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My windows excel icons are same for .xlsx and macro enabled .xlsm files

I'm running Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016. The macro enabled .xlsm files, used to have an exclamation mark in their excel icon. For some time now, all type of excel files have the same ...
Sakis's user avatar
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Converting My Macro into Array?

I have done a Macro code where I was able to show rows which contains the word "Overdue" and hide the other rows which contain the word (Completed, Pending, in progress, Delayed". ...
MaRaM Alhashlamoun's user avatar
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Put binary numbers per row one by one

My aim is convert decimal number to binary numbers and putting binary numbers one by one per column in EXCEL. I did convert decimal to binary using BASE command and do not know how to put it one by ...
Max's user avatar
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Excel VBA - Checking Cell Value in Relation to Another Cell

I want to highlight a row of cells in columns B-K if that part has less than 5 QOH (Column J). I also want it to only highlight the row if the part is in the subinventory "W1" or "...
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VBA - Setting Side Borders in Varying Columns and Rows

Everyday I run a list, it is always different. It will have different amounts of rows with different values in them every day. I have coded it so I have horizontal borders exactly as I want, but now ...
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VBA Excel - Checking Text Similarity in Same Column

Image 1 Image 2 I am trying to check for text similarity for the text in the "Line-Side Loc" in Column J. If the text in column J isn't the same, I would like a thick bottom border applied ...
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Unable to see the cells in the Excel workbook

I am unable to understand this worksheet which was written by someone else. There are certain columns which are not visible unless activated. This activation occurs when I change a value in particular ...
amgad's user avatar
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Find Replace from excel to word template macro

I want to use excel to find (ColA) data and replace it with (ColB) Data in to a premade word template I have the macro that already opens up the word template with what i want to find/replace I am ...
Base01986's user avatar
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How to use file path stored in a cell in another cell to refer to a value in excel

I have a macro that loads the path of a file to a cell dynamically, Let's say the cell is C1. C1 contains File Path: "/a/x/c/s" How do I use the value stored in C1 in other cells to get the ...
user45524's user avatar
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MsgBox based on 2 values in different cells

I am completely a VBA novice and am trying to achieve the following, without success.I would really appreciate your help. What I need to achieve: If someone selects for each row Action = "Delete&...
pward's user avatar
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Macro to skip filtered rows

I have the following macro which does the following: Get the file names from a folder on Windows - this is only done if the list and folder is sorted A to Z Combines the name with the folder name ...
Drish's user avatar
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How do I create a macro that searches for a value in Excel and returns the row number of it?

I have two sheets in a workbook in Excel. One of them is a background color reference for star temperature. On the other sheet, I want to make it so that whenever I type in a value (i.e. 4728) and ...
WarpPrime's user avatar
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Transpose unique rows to columns while IF statement conditions are met but do not consolidate

Current State: A B C D E FG Component FieldKey Cost$ Qty 7120 7120 1220 $4.71 9,783 7120 9907062 1220 $7.80 4,061 7120 ...
HeliosOne's user avatar
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A Macro for outputting HTML into cell in Excel

I have a rather extensive spreadsheet that includes specific fields that will need to be input to an HTML code for a website. I'm wondering if there is a Macro and/or formula that would generate this ...
Cristin's user avatar
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How to Copy Range of Filtered Data and Paste it to new work sheet in Excel VBA (without Using Clipboard)

I want to Copy ColumnA and B to New sheet Range A and B (Source Sheet Filter Applied in ColumnH) This code is Recorded one, When i use this Random Error comes. Because i have 5 submacro and When i ...
baskar's user avatar
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How can i compare 2 columns row by row in excel and then extract unique information?

My Question(s): 1) Being able to compare Column A word in Column B and highlight the difference but doing this comparison row by row between the 2 columns. Iam working with a large data set of 48k+ ...
KAS's user avatar
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Excel Macro not going in the order it's supposed to

I have written a macro which is supposed to run an add-in on each worksheet. The Add-in is a Sage specific Add-in. I'm sure the sendkeys should work with whatever sendkeys I put in? However, it runs ...
Yolande Castle's user avatar
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Excel: Random select within table that meets with a condition

My issue is the following: I have a list of references, addresses of the reference and the city of the reference (the sample is shared below). My table has roughly 7000 lines, the references are ...
Likwit's user avatar
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Excel VBA - Copy & Paste macro loop pastes each file over the last

I have a question regarding a macro that's not performing in the way expected. I took a script I found online to cycle through a number of files in the same directory and perform the same action on ...
David H's user avatar
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How to turn a recorded Macro into an automated Macro in VBA when data come from another sheet?

I have recorded the following macro to sort data in the range "B3:U47" based on the values of the column "C3:C47". Sub Sorting_Finance() ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Finance").Sort.SortFields.Clear ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to turn a recorded Macro to an automated Macro in VBA?

I have recorded the following macro to sort data in the range "B3:U47" based on the values of the column "C3:C47". Sub Sorting_Finance() Range("B3:U47").Select ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("...
Alex's user avatar
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How to change text color in excel using custom formatting in formula

I am combining few cells to make a report which needs to be sent my team daily. The cells has both positive and negative values and I need to show negative in RED color. I tried below formula but it ...
David Syriac's user avatar
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Check two dates using Excel VBA code IFERROR, but still it's yielding a Error 13

My code is reporting: Run Time Error 13: Type mismatch. How can that be if I use an iferror function? Please note, the value in payroll_Start or payroll_Last should be a date but it could ...
SofiaEd's user avatar
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Mass conditional formatting

My goal: I am trying to create an automated schedule using conditional formatting that, once a block of time has been assigned, will color code itself. The best and the only way I could figure how to ...
Chris Perez's user avatar
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VBA - How to loop procedures within the same macro?

