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Questions tagged [mouse]

Questions about using, installing, configuring, repairing, or otherwise troubleshooting mice.

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362 votes
1 answer

Mouse pointer moving on arrow keys pressed in Windows?

I'm encountering a strange problem on my W10 computer, for a few days my arrow keys have been "driving" my mouse pointer. Pressing the left arrow key will move the pointer a few pixels left, ...
zdimension's user avatar
  • 13.3k
309 votes
9 answers

Inverting direction of mouse scroll wheel

Is there a way to make a mouse scroll wheel invert its direction? I'd like to scroll upwards and have that action scroll downwards and vice-versa. There is no setting on the Mouse control panel that ...
Christian Correa's user avatar
150 votes
11 answers

How to disable sticky corners in Windows 10

It seems Microsoft has tried to solve this problem Multi-monitors and the corners of the screen. In Windows 7, there is no boundary between monitors and the mouse can move freely across the top of ...
djv's user avatar
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134 votes
10 answers

Using Windows 7, how can you use multiple mice (to get multiple cursors)?

Is it somehow possible to use two mice in Windows 7? I think this could be useful; like using two fingers on a multi touch display...
user avatar
112 votes
6 answers

Should I plug my mouse into a USB 3.0 port?

I'm looking for an authoritative answer, backed by data. A friend asked me the other day whether he would benefit from plugging his mouse into a USB 3.0 port instead of an available 2.0 port. I ...
philipthegreat's user avatar
107 votes
1 answer

I accidentally plugged my USB mouse into my eSata port... it works?

I'm on a Thinkpad T510 and I accidentally plugged my Razor USB mouse into the eSata port not realizing my error because it has been working fine this whole time. Does this seem a little odd?
MetaGuru's user avatar
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106 votes
6 answers

Utilize extra mouse buttons in Mac OS X

I have a wireless USB mouse by Anker ( with a few extra buttons that I would like to take advantage of on my Macbook Pro (running OS X 10.11.6). On their ...
Logan's user avatar
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94 votes
14 answers

Mouse clicks suddenly stopped working in Ubuntu

This is a weird one. For some reason, last night my mouse partially stopped working. Movement is fine, but the mouse buttons don't work. Mainly it's the left button, but occasionally the right click ...
DisgruntledGoat's user avatar
86 votes
4 answers

How does a Logitech scroll wheel detect movement?

I just replaced my scroll wheel in my mouse, a one minute repair. But now I've seen something that can't be unseen. Logitech scroll wheels apparently function using magic. It freely rests on three ...
Steve Hanov's user avatar
86 votes
9 answers

Why is my USB mouse disconnecting and reconnecting randomly and often?

My mouse will reconnect/disconnect (will even hear the sounds from Windows), and the light on the bottom of the mouse will turn off/turn on as it starts working again. It really sucks to be playing a ...
user avatar
85 votes
7 answers

Mac OS X Terminal: mouse support?

Is there a native option (ie. without installing extra soft/package/plugins) to enable mouse support in the Terminal app? Actually, I'm using a lot vim with the option set mouse=a (activating mouse ...
avetis.kazarian's user avatar
84 votes
12 answers

How do you enable focus follows mouse in Windows 10

I'd like raise-on-click and sloppy focus-follows-mouse on Windows 10 because this is the setup I've been using on Windows and Linux for years. Under Windows 10, I tried the regedit Xmouse changes ...
Gordon Wrigley's user avatar
79 votes
4 answers

keyboard shortcut for mouse right click

What combination of keys produce a right-click and a left-click?
user avatar
77 votes
7 answers

What is the correct term for the mouse pointer/nipple/joystick thingy in the middle of a laptop's keyboard?

I want to call it a "mouse nipple" or maybe a "joystick", although I know these are not correct. It's different from the touchpad, which is below the keyboard and has dedicated click buttons. Instead,...
Doug T.'s user avatar
  • 1,981
74 votes
5 answers

Move mouse proportionally between different resolution (and DPI) displays

I have three displays, a 4K display flanked by two 1080p displays. Physically, these monitors are roughly the same size. Furthermore, Windows 10 handles the DPI scaling of the 4K monitor separately ...
SkyNT's user avatar
  • 967
69 votes
8 answers

On Windows 7, is there any way to make the scrollwheel's focus follow the mouse?

On Mac OS X I can mouse over something (without clicking on it or giving it complete focus) and use the scroll wheel to scroll it. On Windows (7 at least) which I'm forced to use in my new job, it ...
iconoclast's user avatar
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67 votes
11 answers

How to enable the "middle" button of Apple's new Magic Mouse?

The Magic Mouse seems to be a vast improvement over the old Mighty Mouse after using it for a few hours. However, I just discovered that there seems to be no way to execute a "middle" click. I use ...
emmby's user avatar
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64 votes
3 answers

How can I scroll horizontally with my regular mouse?

