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Questions tagged [ip-address]

An IP address is a unique network-level identifier assigned to a network-enabled device.

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How to simulate Hercules on local IP address?

I would like to simulate a TCP server, using Hercules (by HW-Group). When I configure the port (12714), netstat -aon | findstr "12714" shows me this result: DOS Prompt>netstat -aon | ...
Dominique's user avatar
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Is it safe to give my IP address to a website? [closed]

I have been having problems to visit Quora app. So I informed them, although much later, and they said they needed some information. I obliged. Then they asked my IP address. Now I am in hesitation as ...
Raian Janik's user avatar
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split ISP to two separate home routers

My router handles 50 items. I have 72 and counting. I thought I could split my 10Gb signal to two routers. Then use one for smart devices tv, phone, pc, tablets and one for dumb devices; light ...
spencer james's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to ensure cloned hard-drive is not traceable to original

I need help understanding what identifying information on a cloned hard drive needs to be changed in order to remove any trace back to the original hard drive. I would think the IP address and MAC ...
anonymouscoder's user avatar
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DNS ends with ::1

This is probably a very basic and silly question but why does my DNS server end with ::1. I don’t even know if redirect or repurpose is the right word but is someone else directing my internet? I’ve ...
Bly28ca's user avatar
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Unable to configure Zyxel VMG1312-B30B router as switch on 192.-like network

I have an old unused Zyxel VMG1312-B30B router and I am trying to use it as switch in home network to extend it to the attic. Since it has 4 RJ45 ports, I want to use 1 port as incoming from main home ...
Tomáš Záluský's user avatar
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Unrecognized IP address showing when hostname -I entered into terminal

This has been the case since I tried installing some now uninstalled software on my Linux laptop to connect to an IP camera network (Hikvision cameras and DVR recording device via a docker image). How ...
babelproofreader's user avatar
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Shrew Configuration to Allow all traffic over the VPN connection

I want to route all the traffic through my VPN connection, i have already tried with the Policies section without success, is still detecting my ip as i were not connected ...
DonMiguelSanchez's user avatar
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Does adding a second IP as /32 with static routing cause any unintended issues?

I have a /28 network and I’d like to add a single IP (/32 network). On my Debian machine this looks like: auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address gateway iface eth0 ...
divB's user avatar
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Windows server not assigned with ip address before login

I am having this weird problem where a physical hp server cannot be seen on my network after an unplanned shutdown/restart, I have to log in manually, and only after that, I can be ready to use ...
Roy Givenchi's user avatar
1 vote
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Two ULA addresses on one interface

I have a raspberry connected to an OpenWrt IPv4/IPv6 router. As you can see below, on the eth1 interface I get two ULA addresses: fd00::1f0/128 and fd00::27d5:6387:c8e5:3b1a/64 On the router, the fd00:...
NickG's user avatar
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-2 votes
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What sort of IP address is this 2601:646:200:bbf:1da4:d869:d0d4:d3ed and should I be concerned that it tried to log into one of my financial accounts? [closed]

I was notified this this IP address tried to log into one of my financial accounts. What is this type of address and should I be concerned? Any information on this address would be helpful. 2601:646:...
Carrie Taylor's user avatar
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Is there any way to query a router about the IPs it has already assigned?

I have a WiFi device which connects to my Android phone's hotspot. My Android phone acts as a router. From my Ubuntu I connect to the same network. Is there any way to query the router (in this case, ...
Martel's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

What is the purpose of

AFAIK an IP address ending with x.x.x.0 doesn't point to a specific host, but to the whole subnet. However it's not clear to me what happens if I send a packet to e.g. could you please ...
Ana Maria's user avatar
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I'm not able to access my db via IP on one network but I can access it on a different network

I'm trying to access my db at 2##.##.##.### I'm not able to access it when I'm on my home network but I can access it via my office's network. When i use a VPN, I can access the db though. Can someone ...
mostlycryptic's user avatar
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Would be a valid public ip address?

