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Unable to set permissions for power operations under Debian Bookworm

I am building a server under Debian Bookworm that it is to be used basically to read and save old tapes. The concept is to have the box full of units and be seldomly used and, when this occurs use a ...
Borg Drone's user avatar
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LINUX - ownership inheritance of parent dir not working, only group is applied

Ownership inheritance of parent dir not working, only group 'apache' is applied Owner should be 'apache' but is 'root' OS: rocky linux 9, selinux - getenforce : Permissive umask 002 umask: ----- 0002 ...
John9870's user avatar
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Partially shared home: dual boot, same /home partition, one user per OS, same UIDs for perms, but different home dirs

Here is a general outline of what I want to achieve, given that I am the only user of my computer: Dual boot with 2 Linux OS Easily share (read/write, probably no execute) some of the data accessed ...
Numbra's user avatar
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How to set Linux directory permission for writers?

I have an directory called Videos , and its permission is 3775, owned by triplez:writers. drwxr-xr-x root root / drwxrwxrwx root root usbhdd drwxrwsr-t triplez writers Videos When the ...
TripleZ's user avatar
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Mounting drive with mount command and fstab do not work as intended

I have two external USB drives which I would like to be mounted to specific directories which are owned by my user. A script runs on startup which mounts all my drives in their specific locations ...
Nisarg Desai's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it not recommended to use unprivileged users to insmod drivers in Linux?

Background: Unprivileged users can use CAP_SYS_MODULE capability to insert module to kernel. Insmod a ko include load driver and driver init. My issue: My test driver will crate debugfs at ...
Nichel's user avatar
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rootless podman container needs access to host's SSL cert and key - what's the correct thing to do here?

As the title says, I need a rootless podman container to have access to SSL keys (created with certbot, of course) from the host (Fedora CoreOS, SELinux active) machine, since the main server on the ...
Alexis Purslane's user avatar
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Is it possible to temporarily disable or block a samba share without server restart?

I have Linux server hosting separate samba share for users on some windows clients (each user would have a linux client also accessing their share) (users have authenticator app on separate devices). ...
ift-436t's user avatar
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Permission denied for AD group for NFS directory

I have permission denied problem with NFS share. On server1 I have /etc/exports file with content: /data/test,no_root_squash). /data/test directory has 770 permissions with ...
Grad's user avatar
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pppd, docker, socat and permissions

We have an [Ubuntu 20.04] Docker image, used as part of a test system, in which I need to run pppd (to test a dial-up connection), where pppd is connected to the physical modem via a socat loop. My ...
Rob's user avatar
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Samba Server does restrict writing but not browsing or reading

I made a Samba Server with 3 shares for each user and I would like to restrict access to it so only those users can access their folder. I have been browsing so much only that I got a mad headache ...
Tobias's user avatar
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"Permission denied" when `rm` ing a file (in an NFS mount), even when using sudo

Context: Storage is a Kubernetes Persistent volume, provided by a TrueNAS NAS and accessed via NFS (with k8s accessMode ReadWriteMany) I have checked the Permissions for the TrueNAS Dataset and ...
scubbo's user avatar
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Why doesn’t /etc/logrotate.d/tomcat run daily but will only take effect if I manual trigger it?

I have a Talend Data Stewardship application in my server and I would like to rotate the catalina.out log file. Thus, I referring, and create a ...
Panadol Chong's user avatar
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Can not use my own mosquitto config file "Unable to open"

Unable to use my own config file with mosquitto, passing the default configuration file works fine: localhost:/etc/mosquitto # sudo mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf 1706606342: mosquitto ...
jwielink's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the meaning of the manage-gids parameter in /etc/nfs.conf?

I have run into an issue (on a system which I am not root) where there is a directory using an acl to manage access, I should be allowed access (and I am allowed access if I do a newgrp to one of the ...
lagnut's user avatar
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Should files from an RPM package be installed with root permissions?

