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Unable to connect to a raspberry pi4 using SSH via Mac

So I just set up a fresh install of Ubuntu Desktop 23.10. I used the OS Customisation options in the Raspberry pi Imager program. There I set SSH to enabled. I then mounted the SD card after it got ...
curies's user avatar
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Amazon Workspaces doesn't scroll very well when using a macbook touchpad

I have a macbook pro and am using Ubunutu in Amazon workspaces. The scrolling using the two finger gesture only sometimes works. Seems to somewhat work when doing the whole gesture quickly including ...
Aequitas's user avatar
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Copy/paste intermittently doesn't work on Ubuntu and macOS but fine on Windows 10, ideas on what could cause?

I have a computer where I dual boot the newest version of Ubuntu 22.04.3 and Windows 10. I also have a work laptop Apple MacBook that's fairly new with M1 chip. The issue I'm facing is inconsistent ...
Xxe Yêd's user avatar
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In Ubuntu Change Default Startup to MacOS [duplicate]

I have installed on my iMac2019 MacOS, Windows10, and Ubuntu 22.04. After setting in MacOS Default Startup OS to MacOS I get this changed somehow by Ubuntu after having used my Ubuntu OS. Likewise, ...
Jorma Wassmer's user avatar
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Triple Boot MacOS, Windows, Linux: Windows Boots over Grub

I have a cosmetic problem but would like to know the reason behind the following behavior: Upon pressing "option" to boot my iMac2019 I can choose between the 3 operating systems. But ...
Jorma Wassmer's user avatar
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"At least one invalid signature was encountered." in all Ubuntu Docker images in macOS

I'd expect this command to run without error: docker run --rm ubuntu:focal apt-get update however, I get instead: Get:1 focal InRelease [265 kB] Err:1 http://ports....
jonseymour's user avatar
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Do you know a way to download the audio from Google and Microsoft Text-to-Speech?

do you know a way to download the audio from Google and Microsoft Text-to-Speech and I know there is AudioTTS but it sucks and it does not work if you know another way to download it or if you know ...
Ruffyd Mondskey Ds's user avatar
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Installing Ubuntu on Mac -- using boot stick built from Windows Machine

I was gifted a Mac recently, but have no way to validate my access to the MacOS. I want to install Ubuntu, but all of the directions I've found say to build a boot USB drive using the Mac... So, here ...
user1768653's user avatar
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How do I figure out why one host is so slow writing to another host on LAN?

I have 3 devices on my LAN, all using wired connections: MacBook Air Lenovo ThinkCentre (running Ubuntu Server 22.04) Raspberry Pi I am using the ThinkCentre as a home server, and want to write ...
Dan J's user avatar
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How to recover files from macOS after accidentally overwriting it with Linux> [duplicate]

I'm not a kid (this is an alt account with a different email. I forgot the other password of @adamgewely) But I accidentally replaced macOS with Linux! I had important files there. Thinking it was on ...
Adam .E's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to add a username a password to a hostname in /etc/hosts?

Is it possible to add a username a password to a hostname in /etc/hosts? Like: a.b.c.d username:password@hostname
1n4ho12's user avatar
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macOS on qemu-kvm using Clover

I am trying to install macOS using qemu-kvm following this article step by step. I am executing all the steps from a Ubuntu 20.4 machine. After I run the ./, it pops a new window, but I do not ...
Albert's user avatar
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2 answers

Remotely access an Ubuntu machine from macOS

I configured a PC with Ubuntu 20.04 to be a database and applications server on our local network. However, as it is a server it will be without keyboard and monitor. Is it possible to access this ...
Tom's user avatar
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Synchronizing Two Folders using SFTP

I have a local folder (on macOS) with some missing files and corrupt data and a folder on a remote server (ubuntu) with uncorrupted data. How can I fix the corrupted/missing files on my local machine ...
cpix's user avatar
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rsync from MacOS to Ubuntu?

I'm trying to rsync some files from my macbook to an ubuntu laptop ( [email protected] ) using this command: rsync -vazh ~/Folder [email protected] But instead of syncing the files to the remote host, ...
Ole's user avatar
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How to recover Mac OS 9 data off of a failed hard drive

A while ago I used Mac OS 9 and had an external hard drive which failed. I want to recover my data, but am unsure of the best way to do that. I got this cable: “SATA/IDE to USB 3.0 Adapter, FIDECO USB ...
brothman01's user avatar
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macOS terminal: show filename with colors when using grep

When using Ubuntu I get these colors when using grep (grep -r "MSP" .): I want the same result when using macOS Monterey. I tried to add export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto' to my bash ...
Miguel's user avatar
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Mutt PGP Error: "Could not decrypt PGP message" & "Could not copy message" on Ubuntu machine but works on macOS machine

Configuration files are identical on both machines since they are shared from a cloud drive. Messages sent as a test to myself from the Ubuntu machine 'can' be decrypted and read on the macOS machine ...
Tony Barganski's user avatar
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Creating automatic backups with rsync from ext4 file system to afps file system on another device (local network)

I shared an external hard drive (AFPS file format) on my macosx via local file sharing to my ubuntu server (ext4 file format). I would like to use rsync to automatically sync folders from the ext4 ...
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How to properly configure Virtual Box network settings?

