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Unix Sockets as Portrayed via Netstat

I do not have much experience with Unix sockets, but I hope this is the place to start. I want to start with understanding what is going on with a netstat -n command. Is it normal behavior to have ...
joncavaz's user avatar
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Issue when creating a new user and group on macOS

I need to create a user and a group called postgres on my mac but I seem to have issues with that. The reason for needing this user is because I've installed postgresql@15 via brew and it created a ...
Ax M's user avatar
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3 answers

display path to files with same names

with this command in Terminal: ls -R |sort | uniq -d | sort -r I can display a list of files with the same names located in the running directory and subdirectories. But I would like to display also ...
all2alb's user avatar
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How to run Homebrew service with flags?

I'm running on macOS Sonoma and trying to run this service called AutoRaise. Someone made a Homebrew package for it here. I installed it using Homebrew with my desired flag, brew install autoraise --...
noobie's user avatar
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Synchronize files based only on the existence of unique filenames (Mac OS / Unix)

I am looking for a way to synchronize two folders/volumes based only on whether a filename exists in folder A but not in folder B. I want the sync to completely ignore path and modification dates. ...
Ovidius's user avatar
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How do I create a shell script that will exit the ssh session after executing the remote commands

I'm trying to write a bash script to compile and deploy some code to a remote server. So far I have been struggling to figure out how to get the script to exit the ssh session. I thought I could just ...
pbuchheit's user avatar
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Does the unix words file change over time or between systems? [closed]

Is the Unix "words" file (e.g at /usr/share/dict/words) pretty standard? I.e, can I generally rely on, for example, the 200th word in the file to be the same word between a fedora and an ...
Him's user avatar
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Strange ln Login item

I was going through my login background tasks and saw the following: Not sure why ln would have a startup task. As far as I know, that's just the link command from Unix. Clicking the info led me to ...
Jack's user avatar
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How to mount NAS volume via. Terminal /command line without additional prompts on OSX

I remotely manage a Mac Mini at home when I am away. We also have a Synology NAS that I use for various additional storage and backups. Sometimes, if there is WiFi or internet issues, the Mac Mini ...
SkRevo's user avatar
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how to make Google Drive put files in old directory (~/Google Drive/) instead of new directory (~/Google Drive/My Drive/)

Background I am using Google Drive for Desktop on two Mac laptops. Both are running "Catalina" (MacOS 10.15). I would like to be able to sync between them and have the filepaths be the same ...
Alex Roberts's user avatar
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IntelliJ quits abruptly in the Apple M1

I use Apple M1 and IntelIJ keeps shut down often when I login into the computer in the morning and I need to restart the app. Also, sometimes the IntelliJ just freezes and I need to force quit to ...
Arefe's user avatar
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Execute a program with a sequential list of files

I have a list of files with titles like the following: file_0.10_180.0degrees.txt file_0.15_180.0degrees.txt file_0.20_180.0degrees.txt file_0.25_180.0degrees.txt where the files can be passed in as ...
ConfusedStudent's user avatar
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Equivalent of /dev/full on OSX

I want some special file which throws an error when I write to it. /dev/full does that on Linux. I don't care too much about the specific error.
Albert's user avatar
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'cd' and other commands are very slow in my terminal

I am a new mac user and my zsh terminal takes a few seconds to open when I start it and commands like cd, docker ps, any git status take seconds to execute, while others like ls are super fast. Could ...
keinabel's user avatar
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Chroot, Containers or Virtualization on OS X for safe development

I would like to provide a bit of context before asking my questions: I've been working on Windows/Linux for years, and recently I was having a good time with WSL2. My Windows machine isn't powerful, ...
jacksonbenete's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

sudo kill -9 pid doesn't kill softwareupdated in mac

I have a process softwareupdated which is consuming lot of data. I just want to close the process as I dont want to update . I tried sudo kill -9 pid but it doesn't kill softwareupdated in mac. I keep ...
ASharma7's user avatar
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Including chmod in shell script - will it work for everyone?

