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Questions tagged [microsoft-excel-2013]

The 2013 version of Microsoft's spreadsheet application.

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67 votes
11 answers

Excel copy-paste: always match destination formatting

I use Excel to crunch numbers, so I usually don't want to copy the formatting along with the text. But this is the default. Is there a way to default to always match destination formatting when ...
Leftium's user avatar
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66 votes
8 answers

How to turn plain text links into hyperlinks in excel?

I have a list of links in an Excel spreadsheet that I want to turn into hyperlinks so I can view them in a web browser. Is there a way I can change all of them to hyperlinks at once? I'm using Excel ...
Zach Russell's user avatar
53 votes
7 answers

Disable Excel 2013 cell animation

When clicking into a cell of a Excel 2013 sheet, the green border of the cell is animated while moving from the current cell to the new one. This is really disturbing. How can I disable this ...
FiveO's user avatar
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47 votes
8 answers

How can I stop Excel from opening a second blank window when opening a file from Explorer?

When I open an Excel file from Windows Explorer, I always get a second Excel window as well. Annoyingly, when I close it, it doesn't close, but the other window does! This seems to be a common issue: ...
Deanna's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

AND function gives TRUE result for empty, BLANK cell - why?

I have blank B2 cell. =ISBLANK(B2) gives TRUE A simple logical test on it returns FALSE =IF(B2,TRUE,FALSE) gives FALSE Yet when directly used in an AND statement, it returns TRUE =AND(B2,TRUE) ...
pulsar3424's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

Get rid of all ##### errors at once in excel [duplicate]

In Excel, I usually solve ##### errors by double-clicking offending column headers. However, this can get a bit tedious when there are multiple error columns. Is there a quicker way to solve this?
M.Hesse's user avatar
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28 votes
11 answers

How to prevent Excel to use the OS regional settings for date patterns in formulas

According to this question I have the following problem: I want to use some Excel function (not the cell formatting) like TEXT(A1, {date_pattern}) But the person who answer my previous question make ...
рüффп's user avatar
27 votes
6 answers

How do I add conditional formatting to cells containing #N/A in Excel?

I have a column in Excel 2013 filled with values found with VLOOKUP(). For some reason, I am unable to use conditional formatting to highlight cells which contain #N/A. I tried creating highlighting ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
  • 14.6k
22 votes
5 answers

PERSONAL.xlsb not opening automatically

For some reason, my PERSONAL.xlsb file is no longer opening automatically. I've checked the Trust Center and the file location (C:\Users[user]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART) is a Trusted ...
aLearningLady's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

In Excel 2013, where are Visual Basic (VBA), Macros and AddIn tools?

In Excel 2013, where are options and tools such as Visual Basic (VBA), Macros and AddIn tools? Are they supported?
BSalita's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

Is there a way to skip down to the next change in value in Excel?

For my current daily use of Excel, I have a sheet where hundreds of consecutive rows have the same value for a particular column. I’d like a way to quickly skip down to the next different value. ctrl ...
Tyler James Young's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Excel save behaviour of CSV file with UTF8 encoding vs UTF8-Bom encoding

My original csv files are encoded with UTF8-BOM, this is so Excel can recognise the Unicode charcters (If its just encoded with UTF8 then Excel does not recognise the unicode characters). My issue ...
user2945722's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

How to fill in missing dates in chart

I'm looking for a simple way to chart a list of values each correlating to a date. For example: Date Value 11/7/13 2 11/8/13 2 11/11/13 3 11/14/13 2 Etc. The problem is, the chart does ...
user176692's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

How to disable SYLK warning for CSV files in Excel?

I load a lot of CSV files into Excel and some of them cause the warning where Excel thinks it's a SYLK file, not CSV. The cause is known. How does one disable this warning? Is there a setting, a ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
  • 18.7k
12 votes
5 answers

Fill formulas until end of adjacent table

I'm trying to fill a column with a simple formula using cells from an adjacent table. I know how to do that by dragging the mouse, but it's a very long column, so I'd like to use AutoFill. However, ...
Tim Pietzcker's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Tab (\t) is not recognized as columns delimiter when pasting into Excel 2013

I'm pasting data separated by tab, usually the excel would be a "little" cleaver and separate the data by columns at each tab character. I don't know why, but Excel doesn't recognize the tabs anymore ...
Pedro77's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How can I identify zero values, but format non-zero ones?

