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A family of Unix-like operating systems using the Linux kernel. If your question is about a certain distribution only, use a more specific tag.

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2 answers

What is the purpose iproute2's nexthop object management utility?

I'm not sure how ip nexthop is used to affect the route taken by packets and its relationship with ip route and the nexthop parameter of ip route. Is there a standard way this is used within industry, ...
rafiki's user avatar
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How to use ssh x11 forwarding on Windows?

I am running XServer by VcXsrv on Windows. Here is my VcXsrv configuration, and I believe it should be listening on :0.0, which is port :6000. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8&...
Sangria's user avatar
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Proxmox Root Passwords being changed randomly

I have a Proxmox Cluster set up with four nodes and One qDevice set up. I just got the qDevice working last night, but since this evening I'm seeing something I can't really understand. The passwords ...
AdderoYuu's user avatar
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Is there anyway to disallow accessing local network devices through global IPv6 addresses in linux?

I realize that this question might sound kind of strange, but it is necessary for my situation as far as I can tell. The root of it is that my ISP assigns IPv6 global addresses dynamically and ...
Nik Tedig's user avatar
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keep getting mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'testing'@'localhost' (using password: YES) for non-root users

I have a linux web server as a part of a college course (i.e, all of my applications and setting are done according to my teacher instructions, and I get the needed files from his ftp server). I'm ...
May's user avatar
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How do I hide the size of GPG message?

When constructing encrypted GPG messages I've noticed that the size of the output seems to be correlated to the size of the input. This makes sense in an information-theoretic sense. However, this is ...
Erotemic's user avatar
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How to create virtual audio devices in linux

How do I setup virtual audio devices in Nobara linux. I am new to linux and want to switch over from windows but I need this solved first. In windows I use the program to have my ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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How do I update the UUID of an ExFAT partition?

How do I set the UUID of an ExFat partition? The linux tools I've tried (mlabel, gparted) only allow resetting the UUID to a different random one, not to a UUID I choose.
JanKanis's user avatar
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live-build error: cp: cannot stat 'chroot/boot/vmlinuz-*': No such file or directory

I am using live-build to create custom live debian. I started on a fresh Debian Bookworm installation and followed live-build docs. lb config sudo lb build I had some errors for firmware-linux ...
ajaleksa's user avatar
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strange routing table entries

My Linux network device cannot be access outside my local network. I checked the routing table, and found the following: netstat -rn Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask ...
talk 2ipad's user avatar
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How can I make virt-install boot from a keydrive/usbstick image?

virt-install 4.1.0 on nixos 23.11 I am trying to install from a memory stick image with the following options: opt=( --name pfsense --ram=4096 --vcpus=4 --os-...
aktivb's user avatar
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Generic way to open $EDITOR at a specific line

I'm building a CLI application where you're supposed to be able to open files at particular lines. I noticed that many applications (vim, nano, kakoune) use the + argument to allow you to open a file ...
Marc's user avatar
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How to remap a key in windows to have multiple functions?

On my linux machine, I'm using a tool called evremap to map the caps_lock key to escape when tapped and left_ctrl when held. I wanted to replicate this setup for my windows machine but couldn't find a ...
Jacky Zheng's user avatar
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How to change root without side effects

How can I, preferably without entering a new subshell, change root for the current shell, while keeping the same environment ? The assumption would be that the new root and sub-directories from that ...
NRagot's user avatar
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How to indefinitely restart a systemd service until it succedes?

I have a systemd service on a machine that could be killed (or otherwise fail) which I want to restart upon failure indefinitely, trying a restart every 2 seconds until it succeeds (or the end of the ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Is this missing library something I can install without sudo privileges?

OS I'm using a CentOS 7 system, which like a red hat system from what I observe (relevant further down the post.) cat /etc/*-release CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core) NAME="CentOS Linux" ...
Mah Neh's user avatar
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changing the directory a tarball decompresses to

When I do wget and then tar xvzf install-tl-unx.tar.gz the files get extracted (right now) to install-tl-20240521. On the CLI it's ...
neubert's user avatar
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terminal inserts characters after CTRL+C

in some of my applications (ArchLinux, Gnome 46) some chars are appended to my username when using CTRL+C to abort a script. Sometimes also in the middle of bash scripts, which makes it a bit painful: ...
xtlc's user avatar
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What happens to core dump when pid is reused

When using the core dump management system called systemd-coredump we can see the list of core dumps with coredumpctl list. The list of core dumps is listed with date and pid. To extract the actual ...
Be Kind To New Users's user avatar
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Why does my monitor shut off / enter sleep mode when I try to install Linux?

