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Unable to get shared clipboard using VNC server on Ubuntu and Mac client [closed]

I have a remote Oracle Cloud VM running Ubuntu, and I want to remote in via VNC via macos Screen Sharing. I can connect with Xvnc version TightVNC-1.3.10 – but for the life of me cannot get shared ...
d0g's user avatar
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Is it possible to set up a remote login session where a specific user only has access to certain folders, and can only run one executable?

I have a server where I'd like to grant a user the ability to log in remotely, but restrict the session in two specific ways: They can only access a certain set of folders on the computer, and for ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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Mac-to-Linux file conversion conundrum: convert MPW font resource to PCF and TTF files

This is more of a "conversion kata" than a real stumper, as in the worst case I can use my Mac to perform the conversion, but I really want to understand why the Linux tooling I used could ...
user821800's user avatar
2 votes
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exFAT for mechanical spinning external HD as cross-platform backup?

We have a mix of Linux (Debian) and MacOS laptops. I have a 4 TB external USB mechanical rotary drive I'd like to use for backups. I'd not want to partition the drive with different file systems for ...
Stacker's user avatar
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MacOs equivalent of adding a user to the linux dialout group on for permissions setup for UART communication

I'm working on a project where I'm interfacing with some hardware and want to monitor the data from some sensors using a specific tool. The tool doesn't have official support for MacOS but I've ...
sobbingDev's user avatar
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How to mount a Mac host folder on a QEMU guest Linux?

I recompiled the Debian kernel enabling the required options in QEMU/9psetup installed QEMU (8.2.1) with Homebrew and started it as follows: /usr/local/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \ -M accel=hvf \ -...
Lucas Martins Soares's user avatar
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How to share applications between multiple OSs? [closed]

My goal is to have a triple monitor setup, each running a different OS (Linux, Windows and MacOS) and have mouse/keyboard sharing using something like Synergy as well as moving app windows from one to ...
Myersj281's user avatar
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Using ncdu, how to know the number of items in current dir, not total count in childtree

I love using ncdu to browse files in Debian (and also MacOS), yet I can't figure out a way to display the number of items in the current directory, rather than the total amount of files including all ...
Myoch's user avatar
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Validating Changes to pam.d (like visudo)

I'm working on an Ansible task for setting fingerprint sudo usage in MacOS. This is done through a custom rule in /etc/pam.d/sudo_local. Is there a method to pre-validate edits to PAM for safer ...
Excalibur's user avatar
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Switching from Mac to Linux DE: Strategies for globally swapping <ctrl> modifier with <meta>? [closed]

I'm switching from MacOs to Linux and exploring several popular Desktop Environments like KDE Plasma, Gnome & Pantheon, etc. I find that the MacOS convention of using the meta key (aka the command ...
Todd Ditchendorf's user avatar
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switching window keyboard shortcut with screen window management on MacOS

all I used to be a linux user, now I am accessing a server from MacOS, Ventura. I have remapped my Mac Keyboard by switching the ctrol and command keys. However, I came across some problems with the ...
FewKey's user avatar
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Command Line decryption of aes-256-gcm no-longer working after OpenSSL updated

Late last year (2022) I encrypted a file using OpenSSL using terminal on my Mac with a very simple openssl enc command and was able to decrypt using this command: openssl enc -d -aes-256-gcm -in ...
bakslaash's user avatar
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VirtualBox Linux Guest Mac Host runs really slow

I have performance issues in VirtualBox, the quest operating system runs really slow and laggy. The configuration: Host: MBP 2019, 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9, 16 GB RAM, MacOS Sonoma 14.2 Guest: ...
SiGe's user avatar
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running a multi-threaded script on a macPro to a smb-mount folder throws an error

We're trying to run a multi-threaded script from our macPro but we keep getting an error massage. The xml script contains parameters to run a specific tool, the paths to the raw data and other ...
Assa Yeroslaviz's user avatar
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Sharing folders across the internet

I have a software project me and a couple friends are working on, and I have all the files hosted on an Ubuntu server. On the server, everyone has their own user and their own home folder, and there's ...
shawnsg's user avatar
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How do I copy text from vim on a remote host in Terminal, to local MacOS clipboard?

I've googled the heck out of this but nothing I try solves the problem. Help? Context I'm running vim on a remote linux machine, which I ssh to in I have root on the remote machine, so ...
Rich's user avatar
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What are the uses for all computer/host/dhcp names?

