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Questions tagged [macos]

Apple's Unix-based operating system. Use for questions about the operating system or to provide OS context. For Mac hardware questions, use [mac]. Questions about using macOS on non-Apple hardware ("Hackintosh"), are off-topic.

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758 votes
15 answers

macOS keeps asking my ssh passphrase since I updated to Sierra

It used to remember the passphrase, but now it's asking it to me each time. I've read that I need to regenerate the public key with this command, which I did: ssh-keygen -y -f id_rsa > ...
erwan's user avatar
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646 votes
7 answers

Permissions on private key in .ssh folder?

I changed my permissions in my .ssh folder and now when I use a piece of software that uses my private key, I have to type my password each time. What should my permissions be on my id_rsa file to ...
user avatar
471 votes
14 answers

Mac OS X equivalent of the Ubuntu "tree" command

Is there an equivalent to the Ubuntu tree command for Mac OS X?
Misha Moroshko's user avatar
433 votes
19 answers

How to encode base64 via command line in macOS/OS X?

Is there a terminal command in macOS/OS X which will base64 encode a file or stdin?
Josh's user avatar
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403 votes
10 answers

In Mac OS, what is the keyboard shortcut to switch between windows of the same application?

I often use the Cmd+Tab shortcut to switch between different applications (for example: Xcode and Google Chrome), but is there a shortcut to switch between different windows of the same application (...
wip's user avatar
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376 votes
22 answers

Move an off-screen window back on-screen on Mac OS X

It seems that Mac OS X 10.6.1 Snow Leopard has a tendency to leave some windows off-screen at times, especially when I disconnect an external monitor from my MacBook. How can I move the window back on-...
Matthew Rankin's user avatar
365 votes
17 answers

"Show desktop" keyboard shortcut in Mac OS X

I am using a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X 10.5. Is there a similar function to "show desktop" (shortcut is WIN+D) on a Mac?  It should hide all applications and show a clean desktop.
George2's user avatar
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331 votes
9 answers

How can I extract .rar files on the Mac?

How can I extract RAR files in macOS? The built-in Archive Utility only supports ZIP. Is there anything else, built-in or third-party, that also supports RAR? I don't mind whether it's Terminal-only ...
Paul D. Waite's user avatar
322 votes
6 answers

How do you prevent the dock from switching monitors in macOS Monterey?

In Mavericks, Apple introduced a "feature" where if you hover at the bottom of any screen the dock pops up on that screen. This is disrupting my workflow as I am constantly having the dock ...
Brad Dwyer's user avatar
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309 votes
10 answers

How do I find a file by filename in Mac OSX terminal?

I want to find a file on my Macbook with the filename: abc.dmg. I've tried to use spotlight, but it doesn't find it. When I tried find, and used: find -name abc.dmg -path /, I got errors back. What ...
SPRBRN's user avatar
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295 votes
5 answers

What's the equivalent of Linux's updatedb command for the Mac?

If I want to use the locate command on a Linux machine, I usually run sudo updatedb first to update the database. I can run the locate command on OS X 10.5 but I can't find updatedb. What's the ...
Thierry Lam's user avatar
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294 votes
24 answers

Command-line application for converting SVG to PNG on Mac OS X

Are there any command-line programs that can convert an SVG to PNG that run on macOS?
Lorin Hochstein's user avatar
266 votes
27 answers

What can I do to stop the Play / Pause button from opening iTunes?

In Snow Leopard the Play / Pause media button (on the F8 key) opens up iTunes. How can I disable that? Preferably keeping the old Leopard behaviour, so I can use it to control other media applications ...
264 votes
4 answers

How can I install 7zip so I can run it from Terminal on OS X

I would like to be able to run 7zip from the command line on Mac. Does anyone have instructions on how to set this up?
Paul Sheldrake's user avatar
264 votes
13 answers

Is there a fix for the "Too many open files in system" error on OS X 10.7.1?

