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Microsoft Access is a rapid application database development tool.

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Microsoft Access (2007-2016) - Form Contents Can't Be Found In Current Record?

I'm currently using Microsoft Access file format "Access 2007 - 2016". What I'm trying to do is make a form with a combo box, that when a value is selected will populate a list box with ...
Matthew Davis's user avatar
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O365 MS Access Trust Center

I have somewhat confusing issue where I haven't had any luck with solving it. We are switching from RDS 2k16 to RDS Data Center 2022, and from Office 2016 to Office 365. I have defined all the GPOs ...
Roy_2353's user avatar
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How do I get the full sql code for all queries in all MS Access databases of a folder?

I want to run RegEx on the full SQL code of hundreds of MS Access queries that I loop through with VBA over all Access databases that can be found in a folder. The "SQL" attribute of the ...
questionto42's user avatar
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"You can't modify the structure of table "xyz", because it is already in use by another person or process.", and the Access instance cannot be closed

While I changed some VBA code in MS Access to fill new columns that I added to an Access table, I struggled with a crashed instance that stayed open even if I clicked on "Close"/X. I ...
questionto42's user avatar
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why does moving a textbox move an associated form label in Microsoft Access?

After removing the layout for textboxes in a form, was able to move them side by side, as: form However, trying to bring the two textboxes together just moves the label about. Why is this? The ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to set the background color for a text box in MS Access?

Just looking at: You In Layout view, set the background color of the CompanyName text box to Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80%, and set the font size to 14. Save the form as Edit Suppliers. Close the form. ...
Nick's user avatar
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MS Access refuses to create correct lookup relationship

In my database I have one table "data" with a short text field "test". I want this to be a lookup, getting its values from the short text "test" field of another table &...
bob.sacamento's user avatar
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MS Access 2016: How to delete a macro?

I use Access of the Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 package. I played a little bit with the Creation of Macros. I safed a macro named "Makro1". Now I want to delete that Macro, ...
Mario's user avatar
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MS Access replace function is not giving the expected result

I am concatenating two fields, however in some cases the second field begins with \, but not always. I'm trying to remove the possible extraneous \ using replace. stDigitalFolderLocation = ...
Ali Kayn's user avatar
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With Microsoft Access when doing data-entry can linked fields be matched by partial string?

I am trying to improve efficiency of data-entry in access. Imagine this scenario: I have two tables (Main, Customer), main has a field imported from Customer (via lookup). Main needs to have ...
VCD_WL's user avatar
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Access 365 - exporting data to PDF

When I export Access 365 form records to a pdf file, it creates a continuous file. I want to get one record per page. How do I do that?
Susan's user avatar
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Microsoft Access Clear Some of the Data in Multiple Rows in a Subform

I have a form with a subform. The subform has multiple rows. The following fields are in the subform (control, status, validationDate, notes). I would like to be able to clear all of the data in the ...
websteds's user avatar
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Access Dlookup it shows me an error or empty field

I would like the form to show me the amount from the query by name in the field. This shows me an error or an empty field: =DLookUp("[Výpočet vaplacené peníze od číšníků Dotaz]![Sum Of Vyplaceno]&...
Miroslav Géduš's user avatar
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Check values from previous rows in Microsoft Access Table data validation rule

How can I create a data validation rule for Microsoft Access Table which will check the value from the current row with the value(s) from the previous row(s)? Take the following table as an example: ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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Is it possible to have bidirectional relationships in Microsoft Access?

I have a database including two tables for suppliers and people: the suppliers table has a look up column where one can select the people relevant to that supplier from the people table. and there is ...
Foad's user avatar
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How do i create a field in access database that shows the record index in "A1,A2..... H12" format?

