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KDE-based Ubuntu variant

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72 votes
4 answers

python3-pip installed but pip3 command not found?

I am testing a Python3 program in several computers. To do that, I need to install a library of Python with pip3. So first, I was installing python3-pip in each computer (everyone is running Kubuntu ...
forvas's user avatar
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51 votes
8 answers

How can I make mdadm auto-assemble RAID after each boot?

I successfully created a RAID (mirroring) by utilizing mdadm. However, I must run the following commands after each boot: mdadm --stop --scan // to stop /dev/md127 - I don't know where the number 127 ...
Alexander Abramovich's user avatar
24 votes
6 answers

bluetoothctl: list connected devices?

I'm trying to get a list of connected Bluetooth devices via the command line on Kubuntu. When I launch bluetoothctl, it defaults to the latest connected device, and I need to disconnect it to display ...
Tiwenty's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

How to remove the Ubuntu Gnome desktop after making the switch to KDE?

This is the opposite of this question. Basically I've been using Ubuntu for a while but decided to give KDE a shot so I went through the process of getting the latest KDE installed. I'm very ...
codeLes's user avatar
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15 votes
8 answers

How do I associate magnet links with Ktorrent in Firefox?

I'm on Kubuntu, Firefox 3.5.
agentofuser's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How can I change the screen position of krunner in KDE Plasma 5.x?

I have just updated to Kubuntu 15.04 and can't find out how to change the position of krunner (the little search window that appears when I press Alt+F2) so that it appears in the center of the screen ...
Jannik Jochem's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Chrome doesn't remember browser sessions after restart

When I restart my computer and open Chrome again, my tabs from my previous session are reopened. However, most websites (Gmail, GitHub, Twitter/Tweetdeck, StackExchange) ask me to login again. I'm ...
Stephan Vierkant's user avatar
13 votes
8 answers

How to make emacs truly full screen on start up?

I want emacs to be truly maximized on start up. There are solutions to the problem that just make the emacs window width of the screen. That's not enough for me. I want the emacs window to be docked ...
Adobe's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Should I set my BIOS to local time or UTC?

I'm about to install a new system and just noticed that the BIOS time is set to UTC time. Should I set it to local time? What consequences does it have to leave it as is, or set it to local time? The ...
Lekensteyn's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

How do I remove KDE from Ubuntu if I decide not to stick with it?

I installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop package on my Ubuntu 9.04 install to give KDE a fair shake since I've always wanted to try it. I'm not done with it yet, but if I decide I want to go back to my tried ...
codeLes's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How do I move a KDE plasma panel, from commandline/scripts?

I Have a script that change my desktop layout using xrandr, but I also want to move my Panel. So far I played round with kwinscripts, using qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell org.kde.PlasmaShell....
Puggan Se's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Kubuntu - Are there 'workspaces' in Kubuntu and how can I switch between them with shortcuts?

I used Ubuntu before and now I migrated to Kubuntu. And I'd like to know if there are 'workspaces' in Kubuntu and how I can switch between them with shortcuts.
CDT's user avatar
  • 257
9 votes
3 answers

Kubuntu to Ubuntu

Is there a way to switch from Kubuntu to Ubuntu? I tried to search with add /remove and on net but always get Ubuntu to Kubuntu not otherway around.
Elitmiar's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Nothing seems to account for 5GB of memory that is missing under Linux

I have Kubuntu 16.04 and am using ZFS for a big data partition (RAIDZ1) I am missing 5GB of ram and can't find out where it did go. And NO IT'S NOT CACHE According to all tools I could come up with ...
Torge's user avatar
  • 283
8 votes
6 answers

Open Kubuntu terminal with keyboard shortcut

How to setup custom keyboard shortcut to launch terminal on KUbuntu? PS. I have tried setting up shortcut that would issue xterm command, but that shows raw terminal, that looks a lot differently ...
spacemonkey's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

default mime type program is inconsistent between system and the mozilla firefox/thunderbird?

In kubuntu ,the default programs associated with mime types in mozilla products are completely different from the system-wide setting or user setting. For example, firefox/thunderbird will always use ...
Wang's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How can I keep SSH keys passwords in KDE wallet?

