS2?

How can I configure MSYS2 to resolve Windows-ish paths as if they were MSYS-ish paths? For example one of dependency of my application fails to find a file at: Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\cca\...
ceremcem's user avatar
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Use mklink in MSYS2, with runas Administrator prompt?

I've seen Use mklink in msys - however, the answer there: cmd //c 'mklink link target' ... requires that you start a MSYS2 shell with administrative privileges first. What I would like instead, is ...
sdaau's user avatar
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Php can not be found on MSYS2

I am using Msys2 on windows10 $ pacman -Sl | grep 'pacman ' msys pacman 5.2.1-6 [インストール済み] Then,I tried to install php. $pacman -S php error: can't find target. : php There is no package php. $ ...
whitebear's user avatar
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Install paccache in Msys2 to clean installers storage

I mean to get rid of a large number of probably useless installers (I have currently 3.5Gb "immobilized") from my Portable Msys2 under Win10. I will probably keep the last version, at least of some ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
1 vote
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Stuck on "checking the maximum length of command line arguments..." when running make on MSYS2

I am working with an autotools project. It works on the CI however, when I run it on my work PC it freezes when running make checking for af77... no checking for xlf90... no checking for f90... no ...
JKRT's user avatar
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File permissions/ownership on network share in MSYS2 vs Cygwin?

I work on Windows 10, with both MSYS2 and Cygwin installed. For the most part I work with MSYS2 (or rather, MINGW64 shell in this case), and I generally do not have a problem accessing files on a ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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Bash terminals launched from windows UI have an invalid `!::=::\` variable set

When I run printenv one of the returned variables is !::=::\. I noticed that the variable exists because docker does not work correctly with it set. $ printenv | grep :: !::=::\ $ docker stack deploy ...
anderio Moga's user avatar
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How to install MSYS so that it recognizes non-MSYS binaries?

I have noticed that my MSYS bash doesn't "know" about the environment variables defined on my system. This means that if the folder C:\MyStuff\bin\ is in my path, and that folder contains ...
bzm3r's user avatar
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FFMpeg: How to get the real return value in bash

I've always used ffmpeg via a cmd-script and I always could check the %ERRORLEVEL% which was always '0' on success or '!0' if an error occured. I'm trying to recode my cmd-scripts in bash (using msys2 ...
lhksoft's user avatar
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Why is rsync so much slower than my Python script for syncing?

I have the following Python script that I sometimes use to mirror large directories (main logic for syncing is implemented within sync_directory()). It also tries to mirror other metadata such as file ...
j-gopal's user avatar
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Remove all QT packages using Pacman

I want to remove QT5 and QT6 from my MSYS install. MSYS uses Pacman as its package manager. Luckily, the packages I want to remove all follow a pattern in their name: mingw-w64-x86_86-qt5-* However, I ...
Tyler Shellberg's user avatar
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MSYS2 cannot be updated in winget

winget v1.4.10173 While performing winget upgrade --all I got the folowing result: Name Id Version Available Source --------------------------------------------------------...
pogurek's user avatar
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MSYS2 man: can't open the manpath configuration file /etc/man_db.conf

I'm on Windows 10 but using bash and MSYS2 (mingw64). I just installed man using MSYS2. The problem is when typing a command like man echo (can be any command; it doesn't have to be echo), I get this ...
Verpous's user avatar
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try compile ffmpeg with cuda 11.1 on window10 but get error when run make -j 8

I am trying to compile ffmpeg with cuda 11.1 on Windows. I run configure like this: ./configure --arch=x86_64 --target-os=mingw64 --enable-cuda --enable-cuvid --enable-nvenc --enable-nonfree --enable-...
Leo's user avatar
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"du" command on Windows10 under MSYS2 gives "fts_read failed" error on USB formatted as exFAT/FAT32

I'm currently using MSYS2 on Windows10 and I tried to execute du in the MINGW64 Shell Launcher on a USB formatted as exFAT. Assuming the USB is mounted on /g/, the structure of the USB is pretty much ...
AlbyTree's user avatar
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Is it possible to tell from CMD whether i have Cygwin or MSYS?

Is there a way that I can check, from a CMD whether a PC has Cygwin or MSYS (MSYS2, MINGW, MINGW-64...) installed? Note that I need to be able to differentiate Cygwin from MSYS. Thanks!
j4x's user avatar
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How to determine if a file is a symbolic link or a .lnk shortcut file in MSYS2 (mintty) terminal?