I have a question regarding the validity of the IP address After consulting the reserved IP list provided by IANA, I noticed that only the ranges and are listed as ...
Shiden67's user avatar
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WireGuard: Connected to peer but no internet access

When I activate my local WireGuard client, I am unable to access the internet from my browser. However, I am successfully connecting to my WireGuard peer. I am using MacOs 12.6. Here is my local ...
Jakob's user avatar
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What does this format of a IP Address mean? [duplicate]

Suppose we have a IP Address of a subnetwork of this form:"".What does the "/" mean in between of 0 and 22?I have never seen a IP Address in such a format.Does it ...
Volpina's user avatar
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How does a router know an IP address's network prefix when it comes to CIDR?

Let's say I start a new company and lease a block of IP address from Internet registry, so one of those IP address is my main web server. A customer from a different ...
whoisit's user avatar
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pfsense firewall with 2 networks each with their own APs. One network wifi works fine, the other does not. Hardline for both work fine

Apologies if this sort of question has been answered before. Saw lots of great stuff on SU, but not my scenario. Setup I have a pfSense firewall running 2 DHCP servers, each assigned to a different ...
Shawn Janzen's user avatar
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How do I prove I am the only owner of an ip address so that no one else can associate it with other domain names?

Let's say I am assigned with Class C IP addresses block by APNIC. How do I prove I am the only owner of those ip addresses when setting up domain name in DNS? Let's say I use one of those ip addresses ...
secondimage's user avatar
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Link preview in Telegram client expose IP address?

When you receive a link in telegram messenger there is a small preview of what you see when opening the link. Will this preview expose the clients IP address already or is that preview generated in ...
BlackMatrix's user avatar
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What is my Wireless Router IP Address When it's as a Bridge

I have a (TP-Link WR940N) Wireless Router in my Home. My PC IP add is and in my PC Default Gateway is When I want to open my TP-Link Admin Panel by Default gateway (192.168....
user1791368's user avatar
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Router IP address change

I wanted to use my old router as access point to extend range of my wifi in my house. My old routers model name is D-Link DSL-2877 AL and I access this router using address initially. As I ...
Jugal's user avatar
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Incorrect port forwarding with ZTE H368N

I'm trying to forward my local server running on XAMPP on port 80 to be available on my IPv4 address. I created a new entry, with these details: but when I enter my IPv4 address I only see this page ...
ádám homonnay's user avatar
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Do you have to join the broadcast group for IPv6 multicast?

When a client joins a network, is the client included in the ff02::1 IPv6 multicast group, which "broadcasts" to all nodes on the segment. OR, do I have to subscribe to the group using ...
Thomas Stokes's user avatar
-1 votes
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My laptop has been stolen. Is there any way to trace my laptop if I know someone is using the same Wi-Fi I use?

I lost my laptop yesterday. I’m living in hostel in which around 5,000 members are living and we all use the same Wi-Fi provided by the hostel. I don’t know the MAC address of my laptop. I tried to ...
Madhu's user avatar
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Find Ip address of secondary router

So, in my college, each room has 1 LAN port. Since the rooms themselves house 2 people, me and my roommate bought a router (MI 4a gigabit). Every router in my college needs to be configured by the ...
Ayush Singh's user avatar
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Determine LAN and WAN IP address

Is there a simple way to determine the LAN and WAN IP address of a connected device? I frequently need to check the local and external IP addresses of devices, especially mobile devices, but I tend to ...
Felim Doyle's user avatar
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Windows Firewall Inbound Rule adding scope failure

I have a Microsoft Azure web app with outbound IP addresses: I added these to my Windows Firewall inbound rule: But adding these IP addresses causes everything to fail. Has anyone seen this behavior?...
crgolden's user avatar
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2 answers

IP address if connection of a device via switch

All: my notebook is connected via WIFI with my router and has a valid IP-address A switch (TP-LINK TL-SG1016) is connected to the ethernet port of my notebook and another device is ...
Simon's user avatar
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9 votes
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How does DNS work when it comes to addresses after slash?

Watching the DNS and SNI of my network adapter in Wireshark, all I see is domain names and sub-domain names, but nothing after the slash, like no mention of or So, ...
user avatar
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How to have Masscan save just the IPs?

