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Questions tagged [ipsec]

IPSec is a method to provide internet security over the layer 3 of the OSI model.

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48 votes
2 answers

IPsec versus L2TP/IPsec

I have a VPN service which gives me the option of connecting via PPTP, IPsec, or L2TP over IPsec. PPTP i know is inferior in terms of security and encryption, but I'm not really sure what the ...
Chris Pratt's user avatar
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1 answer

OS X: how to figure out what prevents L2TP/IPSec from running correctly

It seems that an old installation of Cisco Anyconnect prevents the OS X built-in L2TP/IPSec client from running (I posted a question here: OS X 10.7, can't log into any L2TP VPN server, but didn't ...
lupincho's user avatar
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Connect to L2TP/IPsec (username/password/PSK) on cmd.exe

How may I connect to VPN using the username, password and PSK combo in the command line? Google has been of no help; any guidance will be most welcome. I want a command to the effect of vpnclient /...
Oxwivi's user avatar
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1 answer

strongswan roadwarrior doesn't route properly

I want to have a Linux client connect to a Linux gateway so it can access the hosts from that network (typical road warrior setup). I have this config on the server side: conn vpnserver-ikev2 ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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IPSEC libreswan interface endpoint does not match left or right

I am using libreswan on raspberry Pi OS 12 to connect to PFsense with /etc/ipsec.conf from an external network config setup conn %default #keyexchange=ikev1 conn ...
LeifSec's user avatar
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1 answer

IpSec StrongSwan HA config misses / no connection

I am using strongswan on rasberian 12 to connect to PFsense with /etc/ipsec.conf from an external network to an PfSense: config setup conn %default keyexchange=ikev1 conn
LeifSec's user avatar
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