Our software is installed via RPM alongside a customizable service user and group. No other users need to run the software besides the service user. I've spent some time searching and can't seem to ...
mitchellJ's user avatar
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Permissions Denied error when trying to run a command via the authorized_key file

I am trying to get a command to run via the authorized_keys file. I have set the perms to 600 for the authorized_keys file, and the .ssh dir to 700. In the authorized file I have the following: ...
Daxcor's user avatar
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How to safely change uid and gid for apache user (www-data) on Ubuntu 22.04

I have a quite specific situation where a migration needs to happen from one brand od linux to ubuntu 22.04. So far, so good. Among other things original setup have multiple users and respective ...
Darko Miletic's user avatar
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3 answers

How to allow apps to open and perform actions as sudo?

I am running Debian 12 with KDE Plasma desktop 5.27 and my problem is that every time I open an app it won't allow me to do things as sudo or permissions are not set correctly. For example, when I ...
stucklucky's user avatar
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Set umask for systemd service, but files created by the process are still using the default

This is the unit for the Transmission torrent client, which was compiled and installed from source. /etc/systemd/system/transmission.service: [Unit] Description=Start the Transmission daemon After=...
Douglas Silva's user avatar
2 votes
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Tomcat runs from the command line, but will not start as a systemd service

I have built an Apache Tomcat 9.0.83 server on Oracle Linux 9 which will not start as a systemd service, but it does work if you run it from the command line. sudo su - tomcat /u01/tomcat/my_server/...
Big Ed's user avatar
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1 answer

about special permissions

if I use stat command I see this "0" appearing in "Access" : for example Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--). After some research, I think this value is linked to what is known as "...
mazda's user avatar
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Giving rw permissions for everyone on USB device

I just bought a Zigbee USB device, and I plugged it into my server, but I can't start the relevant containers, because they have no permission to read/write on the device. I figured that adding the ...
László Stahorszki's user avatar
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Difference between './file' and 'sh file'

On macOS, in the zsh terminal, I ran the following commands: cd /tmp mkdir newdir cd newdir touch file1 ./file1 The last command returned zsh: permission denied: ./file1 But running sh file1 executed ...
Orian's user avatar
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Linux user namespaces mapping issue - root without permission

I am trying to create a user namespace using unshare. Everything works fine when I map the parent user 'kevin' to the 'root' user in the new namespace: kevin@raspberrypi:~/test $ ls -lah total 8.0K ...
kvnnap's user avatar
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Very weird linuxbrew installation issue

I am installing linuxbrew in a linux machine. I typed /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" in the console. However it says ==> /...
XM Zg's user avatar
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How did this usage of chmod break sudo access?

In many other topics, I have seen people breaking their sudo access with commands such as sudo chmod -R 777 / and variants. Thinking I was doing it right, I have executed the following commands on a ...
Kağan Aytekin's user avatar
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Docker container unable to write to removable drive

I currently am running Ubuntu Jammy and have a docker container that needs to write to two external drives that were automatically mounted to /media/MYUSER/MYDRIVE while both are mounted correctly and ...
Ponyboy's user avatar
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chmod setuid giving operation not permission even though the I am the owner

shivanshu@<host> ls -l -rw-r-xr-x 1 shivanshu users 63 Sep 7 17:34 So I am clearly the owner of the file. I am able to change normal permissions like r, w, x using chmod ...
Shivanshu Arora's user avatar
2 votes
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rsync permission denied in www subfolder

I need to allow a specific user to download files from my web server. The files will be in a specific directory and I don't want the downloader to read, write or do anything outside of that directory....
Chiwda's user avatar
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2 answers

Cygwin weird behavior on security permissions

I'm using Cygwin to run periodic backups, for example I do: cp -a "$(cygpath C:\Users\S\Documents)" "$BU_FOLDER" But I've noticed the commands that create folders or files such as ...
Shayan's user avatar
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"Permission Denied" using RCS commands (ci and co) as root

I've su'd into our company server as the root user (verified with id, I show up as user 0). I'm trying to use the Revision Control System to check in and check out files, but even as root, I'm getting ...
Burmy's user avatar
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Protect dot-directories in home, i.e. sticky bit but ignore parent ownership?

