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Switching between windows of an app in different spaces shortcut?

If there are two different instances/windows of the same application located in two spaces, each window inside another space. What is the easiest way (preferably with a keyboard shortcut) to move/...
HorusCoding's user avatar
0 votes
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Why can't I see a separate curl file along with all the libcurl files after building it from source?

I downloaded the source file from (curl-7.59.0.tar.bz2) to build the curl command line tool, or so I thought. I followed the instructions on curl's site (./configure, ...
user avatar
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How to set the permissions on all files and folders on my NAS drive using my Mac

I've been having problems using the Filezilla FTP program to copy information from my computer to my D-Link 321 NAS drive. As it turns out, it looks like when I created some of the files/folders ...
bosstone75's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Mac OS X 10.6.8 with Synergy 1.8.5 Client can't click on dashboard nor Spotlight

I've got Synergy 1.7.6 server on a Gentoo box, and 1.8.5 on a Mac OS X Snow Leopard client (had to upgrade because of a 'spacebar sends S' bug fixed in 1.8.3). It works pretty much okay, but I'm ...
rat's user avatar
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Can't install OSX Snow Leopard via VirtualBox?

I am having trouble installing Mac OSX Snow Leopard using VirtualBox. Everything goes fine until I try to install it. When it finishes installing, it boots back up and prompts me to install it again. ...
Jordan Baron's user avatar
0 votes
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Geektool: cat command doesn't work

I'm trying to get Geektool to display a txt file, but the Geeklet stays blank. It displays just fine when I enter: date date +%d But when I enter the following it does not display: cat ~...
Roel's user avatar
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Snow Leopard installation kernel panic

Okay so, I'm trying to install Snow Leopard on a partition of a mid-2010 13" MacBook Pro that's otherwise running El Capitan completely fine (I'm typing this message using it right now). I need Snow ...
Octaedre's user avatar
-1 votes
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Swapping HDDs on a Mac w/ Snow Leopard

My situation: I have a "late '08 aluminum" MacBook, currently have Snow Leopard installed, along with a multi-boot XP partition via Bootcamp, all on the original hard-drive. The HDD is 7 years old and ...
Aaron Gillion's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Time machine failed

Backed up all files, erased disk (partition) reinstalled OS that came with machine (snow leopard - was informed that that was the OS that came with the machine originally and that one had to be ...
Horbinsr's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

OSX 10.6.8 - SSL failure in Chrome due to cert authority missing

I'm at my parents house for the holiday period, and they've just revealed to me they've been getting this error every time they visit their banks website in Chrome (ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID) They ...
djhworld's user avatar
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Why can't I install OS X Snow Leopard v10.6.2 from disc on my computer that has OS X v10.5.8?

When I go to install it says "Can't install on this computer".
zooba57's user avatar
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MacBook Pro (Early 2011, 8,2) will not boot Mac OS X after installing Linux

Until a couple of months ago, I loved my triple-boot MacBook Pro (early 2011, 8,2 with high-resolution screen). Then I tried to run the Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) upgrade and everything fell apart. I ...
Lars Poulsen's user avatar
0 votes
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Move physical Snow Leopard installation into VirtualBox

I've got a physical installation of Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) happily running on my MacBook Pro. I want to move this install (not install a fresh copy of OS X and moving my data, move the extant ...
SoItBegins's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Can I run Skyrim on Mac with Bootcamp with my machine?

Here's the situation: I've tried running Skyrim on my Mac using a demo of Crossover 13.2. My Mac looks like this: V 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) 2.93 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB 1067 MHz DDR3 NVIDIA ...
Francisco's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I upgrade iMac with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) to Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)?

I am on a 6-year-old iMac desktop (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) running Mac OS X 10.6.8 and Apple’s app store download page gives me an unhelpful error message hinting that I may need to install software ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to share internet connection from vmware OSX guest to Windows host?

I am using Windows 8.1 through a boot camp partition on an Apple PC and I have installed VMware Workstation. I have OS X Snow Leopard as guest OS within the working Virtual Machine. I am using a ...
Grigin's user avatar
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2 answers

My MacBook is in kernel panic limbo, what can I do?

