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How to Identify and Terminate Idle tmux Sessions on a Debian Server

I have a Debian server with multiple tmux sessions running. Some of these sessions are idle and not running any active processes. How can I identify and terminate all tmux sessions that are not ...
maxime de smedt's user avatar
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Keyboard doesn't work correctly when booting the linux kernel with single mode from CFE bootloader using UART

I've been encountering a specific and weird bug that i honestly can't seem to find any solution for, i've been toying around with this blu ray player and found a uart port, i wire it to my pi pico ...
Japanesegoblin's user avatar
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How to increase VLC RAM buffer for offline files using CLI?

I would like to do the same thing as in the answer to this question: I want to increase the File Caching option found in the preferences (Tools -> Preferences) with all the parameters (the All ...
Jean Dubois's user avatar
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How do you remove stubborn (album art) / (embedded images) that eyeD3 misses?

How do you remove stubborn (album art) / (embedded images) that eyeD3 misses? Running: $ eyeD3 --remove-all-images . # Works great 90% of the time but not 100% of the time. I’d prefer a command that ...
Gene Tyle's user avatar
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Is there a name for the text that shows up after executing each command line in a CLI?

for example in linux terminal I have jurek@debian:~$ man help No manual entry for help I want to know how the second line is called bc I want to ask an other question "How to copy this term (I'm ...
konto's user avatar
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How to output lines with ex command that is vi not vim?

I am using ArchLinux and I want to run some ex commands. The following outputs nothing on my system: $ ex -s -c %p -c q /etc/hosts The ex command is a part of vi package on my system: $ pacman -Ql vi ...
KamilCuk's user avatar
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I want to change the track and title of mp3 files using their ID3 Tag data in all sub directories too not just the folder I am in

I want to change the track and title of mp3 files using their ID3 Tag data in all sub directories too not just the folder I am in. To change track and title in a single folder sometimes kid3-cli or ...
Gene Tyle's user avatar
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Generic way to open $EDITOR at a specific line

I'm building a CLI application where you're supposed to be able to open files at particular lines. I noticed that many applications (vim, nano, kakoune) use the + argument to allow you to open a file ...
Marc's user avatar
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ls -ltr on the terminal lists the files but says "No such file or directory" in a shell script

I am new to Bash and am practicing some shell scripts. I wanted to write a script to list all the folders and their file count, if a root path is passed as a parameter value from the terminal. The ...
MNIA's user avatar
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Display new prompt after tty redirect on second terminal

I'll try to explain the title better :) I have two terminals tty1 and tty2, let's call them that. From tty1 I redirect the output from echo to the tty2 terminal with: echo hello > $(tty2) This ...
Daniel's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

How does ls know how to output its results?

While creating a bash script, I found that this code ls puts all files on one line: pi@raspberrypi:~/ptlrestinterface$ ls web.config MyApp.runtimeconfig.json still ls | head -n1 ...
Bart Friederichs's user avatar
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sed does not consume rest of the line

I have one line of different words stored in a txt file N/A 9.0 Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.8 Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.7 Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 9.1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ...
Cobra Kai Dojo's user avatar
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MacOs equivalent of adding a user to the linux dialout group on for permissions setup for UART communication

I'm working on a project where I'm interfacing with some hardware and want to monitor the data from some sensors using a specific tool. The tool doesn't have official support for MacOS but I've ...
sobbingDev's user avatar
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How do I delete all folders with a similar name that do not contain large files on linux commandline?

On my linux server for my media library I used a function to change show season names to have a leading zero when needed, so "Season 1" would be Season 01" and so on. The problem is ...
Graham F's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a Windows equivalent of Linux `.desktop` file to execute various commands (like as many custom "apps")

I am using Windows in parallel with Linux again, and I've got all the Linux habits and reflexes, without which I feel very frustrated. For example, how to create a file to launch a terminal with a ...
cipricus's user avatar
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column -x: how to specify the number of columns?

For column -x, how to specify the number of columns (say, 4)? Is it possible at all? Extra: from man column: -x, --fillrows Fill rows before filling columns.
pmor's user avatar
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One liner command to ssh to server2, switch to another user in server2, ssh into server3, run commands in server3 and get output

Because I can only get to server3 from server2 (Server2 running CentOS7), I'm trying to create a "template" command or a script that I can use to : ssh to server2 switch to another user in ...
Tlink's user avatar
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How to detox filenames in a bash script with no errors posted?

