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Questions tagged [inode]

Data structures used to store metadata for each file on a Unix/Linux filesystem.

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28 votes
5 answers

How to get the actual directory size (out of du)?

How do I get the actual directory size, using UNIX/Linux standard tools? Alternative question: How do I get du to show me the actual directory size (not disk usage)? Since people seem to have ...
basic6's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

tail -f not tracking file changes

I was recently looking into using tail -f to monitor some text files like so: tail -f /var/sometext. However, when I did some testing, it doesn't seem to work. What I did was I created a new file ...
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19 votes
7 answers

Remove a file on Linux using the inode number

If you create a file on UNIX/Linux with special characters, such as touch \"la*, you can't remove it with rm "la*. You have to use the inode number (you can if you add the \ before the name, I know, ...
KdgDev's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the difference between a disk block and a sector?

I know that a sector is the unit in which a track is splitted, but I had this doubt since I was looking for information about the maximum number of pointers that an inode can support. I found that ...
alberto's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Reverse lookup of inode/file from offset in raw device on linux and ext3/4?

In linux, given an offset into a raw disk device, is it possible to map back to an partition + inode? For example, suppose I know that string "xyz" is contained at byte offset 1000000 on /dev/sda: (e....
lilinjn's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

"Disk quota exceeded" when writing to /tmp, but plenty of space (linux)

i have a VPS. It's managed with the notorious parallels plesk. today i started seeing messages (via wordpress at first, but also from the command line shell), saying: "Disk quota exceeded". user@...
Berry Tsakala's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Go to directory with unknown name

While unpacking a tarball, I encountered a directory which ls reports as "??????????????? ?????". Presumably, the name is not in unicode? Anyway, I can't figure a way to access the folder. I've tried ...
jackd243's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

XFS Incorrect statement of "No space left on device"

I have a server setup of an XFS partition on LVM on a Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. While copying files to the home partition, "No space left on device" is displayed. df -h displays sufficient space: /dev/...
Purf's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Will long time ext4lazyinit damage the drive? Why initializing inode tables in ext4 (no need any kinda init in NTFS)? etc

I never pay attention on ext4lazyinit before. But today, after I format my 4TB external USB harddrive and the first mount, the led light keeps blinking without any writes and reads. I figured out that ...
sgon00's user avatar
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5 answers

Linux filesystem with inodes close on the disk

I'd like to make the ls -laR /media/myfs on Linux as fast as possible. I'll have 1 million files on the filesystem, 2TB of total file size, and some directories containing as much as 10000 files. ...
pts's user avatar
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2 answers

How to calculate proper amount of inode/block sizes for a linux filesystem

I have an old reiser filesystem which I'm going to convert to Ext3. The problem I have is to determine the proper block- and inode-sizes for this partition. The partition is 44 GB large and has to ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Why /proc and /sys have inode 1?

The directories /proc and /sys have inode value 1 even though it means "bad block". Both of them are functioning and I have another linux machine that in addition to these two, /boot also has inode 1. ...
Adam Katav's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Zero inodes even after formatting hard disk

I have an external 1Tb harddisk which due to some reason was showing following under df -i Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on /dev/sdb1 0 0 0 - ...
user13107's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to find all files with a given inode? Efficiently?

It is possible to find all the paths to a file with a given inode, in general, using find's -inum option. But this has awful performance for typical filesystems. What options are there to improve ...
Charles Stewart's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What exactly is an inode as pertaining to filesystems?

As I understand them, apparently an inode basically points to the beginning of a file stored on disk. But it also seems that directories have the same functionality as well (i.e., they store the ...
Kaitlyn Mcmordie's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What is the fastest way to make daily backups for 500k+ files?

We have an application that has generated so far over 540k images. The images are kept in a tree structure which is using 5 million Inodes so far. We would like to backup the data daily in a remote ...
raullarion's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Access file by its id and change file attributes

Just like every file also directories have file id. You can see them by typing ls -i How do I view file content by its id? How do I change directory attribute to file (remove D) and vice versa!
0xDEAD BEEF's user avatar
3 votes
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Analyse allocated space in Ext4 partition to improve data recovery efficiency

I'm trying to use Lubuntu to recover as much data as possible from a failing 4TB hard disk drive. According to GParted the main partition, formatted in Ext4, contains only 553GB of data. I attempted ...
GabrielB's user avatar
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1 answer

Inodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found. How to understand what caused it and how to solve?

