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A family of Unix-like operating systems using the Linux kernel. If your question is about a certain distribution only, use a more specific tag.

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Issue with dmidecode to Retrieve CPU Details etc

Overview I'm experiencing an issue with the dmidecode command on a system with an 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 CPU. The dmidecode command does not show complete details about the CPU and other ...
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Having JetBrains WebStorm open regularly kills screen session in PuTTY

I have a very odd and very frustrating issue. Summary I have my Linux environment set up to automatically reconnect to any existing screen session on log in, which when combined with the WebStorm IDE ...
Eric Shields's user avatar
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Combine partition with free space

I want to use the remaining free space on my hard drive, however there's a problem: Running cfdisk outputs: Label: gpt, identifier: CEE38D42-DBB8-4F74-ADA6-1BC2A5E46AE1 Device ...
oughy's user avatar
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Upgraded Ansible with Python 3.8 but playbooks are now way slower that with python2.7, how to address slowdown?

When we were running RHEL7 our playbooks used to complete in about 1 hour with ansible-2.9.27-1.el7.noarch.rpm w/ python 2.7 + mitogen. Last year we upgraded to RHEL8 w/ python 3.8 and ansible-5.4 + ...
Jordan E's user avatar
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how to configure Piped for https on local network with self signed certificate?

I'm configuring Piped on my RPI home lab. In my router I created DNS records youtube.home, and with the IP of my RPI. I download Piped and execute the configure ...
jotyhista's user avatar
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How to add taskbar on Debian?

I have installed Debian with GNOME. then added minimise and maximise buttons in settings but how to go about adding windows-like task bar at the bottom to see active windows without escaping to ...
konto's user avatar
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How to install Conky themes?

I' m asking how to installconkythemes that you download from the Pling store as zip and extract as folders on Linux. I tried to rename the file name [name]. conf with Anything.conkyrc and then copy ...
Tux's user avatar
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How to list a tree of webpage files given url

I can use wget --mirror url to download a webpage, but how can I only list (see) a tree directory of that page in linux terminal? For example I have a personal website where there is a .htaccess file ...
konto's user avatar
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ssh-connection from outside (and inside) fails -- Linux Mint

PROBLEM no ssh connection to my local computer possible, even not ssh [myname]: ssh localhost, on the other hand, works entering sshd: ALL and ssh: ALL in /etc/hosts.allow does not help ...
hjm_els's user avatar
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Connection error whe configuring postgresql_basebackup in nxs-backup

when configuring postgresql_basebackup in nxs-backup I encountered the following: PSQL connect error: pq: database "repluser" does not exist Tried to edit pg_hba.conf, but it still doesn't ...
Daria's user avatar
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Set default headphone output level on boot

I have a headless Raspberry Pi running Debian that's used as an audio player. I'd like to boost the output of the headphone device at boot time. I've found the command amixer --card 1 sset 'PCM',0 0 ...
Lance Berc's user avatar
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Docker Compose network isolation mechanism in Linux

When I deploy Docker Compose services, I found that the Docker containers are all on one bridged linux segment; this much is expected. However, sometimes I have had problems connecting from one linux ...
Mike Pennington's user avatar
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2 answers

One-to-one NAT on Windows 10

I have three computers: Host A: Linux PC, with IP Host B: Windows VM running on Host A, with IP (host-only network) and (vpn) Host C: PC with any OS (...
Bonvi's user avatar
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regexp multiple lines grep

I am looking for a correct regexp to return the first match and the new line. Let's say the logfile is like: Warning-[ABC] blablabla$ /path1/path2/path3/file The dollar at the end of the first line ...
Ste3191's user avatar
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Tmux prefix doesn't work unless ~/.tmux.conf is forced

I'm currently including tmux into my work flow but I've not been able to use its prefix like it is set up natively C-b on start. My work around to this problem is to set another key bind on the ...
Juan Jáuregui's user avatar
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Incorrect permission of copied files from Ubuntu to Windows using rsync on ssh

After copying files from Ubuntu to Windows using rsync on ssh, the copied files and folder have permissions that only creator have full access and other users including SYSTEM and Administrators have ...
VladE's user avatar
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Linux Docker compose container cannot ping another bridged Docker container

Overview I need a Docker Compose zabbix host to ping a host on a containerlab docker network. These two Docker networks run under a linux Docker host machine as below... This information comes from ...
c1lab's user avatar
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Docker container cannot start. runc create failed

I'm trying to deploy some Docker containers. There seems to be 2 major errors popping up: When attempting to run a container with an existing image on the machine I get this error: docker: Error ...
uptivuptiz's user avatar
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How to find MSR address?