This question is meant to be specific to a home network. Windows, Linux, and MacOS computers all have a host name. In addition, MacOS computers have a computer name and a local host name. And when a ...
Jim Orcheson's user avatar
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Mac Partitioning Error (-69624)

I'm trying to create a partition on my Mac so I can run Debian, but whenever I try to partition my disk I get this error: I've factory reset my Mac, and tried partitioning in recovery mode. I'm not ...
Aeropid's user avatar
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iterm2: Any good way to clear a plain-text password from terminal screen without deleting entire scrollback? [duplicate]

I occasionally need to set env vars with passwords or pin numbers or the like, and they appear in my backscroll. No one looks at my terminal or anything, but it would be nice to be able to clear my ...
Locane's user avatar
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scp: ambiguous target when attempting to copy directory with an apostrophe and spaces in the name

I am trying to use scp to copy a directory by using ssh through windows terminal to connect to my mac and then use scp to copy a folder to my raspberry pi; I have tried many variations such as scp -r &...
Ponyboy's user avatar
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FAT32 partition unusual storage usage on MacOS

I have Linux installed on a second partition on my MacBook Air M1 running MacOS Ventura. To share data between the two systems, I shrunk the system partition in MacOS, then booted into Linux and ...
prmph's user avatar
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How can I make Samba's vfs fruit work with large macOS extended attributes on a Linux kernel?

I have a macOS client (12.6.7) with APFS filesystem that supports large extended attributes (one attribute value being over 68 MB in a test). I have a NAS server with Ubuntu Server 22.04.2 LTS with ...
torstenlehmann's user avatar
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Samba can not parse path when connect Time machine

I used freshtomato on Netgear R7000, and I wanted to make it as a time machine, so i installed Samba and Avahi, so I can find my hard drive in system preferences of macOS. But, mac keept asking me the ...
Hand Rawing's user avatar
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How to publish binary executables as homebrew taps for both MacOS and Linux?

I have a CLI tool, written in Rust, which I have successfully compiled and uploaded as my own Homebrew "tap" on GitHub at Installation is as ...
Anselan's user avatar
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Where does Firefox save images, by default?

Firefox has the prominent configurable option where to save files when I select the "Save Link As" action. However, this does not seem to apply to images I want to download by right-clicking ...
q.undertow's user avatar
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Does Ispell send any of the checked data to a server?

Does Ispell only use local dictionaries, or does it send any of the checked data to a server? The best answer I can find is that it is up to the implementation, and the only open-source repository I ...
cstml's user avatar
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ssh localhost, getting permission denied (password). (Windows 11)

I am trying to ssh into my windows 11 machine from my mac but continue getting a Permission denied, please try again. After a couple of failed attempts I get username@localhost: Permission denied (...
sebdb's user avatar
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socat accepting the connection but ignoring the bytes that get sent

I am trying connect to serial adapter over TCP using socat. This is something that is even covered in the official documentation and should (in theory) just work. I first start the server $ socat -d -...
tcurdt's user avatar
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Does the unix words file change over time or between systems? [closed]

Is the Unix "words" file (e.g at /usr/share/dict/words) pretty standard? I.e, can I generally rely on, for example, the 200th word in the file to be the same word between a fedora and an ...
Him's user avatar
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What happens to a file/directory after you remove it with rm -rf but is still open in VS Code or anorhet app?

This happens me a lot. I remove directory with rm -rf but see it is still open in an application such as VS Code. My concern is that does it cause some folders to be copied for VS Code to be still ...
yokus's user avatar
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how to downgrade the vmware file

I am running the vmware version suitable for macOS high sierra. But the file created to run the linux is in the higher version of the vmware software and this is not getting compatible. How should I ...
user avatar
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M1 MacBook Pro can't join Linux hotspot when other devices can

On a laptop running Linux Mint, I can run these commands to stand up a WiFi hotspot: nmcli con add type wifi ifname [interface name] con-name test_ssid autoconnect yes ssid test_ssid nmcli con modify ...
Theron S's user avatar
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How to convert a .wav file to .m4a without adding any leading/trailing silence?