So I'm writing this because these past few weeks I have experienced a heap of problems with my 2008 MacBook which have come to a head in the last couple of days culminating in me being almost ...
Octaedre's user avatar
2 votes
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Snow Leopard Show Contents of VPN

I got the credentials to connect to my company's VPN from home. I'm running Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard). Problem is I can connect to the VPN, but no remote Volume appears in the Finder. I've tried in ...
symlink's user avatar
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can I use Time machine backup to reinstall software applications I have mistakenly erased?

I am selling my iMac 2006 and have erased the hard drive - re installing OS Snow Leopard from a retail disc I bought when I upgraded. Now I realise I have probably erased all the software that came ...
computernovice's user avatar
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ssh under OS X 10.6.8 outgoing Permission denied

I have an OS X 10.6.8 installation that allows ssh into it (but not necessarily much further). However when it comes to ssh out from this installation, it fails in the two instances I can test, both ...
Jerome's user avatar
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3 votes
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Seeing remote mouse through VNC

I partially understand VNC in that I know, by default, you can only see when desktop itself and the client's mouse is shown. But, I was wondering if there is a different technology out there that ...
Cary Hartline's user avatar
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spawning a new terminal in OSX Snow Leopard: why isn't it working properly?

I know I'm supposed to be able to type open -a Terminal . to get a new Terminal window running in the current directory. But it doesn't seem to work for me; I get this: Last login: Wed Aug 27 06:52:...
Jason S's user avatar
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update git after upgrade to Mavericks

I've recently upgraded from Mac 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) to 10.9.4 (Mavericks). I had git installed on the old system and want to update it now to the latest version. So I uninstalled git with ...
do6's user avatar
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Enable a web application on macbook to be accessed by hostname from other machines [duplicate]

I have a web application that runs on my macbook on port 3000. I want to test this on a couple of phones and looking up the ip of my macbook eachtime i want to test this is turning to be cumbersome. I ...
Prasanth's user avatar
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Mac Dropbox client not syncing; weird menubar behaviour

Old hackintosh with 10.6.3 on it. Everything used to work just fine, but about 2 weeks ago I noticed it wasn't syncing. I've tried removing/reinstalling, rebooting, fixing permissions, wiping out ...
Elliott Bennett's user avatar
0 votes
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Macbook Pro 17" wont boot from original installation disk

I was wondering if i could get some help. I have the 17" Macbook Pro. My HDD recently failed, so i have gone and got another one and installed it, the new drive is a Corsair Force LX Sata 3 256Gb ...
Chris's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the "launcher" icon missing from the docking OS X Snow Leopard?

I've had my Macbook air for 3 years but never had to troubleshoot it before because nothing's ever gone wrong with it. It's running OSX 10.6 snow leopard. There always used to be an icon in the dock ...
Andy's user avatar
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Setup restarts when trying to create a user

Recently I was given a MacBook Pro (late 2010 I believe), and asked to see if I could reset the password for it. I assumed that it would be relatively easy so decided to go ahead and give it a go. I ...
Benedict Lewis's user avatar
9 votes
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How to change font size or use another font in Quick Look on OSX?

I would like to change text files font in Quick Look on OSX. Tried to find answers on support forums but found none.
ljgww's user avatar
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How to install an OSX Leopard ISO on a hard drive through another mac?

I have an OLD PowerPC-based Mac G5 on which i am attempting to install OSX 10.5 Leopard. I only have an ISO and no DL DVD to burn it onto. Moreover the tower doesn't recognize an OSX installation ...
user277195's user avatar
0 votes
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Macports and Fink - co-exist OK?

I have a Mac with OS 10.6.8 and with Fink currently installed. I would like install Macports and use that as well. Is there any reason I should not do this ? What risks are involved ?
glaucon's user avatar
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bash tab completion is showing commands instead of files and folders

I used chmod to make some scripts executable, and now my bash shell is tab-autocompleting all available commands. How can I make it go back to completing just files / folders in the current folder?
AJcodez's user avatar
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Can't get internet access on Mac OS X 10.6 virtual machine

I am currently trying to get internet access on my Mac OS X 10.6 virtual machine. I am running Windows 8 as the host OS and using VmWare Workstation 10. I have created the VM using an ISO image of Mac ...
user256075's user avatar
2 votes
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Disable recent Chrome zoom control/panel

MacOSX Snow Leopard, current version of Chrome For the past few months, Chrome responds to a zoom request (Command +) by putting up a small "panel" or popup in the top right of its window. That ...
Citizentools's user avatar
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Where can I get a version of Xcode that will run on 10.6.8 (the current version nolonger supports 10.6)?