Is there a command in MSYS2 terminal that can be used to determine whether a file is a symbolic link or a windows shortcut .lnk file? For example: $ touch a.txt # Create a symbolic link: $ MSYS=...
Håkon Hægland's user avatar
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Long tmux window names in msys2 of full executable path

When I run an executable inside of tmux in msys2 on Windows, the window name give the full executable name and they can sometimes get very long. For example my current tab name is: C:\\Users\\me\\...
Jarvin's user avatar
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Calling MSYS2 terminal commands from python on windows 10

It is possible to call cmd commands from python using the following script import os os.system('cmd /k "Your Command Prompt Command"') Is there a similar method to call MSYS2 terminal commands from ...
Habtamu Wubie's user avatar
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TortoiseGit doesn't work with msys2 git

Recently, I've been looking into using TortoiseGit. I want to use it with msys2 instead of git for windows. I've set up an ssh key pair and configured it properly, as well as add a HOME environment ...
MazeOfEncryption's user avatar
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bash function with parameters not usable with eval in Msys2

I am using Msys2 from PortableApps under Win 10. The answer to this question (i.e., identification and solution of the problem) may be related to the Unix/Linux part of usage, or to its "adaptation" ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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Failure to use `/dev/pty` for one outside msys2 `bash` when calling it in `vim` installed inherently by git-bash

Env: Windows 11 pro. I want to call msys2 bash in git-bash's vim where both shares the same version of vim and bash (although this context seems to be weird). I asked one origin question in Vi/Vim SE ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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Pacman not available on fresh MSYS2 install

I just installed MSYS2 on windows 10 following instructions here : After installation, a terminal opens, in which I type pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-gcc This results in an ...
sayanel's user avatar
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Why is msys2 ~/.ssh folder is not used?

I have changed MSYS2 home folder to point to Windows home folder by cd c:\msys64 mklink /j home c:\Users And have set set %HOME% Windows user variable to c:\msys64\home\<user> And have put ...
Gowtham's user avatar
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Using MinTTY via Teamviewer to type backslash, pipe and at?

Background: Git Bash from Git for Windows uses MinTTY as the standard terminal emulator. Git Bash is built on a variant of MSYS2. When using such a Git Bash MinTTY window, certain characters will not ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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Set affinity for started process with windows bash (and use same terminal window)

I open MSYS2 bash to start another app (ruby for example). Then I can use Process Explorer or Task Manager to set the affinity for ruby process. Is it possible to set it directly from bash when ...
user124's user avatar
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How to run "make" command on a "empty directory"?

I'm attempting to install something, and the instructions for installation say I have to use MSYS2 to use make on a certain directory to make a .exe file in my C drive. This directory exists: I ...
Omega's user avatar
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MSYS2 - Change to /bin/sh

How would I switch my default shell from bash to sh in MSYS2? Even just trying to do something as simple as pacman -S sh tries to install bash.
Techflash's user avatar
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Recover files deleted with rm under msys2

I was using a bash terminal under msys2. I have accidentally removed some user files with rm, under ~/MyDir. Do I have any higher chances of recovering them as compared to files removed with rm under ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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Replace server address by IP in wget

EDIT: It was suggested this is a duplicate of another question. That is not clear at all for me. First, the accepted answer suggests 3 possible reasons (which may actually be 2), and one of them was ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar
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Open elevated cmd from msys in current directory

I often find myself in need of running a command in msys2 in an elevated cmd shell. How can I quickest open an elevated cmd in the current directory from msys2? I tried this answer: https://...
MyrionSC2's user avatar
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how to install pod2html on msys2

openssl build is missing pod2hml and i do not know how to install it. since pod2html is a perl package I tried to find a way to install it but ppm seems not available from pacman since pacman -S ppm ...
user1767316's user avatar
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msys2 doesn't starts at given location

I Tried c:\app\msys2\msys2.exe -where "c:\project\project1" and c:\app\msys2\msys2.exe -c "cygptath -u 'c:\project\project1'" and c:\app\msys2\msys2.exe "bash -c cd $(cygptath -u 'c:\project\...
user1767316's user avatar
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Defining word delimiters for double-click selection in Msys2 in two terminal launchers

I am using Msys2, from PortableApps (I think this is not relevant), with the terminal launched via two possible cases (referred to below): (1) directly from the PortableApps launcher, (2) ConEmu. The ...
sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio's user avatar