I am on macOS 14.5 with APFS formatted SSD. Disk Utility always reports the same error: error: doc-id tree: record exists for doc-id 1341220, file-id 8567077 but no inode references this doc-id.

I have a few of these and they show up on every single snapshot created. I really don't want to have to format and restore from Time Machine backup (AGAIN‼️ (Four times already this year.)).

I am assuming that once I find the file(s) associated associated with these errors that I can delete it and all will be hunky-dory in the world again.

So... How do I find WHICH file in my file system is associated with the doc-id/file-id in question?

  • IMO, if there is no inode, then there is no file to be found. Commented May 15 at 19:22
  • @DavidAnderson – Then how would I correct the doc-id tree?
    – HirsuteJim
    Commented May 15 at 19:59


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