OS: Kubuntu 22.04.4 LTS x86_64 detox 1.4.5 To display above: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' detox -V Here is a toxic filename, starts with s1: s1 Ä Ö Ü - ä ö ü Science & < > " 1 \ 2 ⁄ 3 ...
joseph22's user avatar
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How to launch another blank terminal in Kali Linux?

When I launch another terminal in Kali Linux with Cmd+Shift+T, I can see Shell No. 2 tab created. However, it is just a copy of Shell No. 1 and all the commands I ran on Shell No. 1 are visible on ...
kerblue's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Why does assigning a variable with command substitution, and then echoing that variable, always fail?

Why does the following not work in Bash? # Ensure TEST is unset export TEST='' echo "Hello world!" > test.txt && TEST="$(cat test.txt)" echo "$TEST" It always ...
Rob's user avatar
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1 answer

Keep command line visible while scrolling

Unsure what the best place to tackle this would be .bashrc? Using different shell? Some fancy terminal emulator? Basically, I just want to keep seeing the command line / the last line of the terminal ...
sonofevil's user avatar
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Remove all files with name starting with single quote

I need to delete all files with these names (the quotes are part of the name): 'index.html?some-query-string' I tried with: rm \'index.html?*\' I get this error: rm: cannot remove ''\''index.html?*'...
Giacomo M's user avatar
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linux command line, rearrange djvu file to facilitate book index use in reader

To read books that have an index on my laptop or ereader, I like to make the first page in the reader/viewer be the first page of the text, so that the book's Index page numbers correspond directly ...
user985675's user avatar
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How to simply cleanup a filename?

OS: Kubuntu 22.04.4 LTS x86_64 to display above: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' . How to simply cleanup a filename, not file contents? by removing from a filename: \n newlines \t tabs non printable ...
joseph22's user avatar
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How to use ffmpeg speedup video specific time range in one line ffmpeg cli

I try following splited cli, they work well ffmpeg -i "$input_file" -filter_complex "[0:v]trim=start=0:end=10,setpts=PTS/10[v1];[0:a]atrim=start=0:end=10,asetpts=PTS/10[a1]" -map &...
chikadance's user avatar
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An incorrect path is displayed in my custom command line prompt in bash

I would like to display the current and parent directories in my Linux command prompt. For example, if the current directory is /home/user/proj/src, I'd like the prompt to display proj/src. I found ...
Epsilon's user avatar
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Why can I get a ftp file by navigation, but not through full path?

I an trying to download a file from an ftp server that is in a sub-subfolder. I could find in the expected place with FileZilla but my program (trying to download using the full path) gave an error ...
Grollo's user avatar
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How can I use the last changed file as an argument in linux?

I'm thinking of using the last changed file as an argument to commands like ls, echo, or cat, is there a simple and efficient way? this question arose when I was faced with analyzing the latest log ...
Ilgar's user avatar
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Disable auto-complete Linux

How do I prevent multiple inputs from occurring when holding down a key? If I hold down a key like an arrow key it will repeat the key event rapidly. To prevent this I have tried xset -r 103 r off ...
Abbatrombone's user avatar
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How to bring a job to foreground and then disable job control in bash?

I have a program running in a terminal window. I wish to disable the Ctrl+Z shortcut from suspending the process. After pressing Ctrl+Z, the command fg && set +m unfortunately disables job ...
SeparatedScheme's user avatar
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Open new Google Chrome tab in a named window

I'm on Linux and I use scripts to open webpages. I also group my tabs into named Chrome windows, i.e. --window-name="Group 1". How can I open a new tab in a specifically named window? ...
Majal's user avatar
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How to safely store environmental variables and make it actually invisible in my PC?

I am learning about environmental variables. I know for example that if I have a secret password I should not code it inside of my code. From what I understood is that a .env file should be used to ...
Federico Gentile's user avatar
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Failed to enable unit: Invalid argument systemctl enable .service

I have made a with the following contents cd /home/xyz/Desktop/ gnome-terminal -e "bash -c ./efg" #desktop folder contains an executable named efg. If I run gnome-terminal -...
Vinod's user avatar
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Why does zip --exclude only exclude files in the folder but not the folder itself?

