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Need Help Migrating A Drop Down List From One Workbook To Another

I need some help migrating a drop down list and the data selected from that list to another workbook. I have a list of people that need to be contacted each week, with an updated file that is sent to ...
Ok-Fly-9373's user avatar
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2 answers

How to TEXTJOIN/CONCATENATE based on constraints for specific no of rows count

I need to concatenate certain attribute value based on the sequence number for specific material number and a formula to automate the process. I have columns as listed in the below screen shot and I ...
Vignesh K's user avatar
1 vote
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Hyperlink does not change along with cell when filtered

I’m having a problem with hyperlink when using filters. So let’s say I have these table rows: A B C I have a hyperlink to cell C using the usual hyperlink option. But if I change the filter from “A to ...
Hải Nguyễn's user avatar
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Creating a technical excel data sheet to display efficient data

I am creating a table in excel that holds milestone achievement data with their respective amount. This table has multiple milestones that have only one amount, meaning that a set of milestone ...
ExcelNoob's user avatar
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Excel Sum Table based of criteria missing from another table

I have 3 tables. Table1 is a list of items w/ a sum attached to them. Table 2 is a list of "official items" and a category. Table 3 is a category that needs a sum. i.e. Table 1 A. B Parrot....
plzwork's user avatar
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In Excel my formula is skipping the first two cells of a table

Hi I have an Excel Spreadsheet and I'm trying to convert a table with multiple rows and columns into just one column for sorting and filtering. But the issue is that it doesn't start at cell A2 where ...
cocoakrispies93's user avatar
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Excel 2016 Stopping automatic formatting of timestamps

I'm entering a list of timestamps from a video into Excel 2016. However, when I reach numbers above 24, Excel reacts like it's a 24 hour clock and changes my number. For example, if my timestamp is at ...
Beck's user avatar
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3 votes
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Filtering over merged downwards cells in MS Excel-2016

Note: This question has been asked back in 2010 on this site here. And yet, I would like to post it one more time, showing what I did and what didn't work. Besides, Excel has changed quite a bit since ...
Zhiltsoff Igor's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I add Png Image as an option to Create New Object Type in Excel 365?

I want to insert several pictures as Objects in Excel 365. These pictures are scans of construction plans that serve as references to some calculations in the file. File readers need to be able to ...
SV01's user avatar
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editing sysinternal log to post on forum

I use sysinternal tool procmon I want to edit its log because I want to post it online on technical forums for disucssions. I want to ...
koeradoera's user avatar
1 vote
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SUMPRODUCT + INDIRECT reference, How to make it work if i'm adding rows?

I have a question/problem, I have an excel formula that looks something like this =(SUMPRODUCT(((INDIRECT("'"&G9&"'!"&$A$9)=$I$6)*(INDIRECT("'"&G9&"'!"&$B$9)))))/1.16 It is ...
Daniel Contreras's user avatar
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Microsoft excel security warning excel 2016

I have a excel worksheet in which I do import data from external web page by this following method: Data-> Get external data -> From Web This data gets auto refreshed every 15 min. While refreshing ...
Arshit patel's user avatar
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Excel 2016: All cells dark by default

I have a very weird and annoying problem. Cells in my Excel 2016 are dark by default. Every new document is dark. Every opened document is dark (sometimes with some exceptions). I tried removing ...
Qiasm's user avatar
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Make only one bar in bar chart stacked?

Is there any way I can create a bar chart based on data but make only one bar stacked? Like this (see the last bar): I made this image by adding a shape to the last bar. Is it possible to create a ...
user1036191's user avatar
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Quick way to change between no auto formatting and auto formatting in Excel

I'm looking for a method to quickly switch between an Excel state that disables all auto formatting (for ETL work) and the standard state with standard auto formatting enabled. There are many posts ...
Matt D's user avatar
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Horizontal scroll in Excel with keyboard

Is there a keyboard shortcut in excel for horizontal scrolling. I'm aware of alt+pgdn and alt+pgup, but it's scrolling for whole view area. Is there any keyboard shortcut for scrolling one column at ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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Highlight ONLY THE FIRST of all min/max values in a row/column in Excel

I'm trying to THE TITLE, that would be the general question; in my specific situation I need the minimum value in each row of a matrix, using conditional formatting of course. I've only been able to ...
Scaramouche's user avatar
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Conditional Formatting Wont Work

I created 4 conditional formatting rules and for some reason, only 3 of them work. For all 4 of them, the rule type is set to "use a formula to determine which cells to format", as I want the whole ...
Aris's user avatar
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Excel - How can I probe all the precedents of a given cell?