Kubuntu 18.04 KDE Plasma 5.12.7 I'm trying to keep my SSH password in KDE wallet. I'm adding an SSH key by ssh-add command and specifying a password but the system asks me for a password each time ...
pprishchepa's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Kubuntu cant add new ssh network folder

I'm trying to add a remote ssh network folder in Kubuntu 11.04. I can connect to this remote server via konsole ssh : ssh However when I try and add a "new network folder" from the ...
tinny's user avatar
  • 203
7 votes
5 answers

Connecting to a hidden wireless network on Kubuntu

How can I connect to a hidden wireless network on Kubuntu? I have 9.10 64bit installed, and have the information for the network (e.g. SSID and key) because I've already connected to it on Windows.
Tikhon Jelvis's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Dropbox causes xorg to use 100% CPU

For some time, I noticed that my xorg process uses up between 60 and 100% of the CPU (according to top). I also noticed that interactive work becomes sluggish, even on my multi-core i7 processor. ...
sui's user avatar
  • 71
6 votes
2 answers

FFMPEG Adding Metadata to an .mp3 From .mp3 Input?

If I start off with a .mp3 file, how can I add metadata to it? I'm aware of the -metadata title="Some Title" -metadata artist="Someone" formatting, but not sure how this can be ...
Sarah Szabo's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Synergy lags extremely hard

Update: They fixed the macOS wifi lag on Synergy 1.9.0! I’m using Synergy 1.7.3 and using a Windows 7-Desktop as ...
Vince's user avatar
  • 183
6 votes
4 answers

Reset KDE System Monitor (KSysGuard)

Something went wrong while I was attempting to restore a backup, and KDE System Guard ceased to display properly. This is the correct display (command running from root: kdesudo ksysguard): This is ...
Deltik's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Setting primary monitor in ubuntu without xrandr

I am running Kubuntu 12.10. I have 3 monitors plugged into a AMD Radeon 7970. I have tried switching the order of the outputs, and configuring them repeatedly with amdcccle but kubuntu always seems ...
copacetic's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

VIM "upgraded" to expandtab and tabstop=8 on Python files

After reinstalling my OS from Kubuntu 12.10 to Kubuntu 14.04, VIM has changed its behaviour when editing Python files. Though before the reinstall all file types had noexpandtab and tabstop=4 set, now ...
dotancohen's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do I add/modify/remove startup programs in KDE?

I am looking for application which allow me to manage the startup programs in KDE. Just like BootUp-Manager in Ubuntu (Gnome).
malhobayyeb's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I increase the resolution of Kubuntu 20.04.4 LTS in VMware Workstation Pro 15?

Environment: Hypervisor: VMWare Workstation Pro 15.0.0 Host: Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate Guest: Kubuntu 20.04.4 LTS. VMware extension pack installed, guest was installed via VMware EasyInstall. How ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to get VirtualBox VM's display refresh rate >60Hz?

When I run a Kubuntu guest on Windows host in VirtualBox - I only get 60Hz refresh rate on a virtual display. UI feels very slow and laggy compared to native 120/144Hz UI. How can I achieve 120/144Hz ...
BarsMonster's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Some keys don't appear in xev

I can't change my screen brightness by pressing brightness keys on the keyboard, but they change through /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness. So I started to diagnose the issue. I ran xev, and ...
sazary's user avatar
  • 163
5 votes
8 answers

Ubuntu vs Kubuntu: The closest Windows experience [closed]

For an experienced Windows user wanting to start experimenting with Linux, which distro provides the closest Windows experience? Assuming the use cases enumerated below: Web browsing Working with ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

"Could not enter folder /media/sf_test": Trying to share folder between Kubuntu (guest) and Windows (host)

I use VirtualBox 4.3.12 on Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate, and have a VM running Kubuntu 14.10 Plasma 4. I installed the Guest Additions, and added a shared folder: After rebooting Kubuntu, I can see ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Get back the touchpad scrolling missing in Kubuntu 10.04

How do I get back the touchpad scrolling in Kubuntu 10.04? I upgraded my Gateway NV52 and can no longer scroll vertically with my touchpad. I'm really missing that feature since it helps to ease the ...
marcusw's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Any dangers of sharing /home partition between two distros?

I have a laptop with a 250GB HDD. I have an existing installation of Kubuntu across three partitions (A 20GB one for /, 2GB for swap, and something like 97GB for /home). If I add another partition, ...
Linuxios's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to configure applet plugin for OpenJDK in Firefox on Linux?