How do I create a field that automatically converts the index value in a record to cell number, as in the picture? I have 96 cells starting with A1 and ending with H12, like this:
Freezing Soul's user avatar
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Restore overwritten Access DB in Windows

I have an application written in C# WinForms that uses Access DBs with *.temx extension. My client by mistake overwritten the *.temx file with ~100 records and created 4 new records inside the ...
Stephan Miller's user avatar
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MS Access table not sorting by primary key

Environment: MS Office LTSC Pro Plus 2021 under Windows 11 Pro 64. I have an Access table with 300,000 records and 28 fields, including an autonumber primary key. Yesterday, after adding the 28th ...
NewSites's user avatar
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Error in duplicate record in Access 2010 [duplicate]

I should work with a database into the Access 2010 recently. It has few Tables, a few Queries based on their tables and finally a Form. The Form has a button for duplication records. When I click the ...
Kasy's user avatar
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MS Access Runtime 2007 - Closes with no error, requires reinstall

I have a little program developed in access 2007, it connects to a MySQL DB via ODBC connector. The following problem does not happen in all PCs, it doesn't even happen in all of the same WinOS that ...
Juan Lescano's user avatar
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Filtering dropdown list in MS access hides existing values in older records

I have Microsoft Access database. In this database I have multiple tables. In one table I store details about contracts we have with our business partners. in second table I have details about orders. ...
SilverWarior's user avatar
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Access 365 - Suppress Active Content Warning Popup

POPUP - THE FOLLOWING POST CONCERNS THE DISRUPTIVE POPUP NOT THE MESSAGE BAR Starting with Microsoft 365 for Apps update 16.0.16130.20218, Microsoft changed the functionality of Access 365 so that ...
EllieK's user avatar
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Update a field in other records based on the value of same field in a record automatically

I want to transfer the contents (value) of a field in an Access form by VBA to its previous and next records, while I am still in the current record. Could be said I want to copy it to the same field ...
Kasra's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect a SQL file in VS Code to a .mdb database in MS Access?

Is it possible to connect the .mdb database file open in Microsoft Access with a .sql file that you edit in Visual Studio Code? I want to be able to create seperate queries in a .sql file that I edit ...
Romans's user avatar
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How to change the path of Microsoft Office Soap Type Library in Access 2010?

I have OFFICE14 and OFFICE16 in Microsoft Share folder. I have two questions: As you can see the last few words in the path are cutout. How do I look at the full path here. How to change the path of ...
Brute's user avatar
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MS Access Runtime closes database when there is a mirror error. How to Ignore?

There is a MS Access Database. Sometimes there are pop ups errors: "The value you entered isn't valied for this field" and then a Macro error. But that's OK, I just click "Stop All ...
user2978216's user avatar
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Access append, find the records that are lost due to key violation

I made an excel file, I made it exporting an access table, then I edited the excel file being sure it only contained the records that I wanted to append to the original table. now if I use access and ...
Hoygen's user avatar
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Power Query Opens Source Data and Then Can't Access It

Full disclosure, I'm kinda new to Power Query but I'm running into some weird problems. I'm used to using Data Connections in older versions of Microsoft Office to connect an Access database with an ...
Drake's user avatar
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How to make an exe from Windows XP, Access 2000 run on Windows 10?

I have an exe from my college days, created on windows xp, and it used an access database of unknown version of that time. I tried opening it in my current PC, which is Windows 10, with Office 2019. ...
manu muraleedharan's user avatar
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Mail merge using Access query containing long text fields - long text fields are empty in word document

I am trying to do a mail merge in an MS Word document based upon an MS Access query that contains long text fields. For some reason, the entries in the long text fields do not show up in the Word ...
Elizabeth Milliken's user avatar
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Sharing MS Access dB for multi user edit

I need to share a MS Access database file between multiple PCs so they would be able to edit and view the other's edits in realtime. I have no server to make a NAS and Windows File-Sharing service isn'...
WillingMost7's user avatar
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Why is this VBA data-fetching function hanging?

I have written this function in VBA to fetch data from a URL. I am calling it from another function that is called in an Access query. The code is adapted from code in an article cited in the comments ...
NewSites's user avatar
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Why is this VBA data-fetching function hanging in Access?

