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Questions tagged [microsoft-excel-2016]

The 2016 version of Microsoft's spreadsheet application. Unlike previous versions, this Office Suite is cross-platform, working on both Windows and OSX. Because of this, when using this tag, it may be applicable to also tag your question with the Operating System you're on.

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2 answers

Excel - Combining multiple cells in a single row

I have data disposed in this manner: Jonh Seedman New York, New York 01/01/1900 5th Ave +1 NXX-NXX-XXXX Homer Simpson Springfield, Illinois....
aneema's user avatar
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Excel file opens file on second double click only

When I double click an XLSX file in Explorer, Excel starts, but does not open the file. When I double click the same file again while Excel is already open, the file is opened. However, if I close ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unable to see the cells in the Excel workbook

I am unable to understand this worksheet which was written by someone else. There are certain columns which are not visible unless activated. This activation occurs when I change a value in particular ...
amgad's user avatar
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Issue with mail merge rejecting high-content rows

I have a mail merge creating word documents from a (macro-enabled) workbook of 77 columns (two sheets - one for dropping raw data into and another that does some cleanup before the mail merge). I ...
APH's user avatar
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Excel graph not showing some x value labels

My x-axis for an Excel graph is missing some labels and I cannot figure out why. More specifically, my x-axis is supposed to look like this (I will bold some of them so it's easier to read): 50, 100, ...
Artus's user avatar
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Excel - Conditional format cells based on a column and duplicate and another column's value

How would i conditional format a column for duplicate values if the cell is a duplicate of another value of same column AND another column contains the same value as the duplicate, without adding a ...
tytds's user avatar
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How do I separate these rows from the second column?

I have a large table that, after some filtering for duplicate, looks like the below and I need the "TAGS" to be in the column adjacent to the "SERIALS". I've tried a Pivot Table ...
kaiwai91's user avatar
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Excel: insert rows in multiple tables (not plain cellsheets) simultaneously, sans macro

Hello to SU community, I have an Excel file with 4 tabs: RC, PC, TI, Contacts. The 2nd and 3rd are locked so as to avoid any accidental modification. Tabs RC and PC each contain one table, and the ...
P. N.'s user avatar
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LARGE function throws error

I would like to compute average scores over top k exams. That's why I need to get top k scores. There is a large function in excel, but I am not even able to execute it in a simple list in excel ...
mgokhanbakal's user avatar
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How to create "workaround" MAXIFS and MINIFS formulas in Excel?

I am using the following formula to calculate the average daily temperature value in column B (see image below) for each day over a 15-year meteorological record (temperature values are in column B ...
Simba06's user avatar
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Show window contents while dragging is not working in MS Excel

While dragging the horizontal or vertical bar, the contents do not move on Microsoft Excel. But the window contents move while doing the same process on a browser or any other software. I have not ...
Rahul's user avatar
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How to highlight trends in time records? (system errors)

I have a list of system error timestamps. I want to graph the time from the timestamps to see if there are any trends -- i.e. approximate times of day when the system often goes down. Question: Is ...
User1974's user avatar
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Convert table image to Excel, using Excel

I have the table below in the image png file format. Would it be possible to convert this to an Excel table using Excel?
emnha's user avatar
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How to Change Orientation of Multi-Level Labels in a Vertical Excel Chart?

I have the following chart and I am not able to edit the first level of labels (membership, chapters, etc). When I go to Format Axis -> Alignment I can only change the orientation of the second ...
OzzyKP's user avatar
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Find Replace from excel to word template macro

I want to use excel to find (ColA) data and replace it with (ColB) Data in to a premade word template I have the macro that already opens up the word template with what i want to find/replace I am ...
Base01986's user avatar
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In Excel, how can I round or display numbers to 2 significant figures (the two leading non-zero digits of a decimal number)?

In Excel 2016 I need to show zeros out to the leading non-zero digits and then just the two digits after that. For example: 0.00002423 should read 0.000024, 0.242 should read 0.24, 0.0032255 ...
Roberto Parra's user avatar
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Excel rows of data suddenly disappeared after undoing deletion of unrelated rows. Version history suddenly blank. Get my data back?