I have the following command run in the bash shell which excludes the files in the folder scripts/. I tried the answer in Zip command for excluding directories and files but unfortunately it did not ...
Macky's user avatar
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How to grep on mysql CLI command output?

mysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G *************************** 1. row *************************** Slave_IO_State: Waiting for source to send event Master_Host: xx.xx.xx.xx ...
Vaughn's user avatar
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remove duplicate character from string in pure bash - works in CLI but does not work in script

I want to remove all duplicate minuses from a string using pure bash (no sed/awk/etc). This works great in CLI: s="com---strig-3-1080p-----mp4" echo "${s//+(-)/-}" com-strig-3-...
Putnik's user avatar
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How to invert an SVG image?

I’m searching for a solution (in Linux console) which “inverts” an SVG. It shall take an input .svg and generate output .svg with multiple shapes, each one filling a single transparent area. And vice ...
Ivanov's user avatar
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How to command pv (Pipe Viewer) to work with diff?

using: OS: Kubuntu 22.04.3 LTS x86_64 diff (GNU diffutils) 3.8 Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. pv 1.8.0 Copyright 2023 Andrew Wood, pv = Pipe Viewer commands to display above: ...
joseph22's user avatar
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switching window keyboard shortcut with screen window management on MacOS

all I used to be a linux user, now I am accessing a server from MacOS, Ventura. I have remapped my Mac Keyboard by switching the ctrol and command keys. However, I came across some problems with the ...
FewKey's user avatar
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Searching for a string in a specified file extension with conditions

I'm currently grepping a directory looking for a specific string that is only present in .txt files. However, I'd like to expand my grep to only return values where the directory contains specific ...
etm124's user avatar
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Find and delete files with linux command line

I want to delete all files containing "chrome". I have this command on linux : find . -type f -name '' -print -delete after name I don't know what to put. I tried *chrome* or *chrome*.*...
Daydreamer067's user avatar
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How to find cpu spike for the past 2 days?

I was trying to find the linux command to show the cpu spike for the past 2 days. I was able to get the CPU% with sar command sar -f /var/log/sa/sa$(date +%d -d "2 days ago") but it is not ...
Sameer's user avatar
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pipefail over ssh in linux

set -o pipefail is not getting evaluated correctly on the remote host if the set command is used in ssh command. Example ssh hostname "set -o pipefail; false | true; echo $?" - gives 0 (Not ...
Praneeth Gudumasu's user avatar
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Is this a good way for knowing if the code has changed after submission to a customer?

I'm looking for a way to see if any files have changed once I submit code to a customer. Usually, I'd check the hash on a git commit or gpg sign a .zip file. I'm looking for a way to do this "in ...
chi11ax's user avatar
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Zipping a folder and sub-directories not working without sudo?

I wrote a python script using Amazon's AWS Boto3 SDK to download files from an S3 bucket and puts them in a folder (in a directory within my home dir). For reference, the function I used was the s3 ...
Prithvi Boinpally's user avatar
2 votes
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Command Line decryption of aes-256-gcm no-longer working after OpenSSL updated

Late last year (2022) I encrypted a file using OpenSSL using terminal on my Mac with a very simple openssl enc command and was able to decrypt using this command: openssl enc -d -aes-256-gcm -in ...
bakslaash's user avatar
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Output of atool -l for large archives

The command atool -l my_archive prints the directory structure and files of my_archive to the command line. This is very handy if the archive contains only a few files. However, if there are many ...
Syd's user avatar
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How to export a text file from SQLite3 with CLI Kubuntu

Unsure if it is even possible to get a human friendly text file from this SQLite3 file with CLI (Command Line Interface) Terminal with Kubuntu. using: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' OS: Kubuntu 22.04....
joseph22's user avatar
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Remap Super+w to up key

I am using Linux mint 21.2 . My laptop up arrow is not working. Please guide to set(remap) Super+w as up key. I want to use it system wide specially with bash. I have tried the following script by ...
Ritu Lahkar's user avatar
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What command to force dd output to a fixed width of 90 characters?

using: neofetch --stdout |grep 'OS:' OS: Kubuntu 22.04.3 LTS x86_64 dd --version dd (coreutils) 8.32 Background: re-purpose a disk = objective some script is being developed some script will delete ...
joseph22's user avatar
  • 367

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