So I've been trying to install Linux on one of my SSDs, but whenever I get past grub to get to the graphic installation, my monitor shuts off and enters sleep mode. I'm not sure what causes this. I've ...
venturiq's user avatar
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Are there alternatives to bind mounts, that don't require the target already exists?

RootFS is read-only and I'm working around that by bind mounting files and directories to specific locations. Bind mounts seem to require, that the target exists already, so I can't use them to create ...
CodeSpoof's user avatar
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Files and folders on shared drive created on Linux are not visible in Windows (dual-boot)

I have a dual-boot with Linux (Manjaro) and Windows installed on two separate SSDs, plus I have a shared ex-fat HDD which contains documents and the like. Problem is, very often, when I'm on Linux and ...
diridev's user avatar
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How to resolve an asymmetric routing issue?

I have a network consisting of the following: PfSense router with untagged network and tagged VLAN 40 network of I have a wireless computer connected to the the ...
KevDog's user avatar
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How do I find maximum output resolution supported by my buildin graphics output on linux?

How do I find maximum output resolution supported on hdmi by my build-in cpu graphics output on linux? (Fedora, in case that matters). I know I can just lookup the cpu, but that just gives me the ...
MTilsted's user avatar
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Font icons corrupted on my Arch Linux after system update

I am using Arch Linux and pretty much update my system daily. I rarely get into much larger problems, find the cause and resolve them. Friday I did an update and didn't notice that my Konsole font ...
Dimitar Veljanovski's user avatar
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Disk usage wrong after incorrect fstab mount and rsync to the mount

tl,dr; Something is using disk space after failed mount and rsync but I can't find out what it is and how to cleanup/free the space. Context: I was trying to add second disk to my RPi and given that ...
Wojtek's user avatar
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IS there a way to find out the Serial, firmware and OS version of a USB device?

I am using the kernel 5.15 based embedded device; have the requirement to figure out the unique field of a USB device, so that I can distinguish when the same vendor, model USB devices(VID,PID are ...
B_San's user avatar
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Use the Windows PC as a middleware to access the restricted site

Assume my Windows PC has the ability to access the site via a network adapter that only supports Windows. I want my other Linux PC to be able to access that site as well, but because ...
Trí Phan's user avatar
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systemd-networkd gains ipv6 but not ipv4

hoping for some help debugging a systemd-networkd issue. I have both systemd-networkd and wpa_supplicant. I've enabled a [email protected] systemd unit that corresponds with an /etc/...
Eslam Medhat's user avatar
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Mounting drive with mount command and fstab do not work as intended

I have two external USB drives which I would like to be mounted to specific directories which are owned by my user. A script runs on startup which mounts all my drives in their specific locations ...
Nisarg Desai's user avatar
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How can I make total size of LVM partition match Used + Available?

I have a weird storage situation that I suspect is because I set up my LVM allocations incorrectly: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/data-cams 916G 830G 41G 96% ...
natevw's user avatar
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Ethernet devices on router cant ping or reach wireless devices

My homeserver pc is connected to router via ethernet and my wifi devices on the network cant reach it and they cant reach it. Wireless devices can contact each other and all devices can ping router ...
Kuziwakwashe Chikwete Swagger's user avatar
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Cant seem to share a windows shared folder to my raspi5 keep getting this error

testkit@RASp5:~ $ sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Main_Link,pass=q&yLC0es9a // ~/Desktop/share [1] 15535 bash: yLC0es9a: command not found testkit@RASp5:~ $ mount: bad ...
user1914329's user avatar
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Windows to Raspberry PI Model 5 Folder Sharing

I have a windows system sharing a file share to a Raspberry Pi model 5 I have no password set on this pc when I leave the password blank and press enter i get mount error (13) permission denied If I ...
user1914329's user avatar
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How to connect Linux to a WPA2-EAP-CCMP Wi-Fi network?

