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Questions tagged [link-local-address]

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macOS Sonoma is creating a Link-Local IP on a separate interface

I’m running macOS Sonoma 14.5 on an M1 MacBook Pro. I recently discovered it was sending out requests on 1900/UDP (Bonjour) to (Multicast) via Link-Local IP ( over WiFi ...
koehn's user avatar
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Router firewall blocking local ssh access using local-link ipv6

The question was originally posted at ask Ubuntu, as originally sounded as being Ubuntu related. But it appears more related to subjects like networking, firewall, etc. as the results differ if router ...
hamagust's user avatar
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How to ensure IPv6 link-local address format with MAC

On my custom Yocto Linux build, I want to use IPv6 link local address. I have got address fe80::bdc2:521:a893:b757/64, but my MAC address is e4:5f:01:75:d3:04. As I know, they should correspond. I'm ...
Thugmek's user avatar
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Windows 10 and IPv6 link-local address

As far as I know, IPv6 is calculated from the MAC Address (EUI-64 Method) and it is autoconfigured whether there is a DHCP or not. So I enabled TCP/IPv6 on my Windows 10 and used ipconfig /all, but ...
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