I need to set up vms in Virtual box in a following way: All virtual machines (Ubuntu) must communicate with host (macOS). All virtual machines must communicate with each other. All virtual machines ...
ThomasL's user avatar
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VirtualBox returning error when making a VM on MacOS Big Sur

I am trying to make a VM in VirtualBox on my 16 inch Intel MacBook Pro. I go through the setup of making the virtual machine (defining the OS, allocating RAM and Storage, etc.). Once that is all ...
Chris Lewis's user avatar
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Command line permissions in Mac

I’ve tried to install yarn using Homebrew and because the brew don’t have the permission to write I’ve written this command line in Terminal $sudo chown -R $(whoami) * After this command my Mac is ...
Eyad 's user avatar
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Using Samba to bring files from Ubuntu Mate to Macintosh but some text files are turned into executables

I'm not sure if this is the best Stack Exchange to use, but the question concerns Mac, Linux and Samba. I have a new-to-me Apple Macintosh laptop (MacOS 10.15.7 (Catalina)) and I am have set up Samba (...
reallydismayed's user avatar
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How to fix low webcam fps in VMware Fusion?

I’m using the webcam passthrough feature in VMware Fusion. However, the frame rate is very low. How do I fix this? Or could this problem perhaps be solved using an external webcam? Problem: ...
snice's user avatar
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“Find My Device” equivalent for Linux

I’m thinking of switching to Linux (either Debian or Ubuntu, haven’t decided) from macOS. One of the features of macOS I love is “Find My Device,” which allows me to locate my device if I lose it, ...
A. Owl's user avatar
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How do I create a file of aliases for zsh like I did for Bash?

I've spent the last few years learning Ubuntu and fallen in love with Bash aliases. I recently got a Macbook Air and I want to use aliases, but MacOS uses zsh by default. I copied my .bash_aliases ...
Aim Fire Ready's user avatar
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Enable sharing of a folder and copy pasting between a Mac and a virtual machine

I want to enable sharing between my Mac and a virtual machine running Ubuntu image, and I see one way is to enable sharing of the folders but I keep seeing wrong fs type bad option bad superblock ...
Jazzy's user avatar
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Renaming netatalk volume with Timemachine

I have set up avahi and netatalk on my NAS to provide a Timemachine share for my MacBooks. At the time of setting this up, I had no idea of the intricacies of how this works (neither from the Ubuntu ...
dovetalk's user avatar
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Installing Ubuntu-20.04.1 on MacOS Mojave with flash drive

I'm having an issue with downloading Ubuntu 20.04.1 onto my MacOS Mojave. I followed everything directly from the Ubuntu website, but for some reason, the iso file that they have is corrupted and won'...
keife218's user avatar
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Failure to boot into Windows 10 using rEFInd boot manger while triple booting Macbook Pro 2016

I'm attempting to triple boot my Macbook from an external SSD. I first started with installing Windows 10 on the external SSD following Following that I ...
OnlyBiology's user avatar
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ssh connecting from macOS to ubuntu refused

I am trying to connect to my PC (ubuntu) from my MacBook using ssh When I run: ssh [email protected] It connects. However if I try to use my public IP it says ssh: connect to host port 22:...
Leo Gaunt's user avatar
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How to access local external drives from a Remote Ubuntu Machine?

Is it possible for local (Mac) external drives to be accessed via a remote PC (Ubuntu)? I want to be able to build and flash my custom Android ROM which is hosted on my Ubuntu machine and write those ...
tony's user avatar
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Back up old time machine backup without mac

A long while ago, I owned a macbook for several years, and backed it up on to an external hd with time machine. I no longer have a functioning mac, but I do have the original drive, and the hd. I've ...
Michael Chong's user avatar
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How to get multi-display on guest Ubuntu on host MacOS?

