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Plot data set as an chart in Excel, and then add a second series showing the data's multiple standard deviation bands aligned to data values

I am working with a time series set of data which is the Rate of change between successive price changes in a historical section of a stock price. I have 59 observations. I have also calculated their ...
lvbx9's user avatar
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Coloring cells across multiple excel sheets in an xls file based on a condition

I am new to excel. I have an xls file with 10 sheets. In each sheet I have two tables of size 10 x 10, one starting at position A4 and the other starting at N4. All the entries are numbers. (Note that ...
wanderer's user avatar
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Drag to fill duplicates values

I want to create a sequence of dates that populate a column. A 2023-12-31 2023-12-30 2023-12-29 ... Format Cell is set to Date. Calculation Options is set to Automatic Enable fill handle and ...
oldboy's user avatar
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Filtering over merged downwards cells in MS Excel-2016

Note: This question has been asked back in 2010 on this site here. And yet, I would like to post it one more time, showing what I did and what didn't work. Besides, Excel has changed quite a bit since ...
Zhiltsoff Igor's user avatar
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Sorting an excel column with numbers and keep track of cell indices

So, this is my problem, I have two excel columns like : 1 // 0.5 2 // 3.3 3 // 1.2 I would like to sort the second column in ascending(or descending) order, and also change the first column as ...
Andrea 's user avatar
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Excel: How to show a floating text box only when I select the cell?

There's a type of text box in an Excel file that is associated with a cell and appears only when you select that cell uniquely (e.g., by clicking on it or moving to it with cursor keys).  Hovering ...
tinylid's user avatar
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How to write an Excel Formula that takes a total across multiple repeating rows [duplicate]

I'm working with payroll data in a spreadsheet. What I'm looking to find is a total across different rows of employees with different roles. For example, how could I write a forumla for the "...
Jaybone's user avatar
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How would I copy an Excel sheet that has formulas with "Table2[Date].." to a new sheet?

I created a sheet that uses several tables. There are many formulas that reference different rows of different tables on the same sheet. The sheet was for the month of Feb. I want to copy the format ...
RunawayJim's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to automatically update all the relevant cells in Excel when a new row is added

So I have a spreadsheet used for calculating let's say the taxes on something which I purchased. It has a column with the sales tax calculation, state tax, etc. and all each of these columns reference ...
Prospero's user avatar
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MS Excel - Separate text based on keyword

I need to separate text based on a keyword to different columns. the original text is in one column but I want to split the intended subtext into different columns. The problem in this case is I get ...
Iman Ghavamabadi's user avatar
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Excel - If any of 6 cells are > 0 divide by that number of cells

What I'm trying to do is the following: Once 'Cell B19:B20' and 'Row 21' have a value, 'Row 22' divides 'Cell B19:B20' between the amount of columns that have a cost value ('Row 21'). For example: ...
Roman's user avatar
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Quick way to change between no auto formatting and auto formatting in Excel

I'm looking for a method to quickly switch between an Excel state that disables all auto formatting (for ETL work) and the standard state with standard auto formatting enabled. There are many posts ...
Matt D's user avatar
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A single pound sign '#' to custom format excel cell?

I need to display a very big number within Excel, for example a following number: 174587584558159. Excel displays it by using a scientific notation, like following: 1.74588E+14. I tried to format ...
Anatoly's user avatar
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Updating column values from one Excel spreadsheet to another

I had no idea what to Google for this. Basically I have 2 Excel files: File A and File B. Here is File A: And here is File B: I am trying to loop through File B. I want to look at each row's first ...
Joffrey Baratheon's user avatar
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How do I pull data from one cell to another using matching info in excel? [duplicate]

So, let me try to explain what I need. I have two different workbooks of data. I need to match info from "WB1 Column B" to "WB2 Column A". If there is a match, I need to pull the info from the same ...
Ben's user avatar
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Comparing two Excel spreadsheets to highlight changes

I need to compare two large, multi page spreadsheets and combine them into one spreadsheet showing the data that was in the original one and also what it was changed to in the second one? I have ...
Peter Beech's user avatar
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Ticket report - Auto populate from other worksheets into specific form

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm quite a dummy in excel and programming in general and I have a question related to building a report: I must present a ticket report of which tickets are opened, how ...
GATE Elemental's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Put a checkbox in a cell in Excel v15 for Mac

I am trying to make a checklist in Excel. Basically I am trying to make a cell: Into a checkbox that can be checked or unchecked, and saved with the spreadsheet: It's super-duper easy to do it in ...
MicroMachine's user avatar