The short question is: How do you convert a .wav file to .m4a without having any leading or trailing silence added to the output? The file is supposed to be played in an endless loop, where even a ...
SePröbläm's user avatar
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File encrypted with OpenSSL cannot be decrypted with LibreSSL

I've used OpenSSL on an Amazon Linux 2 VM to encrypt a file like so: openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -out ~/my_file.txt.enc -pass pass:[redacted] However when decrypting the file on OSX using the command ...
MorayM's user avatar
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SSH login@ip@gateway through config+VSCode

I can successfully connect from my macbook+VPN to my corporative cloud server through ssh with this command (passwordless, using my id_ed25519 key): ssh login@ip@gateway -A But I need to connect to ...
klapeyron's user avatar
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Sort files into folders by file name according to a spreadsheet of names

I am a teacher and use Canvas-LMS for my course. The course is broken into smaller groups led by individual teaching assistants, who grade student assignments in their own section. Canvas only ...
ferris's user avatar
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How do I figure out why one host is so slow writing to another host on LAN?

I have 3 devices on my LAN, all using wired connections: MacBook Air Lenovo ThinkCentre (running Ubuntu Server 22.04) Raspberry Pi I am using the ThinkCentre as a home server, and want to write ...
Dan J's user avatar
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I've uninstalled FFMpeg, but it still exists when I type "ff" + Tab in terminal window

➜ ~ brew uninstall ffmpeg Uninstalling /opt/homebrew/Cellar/ffmpeg/4.4.1... (276 files, 48.2MB) ➜ ~ ffmpeg ffmpeg:55: command not found: .mp4 ➜ ~ which ffmpeg ffmpeg () { .mp4 } ➜ ~ ...
Dr. Octopus's user avatar
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File dates copied with "cp -p" are set to "now"

I'm using my Mac to try to copy the content of a smartphone's SD card to a larger card. Because I don't want all the pictures to get new creation dates I used the --preserve option like this: cp -pr /...
Norbert's user avatar
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BASH - combine .md files from subdirectories into a master .md

We have a growing list of subdirectories and we would like to summarize the content in each with a .txt or .md file. We would then like to consolidate those readmes into a single master readme. We ...
nicksinthemiex's user avatar
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How to recover files from macOS after accidentally overwriting it with Linux> [duplicate]

I'm not a kid (this is an alt account with a different email. I forgot the other password of @adamgewely) But I accidentally replaced macOS with Linux! I had important files there. Thinking it was on ...
Adam .E's user avatar
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Unable to ping VirtualBox host only interface

On my macOS Monterrey machine I am running Ubuntu as guest on VirtualBox 6.1.30 r148432. In VirtualBox I've enabled the host-only adapter, and I see interface vboxnet0 on macOS: ifconfig vboxnet0 ...
user2233706's user avatar
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How do I access a second paritition of a linux sd

I'm having trouble finding a useful answer about this. But basically I need to edit a file manually (because I broke networking). I pulled out the sd card of my raspberry pi and injected it into my ...
Alita's user avatar
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How to get unison to back up an entire file system starting at /?

I'm using unison 2.52.1 both on my linux machine (Ubuntu version 20.04) and my Mac (MacOS version 11.7). I want to use unison to back up my entire linux filesystem (excluding a few specific ...
HippoMan's user avatar
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Why is VNC so slow?

I connect from the TigerVNC client on MacOS to an x11vnc server running on Linux. When the connection speed is 6 Mbps on the client side and 100 Mbps on the server side it takes 7+ seconds to update ...
Jennifer M.'s user avatar
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How to source from stdout for both Linux and macOS?

On Linux I can do: source <(cat .env | grep ANDROID_GRADLE_TASK) But on macOS, this doesn't do anything (no error, and no source) What can I use for macOS? Is there a command that works both on ...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar
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"echo $VAR | base64 -di > file" fail to execute on MacOS

On Linux I can do: echo ${ANDROID_KEYSTORE} | base64 -di > android/keystores/staging.keystore But on MacOS, the same commands gives: base64: option requires an argument -- i Usage: base64 [-hvDd] ...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar
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Linux - Show unsaved applications before shutting down

When you shut down a macOS system, it asks applications to exit one by one, and the system will not shut down unless all applications agree to exit (aka. there is no unsaved work) or until they are ...
Hykilpikonna's user avatar
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rEFInd no longer sees MacOS after using Gparted in Linux

rEFInd was working fine. High Sierra was the only OS on my MBP 2015. Here's what happened: Booted into MacOS Used Disk Util (gui) to shrink the boot disk so that I could install Linux Mint 21 onto ...
NotMyRealName's user avatar
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Could someone execute commands on my netcat server/listener?

TLDR Someone has connected to my netcat server and tried to execute a command. Is it possible they have done any harm to me/my computer/my network? Detailed story I've been learning about networking ...
nom4d's user avatar
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