Obviously, I own my home directory. But this is a problem if I want to protect some of its children (in particular the dot-folders) with a sticky bit from accidents. Because the sticky bit on my home ...
sonofevil's user avatar
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Primary user group for Linux desktop applications

My user has several groups assigned (e.g. group_a and group_b). By default, the order is: $ groups > group_b group_a In order to assign the right primary group (for file access rights etc.), I ...
benjamin's user avatar
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Linux RHEL 7 - Ansible - Execute command in shell is normal but got file not found/permission denied when run via script

I have an Ansible body as follow - name: install command: sh / args: chdir: /home/cust/ then I execute my playbook using this ansible-playbook -i my_inventory....
TriNguyen's user avatar
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Why do permissions change randomly when mounting via 9p method?

The mounting is working perfectly fine. I mount the external share by using fstab with the following config: data /home/data 9p trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,_netdev,rw,uid=...
carlchen's user avatar
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How to install and use docker in the same gitlab CI step?

I use a gitlab-runner with a custom executor which creates and destroys virtual machines on KVM hypervisor. The installation and configuration are very similar to this example:
Dunatotatos's user avatar
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SSH-Connection "Permission denied" after change of IP-Addresses

a couple of hours ago I changed the IP-Address of my Windows-PC and my Raspberry Pi. Up until then I was able to connect to the Pi via SSH without any problems. Now, when I try to connect, I get the ...
user avatar
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Errors running pppd inside a docker container

I have a docker container that I'm trying to run pppd inside of. The host kernel has CONFIG_PPP=y. I'm setting up the ppp device like this: mkdir /run/container/dev mknod /run/container/dev c 108 0 ....
Tom's user avatar
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How to mount a public windows share in linux

This is more a Windows configuration question I think. Goal: To access Windows 10 public shares from Linux. In this context: "server" is a single simple standalone Windows 10 machine, and &...
xpt's user avatar
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Unable to connect to server as root via ssh

I want to use remote explorer in VS Code on Windows to access a server from Ubuntu. Entering a password all the time is annoying, so I tried generating an ssh key using ssh-keygen. The key works fine ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Change default umask for KDE

I am attempting to change the default permissions assigned to a file by KDE. I would like to change the umask to 0027 so that the files are created with 750 for the permissions by default instead of ...
Mr.Clean's user avatar
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Ffmpeg No such file or directory creating hls output

I am using ffmpeg to create a hls live stream with the following command ffmpeg -i "rtmp://" -c:v copy -c:a copy -f hls -y -preset superfast -hls_segment_type mpegts -...
user72261's user avatar
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Make docker running from usb storage

I try to store my Docker config, images, containers, etc. on a external storage. Following this tutorial
emiral's user avatar
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How to backup a multi user linux file server over a network, using rsync or similar

My first post on here. I am trying to backup all data files from one server to another. The data can be owned by several users or by reserved nologin users. I am trying to create a remote mirror of ...
nobody's user avatar
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Permission Denied error when trying to run my app as a service with systemd

I wanna run an app as a service by an unprivileged user in Ubuntu. Following is the command to create the user: sudo groupadd -r mygroup sudo useradd -r -s /bin/false -g mygroup myuser sudo chown -R ...
Fei Qu's user avatar
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How to start an external program on the Linux computer on which WWW-PHP is running, from non-CLI PHP?

I used to use Windows, with nginx and PHP. A localhost-only webserver for my own use. In my web "control panel", I had various very time-saving shortcuts. For example, I was able to click on ...
Bunyon D's user avatar
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Management of authorizations and access permissions [closed]

In our company, we use several systems, all unrelated to each other. For example, we use online systems like a CRM system, a PasswordManager, Microsoft 365, but also internal systems like a NAS, and a ...
SurfMan's user avatar
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Linux system not booting after chown of the root directory `/`

Recently I was unable to paste a video file from download to one of my directories. It was giving error related to permission so I changed the owner of / to myself with sudo chown -R pranav . Now it ...
prnv4907's user avatar
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How to securely permission SSH keys on my mac so they require sudo access to both use and copy

I would like to set the permissions/owner settings for the SSH keys so they require sudo access to both use and copy. This would just be an additional security step if someone were to steal my laptop ...
Vishal's user avatar
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