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Highlight rows when all values are for Order Number

I have a spreadsheet with two columns. One column is Order Number and the other one shows its status. As shown in the screenshot below: Sample Data Sheet: I want to highlight all the rows when the ...
zain ul abidin's user avatar
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How to match cell value to cell format

I have cells that appear as 20-Feb, 20-Mar, 20-Apr, etc, when you look at the sheet. When you click on the cell you can see in formula bar 2/20/2021, 3/20/2021, 4/20/2021. I would like to copy and ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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Combine merge content in Excel

Are there any formulas or tricks to change the cell formatting from the red table to the green table in Excel 2016?
William's user avatar
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I am unable to enter 6E029 in a cell in Excel

I am unable to enter the text from 6E000 to 6E999 in Excel. Every time I enter this it is taking exponential form. How can I format this to actual text?
Vamsi Inguva's user avatar
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3 answers

Suspect behaviour getting cell width in Excel

From what I have gleaned, the way to get a cell's width in Excel is to enter the formula =CELL("width") into the cell in question. This works fine for one cell at a time, but when I copy the formula ...
ProfK's user avatar
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Cells show number as text despite number format

I have a range of cells I apply a number format to using the EPPlus Excel library for .NET. I apply the format as follows: ws.Cells[$"D{startAt + 3}:E{endAt - 1}"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "#,##0....
ProfK's user avatar
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Excel 2016: All cells dark by default

I have a very weird and annoying problem. Cells in my Excel 2016 are dark by default. Every new document is dark. Every opened document is dark (sometimes with some exceptions). I tried removing ...
Qiasm's user avatar
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How to identify the original cell location that contains the Max information that my formula gives me?

What I am trying to accomplish is to Identify the Max of B1:B60, B60:B120, B120:B180 and so on throughout the entire column. I would also like to identify the location of those cells, and (ideally) ...
Aaron Hooper's user avatar
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General and Text Format covert data to exponential

[ I'm using Excel 2016 I got the following 2 numbers in excel: 27837837879 and 2.79602E+14 (I can see the full number in the function panel as per attachment 279602001944127, also if I expand the ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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Excel 2016 changes my cell value

Recently, whenever I enter a number into Excel, it automatically changes the value of that number. For example: I enter the data 238: Excel automatically change it into 23.8: For clarification, ...
lianlian2016's user avatar