Normally, I only need to scroll up and down, but when using software like trello,, a text editor with large amounts of code on a single line, etc, I need to scroll horizontally. Using the ...
johncorser's user avatar
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63 votes
8 answers

Alt+click-drag window resizing on a Mac? (Similar to X-Windows)

Is there a way I can get this behavior on Mac OS? alt + right-click-drag will resize the window, relative to where you've clicked within the window and the window's center alt + left-click-drag will ...
Aaron F.'s user avatar
  • 833
59 votes
11 answers

How can I force stop a program without using the mouse in Windows 10?

I'm trying to debug a Visual Studio C# Windows application that immediately takes over the desktop and disables mouse control. When it freezes, I need to be able to stop it somehow. I can press the ...
Kyle Delaney's user avatar
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57 votes
9 answers

How to play/pause with a single mouse click?

Is it possible to play/pause a movie just by clicking on the window? I really miss this feature from Media Player Classic, but from what I could find, it's not possible in VLC.
alex's user avatar
  • 18k
53 votes
8 answers

Make Mac OS X mouse acceleration more Windows-like

The mouse acceleration on Mac OS X is driving me nuts. It may work for touchpads but nothing beats the Windows' acceleration curves. Is there a way to modify the behaviour on OS X? I tried getting a ...
Tomas Andrle's user avatar
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51 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to make the mouse in Windows click on the down press without the release?

My son is disabled. He plays this PC game called Tibia, just a simple point and click game. I noticed when he played he would have to click 2 or 3 times before his character would move. This was ...
Garry Fisher's user avatar
50 votes
4 answers

Mouse wheel scrolls the page down then up, or up then down

On my Windows 7 system, and in all programs, when I scroll down with my mouse, it will scroll partway down then then scroll partway up. It is totally erratic and is driving me crazy. I do have a ...
bnieland's user avatar
  • 659
50 votes
8 answers

Two mice, one left handed and another right handed. At the same time

I would like to have two mice connected to my computer, and have one mouse left-handed, another right-handed. And not needing to change any settings for using any of them. I've googled for this and ...
trailmax's user avatar
  • 606
48 votes
7 answers

Broken mouse cursor on main monitor, Windows 7 64 Bit, ATI Radeon HD 7870

UPDATE: Please check out the new answer I've posted to this problem. It might be that a solution to this frustrating problem exists now. Scroll down to see it. Quite a while ago my graphic card died ...
Waylander's user avatar
  • 549
47 votes
3 answers

What does "Legacy USB Mouse" support in a BIOS mean?

What does a "Legacy USB Mouse" option in a BIOS mean? Yes legacy usually means older revision, or obsolete. So legacy usb mouse means support for "old style usb mouses". That's not really ...
Ian Boyd's user avatar
  • 22.4k
47 votes
8 answers

How to "middle-click" on new macbooks

I have recently switched to Mac, and the only thing I miss from my old notebook is the ability to middle-mousebutton-click by clicking both mousebuttons simultaneously. This is a crucial feature ...
Espen Herseth Halvorsen's user avatar
43 votes
4 answers

Setting mouse sensitivity per device in Windows 7?

Is there any way (built-in or 3rd party application) to set per-device mouse sensitivity settings in Windows 7? Two mice behave differently and constantly need to switch sensitivities when switching ...
pithyless's user avatar
  • 551
42 votes
6 answers

Enable mouse for scrolling only in Vim in iTerm (MacOSX)

I'd like to use the mouse in Vim only for scrolling (not to enable other Vim modes or otherwise interact with Vim). Using :set mouse=a seems to be an all or nothing operation, can this be altered? ...
Jonah Braun's user avatar
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41 votes
5 answers

Why is my mouse randomly deselecting and unclicking?

(Windows 7 x64, Logitech MX1100 mouse) If I click/hold/ the mouse, like on the title bar of a folder to move it, or to select text, the mouse will randomly "unselect" it and then randomly reselect at ...
Coldblackice's user avatar
  • 5,974
41 votes
19 answers

Disabling mouse acceleration in Mac OS X

I've been looking for a solution to the unusable mouse problem in Mac OS X for ages. I've tried a gazillion programs and fiddled with every setting there is or there can be added. So far, I haven't ...
aib's user avatar
  • 615
39 votes
9 answers

Is there a way to emulate drag+drop without having to keep the mouse held down?