My company provides iMac for us, but I want to work on Ubuntu instead. I am trying to run Ubuntu 20.04 with QEMU. I have to hardware screens. I want two virtual QEMU screens so I can put one on each ...
ロジャー's user avatar
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Need help booting into Mac OS. Lost during triple boot MAC OS, WIN 10, UBUNTU 20.04. No Internet access too

Excuse the long post; just trying to be as clear as possible. Initially, I used bootcamp to install Windows 10 alongside Mac OS. During restart, it would automatically boot me into Mac OS and whenever ...
Drazer's user avatar
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3 answers

SFTP from MacOS to Ubuntu does not support arrow keys, backspace, or tab completion

When using sftp from a Mac to an Ubuntu machine arrow keys, backspace and tab completion do not work. Specifically, arrows keys and backspace result in character sequences and tab just inserts a tab. ...
user3167101's user avatar
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How to find all previously-installed Ruby artifacts (files, etc) so I can remove _all_ of them from my OS?

Other than the pre-bundled-with-my-default-OS install (eg: /usr/bin/ruby on macOS 10.14), I want to completely wipe my OS clean of Ruby before I reinstall Ruby to a "known state." Specifically, I want ...
Johnny Utahh's user avatar
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File origin and log history

Before I start, English is not my primary language, so please excuse my lack of sentence structure and grammar. I am trying to find out where a .docx file originated from and what places it has been ...
Marcus's user avatar
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socat: "E connect(5, LEN=4 AF=1 ":0", 4): No such file or directory" when trying to run GUI application in docker on Mac OS

I'm trying to run a GUI application inside an Ubuntu Docker container on a Mac host machine. My testing Dockerfile, tagged xterm, is FROM ubuntu:xenial RUN apt-get update && apt-get install ...
nnnmmm's user avatar
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Fuse + sshfs and OSX - cannot delete files

Although I can create and rename files, for some reason I cannot delete files. I am mounting a UBUNTU 18 directory to OSX Catalina. I have tried all sorts of combinations and used a different user ...
spreaderman's user avatar
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How can I emulate Ubuntu 18.04 on MacOS using qemu?

How can I run Ubuntu 18.04 on my MacBook Air (Mojave) using QEMU? (yes I have to use QEMU for now.) I got QEMU from here. But also got it from Homebrew as well. I've tried looking at the QEMU's ...
Bob th's user avatar
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Is there a way to tell what kind of operating system current system has?

My question is as follows: Is there a way for a linux installation disk (ubuntu 18.xx LTS on bootable stick) to know what operating systems computer has on a disk ? I've found similiar topics here: ...
LempsPC's user avatar
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Issue with dual-booting Linux Mint and Mac OS

I have a 2013 Macbook Pro that I recently installed Linux Mint on with the intention of dual booting. I've followed all the steps and have rEFInd Boot Manager installed. Mint has been loading up just ...
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Retain xattrs in files (macOS files on Linux SMB server)

I run an SMB4 server on Ubuntu Server 19.04 using ZFS as the server file system (separate from the boot drive). I use this server to store files from my Macs (10.7, 10.8, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, 10.14). ...
leetbacoon's user avatar
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Process 0 is taking 500%+ CPU time in MAC

Problem When I boot my mac, once the login screen appears and after which everything freezes, I can hardly open any applications. Analysis Using activity manager, I found out, process with process ...
Monil shah's user avatar
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Finder thinks item exists after it's already been deleted (Samba)

First, I copied foo.7z to my SMB share (zfs zpool, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Samba 4.7.6) through finder. Over SSH, I moved it elsewhere on the server. I tried copying a different foo.7z again to the same ...
leetbacoon's user avatar
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Preserve Permissions when adding files to a Samba share

I have a Mac (El Capitan 10.11.6) client that is connected to an Ubuntu server (18.04 LTS) running Samba, sharing a ZFS pool. Everything works great, except that whenever I add a file to the server, ...
leetbacoon's user avatar
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Connect to OSX shared DVD from Ubuntu

I can see DVD shared drive in Ubuntu $> avahi-browse -alrt ... = eth0 IPv4 MacMini DVD or CD Sharing local hostname = [MacMini.local] address = [] ...
karlchilders's user avatar
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Accidentally overwritten Macintosh recovery partition when installing Ubuntu

About a month ago I ditched macOS for Ubuntu on my iMac Late 2009. During the installation I explicitly told Ubuntu to leave the Macintosh recovery partition alone. It did not. I now wish to go back ...
Christian Wiles's user avatar
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MacOS Sierra cannot access AWS Ubuntu Desktop via RealVNC client and SSH tunneling

I need to access Ubuntu Desktop 18.x on AWS from my Mac. I have used putty and and am able to connect via ssh.
Cali Codr's user avatar

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