I use a USB mouse, but the USB drive on my laptop is iffy, and often dislodges the USB. This means the mouse will continually disconnect unless I hold the USB in a particular orientation. Is there a way to move the USB files to the hard drive so the USB isn't needed? I am using Windows 11.

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  • It is very difficult to tell what you're talking about. You use "USB drive", which is a portable storage device, and then you note it is related to a bad physical connection, which makes me think you're actually referring to a "USB port", but then you note there are USB files. Further, there is no inherent reason files on a USB drive CANNOT be moved to local storage. So, your question doesn't make sense. Please rewrite it, carefully considering what you are trying to communicate here, and then how best and most clearly to communicate that. Commented yesterday
  • Try putting a USB hub inbetween, that way you can reduce the amount of USB ports used on your laptop. Best is to get a USB hub that has its own power supply, because if power is an issue, a non-powered USB hub will yield the same results.
    – LPChip
    Commented yesterday

1 Answer 1


Your question confuses a hardware connection (USB) with a software application (mouse drivers) and is impossibly to accomplish.

On the other hand, check to see if your laptop supports Bluetooth™ devices and consider to purchase a Bluetooth™ mouse with which you are comfortable.

Today's computers are nearly plug-and-go when it comes to adding devices of this nature. it may be necessary to click on the Bluetooth™ icon in the system tray and select to add a new device, which will appear as your mouse.

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