I have a column in an Excel spreadsheet that contains monetary values, most of which are zero. I want to hide the zero ones, but keep the non-zero ones formatted as currency. This Microsoft page shows ...
Avrohom Yisroel's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Excel Conditional Formatting greyed out

So I have a sheet open in Excel 2013. I have come to add some conditional formatting and cannot do so due to it being greyed out. My suspicion is that it is due to this [Group] thing. I know that ...
Patrick's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Excel 2013 - Is there a way to turn off a chart series without removing it?

This past year I finally switched to Excel2013 from Lotus123. The only task I miss from Lotus (that I can't figure out how to do in Excel) is: when formatting charts and creating copies of charts it ...
Bobby's user avatar
  • 111
10 votes
7 answers

Excel filtering very slow

At the company I work at we have a Excel spreadsheet to keep track of the purchases the company made in the last year. This sheet has aproximately 1500 rows and 30 columns. A few days ago filtering ...
mius's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How do I show only the print area in Excel and grey out the rest?

I'm trying to replicate an Excel spreadsheet that someone sent me and I can't figure out how. The print area is set, and all cells outside the print area are greyed out. The cells aren't simply shaded,...
Michael A's user avatar
  • 858
9 votes
5 answers

Combining first two letters from first name and first two letters from last name

I have a spreadsheet of usernames. The first and last names are in the same cell of column A. Is there a formula that will concatenate the first two letters of the first name (first word) and the ...
prweq's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Excel TEXT function does not work properly

Let say I have the following values in the cells A1 : `=Now()` which displays 17.03.2014 13:45 A2 : 12.03.2014 Both are in date format and I have the function in another cells like this: B1 : `=...
рüффп's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Excel Formula To Get First Non-Zero Value in Row and Return Column Header

I am attempting to find a formula where I can look at a column range within a row and return the column header in that row where the first non-zero value occurs, moving left to right. Below is a ...
Scott Holtzman's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

What causes Excel to raise an error about "one or more formula references" when saving?

Upon saving my Excel sheet, I receive the following error message: We found a problem with one or more formula references in this worksheet. Check that the cell references, range names, defined names ...
Karlo's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Dynamically filtering data before importing from SQL Server in Excel

I'm trying to figure out whether there is a way to filter the data from an SQL Server connection before it is imported into Excel. The initial import doesn't matter (when the connection is set up), ...
Griffin's user avatar
  • 93
8 votes
1 answer

How to change excel legend order?

I have a excel graph with two lines using the primary axis and a column using the secondary axis. The legend currently lists the column first followed by the two lines. I would like to list the ...
drv82's user avatar
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8 votes
10 answers

Why is Excel 2010/2013 taking 10 seconds open any file?

I have a fast Windows 7 PC with two SSDs and 16GB of RAM, so I'm used to programs loading very fast. But recently, for no reason I can figure out, Excel has started taking way too long to open Excel ...
jbkly's user avatar
  • 181
8 votes
4 answers

Excel when connected to external data: "We found a problеm with some content in [file]"

I have created a spreadsheet in Excel 2013 that gets data from a CSV file, then made a pivot table based on the raw data and a chart to visualise it. The connection was also added to the data model ...
abstrask's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

How to combine a range and cell into a new range within a formula in Excel

I have a formula in Excel that takes an array/range of values as one of the input. I have a range of values, let's say A1:A6, and a single cell C11. I want to combine the range with the single cell ...
MLister's user avatar
  • 255
8 votes
2 answers

How to make Excel pay attention to the clipboard

I use Excel 2013 for a few hours every day, and I really hate it. Outlook is worse, but most of the Office suite saps productivity rather than increasing it. One example, which maybe someone can help ...
Thesle Williams's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

X-Axis labels in excel graph are showing sequence of numbers instead of actual labels

I have a chart as part of a template which gets plotted based on source data. Data seem to be fine but labels in x-axis are shown as sequence of numbers 1,2,3,4,etc., instead of actual labels(these ...
Krish Mannemala's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Why won't Excel 2013 work as an "Open With..." program in Windows 7?

I just recently uninstalled Office 2010 32-bit and installed Office 2013 64-bit on my computer. I was sent some text files that are tab-delimited, so I want to open them with Excel. I am trying to ...
techturtle's user avatar
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7 votes
7 answers

How to merge two Excel columns into one (the other way)

I've a list as shown in A and B columns, and I want to merge as shown in D: How can I do that? Here, alphabets (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) are just used as place holders. What I really need in column D is A1,...
claws's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Average numbers if another column contains a certain substring text in Excel

I'm looking for a way to average the numerical numbers in one column, say B, only if the string in column A contains a certain text. For example: (In column A) (In column B) Hello table . . . 1 ...
Rem's user avatar
  • 71
7 votes
2 answers

What is Macro worksheet in Excel?