I bought a Centurion Nano from the now defunct Alpha Computers, it ships with Alpha OS (that is essentially a tampered Ubuntu): $ cat /etc/os-release NAME="Alpha OS" VERSION="1.0.0 Polaris" ID="alpha-...
Arjuna Del Toso's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Cannot mkdir: Too many links

I'm trying to untar several tar files. I encountered something like this tar: NCBI_SRA_Metadata_Full_20110601/SRA037312: Cannot mkdir: Too many links Is there a limit to the number of files that ...
huggie's user avatar
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Changing max inode count number in ext3 filesystem in Cent OS

Assuming that I use ext3 filesystem in Cent OS: Can I increase the number of Free Inodes in the filesystem? If Yes how? When I run tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 it got these inodes statistics: Filesystem ...
Chedy2149's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the difference between FAT and Inode?

Since both are used to map the usage of disk space then how are they different from each other?
Rashid's user avatar
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1 answer

Can inode numbers be reused in HFS+?

Does the HFS+ file system reuse inode numbers after entries are fully deleted? I am trying to determine if the inode number always grows or if the numbers are reused.
BobaFett's user avatar
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Inconsistent behavior from 'find' on zfs under Linux

I was checking to see if I had multiple copies of python on my system today, and I got some super strange behavior from find: mark@neverland:~/repos/lpod-python$ ls -i /bin/python3.10 534638 /bin/...
MTippetts's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

"No space left on device" when writing to NTFS on Ubuntu

I'm on Ubuntu 12.04 and want to backup data to my external hard drive which is NTFS. When running cp -rp or rsync, I get no space left errors like this: `rsync: mkstemp "/media/Expansion Drive/.../...
Philipp's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

From where comes the inode number of a file mounted through NFS?

I asked a question on codereview to know if I could safely replace the following code: :inode => [stat.ino, stat.dev_major, stat.dev_minor], which threw NotImplementedError because of jruby not ...
Aldian's user avatar
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1 answer

Using inode number to locate hardlinks

How can I use the inode number to locate all hardlinks to the file "file.txt" in my home directory?
Jurgen Malinao's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

On OS X, saving breaks hard links

I'm using OS X 10.10.5, and I'm seeing a strange issue with hardlinked files. When I update one of the linked files and save the change, the other linked file becomes blank -- a zero-byte file. This ...
soldrinero's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to change the inode size on an EXT3 partition?

The setup: For my dual-boot laptop, I have bought a large hard drive to use as external USB solution. I decided to use EXT3 as filesystem, thinking to use Ext2IFS to access the drive from Windows (as ...
DevSolar's user avatar
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2 answers

how do I know if the number of inodes are already taken?

According to what I have read here, the inode structure occuppies 1% of the storage unit size. Besides, it may happen (if I recall correctly due to a ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do "file headers", "bit maps" and "inodes" come into the picture when managing filesystems?

I'm a little confused on how these terms are thrown around in a book that I am reading. Are they all different terms that refer to the same concept, or are they slightly different implementations ...
Kaitlyn Mcmordie's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Trying to understand how the deletion of hard links relate to the freeing up of values in the inode table?

When a hard link is deleted, the link is removed but the contents of the file itself continue to exist (that is, its space is not deallocated) until all links to the file are deleted. My understanding ...
Usernamehere's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to remove directory flag?

I have a .trp video container witch is shown as a directory. Is there a quick way to remove the directory bit from the inode, so the folder is shown as a file? (Not sure if this solves my problem but ...
altf4's user avatar
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3 answers

remove a file with corrupted name

So this happened: $ ls ''$'\342\200''abc2.16.5' $ ls | od -c 0000000 342 200 a b c 2 . 1 6 . 5 \n $ ls -il 76236897 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mob users 0 Aug 16 17:52 ''$'\342\200''abc2.16.5' ...
mob's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Kate changes inode

Why does Kate change inode when I change file? For example: ookami@ookami-E7130:~/test$ touch test ookami@ookami-E7130:~/test$ ln test test1 ookami@ookami-E7130:~/test$ ls -li total 0 2782182 -rw-rw-...
Kirill Bubochkin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the efficiency of NTFS Junctions?

