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Why I can't change the prompt in VSCode's terminal?

I am trying to change the prompt in my VSCode's terminal. My OS is MacOS Monterey 12.6. I use the zsh and I change the PS1 in .zprofile,such like this. Then I use echo to test.The others can work ...
Luxury's user avatar
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Terminal in on a MacBook Pro (M2) is not working after setting a path. How can I fix it?

I tried to set Python path in .zshrc and save it. But after saving it, the terminal is not working anymore. For all commands giving command not found and every time, I can see the path file in the ...
user2771427's user avatar
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Keep a Mac working on a terminal task

I would like to keep a process going on a Mac. I'm starting the process in a terminal (doesn't matter using TMUX or not), locking the screen and walking away. Several hours later I see the process ...
Back2Basics's user avatar
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Extract filepaths of .MP4 files in subfolders of main folder to textfile

I am on Mac. I want to use terminal or something to extract the filepaths of the .MP4 files within a folder with multiple levels of subfolders. I have a main folder that has subfolders. Each subfolder ...
Helppleaseme's user avatar
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How to manually uninstall PGAdmin4 from macOS?

I have tried removing manually by removing PGAdmin4 from my applications folder. I also followed a few steps from this post here. To my surprise some of the files existed and I was able to remove them....
Ahmed's user avatar
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using scp or echo in zsh with alias parameter print 'No such file or directory'

here zsh on MacOSX. I would like to point out that I have tried several ways, with and without quoting, single or double quoting, with and without brackets, with/out $variables. But I receive ever ...
Stefano Monti's user avatar
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Copy interactive command outputs from Terminal to MacOS clipboard programmatically

Developing this answer, which offers a way to copy a given line from standard output to MacOS clipboard – I wonder if there's a way to do the same for interactive commands? For example: ~ bc -l >&...
Dmitrii Kuznetsov's user avatar
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numpad enter remapped in new macOS updates for alacritty

I have been having annoying problems with my terminal Alacritty. In macOS after recent updates my numpad enter is not giving me what I would expect when I press it. Normal Keyboard enter. ❯ whoami ...
nelaaro's user avatar
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Switching from Mac to Linux DE: Strategies for globally swapping <ctrl> modifier with <meta>? [closed]

I'm switching from MacOs to Linux and exploring several popular Desktop Environments like KDE Plasma, Gnome & Pantheon, etc. I find that the MacOS convention of using the meta key (aka the command ...
Todd Ditchendorf's user avatar
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3 answers

display path to files with same names

with this command in Terminal: ls -R |sort | uniq -d | sort -r I can display a list of files with the same names located in the running directory and subdirectories. But I would like to display also ...
all2alb's user avatar
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Unsure what happening with my terminal but I'm getting a weird response

Whenever I run a python file, (vs code) or even open my terminal on mac I get a warning saying. /Users/ABC/.zshrc:1: command not found: “alias /Users/ABC/.zshrc:2: command not found: “alias /Users/ABC/...
Angus_U22's user avatar
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How can I write my CPU temperature to a file on an Intel Mac?

I'd like to log my Mac CPU temperature to a disk file in the Mac terminal. I've tried: sudo powermetrics --samplers smc | grep -i "CPU die temperature" >> cpu_temps.txt ...and: sudo ...
VikR's user avatar
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What is the text in the frame header of Terminal on startup?

When I start up a Terminal window on macOS, the following text scrolls by in the frame header: I recognize a few of my brew'd packages like pyenv in there, as well as some basic posix packages, but I'...
shea's user avatar
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How to disable (HTTP/HTTPS) Proxy and SOCKS proxy on MAC using terminal while on recovery mode?

I use networking sniffing tool Charles Proxy to check my app traffic. However, after updating my mac, for some reason the HTTP/HTTPS and Socks proxy is turned on. If I restart my mac my network is not ...
love-to-code's user avatar
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Safari doesn't respect -F when opening with 'open -F -n -a Safari <url>' on the command line

Reading the man page for 'open' the -F flag should open an app in fresh mode. However if I have already an instance of Safari running with 3 windows open and invoke open -F -n -a Safari <url> ...
Leo's user avatar
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Strange zsh startup command with "uh oh" spam

I am currently on macOS Sonoma 14.2 (Beta) and have a MacBook Pro 2021 with an M1 Max. I genuinely have no idea where to start on this problem. Whenever I open up a Terminal, I get this weird spammy ...
Htmlly's user avatar
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I can't get my terminal to open folders or files with spaces in the title in macOS

I've Googled but on how to type in folder or files with spaces but it doesn't seem work.
ben's user avatar
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Having disabled command-Q for Terminal via shell defaults command, how can I re-enable it?