I am using Kubuntu 10.04 with Firefox 3.6 from Mozilla's website and I use OpenJDK from the Ubuntu repsitories. I want to know how do I configure OpenJDK with the Firefox to view Java applets in the ...
Xolve's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How I can hide a user from the login screen?

I have Kubuntu 9.04 and I want to hide a user from appearing in the Login Screen, I shouldn't remove it permanently of course, but I need to make it visible again when needed.
Proxium's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Desktop not visible, doesn't show any icons in Kubuntu

I installed kubuntu few days back. By clicking blindly I lost my desktop - I mean it is working fine but there are no icons on the desktop and there is no task bar with list of programs. How can I ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What are "secrets" and "agents" in wireless error messages?

Kubuntu 16.04 on Lenovo Thinkpad 560. I've been having lots of wireless problems, among them a refusal to auto-connect to my office wifi. Every time I suspend, hibernate, or restart I have to enter ...
Borea Deitz's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Set "default" application for mime type in Firefox

I have set basically all file types in Edit->Preferences->Applications to "Always ask" because I want to decide for every file whether I want to open or save it. My usual workflow when saving a file ...
Chris's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Cannot configure second monitor to rotate 90' in KDE with Karmic Koala

Sorry, I could not keep this question from turning into a wall of text so I broke it up into these 4 sections. Hardware I have 2 monitors (DELL E228WFP and a DELL 2007FP) hooked up to a EVGA E-...
Sled's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

KDE Desktop sharing auto opens every time

Every time I log into my kubuntu installation the KDE desktop sharing "invitation" window opens. I do not want this to occur. I thought closing it out, then logging out and back in would work, but ...
Alex's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How to avoid ugly dithering when running KDE over VNC?

I'm currently setting up a new Xen paravirt domain running KDE (4.2.2, from Kubuntu 9.04). As I have been unable to get the virtual framebuffer working in it, I've decided to set up VNC (from the ...
C. K. Young's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

run command automatically right after wake up from standby ("sleep")?

How can I run a command automatically every time my systems wakes up from standby ("sleep")? I am using Kubuntu. (still 9.10 but I'll migrate soon to 10.4) As the window manger is locked right after ...
cknoll's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to restore default iPod playlists on Amarok?

I wanted to "reset" the collection on my iPod and ended up accidentally deleting, through Amarok, all the playlists, including the default ones like "Most Played" and "Highest Rated". Since these are ...
agentofuser's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How can I complete remove gnome and all of its subprograms?

I have Kubuntu 12.04. And I had installed gnome with sudo apt-get install gnome. How can I complete remove this? Looks like just put a sudo apt-get purge gnome will not solve the case. Because will ...
GarouDan's user avatar
  • 585
4 votes
3 answers

Setting up a network printer on Kubuntu

I'm struggling to setup a network printer on Kubuntu. Ubuntu works 100%, but Kubuntu just does nothing I did as below From the Kubuntu desktop, Kmenu > System Settings > Printers > Add > Add Printer/...
Elitmiar's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Installing GUI for Ubuntu Server 12.04

I have a Ubuntu 12.04 server installed on a Hyper-V platform, mainly used for Nagios SNMP monitoring, but I'm interested to try and get a GUI installed so I can use the server for some other ...
PnP's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Kubuntu - Can't move/max/min windows

All of a sudden it seems when ever I open a window on my Kubuntu (9.10) system, the windows dock in the upper left corner and can't be moved. There is nor border on the windows, no min/max/close ...
GregH's user avatar
  • 901
4 votes
1 answer

Show Folders on Desktop Like KDE?

Is there a way to show folders on the desktop in Windows 7 like in KDE?
RyanScottLewis's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Identify source of phantom screen locker in Mint + KDE via Kubuntu

Background I'm experimenting with running KDE on Linux Mint 19 (no longer offered). I followed the instructions in this post to add the Kubuntu KDE desktop to Mint: Started with a fresh install of ...
fixer1234's user avatar
  • 27.5k
4 votes
1 answer

Qt5-default unable to download

Kind of a dumb predicament, but I am having issues installing qt5 it seems. My machine is running kubuntu 18.10. I have been running: $ sudo apt-get install qt5-default But I get The following ...
dabforamerica's user avatar

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