I know there is a Kiosk Mode (previously Assigned User) in Windows 10 Pro, but is there any way to accomplish it in Windows 10 Home? I'd prefer Chrome, but I'm open to another browser.
3 Answers
This isn't perfect (ALT + F4 will exit) but you can run Chrome in Kiosk mode. Create a new Chrome shortcut then add --kiosk to the command line arguments for said shortcut.
Open up Chrome's settings
Under "Users" click "Add new user."
Give the new profile a name and picture. Make sure "Create a desktop shortcut for this user" is checked. Click "Create."
Right-click the newly-created shortcut and select "Properties."
In the "Target" field, add "--kiosk" (no quotes) to the end.
Click "Apply."
Now all you have to do is be sure they use that shortcut you created.
Thanks for the suggestions. None of the "--kiosk" answers worked for me. I'm not sure why.
What ended up working for my particular needs was creating a simple Electron.js app, which lets you make enter kiosk mode as well as many other useful features for kiosks.