Long story short, I am using the steamtool application, which was originally developed for the following reasons: Steam by default would save all your games to C:\ SSDs are becoming the new primary ...
IDLacrosseplayer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

WSL Ubuntu. How to remove a file with 0 hardlinks?

I somehow managed to end up with the following: ls -la: total 0 drwxrwxrwx 1 umain umain 4096 Jan 30 12:32 . drwxr-xr-x 1 umain umain 4096 Jan 30 10:57 .. -rw-r--r-- 0 umain umain 0 Jan 30 12:32 ...
D.Mill's user avatar
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1 answer

Which file attributes are stored in the directory entries and which in the inodes?

I want to do some deduplication of old files, replacing duplicates with hardlinks. To minimize loss of metadata, I want to set the directory entry attributes of each new hardlink to the attributes of ...
ShadSterling's user avatar
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Can a file be created from an inode?

There is an apache process which logs to an access and error log. The two log files have been deleted, but the apache process has not been restarted or reloaded so it still has open filehandles for ...
Matthew Franglen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

effect on inode while resizing the LV

In Linux when we resize the partition with the logical volume(LV), how is the inode adjusted?
Mohit Joshi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to boot to Ubuntu. Inconsistency in disk, X server didn't start. Illegal blocks in Inode

I am unable to boot into my Ubuntu system. First I get that fsck died with exit status 4 Then I try to do it manually as prompted and I get that an Inode has illegal blocks and asked to clear it. ...
lprsd's user avatar
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Are /var/mail/root and /var/spool/mail/root hardlinks for the same inode?

Just found out this: # diff /var/mail/root /var/spool/mail/root # (nothing) # ls -i /var/mail/root /var/spool/mail/root 1284 /var/mail/root 1284 /var/spool/mail/root Same content, same 1284 inode ...
colemar's user avatar
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fix corrupt file with same inode than an other (linux, ntfs)

While copying thousands of images on a new disk with a pi (raspbian), rsync stopped with an error, impossible to move temp file to correct file name. The real file name actually exists but has the ...
cmbarbu's user avatar
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0 answers

Reading log files using logstash which rotates every day

I am reading a log file using file input plugin in logstash and sending this logs to elastic search. Log file is rotated at every 00:00. When I rotate log file, the file is zipped and moved to a ...
iamvishnuks's user avatar
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How do I modify an ext filesystem item given its inode number?

How do I modify a file/directory given their inode numbers? Those inodes do not appear on a mounted filesystem as traversable directories / readable files and as such are undiscoverable by find ...
PF4Public's user avatar
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copying file from hfs+ to remote samba - preserving ownership and permissions

I've started backing up my file from my local OSX machine to remote samba filesystem. however, it seems that it doesn't copy the permission alright : here's my mount configuration: /Volumes/myvol (...
Zohar81's user avatar
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0 answers

How many inodes I need?

I'm running a Buildroot image that has not the -i flag for df. I have near 100 MB of free space, but when I try to add a nodejs module using npm install I get the error "no free space left". I guess ...
Mark's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to limit the number of inodes for a user?

I want to limit the resources available to user by setting a limit on the number of inodes they can create. Is there a way to do this?
user420733's user avatar
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When referring to filesystems, what is the difference between a "live" and a "dead" inode?

My understanding of 'inodes' (from is that they contain the information necessary to access certain blocks of a file, but not the file data itself. Then I was ...
Kaitlyn Mcmordie's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Tar directory to file in the directory being tar'ed

I have a mount-point, /media/xvdf1 which I use bindfs to mount at /var/lib/jenkins/jobs with user/group jenkins. I wish to back it up, but I do not have enough space on the other partition. After ...
Janus Troelsen's user avatar