I have a large file which does a lot of things, but in the end runs tomcat. Problem is that users who run this are experiencing error: no permissions to execute ...
Avaldor's user avatar
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How to fix broken "newline" from Mac to Windows

I have been given a set of python codes (.py) which were written on Mac. Unfortunately, when I open them on windows (pycharm, notepad, even word), there are no line breaks. I asked for .txt versions ...
safex's user avatar
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MacOs: "rtf can't be opened" when converting rtf to txt using terminal

I hope to convert some rtf files into txt files. However, when I tried textutil -convert txt PathName/*.rtf I got Error reading PathName/FileName.rtf. The file “FileName.rtf” couldn’t be opened. I ...
karyn-h's user avatar
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macOS|Unix combine multi-line .txt file into single line with no spaces? (no line breaks)

I've been looking around & I cannot seem to find a command or regex that will do a simple command of combing all linebreaks & spaces in a text file into one line. most of them either add some ...
XxUnkn0wnxX's user avatar
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lsof is not working for me on Mac OS X 10.13 - gives error, I'm trying to find process accessing a specific IP address

lsof isn't working for me. I'm trying to use instructions in posts such as How do I find out which program and process ID accesses a given IP address in macOS? to find which process is accessing a ...
Mike Levin's user avatar
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Terminal color codes not working as expected

I am using the following code in my ~/.bash_profile following some online blogs. export CLICOLOR=1 export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced export TERM="xterm-color" export PS1='\[\033[1;32m\]$...
WiggidyMiggidyMcDaddy's user avatar
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How does Iconv handle endianness?

echo hello | iconv -f ascii -t utf-16le | od -x produces what seems to me like a big-endian result 0068 0065 006c 006c 006f 000a whereas the same line without the le produces, on a ...
Dmitry Starostin's user avatar
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Command 'date +%W' does not return week 00

Manual page for date(1) says: %W week number of year, with Monday as first day of week (00..53) I assumed there exists a week number 00, and I handle such week in my program, but once I decided to ...
Damian Roszczyk's user avatar
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accesstime on macOS Catalina 10.15

Suppose you own a file system on a unix machine, and you would like to know which of the regular files on this system you have accessed within some interval. ("Regular file" means it is not ...
Jacob Wegelin's user avatar
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SSH config explanation: Could not resolve hostname: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

I recently came across this ssh config file in one of my projects: ~/.ssh/config Host git-codecommit.* User my-aws-user IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa Include config.d/* ~/.ssh/...
MojoJojo's user avatar
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ACLs on macOS: ACE "deny delete" on macOS with APFS broken? File not writable in GUI

Since the UF_NOUNLINK Unix flag is actively being thwarted by macOS, I was thinking about using a self-made shell script to achieve a similar functionality with an ACL, namely to prevent accidental ...
JayB's user avatar
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How to close a Terminal window using bash and AppleScript without using SystemEvents?

Background I am trying to create a script that when executed, opens a new window executes the desired commands and closes the window when complete. One solution was to use SystemEvents ...
Nicholas Adamou's user avatar
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How to fix “Operation not supported” on mac os

I am trying to install the Flutter onto my computer onto an external drive I have followed the instructions on their website to try and install it. ...
Devin Tripp's user avatar
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open a random file in osx with command line

I'd like to open a randomly selected file via the terminal. I found shuf, which seems to be just the utility that I need, although I cannot figure out a way to make the command I'm working with ...
jml's user avatar
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How to use Traceroute --mtu on Mac

I am trying to do the following Traceroute --mtu however I get a usage: traceroute [-M first_ttl] etc giving me all the command lines. How can I use --mtu with traceroute on mac? I am ...
rex's user avatar
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17 votes
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"Read-only file system" when I try to touch in Mac OS Catalina

I'm logged in as admin in MacOS Catalina. When I try to add quota file, I get this output: sudo touch /.quota.ops.user > touch: /.quota.ops.user: Read-only file system Than I tried: mount -uw / ...
tolga's user avatar
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Replace files recursively

I have a deeply nested directory called MyProject which contains dozens of git repositories. Each of those repositories contains, somewhere, a directory called utils which contains a file called ...
j_d's user avatar
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Have utilities like vim and less source .bash_login or .bashrc for command lines

When I try to enter an alias into the less or vim command lines, they both print “/bin/bash: [MY ALIAS]: command not found” This alias is defined in .bashrc or .bash_login and is there a way to ...
Ilias Karim's user avatar
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How to make command line tool “ctpu” be recognized by my terminal?

