for example in linux terminal I have

jurek@debian:~$ man help
No manual entry for help

I want to know how the second line is called bc I want to ask an other question "How to copy this term (I'm looking for) to clipboard from CLI using key shortcut and then past it to search enginer or so. Thank you

  • 2
    It's the standard output or standard error of the command, or both.
    – choroba
    Commented Jun 18 at 8:14
  • @choroba do you know how to scroll through linux terminal up and down using shortcuts or use cursor on text contents of it?
    – konto
    Commented Jun 18 at 8:19
  • Which terminal app? Generally it's easier to do with the mouse
    – pjc50
    Commented Jun 18 at 8:20
  • Depends on what terminal you use. Much easier with screen or tmux.
    – choroba
    Commented Jun 18 at 8:20
  • @choroba I think more precisely, the content themselve are "output (data)" or "error (messages)", while "standard output" and "standard error" refer to the "communication channels" (or often the respective file descriptor or associate device, i.e., the "endpoints").
    – Tom Yan
    Commented Jun 18 at 8:47


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