I have Excel 2013. To access VBA I accidentally pressed Ctrl+F11 instead of Alt+F11 and a new worksheet named ‘Macro1’ was created. This looks like an ordinary worksheet but the default column width ...
rajeev's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How do I download a stock price in Excel 2013? Is there an equivalent to Google Doc's GoogleFinance spreadsheet function?

In a Google Docs spreadsheet, I can use this cell formula: =GoogleFinance("GOOG", "price") to download the latest price of a stock. Is there an equivalent function in Excel 2013? Earlier versions ...
Michael A's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Excel: how to delete text and fill color?

In Excel you can press the Delete key to delete the contents of highlighted cells, but not the cells' fill color. Instead you need to click on the Fill tool on the ribbon and choose No Color. Is ...
jingtao's user avatar
  • 173
7 votes
2 answers

Plot a line chart in Excel with multiple lines

Let's say I have a data table like ╔════════╦══════════╦═══════╗ ║ Stock ║ Date ║ Price ║ ╠════════╬══════════╬═══════╣ ║ Stock1 ║ 1/1/2017 ║ 17.0 ║ ║ Stock1 ║ 1/2/2017 ║ 17.4 ║ ║ Stock1 ║ 1/...
hardywang's user avatar
  • 239
7 votes
3 answers

Format numbers in different locale (with period instead of comma as decimal separator)

I am using Excel 2013 on a German version of Windows 8.1. When I format a number as a number, in cells or in a diagram, it is displayed with a comma as decimal sign (like "3,1415"). I would like to ...
jdm's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Excel 2013 Help Offline View

Is there a way to enable offline viewing of Excel 2013's help window like that of 2010's? Every time I hit the F1 key, Excel wants to connect to the internet to help me! Edit: Is there a way to enable ...
MS Sankararaman's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Equivalent of Google Sheets Importrange

What is the equivalent of google sheets =IMPORTRANGE function in MS Excel? =QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("1yH4Y1bz4zchsC0TFuWkJsAaL_XXXruNHf56BOiNJIM","Another sheet!A:M"),"select Col1,Col2,Col4,Col8",1) E.g....
Aivars's user avatar
  • 171
7 votes
5 answers

Inserting specific number of rows in Excel

I, for the life of me, can not figure out why M$ has not provided this feature. If I want to insert 597, for the sake of argument lets say blank, new rows, all available information tells me to either ...
puk's user avatar
  • 717
6 votes
3 answers

Excel adds double quotes on csv export [duplicate]

I am experiencing a weird unknown behavior in excel. The sheet I want to export to a csv file consists of 4 columns with data like this: site.aspx|de|lblChanges.Text|some text that will be used ...
Marco's user avatar
  • 191
6 votes
6 answers

Apply conditional formatting to multiple rows

When using the Conditional Formatting in Excel 2013, I can't seem to apply one rule to multiple rows. I use data which is not related in multiple rows. For example, row A contains prices, row B ...
Dave J.'s user avatar
  • 61
6 votes
2 answers

How to format numbers and thousands with decimals in Excel?

I wish to display the numbers 23567 and 100 as 23.6K and 0.1K, respectively. I know the format ##0."K" gets me close: 24K and 0K, respectively. But I'm unable to tweak it to do what I want. I'm on ...
cant_get_it's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How does Excel decide to use an absolute path for external links rather than relative path

There seems to be a difference in the behavior of relative links in Excel 2013 from Excel 2010. What I'm experiencing in Excel 2013 is the following: If the option 'Save external link values' is ...
Ben Aaronson's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to find and replace the character “*” in excel text values in cell, but NOT formulas

Very similar to this question: How to find and replace the character "*" in Excel But I need to leave formulas untouched. I've got about 50+ sheets that have two types of cells with "*" ...
StillLearning's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Sum of different currencies Excel

I have an excel workbook which requires me to calculate the sum of different currencies on the same column, here is the result I'm looking for: The $40.00 in Dollars was calculated based on item A ...
PrankyMat's user avatar
  • 171
6 votes
2 answers

How to protect worksheet with writeable cells that retain formatting and comments

Is there a way to protect a worksheet such that certain cells are writeable (e.g. user can put numbers into these cells), but the formatting and comment box cannot be changed? I am able to create a ...
Suraj's user avatar
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