I have a large, complex console program for execution via Terminal which solicits many responses from the user. Users may be habituated to use command-q to exit a program. This program has its own ...
Lor's user avatar
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column listing misaligned after pane resize in iterm2

So, I use iterm2 (on mac os 11), with multiple panes in one window (e.g. horizontal and vertical splits). Sometimes after resizing either the whole iterm2 window, or just one of the panes within the ...
Bee's user avatar
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Use `arch -x86_64` on terminal in vscode on macos

I'm new to mac and looking for pain relief. I have a dependency that doesn't run on apple silicon. Meaning: if I cd into the project folder and run poetry install, I get an error message: I'm able to ...
ElRudi's user avatar
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Shell programs do not refresh the screen correctly

When I press PageUp or PageDown in ranger or cmus, the screen doesn't refresh correctly, some characters and even lines are not updated. I believe it started with macos upgrade from 13.4.5 to 13.5.1 ...
Bellavene's user avatar
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How to execute three terminal scripts in three new tabs from Applescript?

I have the following apple script top execute three commands in different terminals. Is it possible to (1) combine this script to make it more efficient and (2) open in different terminal tabs instead ...
Brigadeiro's user avatar
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Tmux sending wrong keycodes for "ctrl + arrowkey" and "ctrl + shift + arrowkey"

The problem I upgraded to MacOS 13.5 today and immediately noticed this issue. Inside of tmux (running in iterm2) when I perform ctrl + arrow-key or ctrl + shift + arrow-key the wrong keycodes are ...
JDN's user avatar
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"zsh: command not found: ssh -Y" on mac terminal

I am trying to connect to a remote server using ssh, it used to work with no problem when I started the terminal and did ssh -Y <user@address> However, now I keep getting the following error: ...
ValientProcess's user avatar
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Does rsync link to exact files or just files with the same name?

I wrote a little rsync backup script for my recently replaced computer (internal HD to external HD). When I got the new computer, I copied the files over (old internal HD to new internal HD). Same ...
curieux's user avatar
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16 votes
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“Terminal is not fully functional” warning with `less` but not with `more` (which is also `less`)

less complains about my value of $TERM, whereas more doesn’t. Which would be fine except for the fact that more is less. Originally I was puzzled by tools suddenly disliking my $TERM value (I thought ...
Anton Strogonoff's user avatar
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What is the difference between different options for 'ls' colored output in zsh?

I want to display colored output for the 'ls' command in the terminal for my MAC but I do not understand the differences between some of the methods. On some articles and reddit posts I saw people ...
Ravi C's user avatar
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Ctrl-C not working on MacOS/Zsh

I have a similar problem to Ctrl-C Not working in zsh But it is not the stty setting or the key-bindings. It definitely happened in one terminal, while on others it works. I get: from stty: eol2 = <...
thilo's user avatar
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Error opening Visual Studio Code from Cypress on Mac: 'The editor process exited with an error: spawn EACCES'

I am trying to open Visual Studio Code from Cypress on my Mac by clicking on a file in the Cypress Test Runner, but I am encountering the following error message in VSC: "Could not open ...
user17410204's user avatar
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Speed Up Zsh Loading Time in tmux

Like many users, I'm experiencing slow load up times with my shell on macOS. I've seen many questions about this topic, and I'm using a suggested workaround, which is setting the terminal emulator (...
buldog9800's user avatar
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How to connect to sftp server from MacOS terminal using a SOCKS5 proxy with username and password?

There are similar questions like this around, but I haven't been able find the answer to my question, which is: How to connect to sftp server from a MacOS terminal using a SOCKS5 proxy with username ...
Johan's user avatar
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Not able to set lang to CN in zsh macOS, but locale is good. The word “total” is still shown in English

~/.zshrc: export LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LANGUAGE="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LC_COLLATE="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8" export LC_MESSAGES="zh_CN....
渐入佳境groove's user avatar
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Why does socat with rich terminal get killed with signal 9 on OSX?