I need to get rid of the pesky "Too many open files in system" limit on OS X 10.7.1.  Is there a way?
John Wilund's user avatar
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258 votes
5 answers

How to find files with certain text in the Terminal

I'd like to find all files that contain a certain string of text. How would you do that in the Terminal?
Svish's user avatar
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254 votes
10 answers

Mac OS X: Best Way to Make an ISO from a CD or DVD

Both command-line and screen-oriented pointers appreciated! update: I verified the disk utility, hdiutil, and dd methods. dd seems the fastest, 30 minutes on my macbook pro vs. 40 minutes for ...
251 votes
10 answers

Is there any program or way to make Mac OS X's ⌘-Tab behave like Windows' Alt-Tab? [closed]

Is there any program or way to make Mac OS X's ⌘Tab(Command-Tab) behave like Windows' AltTab? That is, instead of switching between applications, to switch between windows of all applications? I do ...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
247 votes
15 answers

Looking for HTTP debugging proxy for Mac similar to Fiddler on Windows [closed]

In previous jobs when I've worked on a Windows machine, I've used Fiddler for viewing HTTP transactions and debugging. I'm specifically looking to monitor the HTTP transactions for an ajax site I'm ...
244 votes
3 answers

Why are tar.xz files 15x smaller when using Python's tar library compared to macOS tar?

Context I'm compressing ~1.3 GB folders each filled with 1440 JSON files and find that there's a 15-fold difference between using the tar command and Python's built-in tarfile library on macOS or ...
Saaru Lindestøkke's user avatar
243 votes
4 answers

How to add user to a group from Mac OS X command line?

I am trying to add a user to a group from the command line but can't figure out how. Specifically this is on Mac OS X Server version 10.5.8. The user is 'john', the groups are 'admin' and 'wheel'.
Meltemi's user avatar
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236 votes
3 answers

How can I remove outdated installed versions of Homebrew packages?

How can I remove outdated versions of Homebrew packages that are installed side-by-side with current versions?
aknuds1's user avatar
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226 votes
4 answers

What is “__MACOSX” folder I keep seeing in Zip files made by people on OS X?

What are these __MACOSX folders I keep seeing in Zip files made by people on OS X? Some take as much as 30% of the file. What program are producing these __MACOSX folder and how can mac users avoid ...
Yada's user avatar
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212 votes
4 answers

How do you run a SSH server on Mac OS X?

How do you run a ssh server on Mac OS X?
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
200 votes
8 answers

Why does terminal say: "You have mail"?

Any idea why my Mac terminal says: You have mail in /var/mail/lofye How can I make it stop saying that every time I open terminal?
lo_fye's user avatar
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192 votes
5 answers

Compress files from OS X terminal?

In the Finder, there is this wonderful ability to right click on a file or directory, select compress from the drop-down, and end up with a zipped file. Is it possible to do the same thing from the ...
William Jockusch's user avatar
192 votes
5 answers

What's like OSX's pbcopy for Linux

In a terminal in OSX I can pipe output to pbcopy and then go into a web browser and paste it. I tried this in Linux with xcopy but when I switch to the browser it just overwrites the clipboard with ...
tony_sid's user avatar
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190 votes
10 answers

Keyboard shortcut to unhide or unminimize a window in OS X

I know how to Hide (Cmd+H) or Minimize (Cmd+M) a focused window in OS X, but I can't find a keyboard shortcut or even a menu item to restore, unhide, unminimize, or otherwise show a window that I've ...
brandonjp's user avatar
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182 votes
24 answers

Is there a way to move the current window to another desktop without using a mouse in OS X?

In OS X as I'm aware to move the current window to the next desktop, I'd click down on the title bar of the window to have it in move mode, and then while keeping the mouse button down, press Ctrl+&...
user avatar
177 votes
5 answers

How to find out Mac OS X version from Terminal?

I know how to find Mac OS X version from GUI: Apple Menu (top left) > About This Mac Is there a Terminal command that will tell me Mac OS X version?
Željko Filipin's user avatar
173 votes
7 answers

How to uninstall Homebrew?

I’ve got some problems with the package manager, Homebrew. I can’t find how to remove it! Is it safe to remove whole /usr/local? Homebrew was installed somewhere in that directory.
holms's user avatar
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166 votes
5 answers

Where is the .zshrc file on Mac?

I’m using iTerm and wanted to customize the look of my terminal window using Oh My ZSH!. And according to the documentation I need to change the ~/.zshrc file and add a ZSH_THEME value: Once you ...
Leon Gaban's user avatar
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165 votes
3 answers

Case insensitive tab completion in Bash

Is there any way to make Bash tab complete case insensitively? $ bash --version GNU bash, version 3.2.48(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin10.0) Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. I am ...
Jeffrey Aylesworth's user avatar
163 votes
10 answers

How to use Mac OS X Keychain with SSH keys?

