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Questions tagged [macos]

Apple's Unix-based operating system. Use for questions about the operating system or to provide OS context. For Mac hardware questions, use [mac]. Questions about using macOS on non-Apple hardware ("Hackintosh"), are off-topic.

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36 votes
4 answers

Assign a shortcut to running a script in OS X

Does OS X provide an easy way to bind key combinations to commands which are typically run on the command line? For example, is there some way to assign ⌘ Cmd+L as a global shortcut to quickly lock ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
47 votes
6 answers

Can a Mac be used by multiple users at same time?

Can a Mac be used by different users at the same time? I mean to say that we have a single Mac but 3 users. Can they access the same machine remotely at the same time for developing applications on ...
user avatar
23 votes
0 answers

ls -la symbolics... what does that last symbol mean?

Possible Duplicate: what does the @ mean on the output of ls on os x terminal? when I type ls -la I get this familiar output... drwxr-xr-x+ 38 kent staff 1292 Nov 6 11:09 . drwxr-xr-x ...
user17047's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

How to run Mac OS X within Windows Virtual PC? [closed]

The short answer is: You Can't. It seems to be a popular question as to whether you can install/run Mac OS X under virtualization within Windows. However, most of the questions really answer the ...
Chris Pietschmann's user avatar
65 votes
14 answers

Batch convert encoding in files

How can I batch-convert files in a directory for their encoding (e.g. ANSI → UTF-8) with a command or tool? For single files, an editor helps, but how can I do the mass files job?
desolat's user avatar
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41 votes
11 answers

Remote desktop to Mac from various platforms (Windows, Ubuntu)

I fear I know the answer to this already, but I would like to be able to connect to my Mac Mini in a 'remote desktop' fashion. I would like to connect to my Mac as if I were sat at my desk, but I ...
Ben Everard's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

How do I recover files from an USB flash drive?

I have a flash drive that was used primarily on a Mac, and it was ejected improperly. Now when I put it back in, the computer (I tried 2 different Macs and 3 PCs) does not even register the flash ...
user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

Free NTFS partition recovery after disk was formatted in Mac OS X

I have a 1Tb disk which was partitioned into a ~700gb ntfs disk and a 300gb HFS+ (Mac OS X). I've accidentally allowed Mac OS X to wipe the hard-disk and create a single HFS+ partition over the hard-...
user avatar
32 votes
10 answers

Reassigning the caps lock key on Windows or OS X

How can I remap the Caps Lock key in Windows or OS X? Is there, for example, some way to map caps lock to a key combination like Alt+Tab on Windows or ⌘+Tab on OS X?
splattne's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Full screen/multi desktop WITH menu bar

This is driving me absolutely insane. I recently got a Macbook running macOS Sierra, and I do like the fullscreen app/multiple desktop feature as well as the 3 finger swipe gesture to switch between ...
Matthew's user avatar
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106 votes
17 answers

Switch between windows on Mac OS X?

On Windows when I do alt+tab I can switch between windows. If I have 5 firefox windows open then using alt+tab will switch between them. On my MacBook, cmd+tab switches between applications, not ...
Nir Levy's user avatar
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39 votes
7 answers

OSX Terminal showing incorrect hostname

When I open Terminal I expect it to show what my PS1 is set to \h:\W \u\$. However it's not displaying my hostname Eriks-MacBook, as displayed in System Preferences. Instead, it's showing a random ...
Erik W's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Did my USB Drive just die? [duplicate]

I have a 32 GB USB stick. I was in Mac (VMWare) putting some stuff on. Then accidentally removed the drive. I put it back in, and wanted to format it. Using disk utility, I chose 1 partition, it ...
Abdullah Gheith's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

A free utility for NTFS writing on Mac OS X 10.6.5? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to copy files to read-only NTFS hard drive on a Mac Coming from Windows (Vista/7), I have a few NTFS formatted Hard Drives. Are there any programs to make OS X write to ...
Moshe's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

How to copy files to read-only NTFS hard drive on a Mac?