I used the following command from this question to test out using socat to build a terminal with rich signals: socat file:'/dev/tty',raw,echo=0 exec:'bash -li',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane On Linux, ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Set the volume to a specific value on Mac at a specific time using a terminal command

I want to schedule a volume increase on Mac, but can't quite get it to work. What I have right now is this command that I execute in the terminal: echo 'osascript -e "set volume output volume 10&...
Lavender's user avatar
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Terminal search with output that excludes directories (as opposed to files within a directory)

I'm trying to do a recursive search in Terminal to find all files that are not folders; this is to confirm that a large directory structure has no content in it. Is there a way to do this? Starting ...
Jordan Elpern-Waxman's user avatar
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How to handle triple-nested quotes in Zsh? [duplicate]

I've been setting an alias that running Apple Script on Terminal. As below: alias playda="osascript -e 'tell application "QuickTime Player" activate set thisFile to open POSIX ...
11100100's user avatar
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Is it possible to stop Terminal from running a specific command on MacOS?

I'm looking for a way to stop a specific command from being ran on MacOS's terminal, or if that's not possible lock it (either with a different password than the user password, or time lock it) before ...
Michael L's user avatar
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Randomly lost ZSH prompt settings

Yesterday I suddenly lost all my ZSH settings more specifically the prompt and how the themes as they are applied. I've tried the following so far: As suggested in the ZSH FAQs, I tried exec zsh but ...
potatoheadgear's user avatar
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Impossible to return to local machine after SSH in Mac Terminal

I connect to a server through SSH command in Mac Terminal (Ventura 13.1) with: ssh login@serveraddress When I want to quit I type exit. I quit the server but I do not return to my local machine. ...
migmaker's user avatar
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How do I eliminate errors? - zprofile no such file or directory - macOS

I met the errors with .zprofile. I see this one every time I open the macOS terminal. Terminal /Users/leo/.zprofile:6: no such file or directory: /opt/homebrew/bin/brew /Users/leo/.zprofile:7: no such ...
iceeleoo's user avatar
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.bashrc is not sourced when open new tab in

When I opened new tab in with cmd + T, .bashrc is not sourced automatically. I had to manually run the source command. Could you please tell me why this is? environment macOS Monterey 12....
taisei's user avatar
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macos terminal error messages when opening [closed]

When I open the terminal, I get this error message. Last login: Thu Jan 12 19:57:38 on ttys000 /Users/pratyush/.zprofile:1: permission denied: /opt/homebrew/bin/brew /Users/pratyush/.zprofile:2: ...
Pratyush's user avatar
5 votes
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Why can’t I delete the TV application from macOS Ventura?

I want to delete Apple TV on my 14-inch 2021 Macbook Pro M1, Ventura OS 13.1 version. Running this command in my terminal: sudo rm -Rdf /System/Applications/ Returns "Operation not ...
litmus's user avatar
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How can I fix a bunch of declare commands being spammed when I start a bash session? [duplicate]

Whenever I open a bash terminal, regardless of terminal client my output is spammed with a bunch of declare -x messages listing off various environment variables. Here's an example: declare -x ...
thereal_pika's user avatar
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How do I mount a SMB folder in macOS via Terminal?

I have been working on a bash script to have systems mount a shared SMB folder(Windows Server) to a local folder /usr/local/Installers on macOS 12. I can create the folders just fine en mass to 100 ...
Tried_to_be_a_Coder's user avatar
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Jenkins build not reading or recognizing all of the environment variables with a Jenkins build in macOS

I have an issue reading or recognizing all of the environment variables with a Jenkins build. All of those necessary variables have been set via Terminal and are properly written in both .bashrc and ....
Mishovski's user avatar
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MacOS SSH client always wants to connect to same server

I have set up a new virtual server today, including PubKeyAuthentication and so on... If I now want to connect to other servers via SSH the client always wants to connect to one I was mainly working ...
lutzberlin's user avatar
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Try to set really long password but passwd keeps freezing

I have a password that is about 5000 characters long. I am trying to use passwd to set the password but it keeps hanging on the New password: prompt once it hit enter. Is this just a slow execution ...
gr3atm4n's user avatar
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How to redirect terminal output with the formatting and color in Mac (Ventura)?

I am running huge volumes of tests and the output is displayed on terminal, I would however like it to be stored to be be read, searched for further use. Is there a wat to have it redirect with color. ...
Amey Varhade's user avatar
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How to source from stdout for both Linux and macOS?

On Linux I can do: source <(cat .env | grep ANDROID_GRADLE_TASK) But on macOS, this doesn't do anything (no error, and no source) What can I use for macOS? Is there a command that works both on ...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar

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