I would like Masscan save just the found IP addresses to a .txt file. How to do that?
fdku's user avatar
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Please can you tell me what a fde2: ip address at someone else’s house [closed]

What is fde2: on an IP address?
Jan's user avatar
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IPv6 fe80:: (link-local) addresses not being assigned to newly created network interfaces in Linux

When I try to add a bridge, it become in UP state without a fe80:: IPv6 address: $ ip link add br0 type bridge $ ip link set br0 up $ ip address show br0 40: br0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP&...
phantomcraft's user avatar
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Keep getting generic ip on dynamic server

So I've connected to my university's ethernet to get fast internet speeds rather than wifi. They use dynamic IP assignment but I keep getting assigned a generic IP address, and thus no connection. It ...
Ian's user avatar
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Can I get back an IP previously assigned by my ISP?

I use an Azure SQL server for work (I'm a web developer). Its firewall uses an IP whitelist. I was in the middle of earning extra brownie points over the weekend when my ISP suddenly decided to change ...
Kenny83's user avatar
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Why Dhcp renewed ip address for some machines and not for the others

so this is the situation i'm trying to understand: The environnent is the following: a running personal laptop with dhcp on; a set of 4 VMS running in the same network @ range pfsense to manage dhcp ...
Fouzi Otoman's user avatar
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How do I redirect all the IP addresses going to to on my Windows machine?

I tried modifying the /etc/hosts file with the following entry but it doesn't work. I am on Windows 10. I would like to redirect the ones below to go to 82 ...84 185....
PirateApp's user avatar
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The IP address returned by belongs to whom?

I am using Wi-Fi on a home network and I just checked the public IP address through Is it the IP address of my router? If not, to whom does it belong? Could somebody explain the ...
Max's user avatar
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List the IP addresses that my PC is connected to - in a readable format

I'm trying to search the IP addresses that my PC is connected to, but I don't recognize these & search shows nothing. I'm looking into all my connections, so I ran netstat -a and I don't recognize ...
Kevin Mulvihill's user avatar
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Network address setup in VirtualBox when moving between a work environment with a “192.168.x.x” range and home where I use a “192.168.1.x” range?

At work we use RedHat Enterprise Linux 8. At work, the network is set to use 192.168.x.x addresses. And so our VirtualBox VM images are set to use this range of addresses. I brought my laptop at home ...
Igor's user avatar
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What is the best practice for assigning static IP addresses? [closed]

In my scenario, I would be assigning IP addresses to security cameras. I am wondering if I should assign a static IP address from the device itself, or have a static entry on my DHCP server with their ...
Dr_Xunil's user avatar
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Locally map or redirecting an URL to another URL for the client side?

Is it possible to redirect an URL to another URL, for the client only. As example. Let's say, I type this in the URL browser it just gives ...
karl-police's user avatar
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how to change my IP address to another country? [duplicate]

I need to access that website which is allowed to be accessed from Syria. I have tried to change my IP address to make my device as Syrian device. however my attempt went wrong. here are my steps: I ...
devoloper's user avatar
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Only interfaces have IP address, not devices

Reading rom the book Kurose J.F., Ross K.W., Computer Networking. A Top-Down Approach, on page 338 he says "An IP address is technically associated with an interface, rather than with the host or ...
user7088941's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I find an intermediate switch's IP address on my LAN?

I use a D-Link DGS-1005A (you can see the manual here) switch that sits between my main router provided by the ISP and my machine and I am trying to find its IP Address so that I can play with the ...
alexandrosangeli's user avatar
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routing to virtual ip address

I have a Linux box that establishes a StrongSwan VPN connection. As I understand it, this creates a virtual IP address where packets are routed to so they get into the tunnel. I have other Linux ...
Stephen Burke's user avatar
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How would a hacker be able to spoof their IP when logging into a private FTP server?

If, somehow, someone gains access to one of the users on my FTP server, I would still be able to see their IP address and trace it to them. However, I fear that it might be possible for them to spoof ...
Crabby Fish's user avatar
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Getting IP address / can't ipconfig /release to change IP address

I can't figure this out and it's become a nightmare. A computer on our network has no internet. If I plug the problem computer in on another network the internet works. No other computers on the ...
manchakowski's user avatar

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