Summary: after having gone through tons of documentation pages, I still cannot connect my Debian to a WPA2-EAP-CCMP Wi-Fi The NIC is correctly configured (driver-wise): # iwconfig wlx00e04c45ad46 ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Keyboard sending wrong codes for certain key combinations only to linux terminals, tried everything. So confused

I had been trying out a few different linux distros over the past few days and ended up back in Windows. I noticed that in WSL ubuntu shift-home wasn’t working properly—it would print out the letter H....
Ron Andrews's user avatar
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How to mount Luks disk with specific user?

Have a external disk with Lucks and EXT4 partition, the OS mount the disk using the first user by default but can not mount as secondary user: The first user is uid=1000 and gid=1000, but the ...
e-info128's user avatar
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Issues with internet connection via openvpn

The organization I'm with uses an OpenVPN connection and RDP to log into a virtual environment we work with. The way I understand it only traffic that is aimed at our internal net (in the ...
PandemicCorpsemaw's user avatar
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Is there a quick way to reclaim space overallocated for files on ext4?

Samba 3 has somehow overallocated a lot of space on my NAS for hundreds of files. (Looks like that was caused by strict allocate = yes in smb.conf even though it's unclear to me why. Filesystem is ...
Konstantin Pelepelin's user avatar
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latest kernels issue, wont lauch

i'm not sure exactly which version, but I think my graphics card has a problem with kernel 6.8 and later. When i want to install arch linux, i should add "nomodeset" to grub so i can install ...
kalpa's user avatar
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retrieve response body from wget --method=PUT

I knwo that with GNU wget ( I can send PUT HTTP requests with --method=PUT, but I cannot figure out how to read the response body I get back. What I'...
hed wig's user avatar
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How to disable low-level key repeats

I noticed that many keys repeat on my debian system. I tested with xev and apparently even my SHIFT and CTRL keys repeat, i.e. I get a series of key press and key release events. If I hold the SHIFT ...
Martin Drautzburg's user avatar
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Docker container not recieving packets from specific port

So I have an instance in Oracle cloud, running OL7. In that instance I'm trying to setup some docker containers with multiple servers. These container should be reachable from the outside on different ...
Gui Costa's user avatar
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My python application doesn't want to cross-compile using Yocto

I'm currently trying to set up a Linux OS for one of our embedded projects, I've successfully cross-compiled many packages from pypi using the PiP2Bitbake package but when I tried to do it with a ...
SADALI Mohand's user avatar
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Present a laptop as a keyboard via usb-c to a raspberry pi

I have a laptop (dual boot linux/windows, if this could help, and with both usb-a and -c ports). I also have a raspberry pi 5 (I just received this starter pack for my 42th birthday). I don't have a ...
Vito De Tullio's user avatar
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How are `vti` and `xfrm` iproute2 interfaces supposed to be configured and used with xfrm states and policies?

XFRM states and policies enable configuring IPsec encryption without a virtual interface. The vti and xfrm interface types, however, I think make it possible to route traffic through a virtual ...
rafiki's user avatar
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How to detect the addition of overlay mounts on a running system?

Problem: Using File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) software, I want to detect when files are added/deleted/modified. However, the current solution is based on iNotify. It seems that if an attacker were to ...
David Boshton's user avatar
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How to disable particular audio jack in debian?

I have recently dual booted Windows and Debian based Kali Linux. I have a faulty front panel audio jack. This causes the speakers to instantly disconnect and reconnect over and over again, which ...
VD-Flash's user avatar
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How to find matching yaml files based on content

I have a bunch of files that contain yaml. Some files are yaml-only, some have yaml front-matter. I would like to be able to query the list of files to return a list that match certain criteria. In ...
user2567544's user avatar
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USB became read-only after using dd to flash a Linux ISO

I recently used the dd command to flash a Linux ISO to my USB drive. After doing so, the USB drive has become read-only. I suspect that using dd might have caused this issue, as suggested in this ...
lean's user avatar
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