I'm trying to find the MSR address of the frequency of my IGPU frequency(i5 8250u IGPU: UHD620). I tried to find it in intel core 8th gen's datasheet, but on their website, it seems to be deleted or ...
james's user avatar
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How to automatically mount a removable USB device in a Docker Desktop Linux container

Problem: I want to run a Linux container via Docker Desktop, and have a removable device (e.g. USB stick) automatically mount within the container, when it's inserted. Up until now, I've been using ...
Andrew Fielden's user avatar
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How do you remove stubborn (album art) / (embedded images) that eyeD3 misses?

How do you remove stubborn (album art) / (embedded images) that eyeD3 misses? Running: $ eyeD3 --remove-all-images . # Works great 90% of the time but not 100% of the time. I’d prefer a command that ...
Gene Tyle's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to adjust user cpu quantums and the ability to preempt the other processes in Linux

I have a Linux system with NGINX web server, PostgreSQL database server, and many users running processes of same web application, each web application has its NGINX configuration file and a ...
Abdulkarim Mousa's user avatar
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i was trying to install rtl8821au in my kali dual boot device ,but whenever in executing the ./ [closed]

Building module: Cleaning build area... Building module(s)......(bad exit status: 2) Failed command: 'make' -j8 KVER=6.8.11-amd64 KSRC=/lib/modules/6.8.11-amd64/build Error! Bad return status for ...
Ramzan's user avatar
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No available connections in WSL2 + Ubuntu + KDE

I use: Windows 10 Pro (ver. 22H2 19045.4529) WSL2 (wsl --set-default-version 2) Ubuntu 22.04 KDE Plasma 5.24.7 (sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop) Kernel (64-bit) ...
Shokweiv's user avatar
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QEMU-KVM VM freezing the host machine when using Nvidia gpu PCI passthrough

I have intel integrated graphics and nvidia 1650 mobile graphics card. I am loading my xorg server only using the integrated GPU. The NVIDIA GPU loads which nvidia driver on boot. I have libvirt hooks ...
Sai Chaithanya's user avatar
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readlink_stat failed: Value too large for defined data type (75). Broken symlink?

I have a server with Debian 12 and everything works fine, except this message: -bash: /usr/bin/dircolors: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error Now...With every backup I get warnings about ...
tuxerri's user avatar
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I want to compile Kvantum on my Debian 12 machine

I want to complie kvantum on my debian 12 machine with kde. But I can't install the following dependecy: libkf6windowsystem-dev. When I run the command sudo apt install libkf6windowsystem-dev I get ...
Oberwalder Sven's user avatar
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Is there a name for the text that shows up after executing each command line in a CLI?

for example in linux terminal I have jurek@debian:~$ man help No manual entry for help I want to know how the second line is called bc I want to ask an other question "How to copy this term (I'm ...
konto's user avatar
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3 votes
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bash see if element inside array is inside a different array

I am trying to test to see if an element inside an array exists. A test case is array1=(a b c) array2=(c d e) for ((i=0; i < ${#array1[@]}; i++)); do if [[ ${array1[$i]} == "...
Abbatrombone's user avatar
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Linux - Preserve client IP Addresses when connecting to game server over wireguard VPN tunnel from VPS

My question is almost perfectly summarised here: Preserve connecting clients IP address through an OpenVPN tunnel And the solution provided in that post hints at what I need to do, and have been ...
xf9mj89f's user avatar
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Font size issue with xterms started through icewm's hotkeys

Recently got a new laptop with 1920x1080 monitor instead of 1366x768 on old laptop. All my many xterms suddenly smaller and text illegible. After investigation, decided easiest solution was an alias ...
user985675's user avatar
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Server sometimes not sending ACK in response to PSH, ACK

We've implemented a TCP server socket in C++ on a linux machine which is connected to another device, streaming data small packets at high rate (800 Hz). To do so without too much latency (which we ...
Morten Nissov's user avatar
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Kubectl get pods ERROR: couldn't get current server API group list: Get "LINK": tls: first record does not look like a TLS handshake

My K8s cluster is running on Azure VM. I'm facing with a TLS error when I try to get something from a cluster. However the config of k8s is correct and it has the public IP I need, also it has all the ...
vayuprog's user avatar
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Dealing with whitespaces in file names after git grep -l