I have this function in VBA, which I have used successfully before in Excel to fetch data from a URL: '======================================================== Public Function sURLfetch(ByVal sURL As ...
NewSites's user avatar
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Error "Unrecognized database format" when opening a .mdb file

I have a .mdb file which I do not know which version of ms access was used to create it. When I try to open it, I get "Unrecognized database format" error. I tried using MS ACCESS 2003 and ...
Eslam's user avatar
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Trusted Location still showing security warning for compiled Access DB path

Asked on Stack Overflow but Super User was suggested Been puzzling over this for a few days. I install a compiled Access 2016 database (accde) into a %localappdata% program subfolder and add that ...
dbmitch's user avatar
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Append Query with Criteria not working

I have an append query to calculate a total pricing and append to table. The sum columns are working properly but the calculation column is not. It gives the error that it is not part of an ...
Ronie Batley's user avatar
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make ODBC link work over VPN

I've created an Access file that contains ODBC links to our web-based ERP system, with a form full of graphs tracking various company metrics against target figures. The Access file is stored on our ...
Spencer Barnes's user avatar
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How to compare sets of values pulled from a child/junction table?

I'm relatively new to database work, so I may use some terms incorrectly. Please don't be misled by that. Suppose I have three tables: Items, Customers, and a Junction table that connects the two. (...
skelso's user avatar
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Query that treats blanks as having all possible values

Suppose I have the following tables: Field_1 Field_2 Field_3 A B D A C E A C F Z B G Z B H Z C I Field_1 Field_2 A C Z B If I pull these into the Query Design window in Access and join the ...
skelso's user avatar
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Access crashes when opening linked table via MySQL ODBC driver

We installed the 32 bit ODBC driver (8.0.27) for MySQL on a Windows 10 machine Made a successfull connection via SSL to a MySQL 8 server Initially tables most table can be opened, but Access crashes ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to unroll a row in Excel, to have a better view for editing?

Let's say we have an Excel spreadsheet like this: Is there an easy way, ideally built-in in Excel, to "unroll a row" to be able to: have a better view of all the data in this row have an ...
Basj's user avatar
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Access database advice

I'm new to access so this might sound stupid. I have few thousands csv files, each one containing few hundred rows of transactions data for an item. Each csv file is a different item. I want to use MS ...
J Doe's user avatar
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MS-Access keeps stealing focus from VBA

When I'm working on MS Access VBA scripting, the Access application keeps stealing focus from VBA, even mid typing. So I will be typing code, there will be a pause, a brief lock up, and all of a ...
sriche01's user avatar
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I need help designing this query. I can't use a JOIN statement. One column is referenced in two different contexts

I am working in Microsoft Access because this is what my professor wants. I've designed a University database. I have a Student table with a Department code for the student's major (FK to DCode in ...
EP1997's user avatar
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MS Word mail merge: "word could not re-establish a DDE connection to microsoft access"

I have several mail merge documents that I created in MS Word 2007. These have worked very well with MS Access 2007 for years. The only problem that I had to solve during creation of the documents was,...
Tobias Knauss's user avatar
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Shortcut Shift + F2 for MS Access doesn't work

I started to learn MS Access. On a Youtube video they said that when you use the shortcut Shift + F2 you get a zoom window which is interesting when you want to type a long text. When I try this ...
Alain Fabel's user avatar
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MySQL Server configuration, is it enough for my needs?

I've never dealt with MySQL before, so I am very new at this. I am connecting my MS Access front-end to MySQL server. The server configuration is 2 CPU Cores, 2GB RAM and 60GB SSD. The server has ...
Alex's user avatar
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MS Office Update removes my ODBC Connection to MySQL Server

I've had couple times where an Office Update cleared or removed MS Access Database ODBC connection to MySQL server. I have three people using this database, and if anyone updates their Office Suite ...
Alex's user avatar
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"Operating System is not configured to use this application" when migrating a DB using the Access SQL server migration assistant

I have (re)installed Microsoft SQL Server migration assistant latest version today, and i have installed Ms SQL server Management studio 18 in order to migrate my accdb access database from Access to ...
Martin Moore's user avatar
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How to diagnose why Query in Microsoft Access is returning wrong results

I have a database in which I store information about what work our contractor is doing for us. Basically I store WorkNumber, date when work was done, contract number, subcotnract number (we have ...
SilverWarior's user avatar

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