I have been editing an Excel workbook for 6 days. The workbook is saved in sharepoint and also marked to always be kept on my laptop. I have saved this .xlsx file dozens of times in the last few days. ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
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How can I delete a column in sheet 2 based on sheet 1?

I have two different sheets: "Input"(sheet2) and "Instruction"(Sheet1) I want to delete the whole column in "Input" sheet corresponding to the value in the cell(row 34, ...
nyeas001's user avatar
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Excel 2016: How to find a specific name in sheet "A" and and get the adjoining cell's value to a cell in sheet "B"?

Excel 2016: How to find a specific name in sheet "ASPI" and and get the adjoining cell's value to a cell in sheet "Watchlist"? I have currently used the method of this formula to ...
ChinChan's user avatar
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Division calculation within pivot table values in excel

Please see example below. The row headings (redacted) are defect types of a product. The column headings are the name of the products (redacted) and just below are the total sales of that product. ...
AnthonyJS's user avatar
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#VALUE! error using excel 2016 nested IF statements

I'm unable to perform a simple nested IF statement on this data, the conditional seems perfect to me so it must be a formatting error or something else. I'm new to excel so I could be wrong. This is ...
Thomas Hegarty's user avatar
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How to return first non-blank value with LOOKUP function

I have a table: table in which I reference data from a dataset using a LOOKUP function. I can reference columns(such as new_deaths) which have the latest(non-blank) data just fine. However, for some ...
Moe's user avatar
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Excel - How to delete the infinite blank rows?

We have 5000 records of data. For some reason, our Excel file has over a million rows where every column is blank. How can we get rid of these 1 million + empty rows?
Chicken Sandwich No Pickles's user avatar
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Is there a way to copy all empty cells in a data set on one sheet and paste the empty cells into a data set on a different sheet?

Is there a way to copy all empty cells in a data set on one sheet and paste the empty cells into a data set on a different sheet? For every cell in the “Sales Sheet” that is blank, the corresponding ...
Nina's user avatar
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Excel - automatically updating cell reference when applying conditional formatting to range

My question concerns conditional formatting in Excel. Here is a summary of my situation: I have conditional formatting set up for a particular row in Sheet A. The formatting formula checks whether ...
Oto Rin's user avatar
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Excel Chart "Save as Picture" making dates into numbers

I'm trying to save a picture of an excel chart (for use in distributions where it doesn't allow me to just copy and paste the chart). So I right click the chart I want to save, click "save as ...
Gunter Herd's user avatar
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Excel: Drop down with month instances

Is there a possibility to have a drop down with months inside, when choosing one month to show me all instances that are within that month? Something similar has Excel format Tables, when you choose ...
MmVv's user avatar
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Combining an Excel IF Statement with VLOOKUP

I have the following if statement in Excel: =IF(VLOOKUP(AB2,AD:AD,1,0)=TRUE,1,0) What I am trying to do is say the following: "If the results of the VLOOKUP return any value other than "#N/...
Chicken Sandwich No Pickles's user avatar
1 vote
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COUNTIF across multiple sheets does not work with SUMPRODUCT

I have the two sheets below. (The example table above is highly simplified for this question) I'm trying to write a formula that adds the total occurrences of A under the year 2017 (Answer is 3). ...
TheEyesHaveIt's user avatar
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Excel table.combine({Sheet1},{Sheet2}) erases data on an append

I have a power query combination that looks like this: = Table.Combine({#"Sheet1", #"Sheet2"}) Now the tables combine, and most of the data appends, but some rows are missing in ...
Gunter Herd's user avatar
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Excel: Return all matches in columns using one criteria (from drop down)

I am having two tables, one table is main data, separated into many columns and blocks per 10 rows in one, this is fixed. In Column A are unique numbers that will be used in drop down. Table 1 On ...
MmVv's user avatar
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Changing the layout of an Excel Sheet

A little help will be deeply appreciated. I have a database whose layout is not convenient for me. Here is the layout: I would like the sections within the FINANCIAL column to become headed columns ...
John's user avatar
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How to split a string by certain length in excel and put it into columns

In excel 2016 I want to split a single string with no separators into a 2-character cell under column A (same column). The string has no fixed length. Example AAB4101X -> AA | B4 | 10 | 1X Example ...
Cece's user avatar
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Blocking certain rows for certain users when sharing an excel-sheet

This year, I will finish a master I've been doing and enjoyed, and we, the participants, would like to stay in touch after the course ending. We already have the WhatsApp Group, but it's difficult to ...
Dr. Mathva's user avatar
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Conditional formatting for specific group of values/rows based on cell value(s)

I am having some data table that is separated in lets say "blocks" of rows. As you can see on the image, starting from Column D (A1) there are some values in first row, and then 5 rows empty ...
MmVv's user avatar
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MSExcel: Is it possible to make an adaptive formula through reference?