I'm trying to run the script below and I'm struggling with pathspec error when the filename has whitespaces. I have already read some other posts around here, but since I am not an expert I was not ...
O Pardal's user avatar
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Basic kea-dhcp4 server setup failure, likely caused by wrong config file

Setup Intended setup: <router>----ethernet cable ---<linux PC> Router IP: (DHCP relay, DHCP Server IP: Linux PC (hosting the server) Static IP: OS: ...
geck0's user avatar
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Using btrfs to share home across systems

I have several arch-based distros on a laptop, all having their root filesystem on a shared lvm-on-luks setup (one lvm volume each). I'd like having a common /home partition for them all, but some ...
Henri Zole's user avatar
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Why does dmidecode return a higher number of banks than the number of memory channels supported by the CPU?

According to the wiki, a bank refers to the secondary structure of a DRAM chip, which is different from the bank mentioned in the dmidecode command. I am wondering what the relationship is between ...
Frontier_Setter's user avatar
4 votes
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`ls` command stuck when run as root

I have this folder containing only two files. If I use root and cd to that folder, ls would get stuck. However, ls runs correctly when I log in as a common user, or ls from parent folder like ls ...
leetom's user avatar
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Linux breaking my NTFS filesystems?

I'm currently using Kubuntu 22.04, kernel 6.5.0-28 amd64. Ever since the unassisted update, my system has been stuttering a lot. Initially I thought it was the RAM, but then I noticed that the system ...
StackOverflowToxicityVictim's user avatar
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In Grub2, what does "error: null src bitmap in grub_video_bitmap_create_scaled" mean and how to solve it?

This error occurs when enter into some sub menu entry after I use the sleek theme for Grub2, and I have tried different size of PNG images trying to avoid image scales to prevent this error message ...
luochen1990's user avatar
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Can a bad block from one partition affect other partitions?

I have an external SSD 1 TB plugged in to Linux-Laptop. I have created a small new partition - 10 GB size on it, so now I have 2 partitions on that SSD. Both partitions are formatted with ext4 file ...
ccsann's user avatar
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apt-get update: An error occurred during the signature verification (for screenrec)

I get this when I run sudo apt update Hit:1 jammy InRelease Hit:2 https:/...
Dhruva Choudhary's user avatar
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Systemd Service not being loaded when migrating from Debian 8 to Yocto

I have an app.service that I have been using on a debian machine that is symlinked to /etc/systemd/system/ it works well and starts my app. I have recently been working on ...
tyleax's user avatar
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Ubuntu 24.04 LTS: SSH Password Authentication Not Working Despite Configuration Changes [duplicate]

I have the following settings on my Ubuntu server: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config PasswordAuthentication yes KbdInteractiveAuthentication yes then sudo systemctl restart ssh.service However, when a ...
Allan Xu's user avatar
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How can I setup FIREWALLD with IPSEC (StrongSwan) Site-to-Site to make PING work on Debian 12?

I have 3 nodes with public and local IP address, each: Node A: edge router #1 ( Node B: edge router #2 ( Node C: VMS with Debian 12, docker containers and firewalld (ex. 172....
BCT's user avatar
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Why is Chrome randomly refusing to download some PDF files?

For example, this one: User Guide 1.54 MB that is here: I have set ...
alecail's user avatar
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Incorrect reading of battery status after wake up (linux only)

My computer is a Thinkpad X1 Extreme Gen 2. OS is OpenSUSE Tumbleweed / Slowroll, dual boot system with Windows 11. I am having this issue since around February. In Windows everything works fine, but ...
Victor Nițu's user avatar
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rsync unable to write to mtp device (phone)

Motorola Stylus 5g 2023 Phone mounts on caja as "mtp://motorola_moto_g_power_ZY227ZM8RH/android/Music/carchip". Shows also in "/run/user/1000/gvfs/mtp:host=...
j1mw3b's user avatar
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Viewing camera's stream in Motion from another computer

I am trying to stream my USB camera through Motion using Linux 21.2. It sees it through localhost:8080 but I've been trying to disable localhost streaming so I can view it from another computer (...
xxxVxxxlinux's user avatar
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Linux cannot see other hard drive after dual boot, also want to remove windows if possible

I wanted to switch to Linux and I did this by installing Kali onto my usb and and then booting from my usb. It then went through the process of installing on one of my two SSDs, it then installs fine ...
SCP-1762's user avatar