I understand that since Mac OS X Leopard the Keychain has supported storing SSH keys. Could someone please explain how this feature is supposed to work. I have some RSA keys that I've generated ...
John Topley's user avatar
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163 votes
16 answers

What keyboard shortcuts move, resize, and maximize windows under Mac OS X?

I just checked but the following "Window management" entries are blank for Mac OS X: Move the focused window Resize the focused window ...
Philip Durbin's user avatar
162 votes
11 answers

How to tab between buttons on an Mac OS X dialog box

I know that there has been a similar question asked here very recently, but I was wondering if it was possible to tab between buttons on default Mac OS X dialog boxes? I already have the All controls ...
ZombieSheep's user avatar
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162 votes
13 answers

How do I view my clipboard history on OS X?

I am often copying and pasting various tidbits of information, and then forgetting to save it. I would copy something else and lose what I had in the clipboard before. Is there some sort of built-in ...
Josh Hunt's user avatar
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161 votes
3 answers

On OS X, why does `sudo ls` show hidden (dot) files?

With OS X Yosemite, using the following commands, I get the following: $ touch .a $ touch b $ /bin/ls b $ /bin/ls -A .a b $ sudo /bin/ls .a b It shows hidden files (that have names starting with a ...
kirelagin's user avatar
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160 votes
3 answers

Git on Mac: How to set Nano as the default text editor?

When I'm using Git on Mac and need to do a rebase, the Vim editor kicks in by default. I would prefer Nano – could someone please explain how to reconfigure Git to make it use Nano for rebase?
user avatar
158 votes
9 answers

How can I scan the local network for connected devices in Mac OS?

I'm basically looking for something like this but available on Mac. I am using Mac OS X 10.6. I am trying to connect a new workstation to our wireless multifunction printer and I'm having a hell of a ...
macek's user avatar
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157 votes
8 answers

How can I get control+left arrow to go back one word in iTerm2?

I was reading up in the Linux manual and I noticed that it said I could use control+left and control+right to move forward and back words in the terminal while editing. "Pressing Ctrl plus the Left ...
cwd's user avatar
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153 votes
2 answers

How do you re-install a package with Homebrew (Mac)?

Struggling to find good Homebrew documentation (or tutorial)... In the mean time I need to reinstall ImageMagick that was installed with Homebrew (brew install imagemagick) and not sure if I should ...
Meltemi's user avatar
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151 votes
5 answers

How to selectively route network traffic through VPN on Mac OS X Leopard?

I don't want to send all my network traffic down to VPN when I'm connected to my company's network (via VPN) from home. For example, when I'm working from home, I would like to be able to backup all ...
newtonapple's user avatar
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146 votes
4 answers

Command to unlock "Locked" files on OS X

I copied a lot of read-only files from a Windows system to my Mac. When viewing the Info for each file using "Get Info", I can see they are Locked. I'm writing a bash script to copy over some files ...
Michael Prescott's user avatar
145 votes
8 answers

Where does $PATH get set in OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard?

I type echo $PATH on the command line and get /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/Users/andrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/usr/local/pear/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/...
Andrew's user avatar
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145 votes
12 answers

Enter to open a file in Finder

I find the Cmd + O shortcut to open a file in Finder unintuitive. Does anyone know how to change it? I'd like to set it so that enter opens a file instead of going into rename mode.
rz.'s user avatar
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143 votes
11 answers

Copy-on-select, paste-on-middle-click on Mac OS X?

Is there a way to give OS X the usual X-windows behavior where selecting text in any application automatically copies it to the clipboard, and the middle mouse button automatically pastes it? +C, +V ...
nibot's user avatar
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142 votes
14 answers

How to minimize all windows in macOS?

I am a recent refugee from Windows land (at least on one of my PCs). One thing I really miss in macOS is the ability to minimize all windows. I can't seem to find the shortcut that does it, or even a ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
  • 18.7k
142 votes
1 answer

In macOS, how often is /tmp deleted?

How often is /tmp deleted? I thought it was cleaned out boot time and every three days if you don't reboot, but I can't find any authoritative source for this. I'm running the latest 10.6. (I suppose ...
zekel's user avatar
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139 votes
6 answers

How do I check what DNS server I'm using (on Mac OS X)

In Mac OS X, how do I check what DNS server I'm currently using (preferably a command line solution)? System Preferences > Network shows, which is my router's address and not the real ...
ryanprayogo's user avatar
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