I downloaded the ctpu command-line tool made by Google. This tool makes it easy to set up and run Cloud TPUs for deep learning projects. I successfully downloaded the tool to my ~ directory (Users/...
parrot15's user avatar
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I don't see my mounted DVD being listed when I use the ls command to list all that's on my Desktop

I don't know if I did something wrong, but I was able to see the mounted DVD label name in Terminal when I did the ls command earlier while in my Desktop directory, now I can't, even though the DVD is ...
adrah's user avatar
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How to delete a directory in MacOS from the command line?

I would like to know how to delete a directory on my MacBook. I have tried several methods such as moving it to the Trash -> Empty Trash, via the command sudo rm -rf, restarting the computer in ...
ipegasus's user avatar
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Installation of PuTTY on Mac-Mojave

I downloaded PuTTY as given in this . And I got a Unix executable file and as soon as I click on it I am getting an error: (process:5149): Gtk-WARNING **: 21:...
akshat Puri's user avatar
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Trying to install psutil results in error

So with the following commands: pip install psutil pip3 install psutil sudo pip install psutil python -m pip install psutil python3 -m pip install psutil sudo python -m pip install psutil sudo ...
Weirdali's user avatar
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MacOS 'at' command not working; missing?

I have been having trouble running the 'at' command as in this question I ...
Weirdali's user avatar
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How does "echo $0" work?

I found out on Ask Ubuntu I can use this command to figure out what shell I am in. echo $0 I like this because it is simple as compared to more complex solutions like this one on the Unix and Linux ...
Sun - FE's user avatar
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Unusual prompt in the terminal

I have a really unusual prompt in my Unix terminal (I'm using macOS). It looks like this: myUserName@Galaxy-A7-2016 I've never seen the @Galaxy-A7-2016 bit before and I'm worried someone might have ...
matzar's user avatar
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Problems installing RCPLEX

I get an error while I try to install RCPLEX on my Computer and I can't figure out what to do. There is no information what so ever on the internet regarding my problem. R Marcel$ R CMD INSTALL --...
GeForce260's user avatar
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Tail -f last modified file in folder

I'm trying to use tail -f to follow a log in file in a specified folder. I can do this with the simple command tail -f [path to file] but is there a way i can have a command that runs and tracks the ...
Chris Barrett's user avatar
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MacOS Where can I find what was in /usr/etc?

I recently was trying to reinstall all of the Homebrew libraries and accidentally deleted /usr/etc instead of /usr/local/etc using rm -rf. When trying to reinstall torch-rnn, I got this error: ...
why262's user avatar
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Accidental Unix Mac Terminal Commands

I accidentally used the following commands in terminal: In recovery mode: nvram boots-args="x" In a user profile in terminal: (a) sudo nvram boots-agr="" and (b) sudo nvram boots-args="", and then ...
Bobi's user avatar
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Getting the same email almost every time I open macOS Terminal

Almost every time I open Terminal on macOS I find new mail sent somewhat (10 identical emails, or sometimes more). I believe something I did or installed caused this, but I couldn't figure out what is ...
Anas Abu Farraj's user avatar
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Is there any way to check the SSD of a MacOS in binary / hexadecimal?

Macs are based on UNIX as far as I know. Thereby I was wondering if there was any way of checking the entire content of the SSD of a macOS in binary or in hexadecimal. EDIT: I know about xxd and such ...
Anonymous Developer's user avatar
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How can I set a unix binary as a default application in Mac OS High Sierra?

I want to configure mupdf to be my default PDF viewer in Mac OS, but it's a unix console executable located in /usr/local. The traditional "Open with" method does not work, as Finder will not allow ...
Mechatechzilla's user avatar
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Why are files lwith the same time stamp not sorted alphabetically when listed using "ls -lt"?

I read that ls -lt will order files by modification time before sorting by lexicographical order. However, when I use the command with this syntax, I get this result: ls -lt total 192 -rw-r--r-- 1 ...
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