Example: Desired result: (Please note that the red values in the first image above are made red to signify that they are actually functions, imagine adding an "=" sign before them.) I have ...
Kuya Lance's user avatar
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Cannot Reference Pivot Table headers due to header formatting

I am writing a SUMPRODUCT function that references headers in a pivot table for my report on a separate sheet. The header that is giving me an issue is the year, i.e. 2020, 2021, etc. I have tried ...
infinite_aventura's user avatar
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Open Semicolon Delmited Text File in Excel Via Double Click

I can make Microsoft Excel open up a semicolon separated value text file by placing "sep=;" at the beginning of the file. Then upon double clicking, it properly separates every column and ...
EllipticalInitial's user avatar
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SUMIFS with three criteria

I am trying to write a SUMIFS formula that will aggregate my data based on three criteria. As per the first table, I am presented with data that provide the sales for each agent, broken down by three ...
infinite_aventura's user avatar
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Fillup cell depending on value of another cell

So I want to fill up certain cells with certain values. I want to use the IF function. I have the following data: 4271423/421424/4237168/4246332=D917/F222 4271423/421424/4237168/4253485=D917/F222/J008 ...
thenotsosmartmike's user avatar
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Convert the number 1999 to the year 1999 - in date format in Excel

This has to be easy, and extremely common, but I can't find the answer with Google. I have a column with years (number format) in Excel. I need that column in Excel to be in date format for importing ...
Dave's user avatar
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excel - group sheets by columns

I have a bunch of .csv files with the same structure, but it's not guaranteed that they are in same order row-wise. I would like to group them all in a single spreadsheet. The following image draws ...
joann2555's user avatar
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Get the position of the last row in an Excel sheet

I have a formula in my cells that refers to a separate sheet with some data in a single column, something like A1:A500 However, new values are being added regularly so 500 becomes 501, 502, etc. I don'...
Tiago Duarte's user avatar
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Create multicategory timeline chart in Excel

I'd like to create an Excel chart showing on the x axis the dates from 1943 to 2021 and on the y axis the relevant category which follows a specific timeframe. I.e. from 1/1/1943 to 18/01/1943 ...
Saverio's user avatar
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How to use file path stored in a cell in another cell to refer to a value in excel

I have a macro that loads the path of a file to a cell dynamically, Let's say the cell is C1. C1 contains File Path: "/a/x/c/s" How do I use the value stored in C1 in other cells to get the ...
user45524's user avatar
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MsgBox based on 2 values in different cells

I am completely a VBA novice and am trying to achieve the following, without success.I would really appreciate your help. What I need to achieve: If someone selects for each row Action = "Delete&...
pward's user avatar
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Excel VBA error handling with workbook open

Sub Test() Application.ScreenUpdating = False On Error GoTo Errhandler Set WB = Workbooks.Open(Database, UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=False, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True, Notify:=...
mrr010's user avatar
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Error from custom function

Function IFBLANK(param1 As Variant, param2 As Variant) As Variant If param1 = "" Or param1 Is Null Then IFBLANK = param2 Else IFBLANK = param1 End If End ...
mrr010's user avatar
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Excel IFBLANK equivalent for IFERROR

IFERROR works great because it shortened the formula significantly by having a default behavior, returning the results if condition is not met (no error). I'm looking for the IFBLANK version of this ...
mrr010's user avatar
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Excel - How to index and match values using header and subheader?

I am presented with financial data that contains a header for various regions, and a sub-header for different years under each region, as per Table 1 below. I am trying to write a formula in cells B4 ...
infinite_aventura's user avatar

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