Recently I realized that there seems to be no option in Intune to let the user choose the “language settings” during the initial setup.
When you buy a MacBook, you get the option to choose which language you want to use right at the beginning. This option is not displayed for a managed device with user affiliation.
Is there a way to display it after all? I don't want users to be restricted to just one language, especially as it's not English but German.
I hope someone can help me. Thanks you in advance.
EDIT: As requested, I am an IT-Administrator and have full access to the whole MacOS enrollment flow. I already tried to change every setting in the ADE-Profile one by one but did not had any kind of "language" settings to be shown in the setup. The only time I could change the language was on the "activation" screen after wiping the device in the top left hand corner under "settings". That is not userfriendly for a normal user and not what I was aiming for.
Hope that helps a bit more.