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How to remove reference to disabled 3rd party Excel Add-ins (NOT COM add-ins!) from menu

This is for Excel 2016. I did find this amongst a hundred other web results regarding the removal of COM add-ins, which I figured for myself, there's a handy remove button right in the menu: However, ...
ch4rl1e97's user avatar
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Excel 2016 - How to count UNIQUE rows that are "assigned" to someone?

I am building a chart that contains the total amount of rows and accounts assigned to a user in Excel 2016. The first issue is easy and I resolved it with a COUNTIF function, however the second part ...
Anthony LoPrimo's user avatar
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How do I get VLOOKUP to return all results not just one (using formula not auto-filter)

I have a table full of several orders and the dates. On another page i want to be able to type in a date and for all orders to show from that date, like a VLOOKUP. But, a VLOOKUP would only display ...
Adam's user avatar
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(How) can I share a column between two sheets in an Excel workbook?

My spreadsheet has become too wide. I had thought to split it across two tabs, as it is just tabular data, rather than calculations. The leftmost column (A) is text to explain what each row is about. (...
Mawg's user avatar
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Keep main file open when doing Save As in excel

Is there any way to keep main file open when doing Save as in excel. When you do Save as excel is switching to saved file and I need to manually open previous file, from one that I did Save as. Is ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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Horizontal scroll in Excel with keyboard

Is there a keyboard shortcut in excel for horizontal scrolling. I'm aware of alt+pgdn and alt+pgup, but it's scrolling for whole view area. Is there any keyboard shortcut for scrolling one column at ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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Opening a text file with Excel 16 instead of Notepad

I have an accounting software program that produces all files as .txt files. Before upgrading to Excel 16, I was able to choose Excel as the program to open those files. With Excel 16, I have not ...
Flossie Fair's user avatar
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Match 2 dates in columns return 3rd

I have a column of dates (A3:A89) I have a column of text (B3:B89) I have another column of dates, although the cells are formatted to show only the date (O6:O43) I need to find a date that matches ...
Derek M's user avatar
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Conditional formatting based on date difference

I need help with making the row or at least the cell turn red when it has been >20 days since the date that was entered in the cell. For instance: I issue an item to John on 10/01/2018 and so I place ...
DrBJohnson's user avatar
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Excel: MATCH() formulas with no wildcard matching

I currently use MATCH() in Excel 2016 formula columns such as: = MATCH( [@[ITEM_CODE]], IM_PURCH_VENDOR_SUBLIST[[#All],[ITEM-CODE]], 0 ) The result is essentially a foreign key. It is used in other ...
MetaEd's user avatar
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Copy Table from Excel to Word - Use Destination Styles fails

I can't Paste tables from Excel into Word with the option "Use Destination Styles" anymore. The table disappears in Word. I have tried launching Excel and Word in safe mode but the result is the ...
abillon's user avatar
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Writing a formula to count how many times each date appears in a set of date ranges

Given an Excel spreadsheet with two columns: Creation Date, Closure Date For each date covered by all date ranges over all columns, I want to know how many records cover each day. For example: ...
simonalexander2005's user avatar
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Localized shortcuts for official US, not working ones

Apparently Microsoft maintains only one list of Excel keyboard shortcuts for Windows: Keyboard shortcuts in Excel for Windows. But in localized versions of Excel with various keyboard layouts not all ...
MarianD's user avatar
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Can't associate Excel files with Excel 2007

I have a pc with Wndows 7 Professional (SP1) which has MS Office 2007 installed, but also appears to have come with Office 2016 preinstalled but unregistered (i.e. a limited trial please buy type of ...
zstewart's user avatar
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Creating a graph from a table with time differences

How do I create a graph like this from a table that looks like this startTime;endTime;Name 00:00:04;23:59:57;Peter 00:00:00;23:59:59;Frank ... ?
Zurechtweiser's user avatar
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Excel - does data validation count as a cell style?

I have an Excel spreadsheet which serves as a data dump/transfer facility from an in-house application. The spreadsheet also acts as a crude data-entry facility, as a modified spreadsheet can be ...
David's user avatar
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Change keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Excel 2016 in Windows [duplicate]

In Excel 2016, I would like to change the keyboard shortcut for the Search command from CTRL+B to CTRL+F so that this command has the same keyboard shortcut as in other programs. However, I could not ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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Getting "too many arguments" with `IF` function

I am new to using Excel (using 2016) and I am trying to make this formula work, but it won't. The formula is if(c10>0,e9-c10,0,if(d10>0,e9+d10,0)). When I try to use this formula, it says "too ...
aimbot.exe's user avatar
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Why does Excel 2016 (365) crash intermittently when a network file is open?

Excel 2016 is crashing on at least 3 computers when the user has a file open on the network. There are several of these events on all affected computers: Faulting application name: EXCEL.EXE, ...
Cris Anderson's user avatar