I want to copy my some files from Mac (Macbook-Air) to an USB external hard drive, formatted as NTFS. How is it possible? Because when I do copy my files from the Mac and go to paste them on the ...
Jamna's user avatar
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26 votes
8 answers

Forward delete using Apple keyboard

How to do a forward delete in Mac, like <-backspace on windows keyboard?
user avatar
137 votes
6 answers

What should I do about

I've downloaded some .jar files from the internet and want to use them under Mac OS X. But the OS seems to have tagged them with the extended attribute (no indication of this ...
Jason S's user avatar
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31 votes
12 answers

Is there a keystroke that can lock the Mac OS X screensaver?

On Windows I can hit Windows + L to lock my desktop. On Leopard there doesn't seem to be this capability. While I can set the screensaver to come on very quickly, I would like to hit a key combo to ...
Brian Lyttle's user avatar
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28 votes
9 answers

How to take screenshots in Mac OS X?

How do I take screenshots in Mac OS X?
sagarkothari's user avatar
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16 votes
9 answers

Cleaning Up Mac OS X

Besides doing a fresh install, does anyone have any tips for uncluttering Mac OS X? I install and uninstall a fair few apps and find that after a while things start to chug. I was hoping there might ...
Aaron Moodie's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

If Mac code signing is tampered with, what might fail?

What annoyances or real problems may occur when the digital signature of a Mac application is broken? Applications on a Mac can be digitally signed. When the signature is somehow broken, I know a few ...
Arjan's user avatar
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9 votes
10 answers

Backup software for Mac OS X [closed]

Which backup software do you recommend for Mac OS X? As you probably know, Leopard comes with an integrated backup tool called Time Machine. It works pretty well despite it misses some advanced ...
646 votes
7 answers

Permissions on private key in .ssh folder?

I changed my permissions in my .ssh folder and now when I use a piece of software that uses my private key, I have to type my password each time. What should my permissions be on my id_rsa file to ...
user avatar
145 votes
8 answers

Where does $PATH get set in OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard?

I type echo $PATH on the command line and get /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Users/andrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/usr/local/pear/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/...
Andrew's user avatar
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102 votes
8 answers

What does the @ mean on the output of "ls" on OS X' terminal?

When doing an ls in a directory I get the following output: drwxr-xr-x@ 12 xonic staff 408 22 Jun 19:00 . drwxr-xr-x 9 xonic staff 306 22 Jun 19:42 .. -rwxrwxrwx@ 1 xonic staff 6148 25 ...
xon1c's user avatar
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69 votes
12 answers

Why won't OS X trust GitHub's SSL certificate?

When I go to any page in Chrome, I get a big ugly error: You attempted to reach, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer'...
Trevor Dixon's user avatar
33 votes
11 answers

Application for monitoring all applications that are using the internet in Mac OS X

Can anyone introduce me a Mac OS X application that monitors all network activity such as what applications are now connected to the internet and how much bandwidth they use (I mean show bandwidth ...
Am1rr3zA's user avatar
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20 votes
8 answers

Verifying Time Machine backups

I'm preparing my system for a Snow Leopard upgrade, and I prepare for the worst case scenario: full reinstall and restore. I would like to verify that my Time Machine backups are valid, and will ...
jtimberman's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How to prevent Mac OS X creating .DS_Store files on non Mac (HFS) Volumes?

Is there a way to prevent Mac OS X creating .DS_Store and other hidden meta-files on foreign volumes like NTFS and FAT? I share an NTFS partition with data like Thunderird & Firefox's profiles and ...
Petruza's user avatar
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11 votes
9 answers

Is there a multi-user Remote Desktop app for Mac OS X? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can a Mac be used by multiple users at same time? Is there a remote desktop app for the Mac that allows multiple people to be remoted in at the same time, similar to RDP in ...
Peter Walke's user avatar
9 votes
8 answers

Need an app that tells about file & folder sizes

I need an app that tells about file & folder sizes, like what is the biggest file and/or folder on my hard disk, sort this detail from biggest file and/or folder to the smallest & vice versa, ...
user avatar
331 votes
9 answers

How can I extract .rar files on the Mac?

How can I extract RAR files in macOS? The built-in Archive Utility only supports ZIP. Is there anything else, built-in or third-party, that also supports RAR? I don't mind whether it's Terminal-only ...
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
163 votes
16 answers

What keyboard shortcuts move, resize, and maximize windows under Mac OS X?