How to loop procedures? I don't like "calling" sub because it's too volatile/crash-prone and it flashes my screen... so how to loop procedures within the same macro...? Example: Sub LoopBase() ...
SofiaEd's user avatar
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VBA excel why the word "EnableEvents" is not capitalized in my VBA coding?

The "e" is not capitalized: My code: Application.enableEvents Should be: Application.EnableEvents ... right? Why my "e" is not capitalized automatically? My codes: Private Sub Workbook_Open() ...
SofiaEd's user avatar
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VBA - How to disable "record macro"?

Lower left corder of screen (in status bar), there is a squar icon for "record macro". Wow, that's dangerous for my secret macro codes. How to disable this? Could not find a satisfactory answer on ...
SofiaEd's user avatar
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How to prevent one file from being a Trusted Document?

I created an Excel-file with a limited amount of VBA.and it has to be accessible for several people. When some people click on "Enable" macro's and make it a trusted document, it does not work for ...
bob d'espallier's user avatar
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Enable Macros in Excel without Updating External File Links

I have excel documents that have links to extenal files in cells to grab data. These files also have macros. I need to move these excel documents between computers that do and don't have the external ...
user992627's user avatar
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Disable automatic scrolling while allowing typing in cells without macros (Excel)

I am using Excel 2016. When I type into cells at the bottom of the screen and press Enter, Excel moves the view down so that I can see what I just typed. Is it possible to disable this 'feature'? I am ...
Geza Kerecsenyi's user avatar
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Copy and paste loop in Excel

In Excel I would like to have a macro which does the following 100 times: Copy the range A1:F4 Paste to A7:F10, i.e. leaving two empty rows Then copy A7:F10, i.e. copy what was just pasted Paste to ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Copy, Paste and Clear a Table in Excel

I have a workbook with 3 worksheets (Current Week, Meeting History, Last Week). The 'Current Week' worksheet has 3 tables in it. My goal is to copy one of the 3 tables to 'Meeting History', then clear ...
Aris's user avatar
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Close and restart excel at arbitrary point in running a macro?

Suppose there is a marcro example_code in a excel 2016 file: example_excel.xlsm which has a lot of code but does not create external files (all the calculations are performed inexample_excel.xlsm. I ...
a.t.'s user avatar
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Unable to add CubeField/PivotField as a Data Field in VBA

I'm working on a very long Macro for my job and I am just about finished, but this is the last part and no matter what I do, I can't seem to figure out the fix. In this PivotTable, I need to have "...
Andrew Stahl's user avatar
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Software: Excel VBA Not Populating Default File Name in SaveAs Dialog Box

I am having an issue with some VBA code in my master Excel workbook. I have two pieces of code. Code A Works fine. Code B does not work fine. The first piece of code (Code A), which works fine, ...
rachaels's user avatar
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Bind dropdown with the values from 2 cells in another worksheet

I have dropdown contorl in sheet1. Then in sheet2 the values like, 'D2' value 2010, 'D3' value 2020. So now, I want to populate this dropdownlist with values 2010,2011,2012,,,,2019,2020(on workbook ...
KaviSuja's user avatar
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Macro/VBA to loop and skip sheets based on cell value

Can someone help me with a macro/VBA as what i'm asking for is a little advanced for me to achieve. I have an excel Workbook with 10 sheets of data in it. The macro i have basically re-formats and ...
JezVanderBrown's user avatar
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How do I record Menu in excel with Macro Record?

I'm working in Excel and I am about to create a macro. I record myself but the macro is not recording when I click on the menu on Excel, only the cells! How to record also the menu clicks I do?
Edin Neziri's user avatar
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Reinstate worksheet protection upon save and close

I currently have a VBA code that will automatically unprotect all of the worksheets in my Excel 2016 file by username. Currently when I open the file it asks for a password. I do not want this to ...
R.Conklin's user avatar
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Unprotect worksheets based on username

I have a VBA code that will unlock ALL of the sheets in my workbook, but it will not run automatically when I open the workbook.
R.Conklin's user avatar
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Excel 2016 UserForm [closed]

Ok, I have a userform. On this user form I have a combo box that pulls its data from a worksheet called "Lists" (Range A2:A49). I have three text boxes Purchasing_Group "Lists" worksheet (Range D2:...
R.Conklin's user avatar
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Excel 2016 userform macros, Windows 7

I have created a User form in Excel 2016 that contains several combo boxes, several text boxes, two radio buttons, and a submit button. First, how do I get the combo boxes to reference a list that I ...
R.Conklin's user avatar
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Automatic update of powerpoint graphs from a linked excel

So I've been having a bit of a problem recently, I somewhat solved it, but I'd love to see if anyone has a better suggestion. I have created a powerpoint file with a bunch of graphs using the simple ...
Edmunds Azauckis's user avatar
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Excel 2016 Macros - Windows/Mac Issue

I'm using Excel 2016 (Desktop - not online) and I've created a worbook with a Macro that I've signed using a self-signed certificate. I've set the 'trust center' settings on Windows so it will only ...
StephenC's user avatar
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Macro for Reapply Filter on Excel 2016

I have a Mac and am running Excel 2016. I have an Excel sheet which is auto-filtered by date. Until recently, I had a macro saved which allowed me to press Command+Option+n and it would reapply the ...
Adhi Sethi's user avatar