I am getting over an upper back injury and I am finding that drag+drop is irritating some of my upper back muscles. Moving the mouse cursor isn't a problem, but keeping the button held down while ...
Jason S's user avatar
  • 7,735
38 votes
10 answers

Back / Forward mouse buttons do not work in VMWare Workstation 6.5 Guest OS

I am using a Logitech G9 mouse and running VMWare Workstation 6.5.3 on Vista x64. The guest OS is Win XP, and has the most current version of VMWare Tools installed. Left / right buttons and mouse ...
Tim Lara's user avatar
  • 915
36 votes
7 answers

Focus Follows Mouse or Sloppy Focus on Mac OS X

"Focus follows mouse" or "sloppy focus" is a feature common to X11 window managers on Linux/Unix, including GNOME, KDE, CDE, XFCE and window managers like Enlightenment, Fluxbox and Window Maker. It ...
jtimberman's user avatar
  • 21.7k
34 votes
7 answers

Can the light at the bottom of an optical mouse damage your eyes?

Because I am using one as a christmas tree decoration and people look straight into it every day.
John Bachir's user avatar
  • 1,359
33 votes
5 answers

How can I reverse mouse movement (X & Y axis) system-wide? (Win 7 x64)

Short Version I'm looking for a way to reverse the X and Y mouse axis movements. The computer is running Windows 7, x64 and Logitech SetPoint 6.32. I would like a system-level, permanent fix; such ...
Scivitri's user avatar
  • 433
32 votes
2 answers

How do i configure a Logitech G502 Spectrum under Linux?

I'm thinking about buying a Logitech G502 Spectrum (the G502 with RGB LEDs) but as I am running Linux (Speciified in Debian @ work, ubuntu @work and archlinux @home) I am woundering how to setup ...
0x1ad1b88's user avatar
  • 486
32 votes
10 answers

Keyboard Shortcut to Swap Mouse Buttons

I use my mouse with both hands and like to switch back and forth for comfort reasons. However, this is made difficult by needing to go through about a zillion layers of menus to swap the buttons each ...
dsimcha's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Configure debounce time in Windows for mouse

My mouse is broken and I am too lazy to buy a new one. The problem is with the left click button. A simple physical click will result in several clicks in Windows. There is already a debouncing ...
JcMaco's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

tmux -- any way to enable scrolling, but not selection?

I like that when mode-mouse is on in tmux, I can scroll through the buffer, but I don't like that I can't copy stuff to my OS clipboard by selecting it (as when tmux is disabled). Question: Is there ...
gatoatigrado's user avatar
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30 votes
6 answers

Permanently disable wake-on-mouse in Windows 10

I have always had the same issue with all of my Windows 10 computers - it is essentially impossible to put the computer to sleep with the mouse. When I click Start > Power > Sleep, the computer ...
user45623's user avatar
  • 548
29 votes
4 answers

Shortcut to jump mouse cursor from one screen to another in Windows 10

I have two screens on my Windows 10 machine, and find it cumbersome to change the mouse cursor from one screen to another. The only way I know is to drag the mouse cursor from one screen to another, ...
Arnaud Weil's user avatar
28 votes
10 answers

Is there a Win7 shortcut to position mouse in center of primary screen?

I have a three monitor set up on Windows 7 and I sometimes lose track of where my cursor is. Is there any Windows shortcut to reset the mouse position? I'm guessing there is not, but might there be a ...
tehDorf's user avatar
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28 votes
1 answer

What does the "Hide pointer while typing" feature actually do?

I'm curious about this feature, which has been part of Windows for as long as I can remember. Maybe even Windows 95 or 98. To me, it means exactly what it says. The mouse cursor should become ...
Mike Christensen's user avatar
28 votes
5 answers

How do I make Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse middle-click on single touch?

I've just got my Arc Touch Mouse. It has a touch panel instead of the wheel. By default you can scroll by swiping your finger on the touch panel. Tapping ends of the panel sends Page Up and Page Down ...
gronostaj's user avatar
  • 57.4k
27 votes
5 answers

How to know what is causing a cursor lag on Mac?

I want to know if there are ways to identify the cause of the delay and lags in cursor when I use the mouse and Magic Pad. Any tools or indicators on Mac to monitor to see the root causes? I’m using ...
Marcus Thornton's user avatar
27 votes
10 answers

Set mouse or keyboard button to simulate left click and hold or rapid left click repeating in Windows?

Does anyone know a way to configure Windows 7 or use third party software to do this? I would like to click my middle mouse button and have it tell Windows to left click and hold until I click the ...
miahelf's user avatar
  • 385
27 votes
3 answers

Dedicated mouse and keyboard for a virtual machine, is it possible?

Let's say I have a PC with two monitors atached. I'm running e.g. Windows Vista natively, and start up a virtual Ubuntu PC. I change to fullscreen mode so that on one Monitor, I see my Windows Desktop,...
Lena Schimmel's user avatar
26 votes
3 answers

Wi-Fi stops working when I attach wireless mouse to my laptop

I am using an HP 15-r249TU, and today I bought a wireless Redragon 2400DPI mouse. When I attach the mouse adapter to my laptop, my Internet connection stops working instantly. I have a TP-Link router ...
Vipul Hadiya's user avatar

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