I just checked but the following "Window management" entries are blank for Mac OS X: Move the focused window Resize the focused window ...
Philip Durbin's user avatar
106 votes
12 answers

Run command on startup / login (Mac OS X)

I was wondering which file I should place this bash command in so it will be run on startup. # Start the MongoDB server /Applications/MongoDB/bin/mongod --dbpath /usr/local/mongo/data --fork --...
Wolfy87's user avatar
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103 votes
7 answers

Why does chown report "Operation not permitted" on OS X?

I am trying to do the following on my Mac (10.6.7): sudo chown myusername:wheel ./entries but Unix/Mac is returning "Operation not permitted". When I ls -lash the culprit file, it looks as follows: ...
josef.van.niekerk's user avatar
82 votes
2 answers

How do I pass command line arguments to Dock items?

I'm attempting to follow the instructions for pinning startup tabs in Chrome. On OS X how do I add command line arguments to items that persist in my dock?
sudoer's user avatar
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80 votes
11 answers

How can I get a script to run every day on Mac OS X?

Cron? Launchd? iCal?? If so, how?
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
37 votes
8 answers

How Unix'y is Mac OS X? [closed]

From my limited knowledge: The Unix OS coder assumes the user knows what they're doing, etc. versus the Apple's you can only do it the way you are allowed to do it, etc. Compared to other variations ...
Rob Kam's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

How do I reset the $PATH variable on Mac OS X?

I've messed up my path variable, and now some apps that I run raise errors saying Command Not Found (error 127) for commands like date and sleep. These commands work fine when executed directly in the ...
Neil's user avatar
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19 votes
7 answers

"" to accept incoming network connections?

Every time I open iTunes I get the the following warning: Do you want the application "" to accept incoming network connections? Clicking Deny may limit the application's behavior....
cust0s's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

How to tell rsync to skip files on a damaged hard drive block, instead of being stuck trying to read it

I am trying to recover files from a disk that has hardware errors. The disk was repaired by disk utility, but it told me that the disk is damaged, so I need to backup everything before a failure will ...
rataplan's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Does Apple's Time Machine app really copy everthing

Wanted to wipe out my drive, but wanted to make sure when restoring from Time Machine, all files, apps, hack-apps, will still work?
fady's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to install Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard in VMWare? [closed]

I'm pretty new to Macs and would like to familiarize myself with the latest Mac OS. How do I install Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) in VMware? Is it possible without a lot of hacking around ...
SuperFurryToad's user avatar
403 votes
10 answers

In Mac OS, what is the keyboard shortcut to switch between windows of the same application?

I often use the Cmd+Tab shortcut to switch between different applications (for example: Xcode and Google Chrome), but is there a shortcut to switch between different windows of the same application (...
wip's user avatar
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163 votes
10 answers

How to use Mac OS X Keychain with SSH keys?

I understand that since Mac OS X Leopard the Keychain has supported storing SSH keys. Could someone please explain how this feature is supposed to work. I have some RSA keys that I've generated ...
John Topley's user avatar
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96 votes
14 answers

How to get git-completion.bash to work on Mac OS X?

I have followed to add git-completion.bash to my /opt/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion and I put PS1='\h:\W$(...
n179911's user avatar
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81 votes
3 answers

How do you get loopback addresses other than to work on OS X

According to everything I read, the entire 127.x.x.x subnet should loopback. However, on my Mac, I can only ping I know I've done this before (though possibly on another OS) and has come ...
elliotbetancourt's user avatar
80 votes
11 answers

How to disable the Option-Space key combination for non-breaking spaces?

How to disable the annoying Option-Space key combination for non-breaking spaces? This is very very annoying in Eclipse or the terminal as I often type the non-breaking space instead of a regular one....
Malax's user avatar
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78 votes
7 answers

Set the title of the terminal window to the current directory

How can I get the in OS X to display the current directory in its window or tab title? I'm using the bash shell.
kareman's user avatar
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62 votes
8 answers

Force an application to use a specific network interface

I'm using multiple network interfaces (LAN and Wireless), and I've noticed that there's a way to change the order of prefered interfaces. How can I use the wired network to do work, check email, and ...
Kami's user avatar
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