My knowledge about networking is basic.

I have several computers in a intranet. Let's call one of them the DB_Host. I want to ping this computer.

So I do

ping DB_Host.intranet.com -c 1

When I do that from the same computer , the ping finishes with no problem.

However from my local PC, that I connect to the intranet through a VPN, when I do the ping I get

ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms. 

So, it seems there is a connection problem from my local_pc

I would like to know in simple terms what could be the factors that could impede me to access this DB_Host, and what can I do to overcome it.

As I said, I access the intranet without problem with the VPN. I also have access to http files hosted in DB_host (it is running a web server). I can also ssh it. The thing I can't it seems is ping.

  • "When I do that from the same computer , the ping finishes with no problem" – (1) Does DB_Host.intranet.com resolve to the expected address here and there? (2) What is the output of cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all on the system you want to ping? (3) A firewall on any end may block certain network packets. Check the firewalls. Commented Apr 16 at 14:27


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