I'm a relatively naive excel user who's been dropped in the middle of an ocean of cells. I've been tasked with coding the value of one cell in a workbook into python. Of course, this cell has multiple ...
Spuds's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to make MS Excel cells display dark background with white text instead of the reverse which is default?

By default, MS Excel cells displays white background with black text. This is glaring to the eyes. Some even find it painful. How can we make MS Excel to display black/dark background with white text ...
curious's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to disable/enable office clipboard

Question: Is there any way that you can disable clipboard in Office 2016? I don't mean show/hide status when coping or similar stuff from clipboard options. I mean to completely turn it off. It so ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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Turn off Excel Compatibility Mode

I experimented with compatibility mode in Excel 365, now I can't turn it off, every new workbook opens in Compatibility Mode. Crawled the web for an answer, but only found how to save a particular ...
jpl458's user avatar
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How to perform the same operation on multiple excel files

I have a series of excel files all numbered sequentially, having data that is of the same format, but taken at different times. I would like to perform the same operations on all the excel files, ...
Sarthak Nigam's user avatar
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Functionality in Microsoft Excel to automatically substitute abbreviations

I'm trying to get my mom used to Excel 2016, and we have the following problem: In Excel 1998, there was a feature to automatically substitute small strings for text for full names, e.g.: Entering "...
hgiesel's user avatar
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Strange behaviour with space in front of number value on Excel 2016 macOS

I encountered some strange behaviour in my excel 2016 on macOS High Sierra. I opened fresh new workbook, then I typed " 1.5" (I typed space then 1.5), then wrote this formula on A2 =TRIM(A1), then on ...
ramaadhitia's user avatar
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Attempting to transpose two column table in excel using first column to group values in second column

I have a two column table in Microsoft Excel 2016 that simply lists a expense category in first column and expense amount in second column. expense category are not unique and will repeat multiple ...
PancakeBimmer's user avatar
10 votes
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Multiple instances upon opening multiple Office Documents

Starting with Version 16.0.8625.2121 of Office (tested with Word and Excel) - when you select multiple documents in the Explorer and hit Enter to open them, you will end up with instances to the count ...
Rand Random's user avatar
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Excel 2016 conditional formatting is not working with AND [duplicate]

I am trying to color rows automatically where a given condition is true, using conditional formatting. For example, color the row if there is something in its D column: =INDIRECT("D"&ROW())<>...
Cerike's user avatar
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Issues with excel template/blank workbook

I'm having very weird issues with all excel 2016 files on Windows 10 (new and existing). Anytime I enter text the cell style is being changed. This also applies to deleting or changing the cell. If I ...
mr_fruitbowl's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

How to replace with leading zeros in Excel?

In an Excel file, I need to replace, say, "foo" by "007". I selected all the file and I explicitly put the cell format to be in Text mode. So, why it replaces me "foo" by "7" and not by "007" as I ...
serge's user avatar
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Office 2016 applications hang after remote desktop usage

Observed with Excel and OneNote. After watching them via Remmina Remote desktop, their windows become non-responsive and applications hang. How to fix? May be disable animations or any smarteness to ...
Dims's user avatar
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"The system cannot find the file specified" error for CreateObject("Excel.Application")

Trying to run a vbscript which uses Excel 2016. When I try to create an Excel object with this code Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") The system returns the following error in a ...
vladiz's user avatar
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Excel find and pivot

I have a large excel 2016 file (26k rows) . I have 7 terms that I need to search for and extract the rows that these items are in, into another excel file or workbook or delete everything in the file ...
user1049286's user avatar
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How do I fix a long delay in Excel 2016?

I just bought a new computer (Lenovo ThinkPad E560 with Solid State Drive and Intel Core i5 processor) with Windows 7 and the local version of Office 2016 (NOT Office 365). I have noticed when using ...
HaroldFinch's user avatar
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Ticket report - Auto populate from other worksheets into specific form

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm quite a dummy in excel and programming in general and I have a question related to building a report: I must present a ticket report of which tickets are opened, how ...
GATE Elemental's user avatar
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Chart Displaying Odd Axis Labels

I have created a chart that counts and display occurrences of a range of dates. The axis labels for each column display the date like this: "Thursday March 17, 2016, Friday March 18, 2016" The next ...
Caith's user avatar
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Excel 2016 Macros - Windows/Mac Issue

I'm using Excel 2016 (Desktop - not online) and I've created a worbook with a Macro that I've signed using a self-signed certificate. I've set the 'trust center' settings on Windows so it will only ...
StephenC's user avatar
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View Source code Microsoft Excel

Is there an equivalent to view source code in microsoft excel for either the entire excel workbook or possibly for individual cells? Ideally I would like a way to view a list of every possible option ...
William's user avatar
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