I have a show with two sources, Blu-Ray and DVD. Blu-Ray doesn't contain the correct audio language but DVD does. I want to add the DVD audio track to the Blu-Ray. So I have decided to rip them.
Using ffmpeg
I have extracted the audio track from the DVD and converted it to have the correct length:
ffmpeg -i "dvd source" -map 0:a:1 -af "atempo=0.95904096" "audio track"
Then I add the audio track to the Blu-Ray file:
ffmpeg -i "blu ray source" -i "audio track" -map 0 -map 1 -c:v copy -c:s copy -c:a copy "merged mkv"
The episode plays correctly with the right audio track then, after a few minutes, the audio stops playing.
I have checked the audio track alone after the DVD rip, it works. I have also re-extracted the audio from the merged MKV and it works too. Duration of tracks are good.
I am wondering if I am doing something incorrectly.