Where can I get a version of Xcode that will run on 10.6.8 (the current version nolonger supports 10.6)? I tried inserting the original 10.6.8 Install disk in my laptop but it just pops back out ...
user249760's user avatar
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Time Machine backs up symbolic links that haven't changed

Lately I've noticed that my Time Machine backups are taking a very long time. I recently replaced my boot drive, and I thought the problem might have been due to the way I reconnected the drive to the ...
Barmar's user avatar
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OSX mouse moves randomly

Some data points By moving randomly, I mean the mouse cursor will occasionally move without user interaction. It looks more like a random jump. It does not randomly click (luckily...). I haven't ...
almostflan's user avatar
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Where are my custom Photoshop CS4 actions on Snow Leopard?

I upgraded my HDD and I'm trying to import from the old one my custom user-generated actions (and some imported) which I had in Photoshop CS4. Which I can't find. I have looked in /Applications/...
pax's user avatar
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Snow Leopard 10.6.8 -- Short freezes all the time

I have a Macbook white (2010) and I'm facing an annoying thing since I'd bought it. I've already re-installed the system some times, but the fact is that I got short freezes for 2-3 seconds when ...
tom335's user avatar
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keeping Snow Leopard's directory timestamps when extracting a tar in Mountain Lion

I have a directory in a Snow Leopard box that looks something like: MyDir/ file1 SubDir1/ file2 SubDir2/ file3 I created an encrypted archive of it (still in Snow Leopard)...
psvm's user avatar
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Homebrew MySQL error: ERROR 1018 (HY000): Can't read dir of '.' (errno: 13)

I have installed MySQL using Homebrew on my Snow Leopard Mac OS 10.6. I have run through the commands that it mentions: unset TMPDIR mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --...
Andrew's user avatar
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15 votes
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How to delete a downloaded OS X automatic update?

I'm running 10.6.5 and do not want to upgrade. Software Update has conveniently downloaded a 1.09 GB update that I have no interest in installing - it is downloaded but is sitting dormant - but I can'...
分かりません's user avatar
4 votes
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Remove slight margin at bottom of screen in snow leopard

So on snowleopard, the maxed out window size almost fills the whole screen, except for a slight margin at the very bottom that is only a few pixels. Is there any way to override this or somehow make ...
jackcogdill's user avatar
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Restore OS X 10.6

I do not like Mountain Lion because some of my paid old software will not run. Is there a way I downgrade back to OS X 10.6 if I don't have the original install disks and I did not take a single Time ...
Peon's user avatar
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Cannot delete attribute file in mac os X

Suddenly some *attributes files started to appeared in the trash folder of my mac os x (snow leopard). The problem is I can't delete them. // 1. See there is a file with an invalid name MAC:libs ...
Name is carl's user avatar
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How to upgrade from OS X 10.6.8 to Mountain Lion?

My Mac died and I needed to reinstall. I tried to restore from my Time Machine backup, but that also crashes for me (no idea why). So I've reinstalled OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and ran all the updates, ...
user41270's user avatar
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Setting up BIND on OSX, which of these default port configurations is preferrable?

I'm following the instructions here on how to set up BIND on OSX, and I've got as far as this point (not very far then!) Watch out! The rndc-confgen utility is extremely handy for generating new ...
ian's user avatar
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Missing HD space OSX. I have emptied the trash (of course)

I have an external HD called "Macintosh HD". It use to be my main drive and has since became my backup. I deleted some music from Macintosh HD (about 20GB worth) which went into the trash. Then with ...
Avishaan's user avatar
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Word pagination - excessive gap

I am working on my resume on my Mac OS X (Snow Leopard) and Microsoft Word 2011. On the second page of the resume is a gap such that I can't pull up the rest of my work history to the top of the ...
Mick Davis Jr's user avatar
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Is this a bug in top?

This command line: top -l 3 -n 10 -o "vprvt" For some reason there are two processes that consistently creep up in the second sample's output regardless of their actual VPRVT size, and they do not ...
hawk's user avatar
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